Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, October 26, 2020

ROSES in Autumn

Dear Friends,  As you know George and I have a lot of flowers blooming in our yard throughout the year.  Most of them only bloom for a few months.  The Roses, however, bloom from May until November (or later --depending upon the first hard frost, which we have not had yet)...  

George 'loves' and takes such good care of all of our beautiful Roses and I am so fortunate when he brings a rose inside for me to enjoy,  almost every day... Hope you enjoy this group of ROSES today.  In order to see the names,  "mouse over" each picture.   Hope you enjoy the Roses in Autumn!!!!

WELL---what's your favorites??? This last little jewel named Violet's Pride  is named after Violet --in Downton Abbey,  one of my all-time favorite shows.  SO--at this moment,  Violet is a favorite.  The first rose at the top, Double Delight,  is one that has been with us for about 20 years now--and she will always be a favorite.  

Have a great week, my friends...  I am getting ready for some surgery next week ---so I'm anxiously awaiting it --and hoping for good results...  Prayers please. I just want to begin to feel better!! Thanks!




Monday, October 19, 2020

Oh How I love Autumn

Dear Blog Friends/Family,   2015 was one of the most gorgeous years we've had --when it comes to beautiful Fall Colors... Every year is different due to 'conditions'  ----but while looking for some pretty Fall pictures,  I think 2015 was one of the BEST!!!!

Hope you enjoy these photos today....  I wrote an explanation on EACH picture.  Just "Mouse Over" and you'll get more information.... Enjoy!!!!

I'm not sure what our colors will be this Fall here --but George and I are headed to the Smokies and to Cherohala Skyway soon hoping to see more of this beauty up there this year.....

Hope you have a great week!!!!  Get out and smell the air and take a walk.... I need to get away from the computer and NEVER listen to the news---and just enjoy the beauty all around me.... Life for many of us is so depressing... Covid will NEVER end here it seems,  and the upcoming election will be unfair and inaccurate NO matter who we vote for.  There's nothing but corruption going on in our Government and in our terrible media.  As my motto on here says:  Surround yourself with positive people!!!!   For me,  it's all about attitude.   I'm trying ---with God's help!!!!  Pray for our country!!!




Monday, October 12, 2020

Did you make someone SMILE today?

Dear Blog Friends,   As you know,  I love our Day Lilies --but didn't realize that I hadn't posted any of them at all until Sept. 28... Click to see that first Day Lily post: The Link

When thinking about Day Lilies,  I think about all of the blooms they produce for us...  No matter what the circumstances (too hot, too dry,  too rainy/stormy, critters nibbling on them,  etc.), the Day Lilies always bloom and continue to smile at us (and make us smile). 

So when thinking about the Day Lilies (and all flowers) ---I have to ask myself what have I done to make someone smile??????  We all have good and bad times in our lives. Even at times when we are  sad, weary, tired, sick or just 'down' ---we still need to smile and share that smile with those around us...  AND --if we do that,  it will actually make us feel better also!!!

Hope you enjoy more pictures from this summer's  Day Lilies...  Some of our oldest plants really put on a big show each year... Those older plants are in the bed near the road, which I call our Road Bed. Each of those plants give us about 50 or more blooms each.... AMAZING...

Hope you 'mouse-over' --or place your mouse on each picture without clicking,  to get information about each picture... I always enjoy sharing my pictures ---but I always want to give a short explanation about each one....  There's nothing worse (to me) than someone putting a bunch of pictures on their Blog  with no information or explanation....

Can you pick a favorite (or 2-3) of this group?  My favorite is Francis Joiner --since I love the Double Day Lilies --and the color of this one is so pretty... 

 Have an awesome week ---and don't forget to make someone  SMILE!!!!




Monday, October 5, 2020

Beautiful Fall Day for a Hike

πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œReady for an Autumn Hike???πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

Dear Blog Friends,  Welcome to OCTOBER.    Hope this month is GOOD for you and your loved ones!!!  I love Octobers here when the temperatures are cool and crisp and the big trees love to show off their colors... 

 My Post today is a hike we took in October of 2006  (long before I was blogging and long before our good cameras).   However,  we really enjoyed this hike --so I thought I would share it with you today.

We took a drive west of us to a small town named Beersheba Springs,  Tennessee... This community is in the South Cumberland Recreation Area in an area called the SAVAGE GULF....  We visited the Laurel Gulf Overlook and Bluff area,  then hiked down into the gorge through the "STONE DOOR";  Finally --we hiked back up and then visited Laurel Falls before heading home enjoying a gorgeous sunset on the way!!!!

 My pictures tell a story of our hike--so please hold your mouse over each picture for an explanation.... (Don't click--just hold the mouse over the picture.)


 Don't you love the sunset we saw on the way home?   Wow!!!  What a great day we had!

Hope you have a good October... George and I hope to go on a "Leaf Peeking" trip sometime this month --so hopefully,  I'll have some good pictures of the pretty colored leaves to share.  

Have a great month --and don't forget to get outside and get some exercise!!!

