Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, October 9, 2017

Antelope Slot Canyon Tour, Page, Arizona 9/18/17

Us inside Antelope Canyon  9/18/17  (taken by our tour guide)
Dear Friends,   OH MY GOODNESS---how do I ever explain this tour which we took while on our Western Trip to Utah/Arizona in September this year???????   I will show pictures -- and try to explain it--but it is just one thing you need to experience firsthand yourself....  Truly Amazing!!!!

We took the Chief Tsosie's  Antelope  Slot Canyon Tour on September 18  when we were in Page,  Arizona...   We chose the late afternoon tour of the Upper Canyon...   (The next time we are there,   I'd love to go on the Lower Canyon tour.)  

I had NO IDEA what we were going to experience.. I knew that we met as a group and rode on a truck WAY back on dirt roads into the deep canyon areas around Page.  I truly had no idea what a 'slot' canyon was until we got there...  I have driven in vehicles through deep canyons many times --but had never WALKED into a canyon which looked like a CAVE....   That is what we did....

BUT--the neat thing was that  even though you felt as if you were in a cave,  there were openings in the top --which made for some awesome pictures throughout.... We walked totally through the 'canyon' from one side to the next --and then back...  This was truly an experience of a lifetime for sure for me.

Hope you enjoy the pictures....  Use your imagination and you can 'see' faces or other designs throughout the canyon....  The top and bottom pictures of us were taken by our GUIDE.....

Canyon Entrance;   Betsy says:  "We are walking WHERE?"

Inside the Canyon --with the light shining through!!!   What do you see????

Beautiful designs and colors inside the canyon!

Some places,  it was darker than in other places!

Interesting colors/lighting here.... Some say this looks like the side view of a woman....

I love the colors here.

Can you see the side view of a face in this one?????

Here is a view of the path through the canyon.

Our Tour Guide,  along with a couple of people on our tour;   He talked quite a bit about how dangerous these canyons can be when it RAINS there.  They fill up with water quickly... You can see the water line --behind the guide's shoulder...   Luckily,  there was no rain when we were there.

What do you see here????   

Many groups/tours are going on at almost the same time in the canyon....  Here's a picture of some of the people.

Seems as if the BIRDS enjoy the canyon also!!!!

More pretty colors;  More beauty!!!!  Isn't this just amazing?????

Looks like a Kissie-Kissie moment to me....  What say you????

Where we came out on the 'other' side of the canyon --before going back through.

The truck we rode in when going to the Canyon 

We sat back here --in groups of about 12 (6 on each side)....    I will say that it was a BUMPY ride --but we did have seatbelts....

One more picture of US inside the canyon  (taken by our guide)....
WELL my Friends.... How many of you have ever done anything quite like this?  I had NEVER ---and am still thinking about that magnificent experience....

Hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures as much as I did sharing them with you...   IF you want more information about this tour,   click HERE.



diane b said...

Wow what amazing colours and patterns, Just a wonder, Great photos too. I have walked in a slot canyon in the Australian Outback but the colours and patterns were not so pronounced. What a great trip.

Ann said...

WOW!! Spectacular. If it's this impressive seeing it in pictures I can only imagine what it was like actually being there.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Absolutely marvellous canyon walk and the rock formations and light produce fabulous illusion and a real treat to eyes. Like u said, only experience could feel it truly and glad you enjoyed the walk and I’m sure it would be confusing without a proper guide to lead.

Fantastic photos, Betsy!

Big Dude said...

From this and youe Facebook posts, it looks like you had a great time. I love how the water has carved those rocks but have never seen them in person. Thanks for the canyon tour.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy! I have wanted to go there, but alas, I will have to be satisfied just enjoying your pictures. Thanks for sharing!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the slot canyon images are beautiful. I would love to take this tour some day. Is there some similar canyon in Zion? Beautiful collection of photos. Thanks for sharing your visit. Happy Monday and enjoy your new week ahead.

Chatty Crone said...

I have been to the Gran Canyon once but we did not see the understand. That was more than awesome. I see that and I am so reminded of what a GOD we have. Only God could do that. Have you ever gone out on the glass u-shaped viewing area there - that would scare me to death! sandie

George said...

This was a great experience, even though the canyon was very crowded with so many different tour groups. If we ever get back there I would like to take the photography tour.

Anita Johnson said...

I have always wanted to see this....for now I’m going to enjoy these beautiful photos!

David said...

Betsy, Great photos and just a beautiful place! You and George have now earned another explorer badge to add to your collection... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Linda P said...

This walk must have been quite an experience as you saw the amazing rock formations, different colours and swirling patterns. We've been down into caves in England near where we live where there are underground rivers. It would be totally dsrk if it were not for artificial lighting, but your experience was very different because you also had the natural light coming in.

Lady Fi said...

Wow - what beautiful shots of your amazing adventure!

Silver in AZ said...

amazing! definitely on our to-do list! Thanks for sharing!

linda m said...

What an amazing tour! WOW!!! One of those tours I wish I had taken when I lived in AZ. Thanks for sharing.

Barb said...

I went into the lower canyon with the first morning group about 4 years ago. Our Native guide was so knowledgeable and helpful. The lighting was just perfect for photography. It was an amazing experience. I relived it through your photos. A few years ago, 11 people were killed by a flash flood in one of the canyons. It's important to check the weather before entering (I'm sure they're very scrupulous about that since the tragedy).

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of this...ever! How amazing, I would think this was your best trip EVER!!! It is beyond beautiful. And those LINES, that is what stands out to me, and the shapes. Like being in another world.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

What a great tour you had. The pictures are stunning. The closest we've ever come to something like a slot canyon was visiting Sand Dune Arch at Arches National Park. And it really can't compare with this Slot Canyon that you saw. So much to see, so little time. :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow! Wow! These were gorgeous! I love the colors....amazing! Yes I can see the kissy kissy rocks lol

Kay said...

This brings back such memories! We were there also and took the photography tour. It is such a fabulous place. I loved looking at your photos, Betsy.

Neal said...

Beautiful.... aren't you glad you decided to take the tour after saying you weren't gonna pay for any tours? :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

These pictures show such incredible beauty. I loved seeing them, but am sure that to be there in person would be so much better.The designs in the rocks are stunning.I love the colors,the swirls and just everything about these pictures.Thanks so much for this virtual tour, it was great.

Fun60 said...

The colours, shapes and patterns are amazing Betsy. I would love to visit. Your photos are terrific.

LV said...

Betsy, so glad you shared this breathtaking sight with us. I will never get to see it otherwise. So very different and much beauty. I have been to various caves, but nothing like this. So glad you and George were able to experience another adventure.

Arkansas Patti said...

I am joining the WOW crowd. I have never heard of this place and the images are stunning. That is jaw dropping amazing. Thank you for letting us see some of that amazing place.

The Furry Gnome said...

Absolutely phenomenal! I've heard of those 'slot canyons', but to see one in person and get such amazing photos, unreal! I also see a lady who knows her photography. A lot of tricky light situations there. You did very well. Love to see something like that myself.

Happytrails said...

Those are beautiful pictures and such awesome shapes and colors. So glad you and George were able to take this trip and enjoy it as you did. Such a great adventure!!

Jo said...

Oh my word, Betsy. This is a wonderful post about the great tour of a slot canyon. I see many female forms in those rocks and some faces. I loved the first photo of you and George; looks like a black-and-white photograph. Thanks for sharing this amazing experience. Hugs Jo

Betsy said...

Wow this is just beautiful. Great picture taken of the both of you too. I have been to Arizona several times when my daughter lived there at Fort Huachuca and I never knew anything about this place. Gee , gonna have to go back. This is just beautiful. Can see faces in the swirls, awesome.
I would love to see the color of the rock when it gets wet. Amazing is the word for this and thank you for the tour!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh my goodness Betsy! Total beauty---swirling rock and swirling colors. Maybe someday Bob and I will go there---maybe. What a country we live and thank goodness you get to travel in it. Love your header too (Blogger won't let me change mine for some reason)
Well you guys keep traveling and showing us your beautiful images.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really is amazing...something you can't imagine until you see it. I would need a pillow as well as seatbelts! heehee! Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

I've never seen anything like this!
Amazing photographs, what a place.
I so enjoyed my visit seeing it through your fabulous photographs.
You've captured the place so well.

All the best Jan

Janice K said...

I would love to go there. I had heard about that place but never knew where it was. Loved seeing your pictures.

Andrea said...

Oh Betsy those areas are truly incredibly amazing. I am not imagining forms while looking at them, but awed by the length of time before rainwater managed to sculpt those boulders. Millions of years? Oh My God! And because the rocks are naturally embued with minerals and deposits, the colors are wonderful. I am so envious of your opportunity, never mind the bumby road, that adds to the drama. Thanks for the tour too.

Linda said...

Awesome pictures! I have never done this but my younger daughter did. Looks amazing.

BeachGypsy said...

Oh my goodness, Betsy!--Ive never seen anything like this!! How did you learn of it? The colors and textures and amazing, just want to reach out and touch them!.....and the sizes and shapes are just truly so beautiful and such an interesting place. Thanks for sharing this! I've never been anywhere like that.

Rohrerbot said...

Looks like a gorgeous trip. I followed your adventures on Facebook. I have yet to visit that site! Gorgeous!

Marcia said...

That is quite a canyon. I've never see those kinds of places before. The wind and rain have done some strange things in there.

We got home from Scotland last night. Adjusting to the time change now - 5 hour difference. I posted a brief blog entry tonight but must sort the photos and label them while I remember where we visited. We used UnTours which was wonderful if you are ever interested in traveling over there. It's independent traveling on your schedule with someone doing the overall arrangements and being accessible by cell or email for support when needed after the initial orientation. We'll do it again for other countries in there years ahead. We felt like locals where we stayed.

Shug said...

These are great pictures and I guess I have one of those minds that is full of imagination, but I saw a big ol bird in one of these pictures. Am I the only one? Looks like an amazing trip.. So glad that you and George were able to enjoy these Blessings.

Buttercup said...

I've so enjoyed this trip, Betsy. I think these may be the most beautiful photographs you and George have taken ever. Thanks for bringing me along.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy! I'm so behind in blog visiting, but glad I didn't miss these amazing photos! Beautiful! However, I can only enjoy them this way as my crazy, dizzy head and claustrophobia would never allow me to visit in person. I'm so glad you take these wonderful photos of places I won't ever get to see!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Hugs, Cheryl

Pat Tillett said...

Fantastic photos Betsy! I have been to this canyon, and another in the area, that was different for sure, but fantastic in it's own right. Unfortunately, it was a long time ago, before I even had a camera. Thanks so much for posting this, I'm hoping to be in that area before next summer, and I'm going to try and go there again. Great post!