Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Our Daily Walks on the Golf Course

Sunrise on Druid Hills Golf course,  Fairfield Glade,  TN  (12-20-15)
As most of you know,  George and I started a vigorous exercise routine last May (when we got our FITBITS).  We both try to walk about 10,000 (or more) steps each day --taking one day off per week.  We sometimes divide our walks into two shorter ones,  but sometimes we just walk one longer walk each day.  Our favorite place to walk in our area is on the Druid Hills Golf Course (behind our home).  Yes, we live on a golf course although neither of us play golf!!!!! ha....

We are only allowed to walk on the golf course when the golfers are NOT there.  SO--during the Summer --we would walk the back nine holes of the golf course late in the evenings JUST before dark.  BUT--after the time changed in the Fall and the days got shorter,  we had to adjust our schedule.  We now set the clock and get up about 6 a.m. and take our walks EARLY in the mornings.

I have NEVER been a 'morning person' ---but once I'm UP,  I am always glad that we took our walk early. In December,  we had very mild and wet  weather---so walking on the golf course was very different from our weather so far in January...

Last August,  I published one blog post showing pictures from our 'night' walks on the golf course.  Click HERE to re-visit that post, and to see a diagram of these walks.... SO--today I'll share some pictures from our morning walks in December and January... Hope you enjoy them!

One of our FEW colder mornings in December (12-20-15);  I was enjoying watching the sun come up!!!!!

Foggy Walk on 12-23-15

Interesting sky (12-27-15)

Can you believe that on DECEMBER 27, 2015 (like many other days in December this past year),  it was warm enough to walk in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt?????? Mercy Me!

LOOK what happened on 12-31-15!!!!!   It got cold FINALLY.

With the colder weather here,  the morning skies became even more glorious.  (1-4-16)

WOW!!!!  What a glorious sunrise (1-5-16)

I am always intrigued with the reflections in the pond.  This was taken on 1-5-16 looking away from the sun,  at the beauty behind us.

Look how TALL we are!!!!!!  Just think---if I was that tall,  I wouldn't have to worry about my weight as much... ha ha ha (1-5-16)

I named this "Winter Sky"..... I love the clouds and blue sky in this photo.  (1-7-16)

The 'opposite' of the picture above this one;  See the reflections in the pond of the "Winter Sky"???  (1-7-16)

Another pretty sky picture --after the sun got higher in the sky  (1-7-16)

"Red Sky in the Morning---Sailor take WARNING"----The day before the Winter Storm came!!!  (1-9-16)

Reflections in the Pond of that RED SKY (pictured above this one);  See how much I love reflections!!!!! ha  (1-9-16)

Our TINY snow on 1-10-16;  This is a picture of the holly bushes in our front yard... BUT--along with that tiny snow,  the temperatures dropped BIGTIME!!!!!  Brrrrrrr.

Icicles at the Pond (1-11-16);  This was our COLDEST walk so far (temperature 6 degrees when we left home)..... Yipes!

Looking at the snow on the cattails,  the reflections and some mist in another of the ponds we pass on our daily walks  (1-11-16)

And my favorite picture of that frigid morning (1-11-16) while we walked on the golf course;  I loved seeing that sunrise glistening on the snow....
WELL--- getting exercise is SO important for ALL of us (Yes---you too)... George and I are truly blessed to live in such a marvelous place where we can get the exercise needed,  but can also have SO much beauty around us...

Hope you enjoyed my pictures.   NOW---get out and take a walk!!!!!!



Devilish Angel said...

Wow... Lovely photos...

Fun60 said...

The different weather conditions create a beautiful album of photos. The weather is very unseasonable here as well. It has just become a little colder this week and I have actually worn my winter coat for the first time. Congratulations to the two of you for maintaining your new way of life. Getting up so early is not easy but the rewards are tremendous.

Ms. A said...

Just thinking about that 6 degrees makes me shiver!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, lovely images from your walks. The sky captures are beautiful and I love your shadow shot. Have a happy Tuesday!

Jarka Panci said...

Betsy ... so beautiful fotos !!!

linda m said...

Those are such gorgeous photos. You really are blessed to live in such a beautiful place.

The Furry Gnome said...

You are indeed lucky to have such a convenient place to walk out the back door! Glad you're keeping it up. Walking here too!

Betsy said...

Those are some beautiful pictures Betsy. I, too, love to walk in the summertime especially at the lake. Right now our sidewalks are so icy we don't dare go outside to walk. You are an inspiration!
Blessings Betsy

George said...

You got some gorgeous photos on our walks. I have to admit that the sky has been beautiful. Now if only the temperatures were a little bit higher!

Jim and Sandie said...

I complain about how cold it is in AZ but it's sure a lot warmer than 6. Not sure I could drag myself out of the warm house to go for a walk. Jim and I are trying to do more walking this year but it's slow going most days. And we don't have the pretty pictures.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Walking in that kind of beauty would be amazing.Outdoor walking would not be near as good around my place right now.It is -22C or -7F,combine that with some wind and it's just a little cold.Thanks for sharing your morning walks. Have a great day.

Gail said...

Fantastic place to walk.

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful photos of your 'walking track'. Kudos to you both for the dedication it takes to follow your routine! We're just not as focused and almost nothing would convince us to get up at 6 AM to walk or exercise! (or for anything else either...) Too many early mornings during my working days! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures, Betsy, as always!! And, as always, thank you for sharing the fun and the beauty!! I do hope your new year is off to a great start -- it does look like it is!!! Enjoy every moment!!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Wonderful photos. I find that if I don't walk first thing in the morning, I often don't get a walk in at all. We often walk in the dawn hours in the winter, but lately it's just been too cold. Even the dog wants to stay home when it's below 10 degrees and windy! Our condo in Florida is on a golf course, but they don't allow non-golfers to walk it at all. I think that's ridiculous, especially since there are no sidewalks in the development, so everyone has to walk in the street. Luckily everyone drives slowly.

Marcia said...

What a nice area to take your walks. Love the sunrise photos.

I took my walk today - on the elliptical. I have to drive to a safe place to walk. Our roads have no sidewalks and cars zipping by makes it dangerous even to cross to get the mail each day.

Big Dude said...

The golf course sure provides you a great place to walk but while you're at it, perhaps you should carry a couple of clubs and take out any remaining frustrations beating up on a little white ball.

Ann said...

what a great place to take your walks. It's so pretty there. I really like the shadow picture of you two.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

You have a beautiful place to get those steps!!! We have Fitbits too. They are great to keep you aware of your activity. I need to work on the sleep part. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos.

Arkansas Patti said...

What an amazingly beautiful place to walk, regardless of season or time. Sure makes getting in those 10,000 a piece of cake.
Loved your shadow shot.

Linda P said...

What a blessing to be able to step right outside your yard and take early morning walks on the golf course. A peaceful time of day too.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I don't know how anyone could concentrate on his golf game while surrounded by so much beauty. Sadly, the golfers probably don't even notice it. I'm glad you and George do and that you share it with us flatlanders. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Okay you are getting up pretty early there to walk girl - but the beauty you get to see every day - is worth it!

Connie said...

Your photos are so beautiful, Betsy. Yes, you are very lucky to live where you are able to walk every day. I can't stand the cold we have right now, so my exercise has to be inside for the time being. I did go out and shovel the snow off the driveway today, though. Thought I'd freeze to death--haha! :)

Sally Wessely said...

Betsy, I envy the beauty you see in the morning. I'm just not a morning person. I think it would be good for me to change. I'm missing our on way to much beauty. Thanks for sharing it with us.

You really have a wonderful place to walk. I loved seeing all the beautiful sky shots.

Rose said...

What a beautiful place to walk...some great photo opportunities from the looks of your photos. I love the one with the long shadows!

Linda said...

Lovely scenes! Glad you are exercising and keeping George in shape!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have a beautiful spot for walks, Betsy. I'd enjoy running there I'm sure.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow you get some pretty pics on your walks! Love the tall people! Funny how the temps have changes so much....and now snow but it is January

Unknown said...

Thats a beautiful place to walk, and can see why you like it. I am like you not a morning person but once i am up, well thats it :)

BB said...

Winter is upon us here in Florida and it's making me miserable! However, I shouldn't complain after seeing your snow and ice pictures. brrrr! Beautiful views from your golf course for sure.

Beatriz said...

Wow Betsy, I was missiing you here!
You're very brave, with this cold!!! Perhaps for this reason you get such beautiful photos, ha!Your idea to walk every day is great. I try to do it here, walking to work and doing everything on foot in the city.The distance doesn't matter! But you gave me an idea, I'll put a goal to participate in the race of San Silvestre, in São Paulo, on December 31. So, I have to train run!



Lux G. said...

Aw,so beautiful these places are.

Jeevan said...

You live in a peaceful environment and quite pretty inviting scenes around. I enjoyed all these photos, with wonderful sunrises, lights, reflection and shadows. Wow! Simply loved the transformation from pretty green to white landscape and snow shimmer in sunlight. Taking a walk in wake of sunrise, bearing the warm of light gives so much energy, but I used to rarely experience such when beginning long journeys.