Welcome to APRIL. Luckily, our winter this past season here on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee wasn't brutal (like 2015--when we had all of the damaging ice storms). We got a little snow and some freezing temperatures, but overall, I would call it a fairly mild winter comparatively.
SO---March brought us some beautiful flowers (Crocuses, Hyacinths, and Daffodils to name a few). Our little scrawny Forsythia bloomed this year for the first time since we planted it several years ago, so we were happy. The Forsythia and the Red Buds were both gorgeous this month... March brought many SMILES to our faces while 'walking the yard'!!!!
The Daffodils in the area have been extremely pretty this year.. We have had a yard-full... That's one flower the deer don't seems to munch on---so most all of the homes in this area have been showing off Daffodils... By the way, I grew up calling them JONQUILS ---but nobody else seems to call them that these days, so I now call them Daffodils --even though there are many, many varieties (Jonquils, Narcissus, etc.)..
Today I will show you some of the different varieties of Daffodils in our yard this year. I used to know the names ---but there are so many similar ones (many with different names through the years, depending upon where you buy them) that it's hard to know the names these days. Also many places sell Daffodils in a collection --so no specific names may not be available. Most people are just happy seeing the different varieties --up close and personal!!! Hope you enjoy them. The picture at top is a variety that George brought inside for me to enjoy. Aren't they beautiful?
This yellow/yellow Daffodil is probably the most common, and a favorite to many. It's name is Colossal, and when we ordered Daffodils years ago to plant, we got most of them from Breck's online. But their names/varieties have changed through the years. (photo taken on 3/15/16) |
White Lion Daffodil (new name-from one we used to use)--Photo taken on 3/13/16; |
Chromacolor Daffodil (unsure of name)--photo taken on 3/15/16; |
Wild Carnival Daffodil (photo taken on 3/15/16) |
Easter Bonnet (unsure of name)--photo taken on 3/15/16; |
Las Vegas Daffodil (photo taken on 3/16/16) |
Replete Daffodil (photo taken on 3/16/16) |
We call these 'Dad Adams Daffodils' since he gave us so many for our yard... Some people call them Paperwhites. These will always be a favorite of ours --and we can think of Dad when they bloom. (Photo taken on 3/22/16) |
Fortissimo Daffodil (photo taken on 3/22/16) |
Tahiti Daffodil (photo taken on 3/28/16) |
And one of my favorites, Mt. Hood Daffodil; This one has bloomed really good in our yard this year! (photo taken on 3/25/16) |
We probably had more varieties which I failed to get pictures of this year. For example, I didn't get a picture of our little Quail Daffodils since they didn't do as well this year. BUT--you get the idea when seeing all of these different beauties up close and personal. Daffodils are SO easy to grow --and they come back every year!!!
I am working on more upcoming posts from the yard --so stay tuned!!!!! We also made a trip to Biltmore recently (many of these are being used on my headers this month). AND--we have two short trips planned in April... Life is FUN!!!!
Hugs to all,

Betsy, My favorite is the Tahiti Daffodil although your Mt. Hood Daffodil is a close second for me... Pretty photos! Spring is such a beautiful time... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Daffodils are definitely harbingers of spring and so very cheerful! The variety in your gardens is delightful!!
What a world of gorgeous daffodils. I have a few but nothing to compare to yours. You two definitely have a green thumb. Enjoy your travels, but be safe.
Hello Betsy! We've been in your neck of the woods recently, as I'm sure you know. The Cumberland Plateau is a few weeks behind us, so our daffodils are over - but the wildflowers up in your direction were in full bloom! We returned to Greenville to the dogwoods, azaleas and all sorts of other flowers in bloom, which I'm sure you'll see in a few weeks. Take care, and enjoy this beautiful spring!
I hope the cold isn't getting your daffodils.
My goodness how could you choose an absolute favorite. I like them all, but one of them really catches my eye. The Las Vegas daffodil with the stark contrast is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing with us. We still have no flowers up here in our neck of the woods but shoots are emerging from the ground. Yippee!
These daffodils are all beauties. I like the Easter Bonnet, and all of them.
They are so pretty. Your yard must be gorgeous. Love the picture in your header with the hyacinth. I love the scent of those
I love seeing all the varieties you have, Betsy! All of them are gorgeous.
Despite all those gorgeous varieties, my favourite is the most common. Have a good week Betsy.
Oh, Betsy, these are so beautiful. I am waiting till I am on big computer to expand the view. I want to see the full glory of them. I love that Easter Bonnet one...
Hi Betsy, Chromocolour and Easter Bonnets are my favorites. I also grew up calling daffs jonquils. Thanks for sharing your beautiful spring garden. Jo
So many different kinds and I love them all.
I love your colorful tutorial on all the daffodils in your yard! I look forward to it every year. Now it's official: Spring is here! They're just glorious, Betsy!
I call them Jonquils also. That Tahiti Daffodil is stunning. How sweet that you have so many reminders of Dad Adams. They must make you smile.
Beautiful Daffodils.Of course it is still too early for flowers out here,so i really appreciate seeing the ones on your yard.
As I understand it, Betsy, all Jonquils are Daffodils, but not all Daffodils are Jonquils. So "Daffodil" is a safe term that covers all of them. Whatever you call them, you've got some beauties here. That Tahiti is a stunner. But I'm drawn to the Easter one, too.
Beautiful Daffs. we have several varieties. One I like is called texas god and it is a big fluffy ball of gold. we have some highly sented ones that I don'e know the names of.
Didn't know there were so many varieties! Just some green shoots an inch or two out of the ground here.
You know what's funny? My apricot tulips (which I adore) bloomed this week, and you know what I thought of? YOU, with all your amazing varieties of flowers. I couldn't help wondering what was blooming in your yard.
Oh, so lovely to see all your beautiful daffodils!
such a woerful variety you grow and they are all so beautiful. My favourite is Mt Hood. Gkad you like my scvenger hunts, they are so fun to do and chalenge you to look further and to photograph different things that you would normally do.
Daffodils are one of my FAVORITE spring flowers and your blooms are so stunning! You are an amazing gardener.
They are ALL so lovely and I really like the new header photo!
Oh, Betsy, these were just glorious when expanded!
I know spring has arrived when I see daffodils! You have so many beautiful ones...the Tahiti is my favorite of these, but they are ALL gorgeous. Have fun on your trips and be safe!
So pretty, thanks for sharing. I have many of the same varieties; probably because I also bought from Breck's years ago. Our daffodils have started to open, but the weather has been so crazy, I think they've stopped for now. Last night it was in the 20s, so all the plants got a little chill!
Beautiful - have you heard of Gibbs gardens in north GA? Your yard looks like it - they had like two million daffodils come up this year. I hope you are doing well.
You have many varieties of daffodils. All looks very beautiful. They have wonderful colors...
So happy for you when you say "life is fun". The daffodils are beautiful. I never knew there were so many different varieties. We can't grow them here in the tropics.
Superb capture and well displayed the daffodils! Actually, I stared to enjoy these flower only from your blog and my love for daffodils increases as I see them in other blogs too. That’s a lovely bunch of flowers picked for you by George, and although I love to see flowers more in plants, this vase is prettier. Interesting names for flowers
You have the most colorful yard of anyone I know!
Some of the daffodils are done while others are just starting here. The narcissus will be the last to open and they are fragrant. I'll miss seeing them here each spring. I'll have to make sure I take some garden tours next spring to get a daffodil fix.
Hi Betsy, Easter Bonnet is my favorite of those shown. You and your hubby have a gorgeously landscaped home! Such an asset to the 'Glade! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Very pretty! So do you have more daffodil varieties or roses?
I have never seen so many varieties of daffodils! Gorgeous! I heard them called jonquils too but not much. I enjoy seeing all yalls fun trips!
Those little daffs that Dad Adams gave you, we call little doubles as they usually have 2 and sometime 3 blooms on one stem. All the flowers are beautiful and thanks for sharing. Peace
Seeing this definitely makes me want to plant some daffodils for next year. So beautiful!
Love it. If I was still blogging, I'd post a picture of my 'Grandmother's Old Fashioned Garden'. It really came out this spring with snapdragons galore. Glad you're doing great.
I don't know which I enjoy more- your daff showcase or the roses...all are so gorgeous! I know you and George are out gadding somewhere, so I will close with a big "Have Fun!"
Gorgeous flowers AND photos Betsy! Wow!
An incredible display of daffodils Betsy, your garden must be a wonderful sight at any time of the year, but it is always so lovely to see those first spring flowers. Happy weekend to you and George :)
I'm in love with these beauties.
As usual you plants are thriving. We haven't got any sign of new growth . We still had snow last weekend.
I had no idea there are so many varieties of daffodil, and all so lovely!
I planted a couple of dozen plain yellow ones last fall and I feel pretty lucky that they all came up and bloomed. Maybe I'll get more creative next year.
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