Our Home on 10/16/16; The pink dogwood in front (on left) is doing great --since it gets water from our sprinkler... We are also trying to keep the grass as green as possible in front. |
Before we left for a short trip to the Smokies and Cherohala (pictures to come) this past week, I took some pictures around our yard (10/16/16) to share with you today... With the drought, our colors in this area are not as good as they usually are (lots of brown and dead leaves)---but we do have some pretty things blooming to show you. Hope you enjoy!!!! You can click on them to see enlargements.
I love watching the DOGWOOD change colors in Fall. The leaves will eventually be a dark burgundy color. |
APRICOT NECTAR ROSE (Our Roses have done great thanks to all of the attention and watering which George gives them.) |
From our deck, we enjoy seeing the colors change along the GOLF COURSE Fairway. |
I love our MAPLE Tree in Fall. I think Maples are some of the prettiest trees in Autumn. |
Maple Leaves --up close and personal; So many pretty colors! |
CLARENCE IRIS blooming in our yard; I love our Re-Blooming Irises when they bloom again in Fall. |
The AUTUMN JOY SEDUM is now a RUST color... (Remember that these start out white, then turn pink, then a brilliant red --and finally a rust color.) |
Another picture of our home on October 16, 2016 |
Another picture showing our pretty PINK DOGWOOD in Fall |
My son and daughter-in-law (Jeff and Dawn) gave me this gorgeous hanging basket for Mother's Day ---and we have watered it almost daily to keep it alive... Isn't it pretty? |
A NEW IRIS in our yard this year; This one is named LEMON DUET. Isn't it pretty? |
Finally, here's a close-up picture of the front of our home all decorated for Fall!!!! |
Hope you enjoyed seeing some pictures of our little home on October 16, 2016... We love living in this area of Tennessee ---and as much as we love to travel, it's ALWAYS nice to come back home!
I will share pictures from our two October trips soon...
Hugs and Blessings,

Hello Betsy, they are not only pretty, they are all beautiful. And i cannot choose which one is the best or my favorite as they stand on their own. Even the house blends beautifully well with the landscape. I bet in a little while Christmas decors will already be on that green house! Regards to George.
You still have so much colour in your garden. The roses are just beautiful and what a fabulous view of those trees and their changing colours.
You two have so much beauty surrounding your lovely home, in spite of drought. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Fall ~ FlowerLady
So pretty. All that color is awesome. I bet it's like looking out at a different painting every day
Hi Betsy, I am new to your blog and enjoy your photography and your encouraging words. You have a beautiful home and lovely gardens. Thanks for sharing. Jackie
Still looking very nice.
Maples are favorites of mine as well, specifically for the fall foliage. Seemed like there weren't any two leaves that had the same pattern and color! Speaking of maples, I just posted about Cataloochee Valley today, I can see why you and George love it so!! Fingers crossed for some rain this week...
Love the fall colors and colorful flowers across your yard! The maple leaves displays spectacular colors and the dogwood is interesting to watch and unique flourish.
Enjoy the transformation :)
It all looks so pretty, Betsy. I love your roses--they always look beautiful!
Betsy, This may not be the best fall for color but your yard looks pretty darn nice to me! Lots of color... Not so much down here in the valley where we live. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
You are fortunate as things around here not this pretty. However, you devote more time than most people to the care of your plants. Lovely home shared by lovely people.
Your house and yard are so wonderful in EVERY season! Such a beautiful house, and such wonderful plantings everywhere! I always enjoy the photos. Dogwoods are one of my favorite trees...they are glorious spring and fall! As you know our house hunt is over. We didn't want to have a condo because we want a yard with chickens, a greenhouse and a peaceful place to have privacy and enjoy nature. This is only our second house purchase, and we hope it will be where we end our lives. God led us to the most perfect place! It doesn't have the square footage I thought we had to have, but God knew we would be fine without it...what it does have is an acre and a quarter for a yard, an amazing deck, and an HOA that has more amenities than you can shake a stick at! There's a senior center, a garden club, a birders club, Lions club, an RV park, all the standard stuff( pool, tennis courts, hiking trails, community center with activities) and the list goes on and on...about twenty different things! We will be about 50 minutes from the kids, so we can see them pretty often. I think we are going to love it there! I am so happy, and feel very blessed. I know we will love it like you love your wonderful home.
Your yard is so beautiful.I always think it looks more like a park than a private home. Your Maple is stunning.Mine turns yellow, but over the weekend it has dropped most of it's leaves.Of course the roses are spectaculars are the Irises.This is a fantastic post.
Your house is so beautiful! I mean...the actual house itself. I love the up close maple leaves! LOVE the apricot and Dolly roses, and the Lemon Duet, it has sun on the edges.
Oh my, your leaf colors are much better than ours. We are a study in brown. I really like that dogwood. It really gives you 3 interesting seasons.
Looking at your yard, one would never know you were in drought conditions. George has done great keeping things alive.
Well, what is there not to love about this most colourful post.
Beautiful pictures you have shared here and I do agree with you Maples are some of the prettiest trees in Autumn!
Your roses look lovely too and I love how the sedum has/is changing colour.
Great post
Have a lovely week
All the best Jan
Your home is beautiful in every season, Betsy. The autumn colors and flowers are lovely.
That's a great reflection photo in your header!
What vivid colors. Love seeing your garden!
Some nice colour there Betsy. But can't believe you still have roses in bloom!
I love seeing those maple leaves turning. Your garden is still abundant with blooms. Yiur foses are lovely and I'm surprised to see those Iris blooming. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!
It's so nice to see the leaves changes color by the season
WHenever I see pictures of your home I want to jump into the photo and visit you! Your yard still looks beautiful. Would you believe we've had the fourth wettest October on record so far and it's supposed to start raining again tomorrow.
Hi Betsy, I miss TN in the fall! You lovely yard is a credit to you both! I love your gardens. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow!
You have such a wonderful yard.
I've enjoyed seeing all the pretty flowers. The trees look gorgeous against the blue sky. Home sweet home.
You did a wonderful job of capturing the beauty of our house and yard. Well done!!!
Your home looks so pretty nestled in the trees and the lovely flowers out front. I'm really envious of the hanging basket of petunias. Mine are done for the year. Actually, I just got tired of watering. :) Our trees aren't all that pretty this year and I'm not sure why as we have had some rains along the way. xo Cheryl
Very nice shots. Now it is a week later and we are preparing the front beds for Tulip bulbs. Out goes all annuals still blooming or not----WAH! Some that bloom til frost I left in but next week weather permitting we will be planting bulbs.
Happy Hallowe'en or All souls Day
Regardless of the uncooperative weather your fall yard colors are still gorgeous...:)
Lovely colours and great photos too.
Such amazing autumn beauty...
You have much more color there. It's been a strange fall here. One maple will be red and the one next to it still green. Dogwoods have bright red berries but leaves are still green. It's very late for fall color.
I'm headed north tomorrow to help my daughter after her surgery on the 1st. I think all their leaves are down now. Much colder up there.
It's a credit to you and George that your yard is so beautiful in spite of the drought. Your roses, irises, and trees are beautiful; and that hanging basket is amazing. Doug and I just got home from the Smokies tonight. The colors there were beautiful, but the waterfalls were pathetically minimal. I've never seen Laurel Falls so skimpy. Still beautiful, but skimpy.
I love seeing all the seasons at your house, Betsy. Gorgeous!
I did not know Dolly had a rose!
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