Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, June 27, 2016

IRISES in our Yard 2016

During April and May,  we had some of the most beautiful IRISES blooming in our yard.   (My records show that we had 28 different varieties bloom this spring.)  AND-- I haven't even taken time to show some of them to you... Shame on me!!!!!

Oh Well---today,  I will share some of them with you... Hope you enjoy seeing all of these beauties...  Be sure to click on them for enlargements!  The picture above shows some of the Irises in our Road Bed.   We have Irises in several places around the yard --so it's hard to get a picture showing them all.

FLOOR SHOW IRIS (taken-4/21/16)

AUTUMN BUGLER IRISES (taken 4/24/16)

HELL'S FIRE IRIS (taken 4/21/16)

GARDEN GRACE IRISES (taken 4/21/16)

HALLOWEEN HALO IRIS (taken 4/25/16)

HONEY GLAZED IRISES (taken 4/25/16)

ORANGE HARVEST IRIS (taken 4/28/16) ---one of my favorites

CLARENCE IRISES (taken 4/25/16)


MOTHER EARTH IRIS (taken 5/9/16)

LOVE the SUN IRIS  (taken 5/10/16)

CABLE CAR IRIS  (taken 5/9/16)

BOUNTIFUL HARVEST IRIS (taken 4/30/16)  --another favorite of mine!!
Well---that is enough for today... Sorry I didn't get these posted sooner... Now I have lilies,  roses and more day lilies to post,  along with more trips we have taken.... I just need more hours in my day!!!!!  Jeeshhhh---and I'm supposed to be retired with time on my hands... HA HA...

Do you have a favorite today????  They are all beautiful though I'm sure!!!!

Have a wonderful day/week ahead... It's almost JULY... Mercy Me!



linda m said...

My favorite is Bountiful Harvest, But they are all so very pretty. The common one around here is Autumn bugler. My grandparents on both sides used to have a lot of Irises in their yards. They are just so delicate liking.

Small Kucing said...

You have so many colours. They are all very beautiful. Thanks for sharing it here. Don't think the weather at my part of the world is suitable for it. So nice to see them in your blog

Valerie said...

Love the Clarence one!!

George said...

We were indeed fortunate to have so many beautiful irises blooming this year, and I hope most of them will put on a repeat performance in the fall. Your photos are marvelous.

David said...

Betsy, Your yard is so colorful and bright! Good thing the deer are crazy about irises... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your irises, and your pictures of them, are totally lovely. Amazing colors and combinations of colors!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, I can not pick a favorite. They are all beautiful. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

Shantana said...

I can't choose a favourite Betsy they are all soooooooo beautiful...each on if them.Have a great week ahead!!


Shantana said...

I can't choose a favourite Betsy they are all soooooooo beautiful...each on if them.Have a great week ahead!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, it is so hard to choose! Some are old favorites, others kind of new. SO, here are my favorites: Halloween, Autumn Bugler, Orange Harvest, Mother Earth, Love The Sun. There is almost no variety around here. You could charge tours and make lots of money!

Connie said...

I think Clarence and Love the Sun are my two favorites, but they are all so gorgeous! You are fortunate to have so many lovely varieties.

Lady Fi said...

I love irises! Yours are so pretty.

Big Dude said...

Gorgeous Betsy

Kay said...

You always have such beautiful flowers in your yard and your yard always looks fantastic.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are all so pretty. I especially like the cable car iris.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Awesome series on iris Betsy... you captured wonderful photos on the loveliest irises. Each one exposes unique beauty and charming in colors.

Take care and enjoy the blossoms

Janice K said...

Today I liked the "Mother Earth" with its shades of yellow and lilac/blue. However, how can you choose. They are all so pretty.

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

All so pretty. Love the Sun is very striking. My (few) iris bloomed when we were out of town.

Arkansas Patti said...

Every time I would pick one. the next shot took first. I finally fell in love with Love the Sun.
When ever I see your lovely Irises I wonder why I don't plant some. They are so pretty and I love the foliage also.

Ann said...

they are all too pretty to pick just one as a favorite. I only have one kind in my yard.
Almost everyone I know says that they are more busy after they retire than they were when they were still working

Fun60 said...

Too beautiful to choose.

Judy said...

Don't you wish the season for iris lasted longer? I have a few and enjoy each one.

HappyK said...

So many different kinds and colors and all are beautiful.
No, flooding here by me. We don't have that problem living up along the ridge. : ) Thanks for asking though.

Betsy said...

They are all so pretty and it would be very difficult to choose just one. I always love to look at pictures of your home. It looks HaPpY and cozy set back in the trees.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I wanted to pick a favourite,but once again,gave up.I'll just take one of each.They are gorgeous.

BeachGypsy said...

Your flower beds are gorgeous! I could never pick a favorite either....they are all so pretty. Love the colors. Looks great out by the street---frames your house nicely.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

i cannot get over that you havve 28 varieites of those lovelies, All are beautiful but HALLOWEEN HALO IRIS caught my eye when I first scroled down.

diane b said...

Your garden looks lovely. I like the Halloween Halo best. I didn't know there were so many different kinds.

Liene said...

I have never seen anything like some of these - I especially marveled at the I Love the Sun variety. Hope you got some of this rain after a longer dry spell...

Susie Swanson said...

My favorite is the last one, Bountiful Harvest but it's so hard to pick just one. They're all so beautiful. We only have the purple yellow and some white ones. You all have the prettiest flowers I've ever seen. I know it takes a lot of work but so worth it to see such beauty. Love and Hugs, xo

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

They are still beautiful no matter when they bloomed! I liked the halloween one til I saw the last one! I didnt know there were so many different ones. Mercy Me is right! lol

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love Iris. They are among my very favorite flowers. These are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of the flowers!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of the flowers!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! I love all your irises. What beautiful flowers. You are such a fantastic gardener. I also love your lovely header photo. Hope you're having a great summer.

Linda said...

Those are so pretty! The Halloween one is really unique.