Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 5, 2018

Autumn FINALLY came to Tennessee and it was a BEAUTY!

Love the Red Tree in front of the steeple of the Lutheran Church near our home --taken 10/30/18
WELL WELL WELL......   It was over 2 weeks late this year  (due to all of the September rains and  October warm temperatures)---but we finally have some FALL Color in our yard and area...  The good news is that all of the trees changed at the same time (which is rare for us),  which made everything gorgeous.  The bad news is:  the leaves are already falling BIGTIME --so this beauty won't last very long this year...  I am glad that I got outside early this morning and got some pictures to share with you... Hope you enjoy Autumn in Tennessee!!!

For comparison--I took this picture on 10/30/18... NOW--look BELOW at the same scene 3 days later!!!!!

A few days ago---the leaves were mostly all GREEN.... Look at this scene 3 days later  (11/3/18)!!!!!  WOW...

Our BackYard--11/3/18

I took this picture near our home of this gorgeous red tree on 10/30/18...  Today--many of the leaves on this tree are on the ground!!!!

Another picture in our BackYard ---looking UP!!  (11/3/18)

Our Pink Dogwood (left) and our Maple (middle)---11/3/18

View from our street ---looking up the road  (11/3/18)

The front of our home --looking up the sidewalk near the garage;  11/3/18

The Side Yard--11/3/18;  I love the reds and oranges!!!

The pretty MAPLE Tree (on left)---11/3/18

Autumn in our Yard, 2018
I'll close with this picture...  Like I said,  I don't remember a prettier Fall than this one---even though it is a short one this year...  Yesterday,  when we were out running errands,   I was impressed with all of the colors --even though it was cloudy yesterday.  BUT---it's even prettier today since the SUN came out!!!!!    Hope you enjoyed our FALL in TENNESSEE 2018!!!



Ann said...

Amazing how quickly it changed. The colors are spectacular. I just wish that the fall colors lasted longer than they do.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy! Beautiful Autumn trees and images. The colors are gorgeous. The same thing happened here, the trees all turned colors at the same time. Now the leaves are falling. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Betsy said...

What a show the forest put on for you, absolutely gorgeous!. Your home is beautiful!
Today rainy here and all of the leaves are mostly fallen to the ground wet now.

Marcia said...

Betsy, that happen here too this week. Rainy morning today will start the leaves to fall.

p.s. I think your first commented is spam.

George said...

You got some great pictures of the beauty of autumn around our house. Very well done!

Big Dude said...

We've been pretty disappointed in the leaf colors this year - mostly just browns.

Anita Johnson said...

Such beautiful color...We have had a rainy cold fall....good to see such fantastic photos!

Arkansas Patti said...

Same here Betsy. Best color in years but it sure hasn't lasted long. Still we enjoyed it while it was here. Most of the real color trees are at least half ways naked now.

David said...

Betsy, Great fall foliage photos! We haven't had the usual color down here in the valley and, as you pointed out, the trees changed colors and the leaves came down way too quickly! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

Wow! Such a stunning photos of the autumn trees. God‘s handiwork. Our trees are all bare now. The temperatures are supposed to be in the 20s all week for the lows. I think autumn is over and winter is setting in in the northwest. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, beautiful trees with us. Blessings, Betsy

linda m said...

You are so lucky to get the Fall colors. Cold seemed to have passed us by this year - very little. Mostly our trees either turned born or just plain dropped their leaves. Most of the color this year is from the "flame bushes". I need to rake again big time from the maple leaves that fell - all brown leaves. Thanks for sharing your color with us; I needed it.

Fun60 said...

What a difference a few days made. I enjoyed the tour of Fall in your area. Stunning colours.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are surrounded by gorgeousness! My favorites are the church and your home surrounded by the fall trees. Same thing here, we were two weeks late. So many of the trees lost their leaves before they could change color.

Silver in AZ said...

Just stunning! Your property is just gorgeous! You are so blessed! Thanks for sharing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! You certainly had your share of beautiful color. It is sad to realize that this color is so short lived.I guess that's where pictures are so wonderful, now you have that color to enjoy for a long time.

Connie said...

Absolutely gorgeous colors there this year, Betsy! Your pictures are beautiful. Like you, our trees seemed to change all at once, and the leaves are dropping fast too.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You are really at peak right now! And you have so many pretty trees right there in your yard! Love the colors of Fall...it's the best part of the season. Oh...that and the nicer temps! Enjoy your week my friend!

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy - gosh your fall - things changed that much in three days? I never noticed it that much here. You are sharp there. One thing I notice is that we don't get a lot of reds and deep oranges in GA - maybe it is the weather. Your home is beautiful! sandie

Shug said...

goodness, goodness Betsy. There is so much beauty on every single tree. Such a gorgeous Fall for all of you. Wish our trip out there had been just a few weeks later and I may have seen all this beauty as well. I have enjoyed seeing all the great splendor in all of your post.... I'm guessing it's really nice sitting on your back porch, looking out at all this beauty....

Barb said...

What tall trees you have and stunning fall colors! Glad you were able to photograph the peak.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

All is really beautiful and yes it seems later this fall but that is just fine as I love the leaves on trees a bit longer.

Linda said...

Ours is late too, but the golden tones are fantastic! It looks like it won't last long.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Only word word to describe all that wonderful colour - GLORIOUS

BeachGypsy said...

Such bright and colorful pictures, Betsy, loved them all! I also love your all's home, love that shade of green!! Our trees don't turn like that here, so it's fun to look at pictures where it does happen!

LV said...

Lucky you. Nature has covered you with glorious colors.I just got back from visiting my sister in Mississippi and there was hardly leaves turning. You live in paradise on earth. I am hanging in but some days not to good. Glad you both are well.

Connie said...

Absolutely gorgeous!
Tennessee is certainly a beuitful state.

Small Kucing said...

ALl colors of my country flag is there... red yellow blue and white. Such a lovely scenic in the autumn

May you an George have a lovely weekend ahead

diane b said...

Such beauty. You are lucky to be surrounded by these vibrant colours. Glad the sun came out.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh wow! I enjoyed all the colors you shared. My fav was the red tree alone, so stunningly pretty. Yes it was a short fall, finally lol

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy,
You said, "Hope you enjoy Autumn in Tennessee!!!"

I said, 'I certainly did, thank you. Your photographs are all simply gorgeous and the colours are wonderful. Autumn is just the best season isn't it!

I do hope you've had a good week, they seem to pass by so quickly.

My good wishes to you.

All the best Jan

Wendy said...

I love your sweet home. Home sweet home! And of course the fall colours. So pretty at this time of year. We are into winter after an incredibly hot summer this year.

Our fall has been short too!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You did get a burst of glory, didn't you? We had a few trees that were glorious, but most seemed to be just going through the motions of leaf changing, without putting on a great show. We didn't make it to the Smokies this fall, because of our moving; but I love your header photo. It's almost as good as being there. Almost.