Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Fall Creek Falls State Park, Tennessee 01/03/17

Mark,  Debbie,  Mom --at the Cane Creek Falls Overlook 
George and I were SO privileged to have son, Mark, and his fiancee, Debbie come to our home to visit us from Jan. 2-4, 2017..  What a fabulous visit we had with these two lovers.  This is Mark's 2nd marriage --and I truly have never seen him so happy  (with the exception of the times his two gorgeous daughters were born).  You must know how happy that makes  this Mama feel!!!!!  He truly found his 'soulmate' when he met Debbie.  These two adults LOVE to laugh and have fun---and they  love life to its fullest ---constantly.  They are the type of people everyone loves to be around.  They certainly make me feel YOUNGER.   Their wedding will be in June...

After Mark and Debbie visited  us (with lots of other family members) for just a few hours a year ago,  I requested that he and Debbie come back and spend more time with us... Mark remembered my request --and honored it...  Even though I have known Debbie for over a year ---she and I had LOTS of time to really get to know each other.   All of us sat and talked/talked/talked for 2 days.... It was fantastic!!!

We stayed home and just chatted on their first day here .  BUT--on January 3rd,  we got out and had some fun.  First of all,  during the morning,  Debbie and I went shopping.. That was neat for me to do with this new 'daughter-to-be'....   We had a fun morning.   Then during the afternoon,  Mark,  Debbie and I went to Fall Creek Falls State Park,  about an hour south of our home here in Tennessee..   George volunteered to stay home so that he could make a great dinner for us (Chicken Cordon Bleu)...   We missed him that afternoon --but the dinner was definitely delicious and nice for us to enjoy when we got home!  Thanks,  Honey!!!

All of my pictures today are from our afternoon at Fall Creek Falls.  We got lucky since there was rain all around us --yet,  we didn't have any at all where we were!!!!!  YEAH!     We did some hiking,  saw SIX waterfalls,  and I LOVED taking tons of pictures of these 'kids'.... Hope you enjoy our pictures!!!

Cane Creek Falls --from an overlook;  Too bad the sun wasn't shining --since we love seeing rainbows at that waterfall.

The CREEK below us at the Cane Creek Falls overlook

Rock House Falls;   I was glad to see LOTS of water here (due to recent rains) --since this waterfall sometimes doesn't have much water... On this day,  it was beautiful.

Standing at the brink of the Cane Creek Cascades  (Mark always makes me LAUGH.)

Tons of water coming over Cane Creek Cascades  (We climbed down the rocks in order to get up close and personal with the waterfall!)

This DANGER sign  down the rocks to the bottom of the cascades kinda 'worried' these two kids.... NOT really.... Just being SILLY...  ha ha.

I took a lot of pictures of these two while we were at the cascades... Even though it didn't rain --we all did wet from the mist! ha

This is really UP CLOSE and PERSONAL for sure... My camera lens even got wet.. BUT--I love this shot...

" I made it!"   Debbie was happy to make is back up the rocks when we were leaving the Cascades...  (I think that the Cascades area was our favorite part of the day.  Amazing how powerful that water was!!!!)

Mark and Debbie on the 'not-so-safe'  wiggly SWINGING BRIDGE  which goes across the creek above the cascades.    Since I don't 'do' that bridge,  I volunteered to take photos!!!!  Wish you could see Mark wiggling the bridge  and scaring Debbie!!!!  He was having so much fun --but she made it!!!!!  BRAVE GIRL.

Mark being BRAVE on that  wiggly bridge.... Love this picture of my fun-loving son.

After we left the Cascades,  we visited the George Hole area  (which is very special to George and me --since I got my first kiss there)..  This picture was taken at the little dam in the George Hole area.

Next,  we visited Fall Creek Falls and Coon Creek Falls. 

Mark and Debbie at Fall Creek Falls  (probably the most photographed area in the park)

We then traveled along the GORGE area --and took this picture at Buzzard's Roost.  Can you see the RAIN in the background?

While Mark and Debbie hiked down to the edge of the gorge,  I took this picture of the rains around...

Here's another picture I love.  We (even I) crossed the not-so-wiggly Swinging Bridge in the Piney Falls area.   This is one of my favorite areas in the park.  There's a little hike down to the creek on the other side of the bridge.  What a great place to visit --especially on a hot summer day!   It would be a great place for a picnic lunch!!!

Debbie and I stood on the bridge while mark hiked down below to the water...  (I did not get a picture of Piney Falls on this trip.  We could hear it --and it is a huge waterfall.  BUT--we just couldn't get a good view from here.)

Mark and Debbie left for home (Texas) the next day... I miss them so much --and all of the energy they gave to us... Thanks for coming,  Sweethearts... We love you!

Mark Edgar Wilhite  1/15/70
Finally,   I am including this picture of my adorable son-- since yesterday was his 47th birthday!!!!  Mercy Me---how time flies!!!!  I know that Debbie had big plans for them to have a fantastic weekend together...   I'm sure I will hear about all about that celebration soon.

Happy Birthday,  Mark, and thanks for your visit.   We will see you two in JUNE for another happy celebration.....

Hope all of you Blog Friends and Facebook Friends enjoyed this visit as much as we did.

Have a wonderful week..



Fun60 said...

Enjoyed sharing these special times with you through this joyous post. You seem to look younger than ever Betsy.

Betsy said...

What fun it must have been. I would love to take a walk along a swinging bridge. My last one was when I was about six years old when my grandma found her brother who all of the children were adopted out and I remember that bridge was in Clifton Forge Va. Seeing pictures of this one took me way back. Your son and fiance are such a good looking couple. I so love seeing your adventures and reading about them.
Happy week ahead

Ann said...

What a fun day for all of you. They make a great looking couple. Loved seeing all your pictures from your day out together.
Happy belated birthday to Mark

Big Dude said...

Looks like a fun family day in the park.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The falls and cascades were really flowing that day! So gorgeous. I'm sorry George missed it. But it certainly looks as if you three had a wonderful day together.

George said...

You got some great pictures on this trip to Fall Creek Falls. I hope you'll go back with me in April. I love the picture of 'baby' Mark.

LV said...

Nothing better than sharing wonderful family times. You are so blessed.

Betsy said...

It looks like you had an absolutely wonderful time. I'm so glad. There is nothing like spending time with your kids. They look so happy! Blessings, Betsy

troutbirder said...

Happy couple indeed. Best wishes for June...:)

Marie said...

glad you guys had a great visit! happy birthday to your son! I'm 47 years young. :)
I wouldn't be on that bridge!

Arkansas Patti said...

There can't be any greater feeling than to know your child has found the perfect life partner. Now you can relax and just enjoy that special daughter-in-law to be and knowing your son is in good hands. Happy Birthday Mark.
Loved the pictures--no so much those wiggly bridges. No way could I do that. Super chicken.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Mark looks like such a cheerful guy with a great sense of humor! The kind of guy people LOVE to be around! You got just gorgeous pictures of him and Debbie together! I would be great to make them into a fancy book and give it to one of them on their next birthday. Pictures 8 & 9 of them may be my favorite! They are BRAVE to be on that bridge, while you stay far far away and snap ha ha! This has to be the most beautiful place you could have taken them! Hey, I didn't know George is a gourmet cook!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh what a wonderful and special time for you.I am so happy for yours you watch the love in your son and his fiancé.Those swinging bridges look rather unstable to mess I would likely not be found on them.

Lady Fi said...

What fun shots! And such a lovely area too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy! It was fun to see your handsome son and his beautiful bride-to-be looking so happy and the falls are just fantastic. (I wouldn't do the bridge, either!)
I'm happy you had such a nice visit with them. Nice way to start a new year and now you have a wedding to look forward to! Happy times!
xx Cheryl

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Such a happy post and a wonderful time you had with this couple who have found that they have found soule mates.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Of course I enjoyed the pictures! Always do. Mark looks like he has his moms fun disposition in life! Yall look like there are lots of happy times, glad you have these pics as a memory. Love the Danger pic lol

Connie said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy! It sounds like you had a great visit with your son and future daughter-in-law.

Romance Book Haven said...

Wow! I loved these photos and the virtual our. I just wish someday I could really visit her and see it!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your 'kids' are close to the ages of mine! Time has flown by, hasn't it? You had fun and took some amazing photos. We always loved driving around and seein the beautiful waterfalls in that part of the state. Hugs!

BeachGypsy said...

Now that's a fun visit!! Loved seeing all the photos, you did a great job! Gorgeous waterfalls there aren't there? I DO "do" the "swangan" bridges in tennessee, ha ha LOL but when I was a child they kinda made me nervous tho.

David said...

Betsy, Ya'll look like you had a terrific time! Your son and his wife are sure a happy couple...like you and George! Great outdoor photos, especially of those waterfalls... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Linda said...

Looks like great fun! Congrats to Mark and Debbie.

Lowcarb team member said...

Wonderful photo's - Wonderful times - Wonderful memories

I so enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing this visit with us.

Wishing Mark and Debbie every happiness ... June will be here soon!

All the best Jan

imac said...

Lovely photos and truly a Happy Family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So glad for you to have your family come for a visit. Good you went to Falls Creek Falls. Pretty spot. I bet lots of water too. Have a super good Sunday tomorrow!

Lux G. said...

Life is beautiful when you travel with people you love.

Twilight Man said...

Mark was such an adorable baby until a handsome man today. Debbie is fortunate to be with him now. The photos of mummy and his son are so warm and touching.

I miss my own late mother so dearly.