Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, November 2, 2020

On Top of Ole Smoky!!!!

Dear Blog Friends,   Happy November!!!!  Goodness --how time flies!!!!   Soon it will be Christmas... Mercy Me!!!!!

George and I made our annual Fall Trip (searching for Pretty Fall Colors) on October 20 and 21, 2020.  We certainly picked a gorgeous couple of days this year,  as you can tell when looking at our pictures.  Every year is different from another --and the trees are prettier some years, more than others... This was a very good year for the colors.

Since we both took over 500 pictures each on this trip,  I had a hard time knowing where to begin when sharing the pictures with you.   SO--for my first Blog Post from that trip,   I'm concentrating on one specific area.  The first day was spent  in the Smoky Mountains ---and all of these pictures were taken in or near Newfound Gap on Highway 441 with an elevation of about 5,050 feet.   (We did not check out Clingman's Dome this trip due to WAY too much TRAFFIC.)  Newfound Gap is where the state of Tennessee meets North Carolina.  Some of the best overlooks in this area are Newfound Gap itself,  plus about the next 3-5 overlooks heading south toward Cherokee,  NC. 

 I tried to share pictures from all of those overlooks ---and as you can tell,  some of the colors are different depending upon whether or not I was shooting into the sun --or the other direction.  Some are zoomed in so that I could not only see the Fall colors but could put some emphasis on the beautiful mountain ranges on a beautiful clear day!!  

Relax and enjoy the pictures  on a beautiful Autumn Day in October in Tennessee and North Carolina!!

Lots of different colors when looking UP at that blue sky!!!

This picture was taken at Newfound Gap --looking south.   Those yellow/gold/rust colored trees/leaves were gorgeous.

Some of those gorgeous  "spruce-fir"  evergreens found all around Newfound Gap.

This is the first overlook beyond Newfound Gap in North Carolina.

Looking away from the sun presents some beautiful blue skies!!!

This was an interesting picture showing a zoomed in picture --with all of those brilliant Orange colors surrounding the big "spruce-fir" evergreens.

Ranges and Ranges of mountains ---on a clear (NON-hazy) day  (which is rare in the mountains)!!!!

This overlook in North Carolina has always been a favorite... I like this picture so much that I'm using it this month as my Header picture on my Blog.

Here are two very happy people enjoying the Autumn Colors in the Smoky Mountains on Oct. 20, 2020. 

Hope you enjoyed the pictures... Believe me,  as slow as I seem to be these days,  it took me a VERY long time to pick out just the "perfect" (ha) pictures for YOU.  

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers about my upcoming procedure/surgery,  that I mentioned in last week's post.  Most of you remember my Cardiac Ablation from June 2019... WELL--I'm having another one tomorrow (Nov. 3rd).   My first Ablation worked GREAT for about 9 months or so..  I felt as if I had my life back!!!!!   WELL---in 2020,  I've gone back into A Fib 9 different times (BIGTIME).  Tried new meds (didn't work --except to make me SICKER, especially my stomach issues)...   SO --new doctor/new ideas!!!!!    THEREFORE--here we go again...  I hope I can get my life back one more time!!!!!!!  I still have a lot of quality living I want to do.   PRAYERS please...  Thanks!





Ann said...

Beautiful fall views. My favorite of all though, is the one of you and George and your happy smiles.
Will be thinking of you as you go for your procedure. Sending healing hugs and prayers.

Big Dude said...

Nice shots as always Betsy.

Marcia said...

Hope all goes well for your surgery. The Smokies look beautiful. You had good weather there. One suggestion on your header photo, take out the tree! Otherwise it is gorgeous.

George said...

You got some great pictures from the Newfound Gap area of the Smokies. We saw some beautiful colors this year.

Julie said...

Wow! What stunning colours and amazing scenery. Thank you so much for taking the time to go through them all and share them here. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and praying for a good outcome from your surgery. I'm sure this beautiful trip to see the autumn colours will have given you just the boost you need. Lots of love, Betsy. xxx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, you know how much I love those mountains! Gorgeous photos! And I'll keep you in my prayers sweet friend! Take care and try not to worry! Sweet hugs, Diane

Arkansas Patti said...

Wonderful shots and the mountains look so beautiful as a backdrop. 500 pictures? Remember the old days the expense to do that many then having to wait for them to be developed.
Sure hope this new surgery gives you the relief the first one did. Putting you in my prayers

Chatty Crone said...

GOD BE WITH YOU TOMORROW! You will do great.
Your photos are beautiful as usual.

David said...

Betsy, Best of luck with your upcoming surgery! I'm sure that you'll do well... Great fall color photos but I can't imagine taking 500 photos each! On a 2 week vacation, our max so far has been about 800. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

linda m said...

Those pictures are so awesome - love the colors. I will most certainly keep you in my prayers and Tuesday I will have my Bible Study Group say a prayer for you also.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry, Betsy. YES, I will be praying for a safe and effective procedure, you can count on it. My favorite here is your header!

Shug said...

Such stunning colors all around, I can only imagine the beauty of seeing this and being right in the middle of it all. I know it brought plenty of smiles to you both. Glad you are sharing with us. Praying for you dear friend.

Betsy said...

Betsy those photos are so gorgeous. The colors are amazing. We didn't get to enjoy our fall leaves hardly at all. They began turning and literally two days later we had a 7 inch snowstorm that destroyed trees and knocked most of the leaves down.
You know I will be praying for you tomorrow. I have already been praying for the doctor to be well rested and prepared and that you will do wonderfully so you can have many more years with your George.

Rambling Solo said...

Betsy, the photos are just beautiful. Makes me want to rent a car and head south. Wishing you health and more happy travels after your surgery tomorrow.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous pictures. Fall is such a lovely time of year. Too bad the beauty only lasts such a short time, at least over here that is how it is. Praying for you as this procedure is done.

The Furry Gnome said...

Simply spectacular!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Prayers that all went well with your procedure. Beautiful photos especially the last one. Be well!

Linda said...

I'm praying that you have a full recovery.
The colors in these scenes are spectacular!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
What a beautiful collection of photographs this is.
The scenery, the colours are wonderful.
I do like the one of you and George - happy memories.

I am thinking of you, hope all went well with the procedure.
Sending positive thoughts, and healing wishes.
God bless

All the best Jan

diane b said...

I can see why you love the mountains. the colours are beautiful. Good luck with the procedure.Hope it works well.

Barb said...

What gorgeous fall photos, Betsy!I've been thinking of you this week. Hope you can soon update us.