Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 27, 2017

Hike at Petit Jean State Park, Arkansas 2/13/17

DAVIES BRIDGE at Petit Jean State Park;  As you can see the little waterfall under the bridge is DRY this year.  BUT--don't you love the reflections?  I took this picture along our trail as we headed west on the Boy Scout Trail.
Most of you know if you have been following my blog for years that George and I love going to one of our favorite places in the world during the winter,  to ARKANSAS.   We always stay at 'our' little cabin on top of the mountain at Mt. Nebo State Park while we are there... BUT--we also enjoy visiting and hiking at Petit Jean State Park and also at Mt. Magazine State Park.  This year was no exception as we were there from February 13-17... What a wonderful place to enjoy Valentine's Day together!!!!

Each year,  we try to find something NEW which we haven't done before... AND--we managed to do that THREE different times this year.. Today I will share one of these NEW HIKES with you... This hike (on 2/13/17) was at Petit Jean State Park ---and this area is now on our  "Let's do it again" list...

I didn't know that Arkansas had also been suffering from DROUGHT ( like we have had in TN).  BUT---for the first time since we started visiting  Cedar Falls at Petit Jean State Park,  there was almost NO WATER coming over that big waterfall.  We had never seen that area so dry..   Shocking!

This new hike took us along the Boy Scout Trail  (beginning at the Davies Bridge).  We followed the trail along Cedar Creek  (which was quite dry but in such a beautiful area filled with huge boulders).  The trail eventually would lead to the brink of Cedar Falls --but we found another trail which we had to check out instead.

The Boy Scout Trail intercepted with the Cedar Creek Trail.  We did get on that trail for awhile --and crossed the creek on a neat little bridge.  Both George and I kept saying that we want to come back there when there is much more water in that creek...  Seeing the water pour over those boulders and rocks would be AWESOME....

Hope you enjoy our pictures from that hike...  As you see all of the boulders and rocks,  just imagine being there when there is a lot of water!!!!  How awesome would that be!!!  Wanna go with us next time??????

George took this picture looking across the creek at the landscape in that area.

George on our Trail

She's on top of the world!!!!!  What a beautiful --but quite cool---day for hiking.

"Lookie down there.  Neat Bridge,  Honey!  Let's check it out."  

"Woooooo---We found the 'Leaning Rock' (which we had read about)...   The trail LEADS under it!!!!"

George captured this shot of me standing under the Leaning Rock--taking a picture the other direction....

George is on the trail --heading down to the BRIDGE.

Another view as we got closer to the bridge.... See the reflection?   WOW--can you imagine being here when the water was swift?????  

We made it across the bridge.    The boulders in the distance are where the Boy Scout Trail is --before we checked out this new trail and bridge  (Cedar Creek Trail)...

Here's a good picture from the bridge showing more of the reflections (and the sky) in the water.

Look at this huge boulder!   Looks like a big boat got stuck there!!!!!

Betsy always finds a comfy seat to just sit and relax when we are hiking!

As we make our way back up to our trail,  we passed by the Leaning Rock one more time...  BUT--besides being called Leaning Rock,  this beauty is also called CARPET ROCK since all of the designs in the rock look like a carpet.... (BUT--it wasn't SOFT... ha)

I snapped this picture of George on the 'other' side of the Carpet Rock.  This side of the boulder is not nearly as pretty, is it?

Us at Lake Bailey (Petit Jean State Park) --before our hike!
At least we saw some water at Lake Bailey while we were there.  You can't tell it in this picture --but the wind was whipping around ---and it was VERY VERY cold there.  Once we got on the trail,  we warmed up a bit!!!!!

I apologize for not being around this past week.  I have been SICK SICK SICK.  "Lucky me" (NOT) --came home from Arkansas with some kind of horrible respiratory thing...  I cannot remember being this sick for many many years... Luckily,  George didn't get it (thanks be to God)...  BUT--it put me to bed for several days,  and even now  (almost 10 days later),  I am still not 100% yet.... NOT FUN, but there is huge improvement --and I have an awesome nurse...

Hope all of you are well and enjoying these last few days of FEBRUARY.   We haven't had much WINTER here in TN at all this year ---so I blame so much sickness (there is a lot going around) on the warmer temperatures.... We need some WINTER to blow those nasty viruses OUTTA HERE... ha



Jeevan said...

The place is still beautiful without enough water and I am sure it was gorgeous during the flow. The rocks and boulder should be very interesting to come around and glad to see you both enjoying the trail! I like the neat bridge and leaning rock... the lake background is lovely for the portrait.

Hope you get well soon. Take care

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, I hope you feel better now. I love the hike and the pretty scenery. The bridges and reflections are my favorites.

Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Ann said...

What a beautiful place to get away from it all. Love your pictures. Glad to hear you're feeling better

George said...

I'm glad we explored along this trail. it was a pretty hike, even with the low water. I definitely want to do it again when there is more water flowing.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

What beautiful trails you found! Very scenic, with all those boulders. And the leaning rock is intriguing. So sorry to hear you've been sick. We've both had a touch of something, but nothing like what you had.

linda m said...

Wow, I would definitely love walking on that trail. It looks so beautiful and adventuresome. The weather around here has been up and down and so many of my friends are getting sick this year. So happy to hear that you are recovering and that you have had a wonderful nurse to take care of you. That is what a great marriage is all about. Thanks for sharing your "hike" with us.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope you feel 100 percent soon. It looks very pretty there. Hopefully they will get some rain this spring.

Arkansas Patti said...

That is one place I haven't been yet. I think Arkansas owes you for giving such great reviews. Not sure I'd be comfortable under that leaning rock. You are braver than I. Yep, we have been very dry also and hope we both get some relief soon.

Judy said...

You find the most interesting places to explore. Yes, I do want to come with you next time. :)

Betsy said...

Gorgeous pictures Betsy. I was so sorry to hear how sick you've been. We have had the worst winter in years up here. In fact, we were in a winter storm watch all weekend and it's STILL snowing here this morning. 4 more inches predicted by tonight. I'm SO tired of it. Luckily, or unluckily, however you want to look at it, I still can go anywhere with my fractured back, so I just stay inside and watch the snow fall. About 5 foot in our front yard right now! There are so many people sick here too. I think it's just a nasty flu bug that is traveling around the country. I hope you're better very, very soon my sweet friend.

David said...

Betsy, Sorry to hear that you got sick but glad to hear that you're on the mend! At least you didn't get sick in the middle of your annual trip to Arkansas. It's a good thing that you both like hiking! Great photos as usual... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you are recovering! Betsy, this may be your most fantastic and beautiful post EVER! The leaning rock, I have never seen anything like it! It looks like an accident happened a long time ago. And YOU in red under the brilliant blue sky, are gorgeous!!! The bridge is stupendous, along with it's awesome reflections!!! That first picture is amazing! And your header is gorgeous! I am so glad to see a post from you, and to know you have NOT left blogging for Facebook! Hey, where is George? Is he still posting on his blogs? I hardly ever see him anywhere.

Connie said...

Great photos of a beautiful spot, Betsy. Looks like a great place to hike and explore. Sorry to hear you have been sick, but I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better now.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

So sorry to read you were so sick. I do hope you are all well now Betsy.

Wonderful photos and I love that first one with the bridge reflection. The boulders strewn around are huge and amazing.

Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

Ruth Hiebert said...

The new trails look absolutely wonderful. The reflections are superb.You know I have a thing for reflections and these are amazing.I would love to join you there.I just need to find someone who will be willing to foot the bills for trips like this. HA! HA!

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks wonderful, wonderful! That leaning rock is bigger than I thought judging by the picture of you under it!

Marie said...

the reflections are my favorite!
Betsy, I hope you get back to yourself soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
many hugs,

Barb said...

I liked accompanying you and George on the hike, Betsy. Those rocks are awesome, and I like the reflections. Bob was sick with a respiratory ailment in Jan - it had him coughing about 3 weeks. Luckily, I played nursemaid and didn't get sick.

Linda P said...

Hello Betsy. It's good to do something new and the hike on Boy Scout Trail along Cedar Creek looks great. The huge boulders are awesome and the huge Leaning Rock is amazing. I hope that the drought will be broken by Spring rains. Sorry to hear that on your return you've been unwell, but recovering. Thank you for visiting my blog, leaving a kind comment and thank you for your prayers.

Nancy Chan said...

A great place to visit. I enjoyed your photos and felt like I was there taking in all the lovely view. Take things easy and you will soon regain back your health. Have a beautiful day!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
I thought it strange that you hadn't posted - and now I know you haven't been well.
Sending lots of good wishes your way, as you regain your health.
Glad to hear your 'nurse' has been looking after you well.

I loved seeing all of your photo's here especially the reflections in your opening picture.It looks an amazing trail to walk.

My good wishes to you, and George, for this new month of March

Take Care

All the best Jan

Lady Fi said...

Hope you're feeling a lot better!

You sure find the most amazing hikes! Loved all your pictures.

Linda said...

Glad you are recovering. That place looks fantastic!

Lux G. said...

I love seeing photos of bridges that forms like a ring in the reflection.
This is a really lovely place. So relaxing.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm so sorry you've been so sick. I hope you'll take your time recovering and get extra rest. It takes a lot out of you to be ill. I loved this post. I was born in Arkansas and lived there until I married. We went to Petit Jean several times in the summer to camp. This sure brings back good memories for me. Hugs!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

We've visited Petit Jean. We were there hiking in the rain so there was water everywhere. Sorry you didn't have the waterfall.
Always enjoy your hiking photos.

Marcia said...

Just scrolled through your lovely photos. What a blue sky day it was for your hike. Hope you have recovered from the flu that has been making the rounds. Just read that our area is now experiencing drought conditions - no snow or rain to speak of this winter. Fall was below normal too for moisture.

Marcia said...

Hmm .. thought I just posted a comment and it seems to have disappeared. Great photos. Hope you're better now. We are experiencing drought conditions here too now.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, Neal just told me last night that you had been pretty sick but did not realize this sick. sounds like you had something really nasty. We seen our neighbor the other day and he had had pneumonia for two or three months and said they have just now found something that is working. I pray that you make a complete recovery soon.

I did love the pictures.

Janie said...

I love the reflection photos, Betsy. You and George have found a beautiful area to return to year after year. Seems like there is always more to explore.

Twilight Man said...

The rocks are so interesting and pretty with names like Boulder, Leaning Rock & carpet Rock! I had never seen rocks like this..
Hope the animals will not have to suffer with the water drying up! May the rains come soon.