Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 11, 2015

OH---How we LOVE the BEACH

George and I spent last week (May 2-7, 2015)  at our favorite beach area,  Ocean Isle Beach,  North Carolina.  I am a 'mountain-gal'  and love living in  the mountains.  However,  I also LOVE going to the beach once or twice a year --just for my 'beach fix'.

When we can,  we go to Ocean Isle in both December and in May.  Even though it's the same beach and same inn (Islander Inn) and even the same room (we request it),  things are very different in December than they are in May.

In December,  we can enjoy seeing both sunrises and sunsets from our balcony.  Because of the movement of the sun--we cannot see this in May.  BUT---this May we got to see something just as good,  a full moon over the water.

In May,  we take our beach chairs and can sit and enjoy the sunshine.  Obviously,  we cannot do that in December.  However, we can walk (and we do) a lot on the beach both in December and in May.

Most of you know that both George and I LOVE good seafood---and we think that Calabash Seafood (DOCKSIDE RESTAURANT in particular) is the BEST.  SO--I'll admit that another reason we love going to the beach is for the seafood!!!!  But--as I told my Facebook friends last week,  we walk and walk and walk each day --so that we can ENJOY that 'fried' fish without gaining weight... Works for us!

Today,  I am sharing a few pictures from our week at the beach.  Hope you enjoy the photos..  Be sure to click on them for enlargements.  The picture above was taken on 5/3/15 from our balcony ---showing the waves at sunset...

We just HAD to get out and take a walk on the beach the first day we got there (5/3/15).
In the picture above,  George has on his new shirt (which I gave to him --actually to us) for his birthday in March.  The shirt says:  "Money Can't Buy You Happiness,  but it can Buy You CAMERAS, and That's Kind Of the Same Thing"..... Cute, huh---and appropriate?????? ha

Fishing Pier near the Islander Inn (where we stay) ---taken at sunset (5/3/15)

Full Moon over the Water  (How romantic is that!)  --5/3/15
We lucked up that week to be there during the full moon... AND---even luckier was the fact that it rose over the water.  We could see this beauty from our balcony.   WOW!

Look at the reflections in the water --from the pier!  (taken 5/4/15)

Islander Inn,  Ocean Isle,  North Carolina  (5/4/15)
We've talked about the Islander Inn quite a bit through the years.  It is the perfect place to stay IF you want to be RIGHT on the beach.  For a good price (off-season price),  you have a comfy king bed (or two queens),  TV/free wifi,  small fridge, microwave, coffee pot,  etc..... We love it and it's perfect for us!

Clouds and Waves  (5/4/15)
Each day is always different..  Sometimes we have gorgeous blue skies and no clouds;  sometimes we have clouds like this picture;  and sometimes ---we get rain clouds!!!   The same is true of the WIND--sometimes, no wind  and sometimes,  a lot!

Kites ALL around us  (5/5/15)
This was another surprise this year besides the full moon.   A man came and flew his four kites near where we could enjoy them.  This picture was taken from the beach --looking UP at three of the four kites.

We walked the beach on 5/5/15 ---and of course took pictures.. The tide was going out ---so we had LOTS of beach to walk on!

One day George wore his Chicago Cubs shirt ---so on this day (5/5/15),  he had to wear his MICHIGAN Wolverines shirt... He always get comments on his shirts from others.

An Angry Ocean  (5/6/15)
We had fantastic weather this year with no rain at all --until the morning (5/7/15) when we left for home.  BUT---we could tell on the 6th that a storm was coming.  We had already planned (thank goodness) to leave on the 7th ---but a tropical storm hit that area --and they had nothing but clouds and wind and rain for the next several days.  SO-as usual,  we were lucky to have chosen the days we did --since our weather was PERFECT while we were there.  Thanks be to God!

On our last night there,  even though we couldn't see the sun going down,  we enjoyed a fabulous sky AFTER sunset.  Aren't those colors awesome?  (taken on 5/6/15)

Us  at Islander Inn,  Ocean Isle Beach, 5/6/15
We bought these new shirts on our last trip to Amicalola Falls State Park  (Georgia) in April.  I love the color ---so I thought they'd be great to wear while we were at the beach.

I cannot thank those of you who came to my two Tulip blog posts last week,  even though I was on a blog-break and didn't respond to your posts.  That meant SO much to me ---and I'm so glad that you didn't give up on me.  I keep lists (because I'm a 'nut-case') of who visits ---and I was thrilled to note that so many did visit last week.  Thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!!  YOU are special!  I promise to visit your posts this week. Much Love to ALL!

Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day Weekend... I certainly did!!!


Anonymous said...

I love your header picture. Full of beautiful and bright flowers!
Enjoyed seeing your photos.Have a nice time!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Oh Betsy this is a beautiful place and I can see you both enjoyed it immencely. Beach and scenery are magnificent.

Fun60 said...

You describe that feeling so well of needing a 'beach fix'. Understand that fully. What a beautiful place to visit and always different views. That last view of the sea post sunset is gorgeous.

Linda P said...

I'm glad you had good weather for your beach break. That makes such a difference to the enjoyment of getting out for walks and taking the wonderful photos that you do, although I'm sure you two make the most of your time away whatever the weather conditions. The moon over the water must have been a thrill to see. The fish restaurant sounds like a great place to eat.

Ms. A said...

If you could loan me just a little of your energy... I really need a beach!

Rambling Solo said...

Now I really need to go to the beach. Although we love Madrid, we often feel very isolated from a large body of water, especially the ocean. Madrid does have the Rio Manzanares, but I call it a canal. Your photos from Ocean Isle and your need for the beach certainly make me want to be there. Thanks much for your mother's day wishes. Glad to know you had a fabulous day.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, awesome shots from your trip to the beach.. My favorite images are of the kite and the last one of you and George! Glad you had a great time.. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Ann said...

I think I need a beach fix. Especially after seeing all your pictures. That is a perfect saying for the t-shirts. It fits you both.

Out on the prairie said...

What a charming area. I can tell when I don't hear from you that you are out having fun.

Marcia said...

How nice that you can return to the same place time after time. Makes it very special. I liked the last sunset photo the best. Very fitting end to your week.

The Furry Gnome said...

Betsy, Happy Mother's Day to you, even if it's a day late. And thanks for visiting. I read every one of your posts, whether I comment or not! Sounds like a wonderful seaside break. I'm impressed with how dedicated you and George are to getting out and about! (And those were lovely tulips).

Cat Lover said...

Lovely photo's. After the long, cold winter we had the beach would be perfect now. Sounds like you had a great time!

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos from the beach. I can see you two had a wonderful time. I always enjoy being near the water.

linda m said...

That is a beautiful place to visit. I do miss living so close to the ocean; as when I lived close enough I used to go to the beach at least 3 times a week. Jus tot sit and enjoy and relax. I love your new shirts; the color looks good on both of you.

Jo said...

Betsy, these are stunningly beautiful images of a your stay. The full moon is spectacular. Have a great day. Jo

Big Dude said...

Looks like we both picked the right weeks to be at the coast.

Liene said...

My favorite is the picture of the kites, but as always, they are all beautiful. Happy mother's day!!!

Linda Kay said...

Looks nice Linda...My hubby and I are not beach bums, as we would rather explore history, etc. But your photos are lovely.

George said...

Your pictures are wonderful. They almost make me ready to go back, but since the roses are starting to bloom I guess we'll just stay home for a while.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, What a wonderful vacation! Most beaches are special places. I have lived at the beach and enjoy swimming an beach combing. I do prefer the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic to my native Pacific area. The Pacific in most of California is cold except during really hot weather. Have a great coming week!

Manzanita said...

There are so many people who share your love of the beaches. I'm not one of them and yet for 25 years, I lived like in the photo of the condos with the water lapping at my door. It was my husbands's love of the ocean that kept us at the seaside for such a long time. I escaped every chance I got and went to the mountains.
There are many health benefits connected with living near the ocean and I did responde to that.
This is a beautifu Monday morning. May the week bring you many joys.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I guess the next best thing to going to the beach is seeing your awesome photos of the beach.

MTWaggin said...

Look at you with naked arms and legs girl!!! :) Looks and sounds like you had an absolutely marvelous time!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I used to love living by the sea! Now I make do with the lake - and your gorgeous shots. Sure looks as if you had a great time!

Arkansas Patti said...

That camera shirt is perfect for you both. The moon shot is stunning--just beautiful and suitable for framing.
I was wondering if you got any of that tropical storm and am glad it waited.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous header and what a delightful post for the day!! The two of you have so much fun together and one can feel the love you share!! Wonderful!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!! Have a wonderful week, Betsy!!

A Colorful World said...

Oh what gorgeous photos of such a special trip! I am so glad you two get away to this place twice a year so you can enjoy the time together. You look like you are having such fun! Love the moon shot by the way! I too am a mountain girl, but oh, I love seafood. Not getting any here, and that kills me! :-)

Betsy said...

I always enjoy your beach photos. They remind me so much of the beach in Lincoln City, Oregon where Dennis and I like to go. Even the hotel look similar to ours, also right on the beach. It looks like your time was wonderful.

Megs said...

What beautiful pictures of the beach- you both look like you are so enjoying it! I hear you about the walking!

Shug said...

Fun times. So wonderful to see how you and George love the mountains, the beach, your home place.....,life in general. This is awesome! Hugs

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How excellent that you had perfect weather! It does look super nice. You got pretty pictures!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Ah, now Betsy, I would have visited you last week but \i was too busy with 'the Scot'! Loving your beach fix! like you \i'm an inland/mountain kind of girl but love an annual beach fix too!
Isn't that pier fabulous for photographs?! \i have an hour free here in Scotland and am whizzing around visiting my fav blogs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The fishing pier is my favorite, plus the first pic of you in front of it, plus the last one of you and George!! You see, I can't just have ONE favorite today! OH, also the KITES!!

BB said...

You know I never get tired of looking at your pics of the Carolina beaches. NEVER. Miss them! So glad you had a good time and that moon is just beautiful.

HappyK said...

I'm a mountain person too but also like to walk on the beach. Haven't been to a beach in quite a few years though.
Beautiful photos as usual. : )

Roses and Lilacs said...

Love the camera shirt! I want one:) Great photos. I'll bet it is awesome to watch a storm roll in over the water. Those kites are lovely against the blue sky.

David said...

Betsy, We love the beach too and we plan to hit the North Carolina coast after Labor Day sometime. Love the fried seafood at Calabash! I may just have to spend some time on that fishing pier... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Judy said...

I love the beach too. I am envious of your time away.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I thin I may have said it before,but they way you enjoy the beach,it looks like fun. I am not one to be out in the sun and get burned,but the walking and of course those gorgeous scenes do look like fun.

Small Kucing said...

i love to see your garden more but not bad also on the sea.

My boy love the sea. Not to play water but play sands

Have a great week ahead, Betsy * George :)

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

A full moon, kites and lots of beach walks is special. Is the seafood local?

LV said...

Betsy all those deletions are mine. Computer acting up and entered too many of my comments. I loved traveling along with you two on this trip. Only way I get to travel now. So glad you both are able to get out ans enjoy your time together. We need more couples like you.

Joy said...

You two are an inspiration. Such a lovely and very lovable date with awesome captions. Love is is tne air!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love your header photo. What beautiful, colorful azaleas! I love them.
I also love your awesome photos of the beach. I'm so glad you and George had a great time.
Yes, you may post my poem about "Ode to the Iris" on your blog when you feature your photos on the iris.
Glad you and George got home safely and missed the storm.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
I'm so glad you have had a wonderful Mothers day AND a fabulous beach trip! my goodness it seems like yesterday you both were last there (seriously! where does the time go!!) it's so beautiful, I completely understand your love of Ocean Isle Beach, sleeping near the ocean must be so soothing, I'm with you, I need to be near the sea, it's restorative! I thoroughly enjoyed all of your pics and I always adore pics of you two lovebirds! x x x I love the new sidebar quotes x x x

aspiritofsimplicity said...

We live on a very tiny island (just about 1 square mile) in Massachusetts and I would never want to live away from the beach...but I love the mountains and we vacation there (when we can) in the summer time.

Rose said...

I love that moon shot and the one with the big cloud over the ocean! I am glad you had a great time....

Susie Swanson said...

I never get tired of looking at your pics and i'm so glad ya'll went and made it back before that storm came in. hugs, xo

Linda said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful trip! I love that shirt you gave George.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I enjoy seeing your pics....makes me feel like I go along sorta. The ocean is so pretty but once a year is a fix for me to see it. Sure did look angry in one pic

Kay said...

What a beautiful beach, Betsy. I love that baby blue color on the both of you too. And yes, that full moon on the beach is very romantic. :-)

diane b said...

The accommodation right on the beach is a bonus when staying at the beach. It must be great to walk along the beach and eat seafood. We are only 30 mins from the beach but we don't visit often now. We prefer winter too as it is too hot in summer.

Jeevan said...

I am a kind who loves beaches and mountains at the same time and visiting a place where both exists side-by-side is a dream for me. Nice to see you enjoyed your visit to beach and staying closer to same. Love the moon lit night and with the glittering silver shadow across the sea was quite romantic. You got some wonderful sunlight in the photos and I hope u relished upon your favourite seafood

Annesphamily said...

Oh my goodness, such great photos! You and George are so cute with your matching shirts! Our Colorado Rockies stink but I recently found two cute shirts on sale and just noticed when we wore them to graduation party yesterday, that mine is purple and his is black! LOL! Your stories of your trips are such fun! I will have to tell you about our hike at Chautauqua last week with Rebekah and Nick. Due to the rain the rocky path was especially difficult to maneuver and I had to sit there for a while and watch the chipmunks navigate those rocky roads! I am not sure I will finish that hike!
We love seafood too so you have made me hungry to eat some great seafood soon! I love your stories. Have a great week!

Connie said...

I love the beach. You seem to have found the perfect spot!

Twilight Man said...

I always love to laze around the beach. Your posts often melt my heart and make me yearn for the ocean! Both of you are the best darlings on earth! I am always inspired and learning George's steps to pamper my wife in different ways.