Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, November 20, 2017


I am thankful that God loves ME ---just as I am!
This is THANKSGIVING WEEK here in our country.   I love this week ---and enjoy thinking about all of the blessings I have in my life.  We ALL have so much to be thankful for --but sometimes we allow the negative thoughts to consume us!   I try not to do that ---and the month of November is a perfect month to reflect back on our many blessings.

I had such a good time this week going through my blog posts,  my pictures,  and my Facebook posts ---thinking about some of the trillions of things I am thankful for...  The hardest thing was to limit this post to my usual 16 photos (which to some people is still too long).... Oh Well---here goes!!!!!  Hope you enjoy reading about some of my blessings and thanksgivings....  I know you can add many of your own!!!

I am thankful for my FAMILY;  Here I am with my three sons (Jeff, Bert,  Mark).

I am thankful for our FRIENDS... Here we are with our good friends, Neal and Patti.

I am thankful for our little HOME.

I am thankful for my HEALTH --and being able to hike and enjoy nature.

I am thankful for the beautiful ROSES my husband grows and brings inside for me to enjoy.  This little beauty is named Crescendo.

I am thankful for the BEACH we visit each year (Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina).

I am thankful for our little BACKYARD BIRDS.  This is a Red Headed Woodpecker grabbing a peanut.

I am thankful for our TRAVELS.  This picture was taken on our September trip to UTAH and ARIZONA.

I am thankful for AUTUMN and being in the MOUNTAINS.

I am thankful for WINTER and SNOW....   (I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.)

I am thankful for SPRING and our beautiful YARD and FLOWERS.

I am thankful for RAIN and of course,  WATERFALLS.

I am thankful not only for raking and blowing leaves in Autumn --but especially PLAYING in the LEAVES...

I am thankful for JOY,  HAPPINESS and FUN ---and being a kid again!!!!!

And MOST IMPORTANT of ALL,   I am thankful for GEORGE,   the man in my life who brings me all of this love and joy each and every single day...  (Thanks,  Sweetie.)   This picture was taken at our favorite mountain getaway in Mt. Nebo,  Arkansas.  Oh how I LOVE this man.

Finally,  I am thankful that I am still a work in progress and that God is not finished with me yet!!!!  Hallelujah!!!!
Well----if you count the pictures (first and last one are not mine),  you will see that I ended up with 17 this time.... I just didn't know which one not to include....  I am so truly blessed in so many ways!   In fact,  I think we are ALL blessed when we think about our lives... YES---we have all had some hard times --but the good ones definitely outweigh the bad ones!

I would love to read a blog post from YOU similar to this one listing some of the things you are thankful for....  That would be awesome!

Hope each of you have a blessed week --and a Happy Thanksgiving to ALL.  We have big plans involving family --so I won't be around much this next week and maybe next...



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

they are all wonderful and it is so good to be thankfull not not only the big things in life but also the little things. You did well to limit your photographs.

Ann said...

All wonderful things to be thankful for and each and every one of those pictures belongs in this post. I wouldn't have been able to cut any out either

Marcia said...

It is good to reflect on all the blessings one has. I almost daily offer up a prayer of thanks for my blessings.

George said...

What a beautiful post. I'm thankful that you came into my life and that you finally agreed to marry me!

linda m said...

What a wonderful subject for your post. I am thankful for God, my family, my Church, my friends, and my health.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, beautiful photos! You are blessed. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

Big Dude said...

We also have much to be thankful for.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I agree, Betsy. There's just so much for which we need to be thankful. This is a beautiful post and so perfectly appropriate for the season.

Karin said...

You're right about the list of reasons for our gratitude; next to impossible to shorten it! Love your pics. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving Week!

Chatty Crone said...

I enjoyed reading about all the things you are thankful for Betsy - and I have a lot of the same ones. I hope you get that much snow - us a little less. Love that beautiful woodpecker! Happy Thanksgiving. sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

You make the cutest, most joyful Snow Baby! And these pictures truly ARE Joyful Reflections! I love the pic of you and George at Mt. Nebo, and the beach and pier. You on the swing, and the gorgeous Red head. Those are my favorites. I have never seen one except in pictures. Always wanted to. Is he a regular, or a special surprise? I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! I imagine you will either be with your sons, or in some hideaway with George.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots and a lot to be thankful for.

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you posted them all. None of those should have been discarded. Your sons really fell close to the gene tree. They are definitely yours.
Have a great Thanksgiving George and Betsy and continue those blessings.

Betsy said...

Betsy, I am so thankful for YOU! I am grateful that somehow in this big world of the internet we found each other. I am grateful for your big smile that lights up the entire world around you...even out here in Washington. I look forward to your posts and the joy you exude. I pray you have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving, you and George.

diane b said...

A lovely happy post. You sure do have lots to be thankful for. We don't celebrate it in Oz but I am thankful for the same things.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I enjoyed reading your list of things to be thankful for. Every day could be Thanksgiving day and we would not have time enough to list all the things to give thanks for.I hope that whatever you do and wherever you are,you will have a Blessed Thanksgiving.

The Furry Gnome said...

What a wonderful post! Should be required reading for many. And reminds me to be thankful too. Thank you.

Happytrails said...

Betsy, what a wonderful blog post and so appropriate for this time of year. Yes, there are countless blessings to be thankful for and you have shared many of them. When we spend time on the things we are thankful for there is little room for negative thoughts. We are thankful that we have "met" you and George via Facebook and blogging and hope that we can meet person to person this coming year.
You are a bright and joyful lady and it shows in your smiles and the words you write.
Thank you for this post and Happy Thanksgiving to you and George.

Linda said...

Wonderful pictures! You have such a positive attitude.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanks Giving day! Have a great time!

Betsy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and George. Wonderful post and photographs. I enjoyed them all.

Rose said...

I did enjoy this post...IF I get time I should do a post on some of the things I am thankful for...

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh dear Betsy, this is such a wonderful post and of course so appropriate for this time of year. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK but I do think we should all take time and say grateful thanks for so many good things ...

I loved all of your photographs.

I wish you, George and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

God bless

All the best Jan

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh yes you are blessed So easy to see in these pictures....you make me smile looking at all your adventures!

BeachGypsy said...

this is a lovely lovely post, Betsy, I loved it and all the great pictures! I love your little green house, that's such a pretty color for a house and all your flowers are so pretty! Loved seeing the pictures of some of your adventures, and the one of you in the LEAVES JUST CAPTURES HOW I THINK YOUR PERSONALITY IS!! Happy thanksgiving week, my friend and you are right--we do have so much to be thankful for.

Fun60 said...

Happy Thanksgiving. You have summed up many of the things I too am thankful for but i would also include the bloggers who take the time to read and comment on my posts and the joy i get from getting to know all these wonderful people from around the world.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love all your pictures! Happy Thanksgiving!

David said...

Betsy, Great post! I'm just grateful to still be here enjoying my family, friends and life in general! You and George sure live life! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have much to be thankful for but I just don't have time to do a post like this one. Enjoyed your photos...especially that beautiful red-headed woodpecker! Happy Thanksgiving to you and George!

Betty Manousos said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! xoxo

such a beautiful family!

Linda P said...

Dear Betsy, your photos showing all the ways you're thankful are uplifting. I like all the comments that have been left on your blog especially the one from your dear husband. Happy Thanksgiving to you both and to your family.

Lady Fi said...

So much to be thankful for!

Connie said...

Wonderful blessings, Betsy. Such a beautiful post. I am grateful for my many blessings too. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving.

Twilight Man said...

You have 3 handsome looking sons and they all share the same eyes like yours which are very kind & warm. Wishing you the best of health and happiness with dashing George!

Jo said...

Hi Betsy what a beautiful post. I always enjoy all your photos. Keep them coming. Bless you and George. Jo