Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 28, 2019

My Family

Ray,  Jimmy,  Dad,  Mom and me  (taken at Christmas about 1959)
Hello Friends,   I certainly think about my family a lot.   It is even more important the older I get...  Since I am the only one left on this earth --out of the five of us,  I always enjoy going through old pictures and re-living all of those memories...

I was born in 1942 --when my Mom Edith was 42  and Dad Simon was 53.....  My two brothers were  Raymond (born in 1922 and died in 2009) and Jim/Jimmy (born in 1930 and died in 1985 from cancer).    Dad died in 1969 and Mom died in 1991.  Daddy was 79 when he died and Mom was 91.  I miss my family SO much.

Today I will share some pictures of my family for you..  Many of the pictures are old and not in very good shape --but I hope you will enjoy them anyway...

My Mom ---taken circa 1902;  Isn't this picture just so sweet? Look at her little bracelet.

My Dad was in the NAVY for 4 years starting in 1909.  While in the Navy,  he got to sail around the world!

A good picture of Mom --taken when she was in in her 20's

My Dad --taken when he was in his early 30's

Mom and Dad when they were dating --taken about 1915

He asked her to marry him!!!!

What do you think she said???????   Time for a pillow fight!!!!!!  (They were married in September of 1919.);  Mom was almost 20 when they married --and Dad was almost 31.

Love this picture of Mom --taken about 1982 at the age of 82. I am now wearing that ring on her right hand.

Love this picture of my Sweet Daddy;  He spoiled me ROTTEN.

Dad and Mom --one Christmas, probably the late 1950's;   Mom loved to decorate for Christmas.  I guess that is  where I got my love of decorating at Christmastime! (The clock on the mantel is now in my home --and still works!!!! It has been in the family a long time.)

Another good picture of Mom and Dad...  Mom grew beautiful flowers...  Even, after Dad had died,  Mom sold our big home, moved into a smaller home --and planted all of her flowers there..

I always loved this picture of Mom and Dad  (as I remember them);  This was taken in the 1950's --and our cat, Snowball,  was in Mom's lap..   The big picture above them is of my Grandmother Ida (Mom's mother).  Ida died when Mom was only 4 years old.

One last picture of my family,  taken about 1946;   Jimmy,  Dad, Mom,  Raymond and me in front;  See my doll (Lu Lu) in front???  Lu Lu was named after my Great Aunt Lura.
Well--as I said,  some of the pictures are not very good,  but at least,  I have them ---and love to look at them and remember this wonderful family of mine.

Raymond lived in Maryland with his wife Evelyn and 3 kids.   Jimmy lived in Florida with his wife,  Margaret and 2 kids.. We didn't see them very often due to the distance.  These days I am still in contact with some of my nieces and nephews.

Hope you enjoyed meeting the family today!!!!  My advice to all of you today is to make time to contact/visit your family.  Do it now before they are gone.  The older  "I" get ---the more I miss and need my family.



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Wonderful post and photographs and it is great seeing all of your family. You are so like your Mum Betsy and your Dad was a very handsome man. it is great to have good memories to look back on.

Ann said...

Thanks for sharing your family we us today. Love all the photos. Wonderful treasures

Sandi said...

It was so nice to "meet" your family today, Betsy!

Jeevan said...

You well said at last and we miss many a contact these days just for unreasoning and I really love seeing your old photos along with your sweet mom and dad and big brothers. Your parents look lived a lovely life and relationship but I liked more the cute little you standing in front of other.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful post on your family, love the family photos too. I agree, spending time with your family is very important. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!

Dee said...

Sure enjoyed seeing your beautiful family. My mother came from a family of 13; seven girls and four boys. My father came from a family of 8; five boys and one girl. I only had a brother. We were all close even though we were spread out in different states. When I was young we would always go down south to see my grandparents and all my cousins.

Like you, I miss them all and remember the good times we had together. If you have a good family, they are a treasure!!!

Big Dude said...

As the only girl and basically an only child, I can imagine your dad spoiling his little girl. I enjoy looking at old family pictures and may drag mine out when we get back home.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this look back in time and hearing about your parents and brothers. It's hard to be the last surviving member of your family group, with no one left who shares your memories anymore. The photos and the mementos of the ring and the clock help to keep the memories alive. You have your mother's smile, I think. Your daddy was so handsome and looks very much in love in the proposal photo.

George said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures -- and precious memories -- with us.

Fun60 said...

Photos become more and moreimportant as we get older. You have some very special ones here.

Buttercup said...

Loved seeing your family pictures. My parents are long gone and now many of my family times are only memories and pictures. I've recently come back into contact with an older cousin and that has been great.

Arkansas Patti said...

You really look like your lovely Mom and your Dad was so handsome. How wonderful to have such pictures and precious memories of your family. They live for ever in our hearts don't they?

Lady Fi said...

Awww - those old photos are treasures!

Judy said...

Wonderful pictures. I really like looking at old pictures.

linda m said...

I loved "meeting" your family. I know what you mean about missing them as I also miss mine. Thanks for sharing.

Betsy said...

Betsy, I enjoyed meeting your family very much. How wonderful that you have so many photos. Memories. They are wonderful. My brothers and sister are all still living, but are in the Midwest while I’m way out in Washington. Family is the reason I want to move back to the Midwest after retirement. The older you get the more you realize how important family is. Thanks for sharing with us today my friend.
Blessings, Betsy

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think the pictures ARE good! Compared to some other old photos. I think my favorites are of your mom & dad when they were dating. He had the cutest dimples! Funny that your doll Lu Lu got the front and center position in a photo, you must have really loved her.

Tootie said...

Betsy, I popped in to see how you and George are doing. Appears to me that the two of you have more energy than I do. I loved seeing the family photos. I also have my parents old pictures and love looking at them. Glad to see you and George are still going strong and sharing photos!

Chatty Crone said...

I loved those Betty - I really did. I recognized you in that first photo too. Were those your brothers - right - and gone now? I am the only one left too. sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

This post is filled with precious memories for you,I am sure. I do agree that family is so important.

David said...

Betsy, Nice family photos... I wish I had such a nice collection of old time photos. I have some, but not a nice comprehensive collection. Almost none on my dad's side of the family. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sally Wessely said...

Wonderful memories are so tied up in photos. Treasure both. Hugs.

Wendy said...

Family is sooooo important and I agree - the older we get, the more we need them close to us.

Your Mom looks so elegant and gracious! I think you inherited your looks and values from her! And Dad seems to be a faithful and loving man.

Sorry about your brothers passing - way too early, IMHO.

Thanks for sharing your photos. I love taking a peek into the past. And your doll. Oh how sweet! I used to carry mine around with me everywhere!

Have a wonderful week, Betsy. Snow in the forecast here - will send it to you! LOL. Big Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

Dear Betsy,
Thank you so much for sharing these family photographs, very special indeed. I think photographs are wonderful to have, their is something special about holding one, it somehow brings the memories closer.

I hope the week ahead is a good one for you, here in the UK the weather has turned colder and some areas are experiencing snow. Definitely soup weather!

My good wishes

All the best Jan

diane b said...

Lovely old photos to preserve your good memories of your family. Yes Family is important. I look forward to being with my families because they don't live close by.

Tanza Erlambang said...

your mom look sweet and handsome dad.

have a great day

Linda said...

Your mom was a beauty! Love the picture of her as a little girl.

Linda P said...

Wonderful photos of your family to treasure. I'm interested in family history so I've enjoyed reading about your family. How we miss our loved ones who are no longer with us! We keep their memory alive in our hearts and by sharing with the younger generation the work we've done on our family history. Our granddaughter is particularly interested in the stories of her great grands. Bless you and thank you for sharing.

BeachGypsy said...

I love looking at old pictures and so enjoyed these! Treasure the pictures......treasure the sweet memories......

Connie said...

Family photos are such treasures. I enjoyed seeing these pictures, Betsy. I can see resemblances to both your Mom and your Dad in you.

Rambling Solo said...

Loved seeing these photos. Some are very familiar to me, but others, especially those of your parents young, I don't remember ever seeing. Thanks much for sharing these.

Beatriz said...

Good memories Betsy! I remember almost all parts of my childhood and many other things involving my fsmily. You're definitely a strong woman and you have proven it. Enjoy your wonderful journeys!!!
