Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, May 29, 2017

MAY in our Yard ---2017

Mr. Lincoln Rose  (5/18/17)
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL.  Whatever you do today,  stop and say a Prayer of Thanksgiving for those men and women who gave their lives so that we can have the FREEDOMS we enjoy so much today.. God Bless them and God Bless America.

After the terrible drought last year,  we have been blessed so far this spring with an abundance of rain..  Our yard LOVES it ---and we are thrilled to see everything which was totally brown last Fall turn green again...

Today,  I wanted to show you some of this GREEN  in our own front yard...  BUT--I didn't want to stop with just the greens of spring... SO--I included some of this year's ROSES which are now blooming BIGTIME... Hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you to enjoy...  Click on the pictures for enlargements.

A Green House and a Green Yard (5/18/17);  Lilies beginning to bloom --but the Irises are finished for the season;

Flaminco Rose (5/22/17)---one of my favorites (out of many fav's)

From the garage and driveway area,  looking across the yard toward the road (5/18/17)

Melody Parfumme Rose  (5/18/17)  Love this color!

Looking across the front yard toward the Ivy Bed;  Isn't the grass just beautiful?  (5/18/17)  George added some Rose Containers in front of the Ivy Bed this year. 

Gemini Roses --love the 'triplets'  don't you?  (5/18/17)

A close-up of the Ivy Bed and the Rose Containers;  Even the Ivy and Periwinkle (which struggled during the drought) has come back nicely!  (5/18/17)

Wildfire Rose  (5/22/17)

In front of the big Rose Bed -you will find two other smaller beds.  The bottom one contains this year's Pansies and Petunias.  The one above it contains  Day Lilies,  Irises, Daffodils, etc...

Paradise Rose  (5/18/17)

Oregold Rose  (5/27/17)   Oh--how I love YELLOW Roses!!!

Here's a close up of my little Pansy/Petunia Bed...  I usually plant Panies in the Fall and they will last through the winter until it gets hot in July.  However,  due to the drought,  I didn't plant any last Fall..  I planted them a couple of months ago --and am pleased with all of the pretty colors... Do you like them?  (NOTE:  I don't usually plant Petunias but this year,  I loved their bright pink colors.  SO--I just had to get some.   See them?)

Cabana Rose in our yard  (5/18/17)   We have four different 'splotchy' ones like this --and I love them.

Now you can see almost all of the front yard  (at least the upper part above the driveway);  I could almost sleep on that grass!!!!  (5/18/17)

Double Delight Rose  (always a beautiful Rose,  and one of my all-time favorites)  (5/22/17)

Peace Rose  (another all-time favorite of mine);  (5/18/17)
I decided to close with PEACE --since we desperately need peace in our world now... Prayers for Manchester --and around the world where people are getting killed for NO reason.

Hope these pictures brought a smile to your face today...  Do you have a favorite Rose out of today's group????

Hugs  and enjoy Memorial Day Wherever you are!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina - May, 2017

Islander Inn at Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina
On our recent  Beach and Wedding Trip to North Carolina and Florida,   we spent 4 nights at our favorite beach and inn  (Islander Inn at Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina)...  Although I'm a mountain girl,  I also love going to the beach.  We usually go twice a year  (May and Nov/Dec).   If you have followed my blog for a long time,  you have seen many posts from this area.... Every year is different from the previous ones!!!!

This year,  even though we went early  (May 7-11),  there were more people there than we have EVER seen...  Parking wasn't easy ---and getting breakfast in the small (but good) breakfast room was challenging... We also did NOT get our usual room --which we had asked for and gotten  every year until now....

I guess we have bragged on and promoted Islander Inn WAY too much through the years --since  people have now found it ---and it's gotten VERY popular...   We complained about not getting our 'special-to-us' room --and were told that they cannot guarantee requests like this anymore  (since they are SO popular)...  Like so many other things in life these days,  there's no loyalty anymore --or appreciation to us visitors who have been loyal for many, many years... Oh Well.

BUT--after I got over my 'mad'--- there were many good things that happened during this visit:
1. They have renovated the rooms --and they are very nice!
2. The weather was fantastic all of the time we were there this year  (especially the 7th and 8th);  NOT too hot,  no humidity,  lots of  clear blue skies and sunshine
3.  Got to see the FULL MOON out over the water  (awesome)

I already posted about the little park where we love to visit and walk... SO--today I'll share some pictures from our walks along the beach --and from our balcony!!!  Hope you enjoy this set of pictures... Click on them for enlargements...

One of the SUNRISES we enjoyed --from our balcony

We enjoy walking on the beach each day.. During the morning, we walk one direction and then during the afternoon,  we walk the other direction.... You can see the fishing pier in the distance.

We both love taking pictures while there...  I caught George on his knees!!!!! ha

George took this picture of a happy lady enjoying the beach!

The Fishing Pier ---up close and personal!!!

A fishing Boat --gathering up food for our DINNER!!!!  YUM---love that fresh seafood at Dockside!! 

Welcome to "MY" home at the beach!!! ( I WISH... ha ha)....  Many years ago,  we watched them build this home ---so every year when we walk on the beach,  we pass by and take another picture.... ha

I always enjoy watching and listening to the BIRDS at the beach.

George and all of his camera gear!!!!  He looks happy being at the beach also!

I love capturing pictures of the WAVES ---and I love having the door to our room opened at nights --so that we can HEAR the roar of the ocean waves!!!!!   SPECIAL!

Be sure and click on this picture (and the next one) to see the beautiful  FULL MOON over the water..  This was taken before dark --from our balcony...  How SPECIAL was this!!!

FULL MOON  (taken after dark);  I always enjoy the moon shining on the water!!!!!  
We had a great 4+ days there ---and seeing this full moon was definitely a highlight of our visit ---plus the seafood at Dockside of course!!!!!

We're not sure what we will do next spring about visiting here... At this time,  we are contemplating changing to April...  What we want is 'our' special room when there aren't nearly as many people around.... BUT---we'll definitely visit after Thanksgiving this year, hoping that there won't be as many people that time of year!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures today!   Have a wonderful week... I cannot believe that JUNE is almost here... Time is flying by for sure!


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sunset Beach Town Park, North Carolina --May, 2017

Beautiful Sunset Beach Town Park 5/9/17
We are home after a wonderful TEN DAY trip... We left home on May 6  spending the night in Simpsonville,  South Carolina.  We then visited Ocean Isle Beach (Islander Inn) from May 7-10,  and then we took two days and drove to Tampa, Florida for George's son's wedding  (May 12-13).  The wedding was on May 13 at 4 p.m.    After another two day drive, we got back home on May 15...  WHEW!!!!!  We had a great trip---but it is wonderful getting HOME  for awhile --before we leave again!!!! ha

As you can tell,  my Monday's Blog Post didn't get done ... BUT---even if it is late,  I hope you will enjoy my post today!   This post is from one of our favorite parks in North Carolina  where we love to WALK.   We enjoy taking walks on the beach --but we also enjoy visiting the park either just before or just after Dinner  (late afternoon).

This park is Sunset Beach Town Park,  in Sunset Beach,  North Carolina....  For more information about this amazing little park,  click HERE.

These pictures were taken on four different days (May 7, 8, 9, 10)  as we walked....   Hope you enjoy the pictures... You can just sit back and feel as if you are right there walking with us... OR--you can find a swing or a bench and just sit and relax....This place is perfect for the locals to walk their dogs ---and almost every time we walked there,  we met some wonderful, friendly people --and most of them had dogs!!!!!!

Walk along the path with us!!!  (5/7/17)

This is definitely a dog-friendly park!!!!!!  (5/7/17)

OR--you can sit in one of their comfy SWINGS and read, meditate or just watch the boats travel up and down the Intracoastal Waterway!  (5/10/17)

A view of the Intracoastal Waterway--as we walked to the shore-line.  (5/9/17) 

From the shoreline,  I looked back toward the park...  (5/9/17)

I  love the big Live Oak Trees in that park!!!!! (5/7/17)

Two People in Love taking their silhouette as the evening sun was behind us!!!!!  (5/7/17)

Standing between two trees --taking a picture of the water;   Can you see the bridge in the background?  That is the bridge to Ocean Isle Beach --where we were staying at the Islander Inn.   (5/8/17)

There is a little fishing and boating dock which goes down to the water (on the left where you see the beginning of the dock)... (5/10/17)

Another view of the water ---and the comfy benches (for lots of relaxation)  (5/9/17)

A crooked tree --with lots of character I'm sure!!!  (In the distance, you can see a sailboat!!!)  (5/9/17)

I love this picture since I absolutely love reflections....  There is a home on the other side of the water...  That would be a great place to live for sure!!!!  (5/7/17)
Hope you enjoyed walking with us in Sunset Beach Town Park...  The people are proud of their park --and even pick up after their dogs...  There are lots of events scheduled throughout the year there...  It is such a neat park---and if I lived in North Carolina,  I'd definitely choose Sunset Beach!!!
