Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Blessings to all of you for a happy and healthy 2018.   As many of you know,  2017 was a rough year for our families... There were two sudden deaths in the family  and two cancer diagnoses....   Also,  both George and I have experienced some health problems.   To put it mildly,  things have been hard!

I don't think I have ever experienced the meaning of   " A New Beginning"  like I have right now....  I certainly am ready for this new beginning....  I need to find that positive, joyful woman again!!!!!  Come on --2018.  I'm ready.

Happy New Year  to all!!!!



Ann said...

Wishing you the brightest and most beautiful new beginning you have ever experienced. Happy New Year Betsty

Big Dude said...

I hope it's a great year for you guys.

Fun60 said...

Your determination and love of all things beautiful will carry you through.

George said...

2018 has to be a better year! I look forward to the adventures we will have together.

Sandi said...

Happy New Year, Betsy! Wishing you the best.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy,

I wish you all the best in 2018, a very happy and healthy New Year!

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

This beautiful day, the first day of the new year I wish you and George, happiness, health and peace on all the days ahead! May you two be showered with blessings by the Almighty God! Happy New Year, 2018:)

Linda P said...

May you know God's rich blessings during this new year 2018 dear Betsy and George.

Lynda said...

I, too, am ready for a new year! I have not experienced all the heartaches you all or others have encountered - but it's like a new school year when the notebook pages, pencils, pens, etc are all new. There's an excitement and good anticipation about it!
Love you both! Happiest of New Years to You!!!

Marcia said...

Happy New Year to you too!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I know that positive, joyful woman is still in there, Betsy. I do hope that 2018 brings good things your way. I look forward to hearing about all the adventures that you and George embark on together in 2018.

Arkansas Patti said...

May all the pain and hurts you and yours have suffered in 17 be just stepping stones to a wonderful, healthy and happy 2018.
Happy New Year Betsy and George.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Life is hard at times! I pray you find that joyful woman again. Y’all sure had your share this year but keep looking forward. It does keep changing

Ginny Hartzler said...

What about an update on the health of you and George? This picture of the two of you is maybe your best one ever. You have the ability (maybe a gift!) to remain joyful in the midst of rough times. I wish for you a wonderful New Year, with all the hard times flying away.

Liene said...

Best wishes in 2018, and a Happy New Year to you and yours!!

Chatty Crone said...

To you and George:

“May you always be blessed with walls for the wind. A roof for the rain. A warm cup of tea by the fire. Laughter to cheer you. Those you love near you. And all that your heart might desire.”
—Irish Proverb

Ruth Hiebert said...

My prayer for you is that you will experience renewed joy in 2018.

Betsy said...

Betsy, you are one of the most positive people I know online. I’m praying that God will bless you and George with a healthy, happy, joy filled 2018.
Much love and blessings,

The Furry Gnome said...

Hope 2018 is better for both of you. And I remember that church!

Happytrails said...

Prayers for a much better year with many wonderful adventures and blessings waiting to be enjoyed!!!
Happy New Year to you and George!!

diane b said...

I hope you do find that positive woman again and find new beginnings. Here's wishing you a better 2018

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR To both you and George. You are looking great in this shot so I hope 2018 will be a better year for you, bringing good health, happiness and peace to you both

Lady Fi said...

Hoping this year is a healthier and happier one! Hugs.

Connie said...

Wishing you all the best in the new year, Betsy!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, as we age we experience so much loss and so many intimations of mortality. Like you, I had a difficult year in 2017. But like you again, I think/feel/believe that 2018 will bring the manifestation of one of my deepest heart-wishes--self-publishing my convent memoir. I hope you, too, find you deepest dreams for your life coming true in new and exciting ways. Peace.

Susie Swanson said...

I always look forward to your adventures. Hope you and George have a wonderful and Blessed New Year.

David said...

Betsy, Physically we didn't have bad year but financially, it could have been better... Still, we're lucky overall so no real complaints. Health is the key and its a good thing that you and George are tough and resilient because, as we've discovered, aging isn't for sissies! Wishing you and yours a healthy and happy New Year! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Wendy said...

Happy New Year! Hope 2018 brings good times, happiness, and prosperity. All the best!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Just when I think you can't look any happier, you put up a picture like this! Happy New Year!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I sure hope that 2018 is a better year for all of us! Take care and stay warm! It's been bitterly cold here. I'm already looking forward to spring...but it seems so far off! I know, time flies and it'll be here in no time. Wishing you and George a Happy New Year filled with many blessings. xx Cheryl

Busy Bee Suz said...

2017 certainly has been a challenge for your family; praying that 2018 is kinder to you all. YOU deserve all the best.

Lowcarb team member said...

Wishing you and George all good wishes for 2018.
My thoughts and prayers for a good New Year ...

All the best Jan

Jeevan said...

I hope you regain the joyfulness what all we experienced here and I believe that it already began and you would receive hopefully. Very Happy New Year to you and George... stay warm and strong with same cheerfulness :)

Lux G. said...

Aw. My couple goals. Happy 2018 to you both. Yes, we are ready! Come on, 2018! Bring it!

Kay said...

Happy New Year to you both, Betsy! You are such a beautiful couple.