The first Buds (5/3) |
Sorry I haven't been around much this weekend--either on blogs or Facebook. My surgery went FINE --and I was home by 2 pm the same day. However, I did have a 'rough' weekend --with quite a bit of pain and nausea. I cannot take those powerful pain pills they give us (makes me nauseated) ---so I resorted to Tylenol, which didn't do very good. Then I developed a very sore throat --and let me tell you how hard it is to cough after having surgery in your tummy. GADS!!!! BUT--with each passing day, life is getting better and better... Thanks for all of your kind words, thoughts, prayers and love...
In Friday's post, I told you that I would share more photos of our beautiful Rhododendron, which seems to be prettier this year than ever before. It was wonderful for me to sit inside and not only watch the birds eating in the Bird Kitchen, but also to see the gorgeous blooms on our Rhody. Hope you enjoy my photos... Click on them for larger views.
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From inside our home ---looking out through the sliding glass doors 5/6 |
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Another view from inside looking through the sliding glass doors 5/6 |
5/6 in the evening |
5/6 in the evening |
5/6 in the evening |
5/6 in the evening |
5/6 in the evening |
Sorry there are so many photos --but I couldn't decide which ones I liked the best. SO--I just showed you many of them, with my favorites being larger than the others... BUT--I love them all, taken during all times of the day/evening. Just absolutely GORGEOUS. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!
Have a wonderful Monday.
Happy the hear about your surgery.
All photos looks good!
Glad you're recovering, Betsy. Do take it easy until you feel really well. In the meantime you have some wonderful flowers to look at in your yard and I'm sure George is looking after you. The rhododendron is lovely.
So pleased you came through the surgery so well. Can't think of a better place to recover. Being able to gaze upon such beauty will speed your recovery. Take your time and enjoy some home comforts and yard views for a while. xx
Glad to hear your surgery went well. I had surgery years ago and a nurse suggested holding a pillow tight against my stomach to make the coughing less painful.
Your rhododendron is beautiful. It reminds me of the ones my dad had in his yard.
Hello Betsy, I am glad you are able to enjoy your rhodo's and the birds while you are recovering..Take it easy and do not rush your recovery. Take care and have a happy day!
So glad you made it through surgery, now may your recovery be complete and swift.
Being in your own lovely home viewing your beautiful rhodies is healing.
Have a good week Betsy ~ FlowerLady
Betsy, I'm so glad the surgery went well. I know what you mean about the pain meds--I can't do those either. I hope that continues to lessen for you. Ann is right--a pillow is your best friend, especially if you are coughing!
Amazing! We have yet to even see rhododendrons in full bloom, and of course they won't grow up here.
Yup, can relate to the pain meds - don't do well with those either! May you find what works best for you and helps control the pain as much as possible. What wonderful eye-candy you have posted! Yum!
You are mentally adjusted and happy, even if not quite their physically. You will mend with time and I am sorry for your reactions to the medicine. At least you can tell your doctor to find alternatives for the future.
Lovely blooms, I talked to a lady at church who just lost a huge one in a recent storm and it was like losing a friend. Sorry to hear of your suffering, one needs to eat well before taking those meds. If it says take with food, I need a complete meal sometimes.
Praying you are feeling better soon. The pictures of the bush are incredible - so gorgeous.
Hopefully you're past the worst of your recovery. I really like Rhodys but have yet to find a location they really like on our place. Yours are very pretty.
Gorgeous!! I saw a lot of them in Rhode Island that were just budding out. Hope you are feeling much better today. Keep enjoying the view, resting and being pampered!!
It is interesting how as the light changes throughout the day, the color of the flowers also seem to change slightly. For living in the woods, you still seem to be able to grow things that normally require a lot of sun. I tried growing one of those flowers once--I've tried growing a lot of different flowers "once." You and George definitely have a "green thumb."
I pray your day goes well!
Beautiful shots! Hope today finds you feeling TONS better!
I wish you speedy healing Betsy, I've been thinking about you a lot. I remember only too well how painful the recovery period is but each day you will get better and I hope it won't be long before you have no pain at all. Your rhododendrons are fantastic, great word to describe these beauties. Have a great week, and a fast healing one too :)
Hi Betsy, Beautiful blossoms! Have a great coming week and I hope you feel better every day!
First, sorry I did not know you had surgery. Trust all is well and you have a speedy recovery. Even though you were having your battle to fight, you still found the time to think of me and send a card. You will never know how much that means to me. Take care.
You got some great photos of the rhododendron in bloom. I'm glad it did its part in helping you get and feel better.
So pretty. My parents used to have a row of rhododendrons under the living room windows when they lived north of Nashville. I just love them. I have a scrawny one near my front porch but think I'm going to have to give up on it. It keeps living, but it never grows. It's only two feet tall after many years!
I'm still thinking of you and praying for you! So sorry you've had such a rough time...
The flowers are gorgeous, as is your yard. It's so green and lush there!
So glad you are feeling better after a rough weekend, Betsy, always good to move on after surgery/illness of any kind!! Your flowers are so gorgeous and I'm sure they were some of the best medicine of all!! Thanks for sharing the beauty!! Take care and have a wonderful week!!
I'm sorry you've had a rough go of it. I also cannot take pain pills because of the side effects. After giving birth or after surgery, I just take prescription ibuprofen and use heating pads or ice, depending on the situation. The first couple of days are the worst.
Glad you are mending--sorry about the rough patch and the consequences.
the rhodys are gorgeous. Ours look extra beautiful this year too.
This grows a lot in Northern California under the redwood trees but I don't see it anywhere down here in the Southern part of the state.
Can't understand why I haven't looked into Rhododendrons before? They are lovely.
Oh I feel for you. Coughing after abdominal surgery really smarts and why is it everyone who comes to see you thinks it is imperative to make you laugh. Double ouch.
Just lean on George, let him baby you and this too shall pass.
Hope your feeling better and better every day.
Love the colorful pictures.
So beautiful, Betsy! We had a very tiny one that bloomed, but never grew. After my gall bladder removal, I was in recovery and doing fine. Then they made me take pain pill, I think it was something like Percoset. Made me sick and throw up, then I had to stay overnight. That was the rule...you throw up, you get admitted. But it was all because of the pill. I would have been fine if they hadn't given me that pill.
So glad you are over your surgery and feeling better!!! Your flowers are gorgeous!!!
Glad the surgery went well. Take care and enjoy those flowers!
Terry has the same trouble with the drugs now days. Sorry you are having a rough patch...hope everything is better by the time you read this!
Wow, these are very beautiful !
I always love to see them....they are so beautiful. Hope you are feeling even better today.
Thank you for visiting me today.
Glad you did - so I could come to visit you too. So much beauty around you to help you heal and I am wishing you a speedy recovery!
Rhodendron is so pretty with so many bouquets of flowers all over the plant. Very nice shots at different times you have posted.
Glad the surgery went well. I do get nausea too if medicine is too powerful. Try drink honey lime. Sometimes it will help with the nausea and the throat.
Love the enlarge pic. ♥
Hi Betsy....I do hope that today has been a better day for you. I'm with you on taking those pain pills..they make me sick too.
You certainly do have a beautiful sight to look at through your window....beautiful indeed...
These are just beautiful. I can just see you out photographing these. I love that you love to do that.
I hope that you are feeling better by now. Again, rest and don't rush things. Hugs.
Betsy, Your rhododendrons are beautiful! Great view for creating a healing atmosphere... We've lived here in the valley almost 5 years now and we still haven't managed to take a timely drive to see these blooms. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I'm sure the view had something to do with your speedy recovery! Hope to hear you're 100% soon... x Liene
Did they do your surgery laproscoptically (?) or did you have surgery? It sounds like you had the full surgery - I didn't know that. That is a bit rougher. Do you have to watch seeds like cucumbers now and things like that? Are you feeling better then you did before? Love and hugs, sandie
Sorry to hear about your rough weekend. Seems you always develop a cough after surgery. I remember going through the same thing when I had my appendicts out several years ago.
My Roddi is starting to bloom and I noticed it has more blooms this year maybe they love the colder winter weather. I have spent the day today replacing some of my perennials that didn't survive the winter.
Glad you are feeling better
Well, if you had to sit on the couch and look out….that is a gorgeous view! Love how bright and cheery they are.
I do hope that you are feeling better by now. I have the same issue with pain meds; it's almost not worth taking them. Blah.
Each one of them is spectacular. I am glad that you are feeling better daily.Before long you will be ready to hike to those waterfalls again. :)
Gosh - those flowers are so gorgeous! Such a wonderful view.
Hope the pain has now eased up and you're feeling better.
What a lovely sight you have there. Wonderful!
Take care Betsy and get well soon. You are in my prayer.
hugs from me.
Hi Betsy, your garden is so beautiful with all the flowers :-)Beautiful colours.
Hi Betsy!
I'm so glad you are feeling a little better, it sounds like you have had a tough time afterwards and coughing after tummy surgery is awful (I used to gently press a cushion against the wound to support it)you have the most beautiful views from your room, you can take it easy and still enjoy your garden and beloved birds - the rhododendron's are gorgeous, so vivid and lush x x x
Yes they are beautiful and it must have helped you recover to be able to soak up that beautiful view.
Glad to read your recovering better. And I do love those beautiful shrubs wishing I could grow them here in our frigid climate...:)
Glad to get a post-surgery update!
Sorry about the crummy weekend - sure hope you feel much better.
GORGEOUS color & blooms all around you, that has to help lift the healing spirits!!! :)
Oh Betsy, I am so sorry you aren't healing well from your surgery! I know what you mean about not being able to take pain meds. They knock me out and then I have horrible dreams...I vowed I would never take them again. I will keep you in my prayers as you slowly heal. I wanted to tell you that your rhododendron are amazing! A perfect bouquet of beauty, overflowing with color, and such a welcome home from your surgery as well as a great Mother's Day floral display. I love rhododendron and miss them. Thanks for commenting even as you have discomfort. I appreciated that very much. God bless and make you well quickly.
Awe, i'm always a dollar short and a day late. I hope this finds you doing even better. It'll take some time, I'm sure. I love your beautiful pics. They always brighten my day. Hugs and prayers dear friend. xo
Glad to hear your surgery went well. Sorry for the rough weekend.
The rhododendrons are gorgeous. I have been seeing these really pretty pink flowers when I take the kids to school--now I know what they are!
Absolutely gorgeous photos, Betsy! I'm glad to hear your surgery went well, but sorry to hear you had some problems afterwards. Hopefully you will continue to feel better each day.
I hope you are feeling better today, Betsy. Rest and recover. It sometimes takes 6 weeks to begin to get back to normal.
Your rhododendrons are beautiful! I miss the one that bloomed in my garden in Brooklyn.
All our snow melted today -- it is wonderful moisture for this fire prone season, so I did not mind the snow at all. It will be 80 this weekend, but I'm still waiting to plant annuals until I can be certain frost is over for good! :)
Stunning!!! I especially like the views from the windows.
Hope you are feeling a bit better by now Betsy and I hope you are out side enjoying your pretty flowers and sunshine!
xo Catherine
Dear Betsy, I'm so happy for you that the surgery went well and that you are recuperating. I know what you mean about those prescribed pain pills. They give me nausea also--as well as constipation.
I can just see you sitting there, gazing out your patio doors at the rhody and the birds. So many bird feeders!
Continue taking good care of yourself. Be gracious to yourself as you recuperate and re-enter your "normal" world of good health. Peace.
Hope you're feeling much better as time goes on.
It's too hot for rhododendrons here; so glad you've got a gorgeous one at your doorstep. My Nebraska daughter has planted one at her place this spring. Hope it will turn out to be as lovely as yours.
I hope you're feeling better every day! The Rhodies are gorgeous, don't you wish they could bloom all summer? I feel that way about my lilacs. I wish that scent could be around all season! Take good care of yourself! Hugs, Cheryl
It is beautiful! Hope you are feeling better!
Oh, Betsy...sorry to hear you had a bad time. I have hardly been on enough to keep up with what was going on...Tootie came Fri and stayed till yesterday!
Oh, Betsy...sorry to hear you had a bad time. I have hardly been on enough to keep up with what was going on...Tootie came Fri and stayed till yesterday!
Betsy I'm hoping all will get better soon. Surgery is never simple. Just getting the sleeping drugs out of the system are a hassle. Sore throat from tubes is common and reaction to pain meds too. I loved your Iris post today but couldn't comment there so here's to a better week and I loved the Blatant one.
Paris trip was a blast but travelling with hubby and Buddy is very limiting now. Both are hard to motivate in the am so I loose a half day listening to them snore. Noon is when we finally hit the road lol.
Still I am thankful for that:)
Your flowers are gorgeous. I have the worst time spelling rhododendrons. Oh! I did it. I kept trying and kept getting spellchecked. :- )
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