Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 2, 2018

On a Clear Day, You can See FOREVER

Along the Blue Ridge Parkway, June 24, 2018
Dear Friends,   If you read last week's post  (click HERE),  you will know that we took a little trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.  On the 23rd (our anniversary),  we drove north on the parkway (beginning in Asheville).  Then on the 24th,  we drove south on the parkway (to Maggie Valley)....   Last week's pictures were taken on the 23rd,  and today's pictures were all taken on June 24, 2018.

As I mentioned in my last post,  we seldom go on the Blue Ridge Parkway when the weather is SO perfect.  SO--as you can imagine,  I took an abundance of photos to share.... Hope you enjoy today's pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them and sharing them with YOU.

Love seeing all of the BALSAMS along the parkway

If you look closely in some of the photos,  you can see some sunbeams!!

The Rhododendrons had finished their blooming season,  but we enjoyed seeing the MOUNTAIN LAUREL in bloom.

The puffy clouds added so much to these photos I think.

Speaking of clouds,   what design do you see?  I see a little dog heading down on the cloud--and it has a duck on its back!!!!!!!   Can you see it?????

In this picture,  you can see our road winding around the mountains... That is the Blue Ridge Parkway!!!!

Can you hear me singing:  "On a Clear Day,  you can see FOREVER".....

My Sweetheart standing on top of the world!!!

Some pretty little purple flowers 

One more Panorama (all of the Panoramas were taken with my iPhone)

One of the great hikes along the parkway;  This is called the Devil's Courthouse.   I sent a video to my son, Mark,  telling him about this great little hike.

One of my favorites along the parkway,   called FLAME AZALEAS

The Queen Anne's  Lace (along with the puffy clouds) add so much to this photo, don't you think?

US  on June 24, 2018
I'll close with this picture of two people in love ---who are enjoying being on the Blue Ridge Parkway  in North Carolina  on our little Anniversary Trip,  June 23 and 24,  2018.

Hope you enjoyed the photos today.    I certainly have enjoyed sharing them..

Have an awesome week.



Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The photos are beautiful indeed. Amazing clarity. You were blessed with such clear days. And Happy Anniversary!!!

George said...

I absolutely loved these photos -- but I liked being there with you even more.

Sandi said...

Fantastic photos! Now that John Denver song is going through my mind. It's not even about North Carolina, but it should be...

"Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains, Shenandoah river
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze"

That one!

Silver in AZ said...

Betsy, these are all just GREAT photos! Thanks for sharing them all! And/but mostly, I'm glad you two had such a wonderful anniversary trip!

Lady Fi said...

Those views are glorious!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful views and photos. I like the shot of you and George!
It is great you had nice weather for your trip! Clear skies are beautiful.
Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week! Happy 4th of July!

LV said...

So wonderful you two are still out and about and enjoying the wonders of nature. You are the best a capturing such glorious sights.

Jim and Sandie said...

You really could see forever. So beautiful and green. Amazing how diverse our country's geography is. Happy anniversary.

Betsy said...

If I had to choose - I wouldn't, because all of these pictures are fantastic. All so beautiful.
On top of the world you two are!
Those orange or wild azaleas are ones I wish would grow in my yard. I think they are just so unusual to see. The Queen Annes lace I remember picking so much of it when I was young and itched for days. Mom always warned us that it had those little bugs in the flower but I didn't listen. I love the lacey caps.
Happy Fourth of July, Betsy

Ann Thompson said...

What gorgeous views. Your pictures are wonderful I especially like the picture of the queen Anne's lace

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like the conditions were perfect for you on that day.Such amazing scenery!

Fun60 said...

The photos are amazing. What a wonderful place to go to for you special trip.

linda m said...

Those are some gorgeous pictures. The scenery is so fantastic. So happy you two had such a wonderful time.

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful post of two lovely people so in love. I'm so happy you both enjoyed your Anniversary and what a beautiful place to visit. We haven't been through there in a while but surely did enjoy it. Happy 4th to you both. Love and Blessings.

Andrea said...

Yes Betsy, i enjoyed them too much especially the panoramic view! Amazing landscape, fully green-covered that we can see forever! Enjoy the world to the fullest, you two!

Linda said...

Beautiful photos! I love going up in the mountains and watching the clouds.

Nancy Chan said...

Happy anniversary! What a wonderful hike to celebrate your anniversary on top of the world! Beautiful pictures of sky and nature!

Small Kucing said...

cloud watching. I use to do it too during my school day. I see a tree.

BeachGypsy said...

Love these new pictures! Beautiful beautiful country isn't it? I think the purple flowers may be spiderwort, can't see them too well, so not 100% sure. Where are y 'all off to next? Wherever you go, take lots of pictures for us okay?

Marcia said...

No rain in sight on that trip. You picked a good weather weekend to go.

Big Dude said...

You did catch it good Betsy - great shots

diane b said...

Great photos. The iPhone has a good camera. I use it more than my canon now. You celebrate your anniversary at the same time as my birthday but the day before I think.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thanks so much for sharing your photographs. Because I can no longer drive (result of Glaucoma), I so enjoy seeing photos of nature and roads and people being out and about! I used to do that.

As to the cloud formations: I see (top cloud) a child bending down and kissing a bunny or a teddy bear (bottom cloud). It took me back to Winnie the Poo and The Velveteen Rabbit. Peace.

Arkansas Patti said...

That header is postcard worthy. Think the clear day was your anniversary present from Mom Nature to make up for all those not so clear days. Just beautiful and so glad it worked so perfectly for you and George.

David said...

Betsy, Great photos! It's been a long time since we've driven the Blue Ridge Parkway. Time to do it again! Years ago we drove all the way down to Asheville from the north end of the Parkway. Beautiful...and we saw a bobcat along the way. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Chatty Crone said...

I have been in Ohio visiting my other family so I have not been able to comment, but I am back. I wish we could go slower and enjoy the scenery like you and George. We are always in a hurry. sandie

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful skies, flowers, and people. ;) Funny, I saw a mama and a baby sharing a kiss in the clouds.

Liene said...

Some of our favorite family vacations have traversed the Parkway!!! You've beautifully captured the allure of the season. Happy anniversary and happy 4th of July!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy,
Another lovely collection of photographs. The views are simply amazing, and wonderful blue skies. I am so pleased that you and George had such a brilliant anniversary trip.

Happy 4th of July.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Barb said...

Happy Anniversary to you and George! The photos are splendid - you had gorgeous weather and vistas for your celebration!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy anniversary! Looks like you had a nice trip.

You asked about the location of the Cascades waterfall. They are near Pembroke, Virginia - in between Blacksburg and Pearisburg off route 460.

Happytrails said...

The parkway is such a beautiful drive and you and George had fantastic weather. Your pictures are so clear and crisp. I know y'all had a lot of fun on your Anniversary outing!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These photos are breathtaking. I love the road on the mountain! Of course the flowers are gorgeous

Shug said...

If I were a jealous type person....I'd be so jealous of you two and your wonderful adventures. What I'm extremely thankful for is that you and George are my friends and I get to see all of these gorgeous places through your expert photography.... his

Connie said...

Gorgeous photos, Betsy! So many lovely and scenic views. I love the one with the Queen Anne's Lace in it. I'm glad to hear you had such a nice trip.

Pat Tillett said...

You sure do go to some beautiful places. Heck, you live in a beautiful place. As always your photos are also beautiful.

Mary said...

Betsy, it has been a very long time since I have visited your blog, but perusing some comments on my blog from times past reminded me to come and see what you've been up to. And I'm GLAD I did; your photos are amazing! Now that we live in coastal North Florida, I miss hills and mountains. However, my painting mentor down here calls clouds the "mountains of Florida" because they add so much to a scene (of otherwise flat land). Your clouds reminded me of her wisdom.

Twilight Man said...

Both of you are so loving and make a beautiful perfect couple. That inspires me to keep my marriage happy too.

Connie said...

Hello Betsy, I have just discovered your blog and I love it. I do a lot of my traveling through other people's blogs . . . I guess I'm mostly an armchair traveler, LOL. Maybe that will change because my sweet husband has just joined me in retirement. It will be so nice having more time together without so many schedules. I especially like the photo with the Queen Anne's Lace and the billowy clouds, it's simply lovely.
Nice to met you.
Your newest follower,
Connie :)

Small Kucing said...

I love cloud watching too when i was young, Must make more time for this.

Such a love;y sky and view there