Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas at our Home, Part III ---Outside Decorations

One of our pretty wreaths hanging in the front of our home
Hello to my Blog Friends....  Can you believe that ONE WEEK from today,  we will be celebrating Christmas,  the birth of Jesus Christ???   WOW--how time flies....

Today I'll share the third post in this series,   our OUTSIDE Decorations...  I took most of these pictures this year --but there are a few I'm sharing from previous Christmases....   Hope you enjoy seeing the outside decorations...

Compare this picture to my HEADER at the top, which was taken before it was totally dark outside.

Decorations on our deck in back!!!!

Another of our pretty lit wreaths along the front of the house

Close-up picture of the little tree with lights/candy canes and bows --on our front porch

The front of our house after dark

A close-up picture of the garage lights, wreath and candles out front 

Another of our lit wreaths out front 

I took this picture while standing in the backyard ---looking at the deck and the Christmas Tree inside.

I just had to add this picture!!!!!!   This was taken several years ago --when we actually had a little snow during Christmas... OH--how I would love to see some snow this Christmas!!!!! HOPE HOPE HOPE!!!!
The only other decorations we have outside are some garland and a big bow on our Lamppost/flowerbed near the road,  and some garland and another big bow on our mailbox....  Sorry---I didn't get any pictures....

We have company coming this week --so I won't be blogging much at all between now and January... SO--I'd like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas....



FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Very colorful, pretty and happy!

Happy Christmas to you and George dear Betsy ~ Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

Ann said...

Very pretty Betsy. I bet your house is the prettiest in the neighborhood

George said...

You always do a wonderful job of decorating for Christmas. The house -- inside and out -- is beautiful.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your house is beautifully decorated, inside and out. I love your lit wreaths. Merry Christmas to you and George, too!

linda m said...

Your house is beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and George.

Big Dude said...

You'll never convince me you really like Christmas.

Anita Johnson said...

Your house is stunning! Merry christmas to you both!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Merry Christmas Betsy! I hope it snows three feet in Crossville! I love your adorable little tree! And all your wreaths are exceptional!! They are full and glorious!! I guess I should post mine. We have two indoor ones. A big one bought at the craft store that is in the kitchen, and a smaller one that I made in the living room. But they cannot hold a candle to yours!!! If I was to buy a big expensive gift for you, do you know what it would be? One of those snow making machines that the ski resorts have! The perfect gift for my snow bunny!

Annie Jeffries said...
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Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Betsy,

I've been enjoying going through all your Christmas decorating posts. I love all the color and sparkle and bits of history (the manger!) Don is doing a whole knew decorating scheme this year. New home = new ideas.

Betsy said...

Dear Betsy, I do hope that you get your snow for Christmas. I would definitely share mine with you if I could! Ha ha! Your decorations are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing each one with us. I hope you have a wonderful time with your guests, celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.
Many blessings my friend,

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I've returned to posting and to reading blogs and I'm so glad that I got to your series of Christmas decorations in and outside your home.They are lovely. So much creativity. Your home is like a fairyland--the type that Jones Store in downtown Kansas City used to feature in their windows when I was a child. Thank you for bringing back such good memories.

In your second posting of this series I saw that you have the Willow collection for the nativity. I just discovered these statuettes yesterday and ordered a basic set for myself. I'm so eager for them to arrive and to set them up in my living room. I wonder how long you have been collecting the various Willow participants at the creche????

Peace during this wonderful season of hope and expectation.

Arkansas Patti said...

I LOVE those wreaths. Your house always looks so pretty and all you need is some snow. I thought you might have gotten some from that last storm but there is hope yet. We may get some flurries Sunday. Like you--hope and hope.
May you and George have a wonderful Christmas and a stressless New Year.

Chatty Crone said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

Your home is beautifully decorated. Hope your Christmas turns out to be wonderful and filled with rich blessings. Merry Christmas my friend.

David said...

Betsy, You and George made up for all the outside decorations that we didn't do! Very nice! With nothing going on with family this year, the motivation wasn't there. We're just curling up in front of the fire together with our decorated mantle and our little flat Christmas tree. Take Care and Merry Christmas! Big Daddy Dave and Laurie

Rose said...

Love your lighted wreaths, and the old photo with snow on the wreat! Gorgeous!

The Furry Gnome said...

Merry Christmas to both of you! I'm sure your home is beautiful. Love all those bright wreaths. And sorry I can't ship you some of our snow. It'll be pretty quiet here for Christmas this year.

BeachGypsy said...

It all looks so pretty, Betsy! If I was walking by I would say "now THAT is a happy place....a friendly and welcoming house". For some reason I love the little tree out on the porch best.....it's just so bright and happy! Enjoy your time off....merry merry Christmas my new friend!

Lady Fi said...

Such pretty decorations! Have a wonderful time with company!

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Beautiful decorations, Betsy. Merry Christmas to both of you:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You've got the magic touch! Your place looks so festive.

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Betsy, these are all lovely photographs. Your home looks so welcoming.

My good wishes to you, George and family.
Have a Merry Christmas.

All the best Jan

Happytrails said...

Your home looks so beautiful with all your decorations...you do a great job! I know it is a lot of hard work, but the looks and the feeling you have makes it well worth it!
We wish for you and George a very Merry Christmas...enjoy all your company.

Susie Swanson said...

Oh Wow, how beautiful is this. Merry Christmas to you and George with lots of love and hugs. May God Bless!!

Connie said...

Your house looks so pretty and festive, Betsy! Wishing you and George a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your home and Christmas decorations and lights look beautiful.

Thank you for all your visits and comments over the years. Have a happy day and weekend. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful hubby! Hope you have an especially nice holiday and enjoy the gorgeous Glade! Happy New Year, too!

Linda P said...

Beautiful! Wishing you and George a very blessed Christmas.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your home is beautiful, Betsy! You did a fantastic job decorating.
Wishing you and George a very Merry Christmas!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I have been away a lot and did not comment regularly but did read posts. Your decorations are gorgeous. Ours are jusr basic. We have a tiny gathering this year but our hearts will still be full of joy regardless. Merry Christmas from Buddy and myself. Have a safe holifay.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

🎄🎅🏻🌟 Merry Christmas!

Jeevan said...

Pretty decorative there and the light against the night is really effective and enjoyable to watch! Have a great, memorable season with your dear ones.

Merry Christmas