Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 18, 2019

Take a Ride with Us

On  February 25, 2019,  on one of the very FEW sunny  and non-rainy winter days in Tennessee this year,  George and I finally drove to the Smoky Mountains to check out the 'missing link' of the Foothills Parkway (between Townsend and Wears Valley, TN).   Most of us 'locals'  have read about and  watched  this 16 mile stretch of highway being built  --since 1966. FINALLY,  it's opened --and we had an awesome day.  Even though it was a cold day on that mountain,  we loved it since it was sunny and clear as a bell...

This stretch of road offers some incredible views of the Smoky Mountains.  There are NINE bridges along that road..   We stopped at all of the overlooks and of course,  took a ton of pictures.

Sit back and take a RIDE with US!!!!!

From an overlook, we looked down to the road we were on before turning onto the parkway,  looking toward  Townsend.  That is a great view of the Little Pigeon River below. 

Great views of the Smokies!!!

WOW---we are headed up-up-up there!!!!

We also managed to take a short hike --from one of the overlooks.

Big Bird (couldn't tell what it was)

I enjoyed zooming down at some of the mountain cabins and homes below.

Beautiful pine trees/beautiful mountains

WOW---look at how these bridges have been built!!!

At the 'top' overlook with views all around us!

Looking toward  Wears Valley --and all of the cabins in that area

Looking right back toward my favorite area of the Smokies,  beautiful Townsend,  Tennessee;   They call this area the 'sleepy side' of the Smokies since it is less crowded (when compared to Pigeon Forge, Sevierville and Gatlinburg).

Another view from the overlook on 'top';   What a neat place to bring a picnic lunch and just sit and enjoy the views.

Look at this teeny tiny home in the mountains!!!!! ha ha   (Loved using the zoom lens on my Canon while up there)

Guess what????   We even stopped on the way back down the mountain to check out this little cascade!!!!!   

More and more beautiful pictures of the gorgeous Smoky Mountains  National Park

This old woman LOVED being on this new stretch of highway on such a gorgeous day!
If you get to the Smokies,  be sure and check out this road...  It will be a 16 mile JOY for you!!!!  You can get on it either from Wears Valley --or from Townsend.... ENJOY!!!!

Hope you have an awesome day and week ahead!!!!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well thanks for this breath taking ride Betsy. The views are awesome

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Thanks for this preview of what awaits us on our next visit to the Smokies...which I hope will be soon. Several years ago, they used to open the part that had been completed on one weekend in the fall; and Doug and I had the opportunity to drive that short section. It was so beautiful. But we're looking forward to being able to do the entire 16 miles now, especially after seeing your tantalizing photos.

Ann said...

Enjoyed riding along with you from my computer chair. What beautiful views. A very enjoyable 16 mile stretch

Liene said...

This is one of my favorite fall drives! Did you ascend Look Rock? Gorgeous photos, you sure caught a clear day! Happy spring!!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy! Beautiful images from your scenic drive. The Smoky Mtns are beautiful. Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.

Big Dude said...

We've not made it up there yet but looking forward to seeing the new road. Enjoyed your pics.

Dee said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful ride, Betsy! I have a cousin in TN that told us about Townsend maybe 17 years ago and we stayed in a motel there one year. It was beautiful and definitely the sleepy side of the mountain. We have enjoyed many trips through those mountains and I'm looking forward to taking that road now.

George said...

You posted some great pictures from our drive along this stretch of the Foothills Parkway. I can't help but think that we'll be back to the section of the road in the future!

Betsy said...

That was such a beautiful drive Betsy. Thank you so much for taking us along with you. The views are outstanding. I like that teeny tiny house too! Honestly, I can’t imagine ever wanting anything that large. My tastes run more toward a small cabin in the woods. Wishing you a most lovely day my friend.
Blessings always, the “other” Betsy

Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks so much for taking us along Betsy. What a great addition that stretch of road is.
So glad you got some sunny days. It has been a gloomy and rainy winter hasn't it?

Joe Todd said...

Thanks for the post and photos. Linda and I love that area and know it well. A lot of great hikes and waterfalls.

Fun60 said...

Awesome views Betsy. Lucky you.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad that you and George got to go there. Jesus is a MASTER PAINTER - isn't he?

David said...

Betsy, Yes, it is a great drive with terrific views. Laurie and made the drive about a week after the road opened. It was one heck of a construction project, that's for sure. Love the photo of the curved mountainside bridge. I took a lot of photos and posted the better ones but I missed that view! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lady Fi said...

Wonderful views and sky.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh Betsy! These are AMAZING pictures!! What a gorgeous post today! Here are my favorites. The third one of the Smokies, the big new bridge, and the shot of all those little cabins.

The Furry Gnome said...

I think that's probably a turkey vulture with its wings held in a shallow 'V'.

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! What a ride! I enjoyed this so much. I agree with someone else who said the bird was likely a Turkey Vulture.The slight 'v' of the wings would indicate that.As for that 'tiny' house, all I can think of is all the stairs that would Ean.My knees hurt just thinking about that.,

Busy Bee Suz said...

That was an awesome ride-no car sickness for me at all. ;)
I think you should get one of those tiny houses for you, George and 42 of your closest friends.
I hope you get some more sunny days soon. XO

Marcia said...

Such a gorgeous part of the country. How blessed you are to be close enough to enjoy it.

Judy said...

Your pictures make me want to visit Tennessee again. Beautiful.

Betsy said...

How beautiful! I love the mountains. Do you ever see bears? I am scared I will see one when we walk through areas like that. I know, just call me chicken.

Barb said...

Awesome photos, Betsy and you're looking great! The Smokies are beautiful.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope we can drive that when we travel to NC next time! I love those mountains and just imagine myself living right in the middle of them (again)...but maybe in that nice big house! lol Love your photos and your looking so great my friend. Glad you were able to do some hiking too...I know you love it as much as I do! Happy Spring!

Jeevan said...

Looks absolutely a nature wonder and heavenly mountain landscapes! I love visiting mountains and could feel the wonder of being on top and enjoying the fabulous view all-round. Lovely capture from your trip and I really liked the neatness of this new road and great bridges on the mountains. Glad you enjoyed :) Wish i could stay in one of those amazing cabins

Connie said...

Beautiful scenic views, Betsy! Thanks for sharing them and taking us along on your drive.

Lady Fi said...

Such gorgeous scenery!

Rita said...

Have you been to Yesteryear on highway 63 in Tennessee? I saw a you tube video about it. The food looks delicious and just a fun place to stop and visit. I pray for you and hope so much that you are feeling better.

Small Kucing said...

Thanks for bringing us along, Betsy. Lovely view it is.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely ride I've had Betsy … all from the comfort of my armchair :)

Many thanks for sharing your lovely photographs.

All the best Jan