Daffodils still blooming-- 4/3/20; They don't know there's a wicked Virus out there!!!! |
Dear Family and Friends, WELL---due to the COVID-19 CoronaVirus, our Spring so far has been quite different in many ways from previous years. YET---when it comes to our yard/flowers/plants, things are normal!!!! No matter what pain/suffering we go through as humans, the flowers still BLOOM in Spring. That is GOOD news!!!!
As I write this, I am experiencing a very different Easter Sunday from most years. There was no church services and no family dinners. However, George and I (although here alone at home) were fine today. We had our own Easter Devotions; we watched a service by Rev. Franklin Graham with music by Michael W. Smith; and I spent most of my day listening to Easter Hymns (courtesy of You Tube) as I re-lived many memories of days-gone-by.
I especially enjoyed my two favorite Easter Hymns/Videos: "Hail Thee Festival Day" and "Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today". I even shared one of these videos on Facebook on Easter Sunday. BUT--I also listened to more beautiful hymns/music. When my mother's favorite hymn ("In the Garden") started playing, I had to shed some tears just thinking about how much I miss her (and Dad)...
BUT--through all of this today, I know now that my Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, brings me so much HOPE... Even in this time of trouble in our country and world, I KNOW that I have Christ is with me and that all of us, through HOPE, will come out of this pain and hurt, and will be stronger and have a better future ahead for us... God Bless us all!!!
Here are some pictures of our April so far!!!!! Hope you enjoy them!!!
A beautiful Pink Tulip in our yard, 4/3/20 (We are usually at Biltmore this week checking out the Tulips and Azaleas. Glad we have some to enjoy at home!) |
We had some entertainment on 4/5/20 when this hawk visited and captured a little Blue Jay (see the feathers?) for his lunch... Poor BlueJay!!!! There were about 10+ Crows flying around the hawk, screeching at him--but this Hawk just ignored them!!!! Hawks are beautiful birds --but I hate seeing them having lunch in my backyard with my little birdies!
We have two beautiful Red Bud trees in our yard... This is a close-up of one of them, taken on 4/3/20. |
Our new Bird Kitchen, 4/5/20; We moved our feeders to the backyard since they have made such a mess on the deck --including some wood damage, thanks to the Woodpeckers!! |
More EXCITEMENT: We are getting some leaves on our big trees.... Yeah!!!!! (4/9/20) |
On a beautiful evening in the Glade, these little does are getting a little rest!!!!! (4/5/20) |
The Hosta is growing!!!! (4/9/20) |
Our Pink Dogwood tree is blooming and SO pretty!!! (4/9/20) |
More April Excitement: Another Hawk (or maybe the same one as before????) came to visit on 4/11/20 --but this time he didn't find any lunch (thank goodness)... This time, the crows were successful in running him off!!!!!! I have been trying to find out what kind of Hawk this is --but so far, I haven't found any Hawk-Experts who will tell me!!! We usually have Cooper's Hawks around here --but this doesn't look like a Cooper's. ?????
Our FIRST IRIS, named BLATANT (of many to come) bloomed on 4/9/20. I love these colors, don't you? |
The DECK LILIES are looking good so far this year (4/10/20)!!!! Many of you remember a year ago when we brought all of our Lilies to the deck, put them in containers --so that we could keep the deer from eating them... It is working so far again this year!!!! Yeah!!!!
Pretty Pink AZALEAS in bloom in our backyard (4/10/20) |
UH OH.... As happens in Tennessee the first week or two in April almost EVERY year, we had a Freeze Warning issued to us (4/10/20)... We covered the Lilies 'just in case' ---and luckily, the next morning when we got up, we realized that we had been spared--as of now... There's another possibility coming this Wed. --so we'll probably cover them again JUST in CASE!!!!! 'Tis life here on the Cumberland Plateau!!!!
Our Beautiful Front Yard with the Pink Dogwood showing off for us!!! (4/9/20) |
This last picture is a close-up of one of our Pink Dogwood Blooms (4/9/10). I put this picture on Facebook today (Easter Sunday) wishing all of my family and friends a Happy Easter... |
April is usually a 'travel' month for us whether they are long trips or just day trips... April in the Smokies is a gorgeous month---new spring growth and flowers, little bear cubs running around, and fewer people around (between the March Spring breaks and Summer rush). I will never take all of this for granted again!
I'll close with a question for you today: "What have you MISSED the MOST during this Quarantine time?" You will probably think that I would say that I miss our travels the most... WELL--that is a close second ---but most of all I miss my FAMILY. I cannot wait to see them again, hug them --and tell them all how much I love them and have missed them!!!!
Have a great week, and search for that HOPE for all of us. Hope is all around us --if we just LOOK.... It's in the flowers, the sky, the sunrises/sunsets, and even while watching the little birds making nests and feeding their young.... God's blessings on YOU.
April is looking beautiful in your yard. No matter what kind of virus comes along, life does go on.
As for your question about what have I missed the most, my life hasn't changed much. I live alone so solitude is normal for me. I have an essential job so I still go to work. I don't go out shopping just for fun any more but I can't say that I miss that. It's rather nice not spending the money on things that I really didn't need in the first place...lol
Everything looks gorgeous as usual but I especially like your hawk and deer shots - the deer look like they're posing for you.
You have much beauty to enjoy in your yard, Betsy. It sounds like you had a peaceful and inspiring Easter. I am missing my family too, especially my sons and my little granddaughter.
And a beautiful day you had, inside and out.
You got some great pictures of the beauty we enjoy in our yard. I'm just glad the deer ere content to enjoy the fairway and to leave our roses alone.
Great flower and critter pictures. Spring is definitely happening at your place.
Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady
So nice to see Nature oblivious of all the pain of today. I hate seeing any animal eating another but I try to tell myself, they have offspring to care for too. Those deer look quite comfortable and content.
What I miss the most besides human contact is knowing my choice is being governed. We can no longer just get up and go on a whim. Knowing the importance of isolation though makes it bearable. One day at a time here.
Your photos are lovely Betsy. Staying home is almost like a vacation for you with all of the beautiful flowers and animals that visit. What have I missed most? Well, I stay home much of the time anyway unless we're at the lake. Probaby I miss shopping for my own groceries. It takes so much work to place an order and get a time for pick-up, (if you're lucky), and then they substitute items that I wouldn't have bought. But, I AM grateful that the option is even there and that people have jobs to do it. I really am looking forward to buying my own groceries though. Who would have thought it since I have never been a person who enjoyed shopping?
Hi Betsy!! Your header is gorgeous! And so many stunning pictures! My very favorites being your header, Blatant, redbud, azaleas...too hard to choose just one favorite! I am so glad you are both well! We are fortunate because we have our church services on the computer via Zoom. We can all see each other and talk with each other. How are you getting supplies, is someone bringing them to you? I know how you love to get out, this must be so hard for you!
What I miss most is Church and Bible study. Your yard is so gorgeous. I love seeing everything blooming. Buds are just starting to appear around here along with crocuses and daffodils.
Betsy, Your garden looks terrific. Spring is a wonderful time of the year! Loved the hawk and deer photos. I think that its a broad-wing hawk. He's very handsome...nature's balance. What do we miss the most? Gathering with friends, dining out and travel. We did have plans to visit family in June but that is in doubt. When we don't make that trip, family will become #1 on the list. Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I love that Blatant iris--beautiful!
We always have my son and his family for dinner on the Sat. before Easter. He and his wife have 4 lovely kids and that makes for a lively dinnertime. I missed that most this Easter.
You and George are running your own beautiful Easter there - thanks for sharing - it really did make me feel better- all that life and color and flowers.
You have a stunning yard. The Redbud is my favourite. But it will be a long time here before we have flowers out!
This is certainly a different spring than any of us have ever experienced . I am thankful that the flowers and even the birds still go about their normal life and that we can enjoy that. what do i miss most during this time? Two things, I miss not being able to get together with family and friends and I miss my church family and fellowship. Betsy, I also just got laid off from my job, so ,essentially , this means retirement happens two and half months early. I have been struggling to come to grips with this.
Your property is as beautiful as ever. Glad you are both well. It is so hard to be away from family. Missing our special people too. Take care!
Hi Betsy. It looks like you are losing the pictures on your blog too. I had to reload some of mine last night for my Friday post. I made them a smaller size and am hoping that helps. So glad you had a good Easter. Ours was good and quiet too. We had church at home and then I made face masks for family members who didn't have them. Yes, the our faith in Christ gives us hope of brighter times ahead. So glad you can be "locked down" in a beautiful home with lovely flowers in the yard and a good man by your side. See you again soon!
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