Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

July in the Glade

Looking at the blue sky while featuring the Lilies and Daylilies in our Road Flowerbed-- taken on 7/6/14;
I last showed you some photos taken on July 4th around our home and yard... SO---today,  I'll share more July photos  (not counting individual photos of Roses, Lilies and Daylilies which I will feature in future posts) taken this month.

Please click on the photos for enlargements.  Hope you enjoy seeing more of the beauty around our yard in summer.

A view of some of our front yard, featuring the lilies in the Lamppost Round Bed and the Roses, Daylilies and Lilies in the Road Bed--taken on 7/6/14;

This is the top part of our HUGE Glossy Abelia  (which I used to think was a Confederate Jasmine bush);  This beauty has little bells as flowers---taken on 7/7/14.

A beautiful Hosta given to me a few years ago by a friend--taken 7/7/14

One of our larger Hosta plants which was blooming;  taken on 7/7/14

Another view of the Lamppost Round Bed and the Road Bed --showing all of the pretty colors;  AND---also included are some Daylilies in the Small Daylily Bed near the big Rose Bed.  Taken on 7/8/14

Two Daylilies (Orange Vols and Lavender Deal);  I love these two color combinations.  Taken on 7/8/14

I not only look at flowers when we 'walk our yard' each morning and evening.. I also look at the sky.  These clouds were so pretty I thought..  Taken on 7/8/14

I love this particular Hosta...  As you probably know,  I have fallen in love with Hostas --and they do well here in our shaded yard. Taken on 7/9/14

Some of our Semps (Sempervivum) in bloom;  Semps are also called Chicks and Hens.  Love them!!!  Do you? Taken on 7/11/14

This is our Daylily Bed (although we have Daylilies all over the yard)...  I love seeing all of the different colors in this bed...  Taken on 7/12/14

Another pretty Blooming Hosta in our yard;  Taken on 7/13/14

This is a new flower in our yard this year---the blooms of a Canna Lily.  We have 5 of these beauties in pots along the sunny side of our driveway.  This special lily is HUGE --and was given to us by a friend... I'm so excited to watch it grow and then bloom.... Awesome!  Photo taken 7/15/14;

This is only one (of 5) of our new Canna Lilies... I love it!!! --Photo taken 7/15/14

The Orange Vols Daylily is really showing off this year.  Since I LOVE my Tennessee Vols sports teams,  you can imagine how much I enjoy seeing this daylily.  Gorgeous!!!  taken on 7/16/14;

Looking out toward the Golf Course Fairway from our Deck
Finally,  here's a picture of our Swing (on our deck)...  We sit on this swing early in the morning for our devotion time together.  Sometimes we go to the front yard and have our devotions on the bench--but most of the time,  we end up on the swing.  That photo also shows the late afternoon sun shining on the Golf Course Fairway out back of our home.  Oh --how I love sunset around here.

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our Summer photos and colors around our home  today... Summer is my least favorite season (because of the heat)--but I do like it in June/July so that I can enjoy our Summer flowers.

Thanks for stopping by... You are special!  See you on Monday!


Small Kucing said...

Thanks, Betsy. We are okay over here. Have sent your regards to Twilight.

The photo of the cloud reminds me of cotton candy

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy Your garden must be a real picture of beauty. Lovely flowers and also I love the Hostas. I will be over to sit in that swing!!

Twilight Man said...

Hi there Betsy! I am back and with a guilty look for being missing from your lovely blog that always lifted my feelings!

I am always in love with your flowers and this has inspired me to plant shrubs of flowers too! I love your Canna Lily as it resembles something we have here but in orange and yellow as their leaves looked similar.

diane b said...

Well that post really brightened my day. A riot of colour.

Jo said...

I love beige, gold (orange) and green, Betsy and I had my fill in your post today. Love the final photo with your swing. I wondered though if you are far enough away from the fairway? From flying golf balls? Wishing you and George a wonderful weekend. Jo

Ann said...

Your yard is just so pretty. I have very few flowers any more.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh Betsy ~ What wonderful blooms you and George have there! It's all so colorful and happy. What a joy it must be to take your 'walk arounds' each day.

Thank you for sharing the beauty that surrounds you there.


Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love those orange vols flowers, even though I'm a UK Wildcats fan :0

Elizabeth Edwards said...

if those hostas (i wonder why google doesn't like that spelling of hosta, weird??) were in my yard they would be gone. our deer around here are so hungry. they will try anything once. i had a hosta on our deck it died or so i thought - put in the reject pile & it started growing again. i was super happy & the darn deer got it ... it is slowly coming back. i do wonder if it has to do with - do they have other goodies to eat or not? they enjoy azaleas too. silly deer. ( :

i love the shot where the sun is creepy around your you front yard. so pretty. you really do live in a heavenly area.

have a great weekend!!

linda m said...

Thanks for sharing your "yard" with us. It sure is beautiful I do love the Orange Vols and Lavender Deal combination. They just seem to go together. See you next week. Have a wonderful weekend.

From the Kitchen said...

Loved "our" walk through your yard. It is impossible for me to pick out any one area as my favorite. I'll bet it's hard for you as well. Now, let's sit down on the deck and have a cup of coffee.

Have a great weekend.


The Furry Gnome said...

Nice to see some of your daylilies. Your yard always looks beautiful. I was going to post some daylilies later on too.

Out on the prairie said...

Amazing color in your yard. I love cannas. My grandparents had a large bed along their drive and it was fun to sit in and daydream.

Liene said...

We had canna lillies at our previous home here in SC, but I haven't planted any yet in our new house mainly because of the size. Yours seems to be doing well in pots - do you think they will overwinter, or will you bring them indoors?

George said...

You got some beautiful pictures of our yard. We're really fortunate to have such gorgeous flowers all around our home.

Joe Todd said...

Love your yard.. I haven't planted Canna Lilies for a couple years. I like the way you did it.

Nellie said...

Beautiful flowers! I'm no lover of the heat/humidity of summer, either. You have worked hard on those flower beds.


Big Dude said...

Looking at your beautiful rounds always makes me feel so lazy.

Sylvia K said...

Ah, you are surrounded by so much colorful beauty, Betsy!!! Thank you, as always, for sharing it through you marvelous captures! Such a glorious way to start my day!! Hope you have a great weekend!

David said...

Betsy, Always cheerful and upbeat! Great photos and a beautiful garden. Way too much work for me...taking care of all those flowers would represent a 'job' for me but its great that you both love it! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Connie said...

You have beauty in every direction in your yard, Betsy! So gorgeous. :)

Betsy said...

Betsy-you and George must have some amazing "green thumbs". :-). The beauty in your yard astounds me. I planted three host as, but only one survived for some reason. I'm now going to have to transplant it due to the building of a shed. I hope it makes it! Thank you for sharing the beauty of your flowers with us.
The "other" Betsy

Rose said...

All I can say is I love them all! Just so beautiful!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So much beauty for one yard. I just love it!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy! My goodness, you and George have the prettiest yard!! I love ALL your beautiful flowers! I've never thought to plant a canna in a flower pot, but that's a great idea as the bulbs should be dug up every fall and I'd sometimes forget...that's why I don't have cannas anymore. :)
Have a wonderful day and weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved all these beautiful photos of your yard Betsy. You and George have put a lot of love and labor into your garden, and the reward is all there for us to see. Thank you for sharing them. Happy weekend to you both :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

With each post of those beautiful flowers,I wish I could be there to see and experience this for myself.Thanks for the taste of the beauty.

Arkansas Patti said...

I think your place should be on a garden club tour. What a treat. That stone wall George built is almost an optical illusion. So pretty.
You have convinced me to fill a bare spot that has developed with day lilies.

Hootin Anni said...

My oh my, do I ever marvel at the beauty in your yard. I think I like the hosta that blooms by the tree in all your photo shares today Betsy.

And OUR Padre Island is NORTH, not the vacation spot of South Padre Island. A whole lotta difference.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the new canna lily!!!

Our photos said...

You have a beautiful garden !

Terry and Linda said...

I enjoyed this visit with you very much! I will now see you and George on your deck every evening or early morning Greeting the Lord!

Your friend,

Chatty Crone said...

Was that a rock wall? It was gorgeous. Love the two colors of lilies mixed. A truly breathe taking peace of Heaven on earth!

Susannah said...

Oh, Betsy..... your lilies are breathtaking!!!! I love the gorgeous colors and I, too, like the bed with the mixed colors, too. Hostas look so healthy. What a great hobby for you and George!!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You have such a large variety of GORGEOUS color in your yard. It's fun to see it all….and your hosta doesn't look hostile either. :)
I have a few of those canna lilies…but I never planted them. They come up in some hedges all random like; Ours are yellow and apparently lost too!

HappyK said...

Looks like a fabulous place to spend the summer. : )

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your garden, yard and flowers are always lovely.. Beautiful images.. Have a happy weekend!

Marcia said...

Your garden is looking really good. If I divide hosta I will think about sending you some other varieties. I'll let you know. Too hot to do it now.

Shug said...

Hey there Betsy.....I'm beginning to think that you and George need to host a garden tour....
Your place is so stunning and garden lovers would love to walk around and view these beauties a little closer.
love the flowers...

Small City Scenes said...

A beautiful yard you have. I love the clouds. The shots are great.
Rodeos are fun specially when you know someone riding. We go mostly to the small ones around the state.
Mostly because Kylee is riding. MB

Jeanne said...

I need to send you a picture of my one and only daylily to see if you can identify it. All I know is it is dark red and really pretty. You and George must work in the yard all the time - it is beautiful!!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Looking good. Nice colors to celebrate summer!

Unknown said...

B-E-A-Utiful!!! Stunning garden you have there, I love all the different flowers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Lovely lovely yard! I so enjoyed living in FFG except for the Winter weather. Guess we are just not cut out for being "Snowbirds" or we would spend the Summers up there. No, we are full-timer's here in Florida now. So happy you included the picture of the skies. Have a wonderful weekend!

Tanna said...

Oh, I could enjoy sitting on that swing with that view!! Your daylilies are GORGEOUS, Betsy. And, there is something about a hosta that is just to perfect and beautiful to me. I love their roundness in overall shape and the clean lines of their leaves. Yep, I love me some hostas. ;) Have a wonderful weekend! blessings ~ tanna

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Your yard is the absolute best, Betsy! Gorgeous pictures!!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
Summer heat can be exhausting! we are having a mini-heatwave, our temps are around 28 degrees C, which we are not used to at all haha! your garden and it's blooms are beautiful, your home views are always so lovely, from the golf course fairway to your gorgeous garden and I love your swing and devotion time, how lovely! have a wonderful weekend! x x x

Hannah Anderson said...

Hi betsy, you have a stunning yard. Liked lilies so much.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I agree with Patti- your yard should be on a garden tour. Just beautiful. If my yard was that gorgeous, I would walk around out there all day just looking at the flowers and talking to God.

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! You are surrounding by so much beauty! How do you find time to travel so much and still maintain all of these beautiful plants?
Great photos Betsy!

A Colorful World said...

The flowers are so gorgeous! I especially love those daylilies and the canna lily! What a sweet thought to take a walk around your garden each morning together and then have a devotion time. The very best way to start each day...with the Lord. Hope today is very blessed, and each day, dear friends!

Bhasvant said...

Lively mind and lively colors. A fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I so enjoyed your beautiful summer flowers and lovely yard greenery.

it's been hot here in South Fl but this morning was absolutely lovely as hubby an I walked our 12 year old puppy ;)


Jeevan said...

Superb photos Betsy, the hosta has lovely leaves ! It’s so delightful to see daylilies sparkle in summer lights and I also liked the last photo.

Andrea said...

Wow Betsy, your garden is so full of colors, very much alive! Are the butterflies and bees also roaming there?

Jeanne said...

The clouds were a nice contrast to the pretty green trees. It really was a picture taking day for sure! I love the ones where you could even see the rain!