Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Another Great Visit with Blog Friends ---8/24/14

Four Bloggers together:  Larry,  Betsy,  David --and George (taking the photo)
Welcome to September 1st, and a Happy Labor Day to YOU and YOURS.... Yeah Rah---Now I'm getting excited that AUTUMN is coming...  It is one of my favorite seasons.... Be sure to check out the new quotes on my right sidebar  this month... I enjoy these quotes and they do speak to me --like I hope they will speak to you also!!!!

This is Larry and Bev's home.  They have the best of all worlds: beautiful home,  gorgeous landscaping,  lots of privacy,  shade provided by many huge trees,  plus another surprise which I will talk about below.
On August 24,  George and I drove to Greenback,  Tennessee (southwest of Knoxville) to visit  Blogger  BIG DUDE and family.   Larry and his wife, Bev,  own a gorgeous home which Larry calls  "Almost Heaven  South".... The reason he calls his home that is because he is originally from the state of West Virginia --which is called "Almost Heaven".... When he moved to Tennessee and bought this beautiful home/property,  he realized that he had found something VERY special... AND now that we have seen that beautiful home,  we agree that Larry and Bev live in HEAVEN for sure!!!!! WOW--what a gorgeous home...

Do you see that green platform on the right side of the photo above?  Do you have any idea what that is????????? WELL---since you said NO,  I will tell you!!!!  That platform contains one of the largest wind-chimes I have ever seen.  I got so excited --but Larry wouldn't give it to me!!!!  Dang!!! ha

Another view of Larry and Bev's home

Larry and Bev---Wonder where they are??????

WELL----here is the OTHER surprise I mentioned above.  NOT only do Larry and Bev own that gorgeous home with all of that privacy,  but their property is also ON the WATER.   Tellico Lake is nearby --and their property is on one of the little inlets which leads to the lake.  SO gorgeous --and again,  very private and beautiful.  Larry has built a large pavilion on the water --which is where we had a delicious dinner.

David, Betsy and Larry
The other blogger who attended our 'party' was BIG DADDY DAVE. David and his wife, Laurie,  live not too far from Larry and Bev.   I have been blog friends with both Larry and David for some time now.  George and I met Larry and Bev a couple of years ago when they came to our area to do some camping with their RV,  which was new then.   BUT--we had never met David and Laurie.  It was such a privilege to be with both of these wonderful couples.

David and Laurie;  I think David is sampling some of Larry's Stuffed Jalapenos.... YUM  (See Larry's blog for this recipe.  There were delicious!)
Larry and Bev are excellent cooks ---and Larry's blog is mostly filled with the sharing of new meals they have planned/eaten--and shared with friends.   I can never check his blog posts without getting HUNGRY.... On this particular day,  Larry and Bev served us a wonderful dinner of Stuffed Jalapenos,   BBQ Pulled Pork and Ribs-too-die-for,  Chipotle Baked Beans, Slaw, Buns/Rolls,  and several fantastic drinks.  David and Laurie brought the dessert, a melt-in-your-mouth Tres Leches Cake (which was very light and complimented the heavier meal).  Can I say YUM to everything I ate?????   WOW!!!!  (As I said above,  you can find recipes for some of these dishes on Larry's blog.)    

Laurie and I were having a nice conversation.

George is talking to Pat (Bev's sister),  Laurie and Bev.

Laurie and Larry;   I think Larry is saying:  "Welcome to Almost Heaven South"

Most of the group---relaxing and telling lots of STORIES;   Notice the four little dogs in some of the pictures.  Larry and Bev have 3 furry babies and Pat has one...  Precious ones--all of them!

Another photo of the group--from another angle!

The water headed out toward the lake from Larry and Bev's pavilion;  Isn't this just SO peaceful?   Maybe the next time we visit Larry and Bev,  they will take us for a ride on their pontoon boat.

The entire group:  1st row,  left to right:  Pat (Bev's sister),  Madison (Bev and Larry's granddaughter),  and Bev;  2nd row: George, David, Laurie, and Larry;  (I was taking the picture)

Same Group --except that  George is taking the picture and I took his place IN the picture.

Two fine Bloggers and Friends:  Larry and David;   Check out their two blogs by clicking on the links listed above in YELLOW.

On our way home after a wonderful time with friends,  look at the sunset we encountered!!!!  WOW!!!
WELL---as you can tell by reading this and looking at the pictures,  we all had a fantastic time together.  The food was phenomenal and the conversation was the BEST.... Thanks to Larry, Bev and their family and furry babies,  AND to David and Laurie for a GREAT afternoon!!!!!

I have mentioned several times how special it is to meet blog friends in person.  George and I have met SEVENTEEN new friends through blogging.  AND--with this group also comes their spouses/family/friends.  If you want to see some of the wonderful people we have met,  go to my sidebar, scroll down to LABELS,  go down to BLOGGERS and click.  There are 19 different posts in that group.   BLOG friends are special... Make a point to meet some of your friends.  You will love it and them!!!!

Hope all of you are having a good LABOR DAY.   To most people,  Labor Day is the beginning of Fall--but what we all need to remember is all of those workers out there in our country --who do so much for us,  each and everyday... Don't forget to thank your garbage collectors,  utility workers,  auto repair people,  etc... Many of these hard working people even have to work on LABOR DAY...   Take a minute and thank them!!!

Have a wonderful day.  AND--don't forget to check out my new QUOTES on my sidebar,  AND click HERE to see a couple of good photos on my other blog,  my Photo Blog.


Ms. A said...

What an amazing place, how lucky to live there!

Anonymous said...

Larry is right. West Virginia is Almost Heaven. My sister lives in WV. I would have never imagined myself visiting there so am doubly glad that she had the good sense to accept a great job there when it was offered. I will love exploring there again someday.

Jo said...

Wow, Betsy, to my knowledge you and George have met the most blogging friends ever! Great place Larry has, definite heaven. And he and Laurie look so "together" Thanks for sharing this wonderful day with us.Blessings Jo

Fun60 said...

I agree with you Betsy, it is wonderful to meet fellow bloggers. It adds a new dimension to the cyber friendship.

Jeevan said...

So glad to see you met with number of blog friends! Nostalgic to think back my own meeting with my blogger friends in past while reading yours. The pictures say’s a lot about your meeting with friends and visiting their home come heaven. It’s absolutely fantastic to make abode at the bank of lake and pavilion amid water... I believe they are taken pleasure staying pretty close to nature. Very cute to see their pets around, esp. the one on her lap :) I liked the architecture of their house and also the Huge chimes!

Mr. Bill said...

Thanks for sharing!!!

Big Dude said...

Thanks for all the kind words and the great job of being the event recorder. I really like the shot of David grabbing a bite. Glad you enjoyed your visit to Almost Heaven South. It was a really fun day and always is when a group of bloggers get together.

Sharon said...

This was a fun post to read and you are exactly right - meeting other bloggers is wonderful! This looks like a fun bunch.

Out on the prairie said...

Sounds very fun, an extended enjoyment of blogging.

diane b said...

I like that comment, an extended enjoyment of blogging. Out on the Prairie is right. Your pictures show what fun it is to meet bloggers. Larry and Bev have certainly found a little bit of heaven. It is so private and pretty, they must feel like they are on a permanent vacation.

Jim and Sandie said...

What a gorgeous home and the food looked fantastic. We hope to visit with Larry and Bev and Pat sometime in October on our way back West.

linda m said...

That really is an amazing place to live. I would love to have a place like that. Social media had really expanded my circle of friends. I have "met" so many nice people thru social media.. Have a great day.

George said...

It really was a wonderful day filled with good food and good friends.

Ann said...

looks like you had a wonderful time and what a beautiful setting for their home

David said...

Betsy, Yup...a good time was had by all! Good food and good company... That photo of me filling my face is incentive to get back on my diet! We had a great time and enjoyed meeting you and George... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Beth said...

I enjoyed reading this. It looks and sounds like a wonderful day with great people. The place itself is awesome!
Maybe after I retire, we can meet up. Mike wants to go to the Shenandoah Valley---maybe there?
You asked me what my favorite part of the trip was. It was those gorgeous mountains. We pulled over at the overlooks a lot and I just drunk in the views!
A close second was Looking Glass Falls---wonderful esp. on a rainy day! :>)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely visit! Hope you're enjoying Labor Day.

Sylvia K said...

Always such fun to meet fellow bloggers!! Looks as though all of you had a terrific time! Thanks for sharing the fun, Betsy!! Have a great new week/month!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a special visit and a special place they live!! And thanks for reminding me about your quotes on the side! I read ALL of them and saved some for our church Facebook page! LOVE the header! Fall is awesome, but then is followed by winter!! The older I get, the more I dislike winter and the dark!!! Plus there is NOTHING to snap!

HappyK said...

Wow what a great place that is. Lovely and right on the water too. I can just me in my kayak paddling along. : )
You sure have met a lot of bloggers.

A Colorful World said...

Wow! You have met 17 bloggers! That's wonderful! So glad to hear that you had such an amazing visit! They have a gorgeous place! LOVE that the house is right on the water. Wonderful memories for all of you!

Connie said...

Happy Labor Day, Betsy! What a beautiful home on the water there. Looks like you all enjoyed a wonderful visit!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's a lovely spot. Glad you had such a nice visit!

Arkansas Patti said...

How nice to have shared such a delightful time with your blog buddies.
The house and yard were beautiful the food amazing, company great but being on the water sold me. How peaceful.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

It's always so great to hear about blogging friends meeting in person! I'd love to do that someday! Your get-together sounds so wonderful in every way -- great food, beautiful setting, and hanging out with some new/old friends! It doesn't get much better than that!

Small City Scenes said...

I left you a big long comment and then it just disappeared. Maybe you will get it sooner or later.
Lovely blog, Betsy. So nice to meet blogging friends and be invited to their beautiful home. Wouldn't it be nice to live on a lake or a river. Oh yes!
I like your fall header and new sidebar sayings.
We seldom see any Chipmunks out here---same with Squirrels. I think they all live in the big city parks. LOL Most of the chipmunks are in Eastern Washington so I was surprised to see this one on the deck. I haven't seen him since.
Enjoy the day,

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Looks like fun and thanks for sharing their beautiful spot on the river.

Wendy said...

What a beautiful spot! And how nice to visit with some fellow bloggers.
Haven't been around for a while and I must say I love love love your header - and the new sidebar too. Lovely pics.
And Betsy - you look radiant! Summer must agree with you - or maybe it's the company??

Lots of hugs and happy Labour Day.

Shug said...

First of all.....Gorgeous Header!! I too am so ready for Fall and some cooler temps!! You are so right..what a beautiful place they have with all that shade, privacy, and water...my kind of place!! This was great for you all to have the opportunity to meet and enjoy a meal together!! Isn't blogging fun..and the best part is making new friends.

Nellie said...

You have had quite a party meeting these other bloggers! Looks like great fun!


Dan the Mountain Man said...

I have met a few people I talked with over the internet. I even met my fiancée on the internet. There are a lot if nice homes around the Knoxville area. I miss traveling the back roads there while visiting my friend's family when his parents worked in Tennessee.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like you had a great time.I chuckle when you mention wind chimes.Jake had a very strong dislike for them and I think of that each time I see a wind chime.It's a long story as to why he didn't like them,but suffice it to say,I never had any and now don't care to have any.

Small Kucing said...

gosh what a lovely place. Must have been very cooling

Betsy said...

That looks like such a beautiful place and how special you get to meet with blogging friends there. I've now met 4 fellow bloggers and count them as wonderful friends. Thank you for sharing with us Betsy.
The "northern" Betsy

linda m said...

Your Sidebar quotes are try good. I loved them all.

MTWaggin said...

That looks like such a fun time and you are so lucky to be able to visit with so many wonderful people!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love those smiling faces!! So neat to meet blogger friends isn't it? I ended up getting engaged to one :-)

Tabor said...

You are starting to lead a rather elaborate social life through blogging. Glad for you as it looks like so much fun.

Hootin Anni said...

I can see why they call it almost heaven south....and the windchime...wow.

Bud made me a huge one long ago...and when the wind catches it the piping sounds just like a church bell!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like such fun! what a ball. ( :

Rose ~ from Oz said...

What an amazing property your friends enjoy living in Betsy! A wonderful visit indeed, and reallu? you've met 17 new friends through blogging! That's wonderful!
I'm off to catch up on your last 2 post now, while I've grabbed a little internet time whilst on holiday!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a nice place on the water! Looks like you all had a fabulous time. Now I am off to look at recipes..it's lunch time here so you made me hungry just talking about food!

LV said...

You two sem to enjoy the best of all world. What a grand visit with other bloggers. They truly do have a lovely home. I enjoy you quotes.

LV said...

You two sem to enjoy the best of all world. What a grand visit with other bloggers. They truly do have a lovely home. I enjoy you quotes.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I read about your visit on Larry's blog and wanted to come over and see your pictures. Everyone has a great time at Almost Heaven South and looks like you guys are no exception. We too enjoy meeting other bloggers and have met quite a few. It's fun to meet the faces behind the blogs.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
I have missed you! and what an amazing post! Blogging really is wonderful isn't it? and you have such special friendships as a result, it looks like you all had such a wonderful day (the food sounds so delicious! I adore ribs too!)your sidebar quotes are always inspirational (and enjoyable) and thank you for your sweetest comment on my blog too!! x x x

Terry and Linda said...

How nice for them...the place is stunning!


Chatty Crone said...

You are sooooooooooo lucjy! 17 new friends. I love their house.

D said...

No doubt you had a grand time! Actually, Betsy, I cannot imagine you not having a good time, anywhere. Great smile, always.

Twilight Man said...

That's my dream house that sits on the lake. The Chinese folks love such surroundings of water which they believed will enhance the geomancy factors to bring abundance of wealth!

It was such a happy gathering to meet fellow bloggers!