Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Even though the PANSIES are SMILING, I have to have SURGERY!!!!

 Bet I got your attention!!!!!!  Some of you know that I have been experiencing some stomach-issues for awhile... WELL--the pain has gotten worse the past few months --so my doctor decided that I needed to get an ultrasound of my GALLBLADDER...

I did just that ---and guess what????  My gallbladder is FULL of stones!!!  Fun-fun!!!!  My options were to just live with it (and put up with the side/back/shoulder-blade pain) --or get that 'thing' taken out!!!!

I decided to get the Gallbladder taken out now that they can hopefully do it by the laparoscopic procedure (which is day surgery with little discomfort or recovery time).  YES---this has caused us to make some changes in our travel plans ---but we feel that it is something  I need to get done..  SO---we won't allow this little 'bump in the road' to deter us much.   You all know me----I don't let things get me down anymore than necessary!!!

SO---my day surgery will be on Thursday,  May 8, at the local hospital here.  I'm sure that George will be keeping everyone posted as to my surgery --and I hope that I won't be out-of-commission very long, if at all much.  Please say a PRAYER for me/for us and for the doctors and staff at the hospital on the 8th.  Thanks.

NOW---for some better news !!!!!   Even after one of our most wicked winters in a very long time,  many of our sweet little PANSIES made it through---and are now smiling brightly.  We love Fall Pansies --and plant about 72 or so of them each Sept/Oct.  The Pansies are hardy little flowers and make it through our winters fairly well.. They give a little color to our yard through our drab winters...

BUT--this past winter was COLDER than most (with temperatures dropping down to  a MINUS 10 degrees -F- on two different occasions).  Our yard did and has sustained some damage ---including about 40% of the pansies we planted (planted 72 and have about 49 left).   We also lost a couple of our Roses --and some of the others aren't looking very healthy yet.  Some of our Hosta and Lilies got a little damage from the last freeze (but hopefully, they'll be fine).  Our new Clematis which we just planted last Fall has not shown any sign of life --so we may have lost it.  And one of the biggest losses appears to be our 4 Holly bushes in front of our house... All of them are losing their leaves.  Don't know what will happen to them.  Winter was a ROUGH one for many of us this past year (although we didn't ever get much snow here---just the cold temps).

SO--on a better note,  I'm going to show you some of our remaining Pansies --which look healthier and healthier with each warmer day.   They will live until it gets terribly hot sometime in July.   The Pansies are the  ONLY 'annual' that we plant these days... All of our remaining flowers are perennials....  BUT--we love the Pansies and will continue planting them each Fall I'm sure.

Sit back and enjoy some coffee or hot tea or cocoa ----and smile as you look at the sweet little Pansies.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements...


Well ---how 'bout that???  These little guys are happy that the winter is over and that they can smile again and make us all HAPPY.   (We are ALL happy that this winter is OVER.)

Did you lose plants/shrubs/flowers during the horrible winter of 2013/14?????  I heard from one friend that she lost FIFTEEN of her Roses....  (She lives farther up north than we do.)  YIPES....

Have a wonderful week... I'm not sure how much more blogging I'll be doing this week ---but I'll be back as soon as possible.  Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.



Ginny Hartzler said...

You know I love the pansies, and my favorite is the blue today. Hey Betsy, I had my gallbladder out a few years ago, piece of cake. I was a little sore for a few days and it hurt to get out of bed, but only for a few days, then better than ever!! I never even took painkillers! I will pray for you tonight, that it will go very well.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Good post :)
Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery is a simple procedure. U just relax :)
Already said prayers for you. God bless :)
Pansies are beautiful !

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy Sorry to hear you have to have your Gallbladder out however you will feel so much better without the pain and knowing you, you will bounce back. George will take good care of you. Now these Pansies are so colourful and would brighten up any morning looking at them. I will pray for you,

Kay said...

I've heard some amazing things about that procedure. I know you'll do great. These are such beautiful photos of pansies. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, sorry about the surgery. I am sure will will feel much better. Wishing you a quick recovery!

Anonymous said...

Will keep you in prayers. Get yourself relaxed and take care!

Hootin Anni said...

Good luck with the surgery!! I had a laparoscopy many years ago, and it's an okay surgery by my standards. Up and the usual routine in no time!!!

Pansies are always so sweet...the smiling faces make me smile.

linda m said...

I do so love pansies - one of my favorite flowers. We seem to have lost a number of evergreen bushes. They are all brown with hardly any green on them. Seems fairly common in a number of house in our neighborhood. Good luck with the surgery. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.


Dear Joy, I was sorry to hear you have been having stomach pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers during your surgery and I wish you a very quick recovery. Your Pansy's are all gorgeous. Big hugs Judy

Tabor said...

I did not think about trying to plant pansies in the fall and treat them as a perennial. Good luck with your surgery. Your weight loss is a good plus when you have to have surgery. Sending my very best wishes.

KathyA said...

1. Yes, your surviving pansies are such a welcome sight!

2. As I mentioned -- I lost 15 roses -- in the process now of replenishing. My shasta daisies didn't return, nor did the lupines -- I'm still taking inventory.

3. Sorry you've been having stomach issues. I had my gallbladder removed two years ago, and my daughter had hers out six months ago. Both surgeries were out-patient (basically drive-thru!) and without issue. Good luck. Will be thinking of you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good luck with the surgery, i had mine out last year and it took away those pains... love the purple pansies.

Connie said...

Best of luck to you with your surgery, Betsy. Prayers that all goes well. I love the cheery faces of the pansies. Glad to hear you didn't lose all of them over the winter.

Out on the prairie said...

The pansies will melt here in the next month. I enjoy them so. I lost a dozen bushes over the winter, but have a great bloom on my bulbs. will look forward for your fast recovery.

David said...

Betsy, Best of luck with your surgery! It is amazing what they can do these days to fix our ailments... Last year I had hip replacement and carpal tunnel surgery. Recovery took awhile but the problems went away. It appears that we lost a few bushes in our cold winter...although our landscaper told us to give them a couple more weeks before we panic and replace them. We don't plant any annuals anymore... Less yardwork is a good thing! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Janice K said...

Oh, Betsy, of course I will pray for you. I would not have guessed that you were having health problems the way you are always on the go.

So far, most of our Spring flowers seem to be blooming--just a little later than usual. The forsythia hardly bloomed, but I think that was because of that late snow and freeze we had probably at the time they were coming out, but the bushes are getting leaves. We had snow cover for such a long time this Winter. I have heard our plants were more protected from the coldest weather by the snow.

I pray this week goes quickly and well for you, and soon you will be able to recuperate out on your deck enjoying your beautiful yard and bird friends! God be with you.

Glenda said...

I always love the happy little faces of the pansies! Since we are renters, we are not responsible for any of the plants around here, but it appears that everything has made it through the harsh winter. We don't get quite as cold as you--about 10 degrees difference, I think--but it was still rough on many folks. One neighbor does have a knock-out rose bush that is blooming beautifully now, as well as several iris and peonies, so I think most are doing well.

I'll be praying about your surgery. Our daughter had the same surgery several years ago and had no problems after the first day or two, and I'm sure you'll do just fine! Hang in there! :-)

Nellie said...

The winter was hard on some of our things. Had we known what was coming, we could have wrapped those things in burlap. I think that's what people in colder climates do.

We will be thinking about you as you face your gall bladder surgery. Sending along our thoughts and prayers!

xo Nellie

Jim and Sandie said...

I had my gall bladder out over 40 years ago. Back then you were in the hospital for a week and then incapacitated for six more weeks. Boy have things changed. Thank goodness. You will be so glad you had the stupid thing out. I'm not sure which hurt worse - gall stones or child birth. Your pansies look so cheerful. Sending you prayers and hugs.

Liene said...

Will be keeping you in our prayers Betsy! Several family members have suffered this painful condition - my sympathies.

Our pansies also survived, although a transplanted muscodine did not... the winter was nowhere are cold as yours, but apparantly still did its damage.

I Am Woody said...

I am so sorry to hear about the need for surgery. Hopefully it will be an easy one!!

We lost several bushes to the cold. I am saddest about losing our butterfly bushes. They were beautiful!

George said...

I really like your pictures of the pansies. I hope and pray that the surgery will go as well as we want it to.

Love You!

Sylvia K said...

First of all, I'll be holding good thoughts for you and your surgery. I do hope all goes well and that you're back "on the road" soon!! Your captures are beautiful and so colorful! I love them and what a great way to begin my day! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Best of luck to you as you get that gall bladder taken out. I'm sure everything will be just fine and you'll be back to your normal routine in no time at all. I'll be praying for you! Take care.

From the Kitchen said...

Pansies are such lovely harbingers of beauty to come. We are still waiting!! Yes, gallbladder surgery is usually very easy these days. A word of advice, though--you will need to have breakfast in bed for at least a week. It's o.k. to sit in a recliner for your other meals. All should be served with a vase of flowers!! I have a feeling that George will be the best nurse and the best medicine. Hope all goes well and you feel good enough to enjoy your recovery!! No, I haven't seen the Perfect Storm. As for the sea, I only like to dip a toe or two in. No sailing and no swimming! A pool, where I can see what's on the bottom, is my water of choice!!


Jeevan said...

They are so pretty, colorful and treat to eyes! Pansies are my favorite fancy flowers and we see them only on hill stations and mountain ranges here... Hope it wasn’t much painful surgery Betsy! My best wishes for quick recovery and I’m sure u will be back soon in blogging.

Take care

amanda said...

We're still waiting to see what survived our more harsh than normal winter here.. I do have buds coming in on some of my lilac bushes, that's good!
We're really waiting to see about our honeycrisp apple trees just planted last year. While we had months of sustained harsh temps, we also had the fortune of having good snowcover from early on. We tend to suffer more damage on extremely cold winters with little snow - less insulation for the ground.
Hold hope on your clematis - I thought ours was a goner a couple of years ago, and all of the sudden it burst to life mid-summer. It's still doing fine way up here!

I hope surgery goes as smooth as can be expected. My mom had the same procedure a few years ago, and it was such a relief to her!! I'll be thinking of you, Betsy!

Shug said...

Morning Betsy....you will definitely be in my prayers. I know you will feel so much better! Please remember that even though this will be laproscopic, they still have to move around a lot of things inside. Trista had laproscopic gallbladder removal about three years ago and even though I told her she really needed to rest, she thought she could surely go sit at a ballgame about two days later...Belive me, she paid for that decision.... So be careful and let George pamper you for a few days...

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a very quick recovery!

What lovely shots of your pansies.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Such pretty pansies!

So glad you are choosing to have the surgery. No reason to suffer pain when they have such a great way of doing this procedure now!

Prayers said for your medical team, George, and of course you!

I will be watching for George's update on FB.
xo, misha

Betsy said...

Hi Betsy, Your pansies are beautiful. I think I lost my one rosebush this winter but it's still too cool here to tell for sure. It's certainly not "perking" up like normal.
I'm sorry to hear about your gall-bladder, but very happy you're getting it taken care of. I had mine out a few years ago and the relief from pain and stomach problems was wonderful. It's a fairly easy procedure and worth getting it done ASAP. I'll keep you in my prayers for a fast and easy recover. Be sure to take it a bit easier for awhile though.

A Colorful World said...

Your pansies are just gorgeous! Yes, they handle the cold well. I am sorry you lost other things to the cold. And so sorry you have to have surgery! I will keep you in my prayers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Praying for you and George. The Pansies make even a dull day seem cheery.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy,
Of course I will say a prayer for you and I will be thinking of you on Thursday too. I wish you a speedy recovery, your Lovely George will keep us informed too. I think you are as strong as your beautiful winter Pansy survivors, and you will be having adventures in no time at all, take care x x x

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Pansies are always such a splash of colour and happiness in the garden and yours are no exception - just so pretty!
Goes unsaid Betsy dear, that you will be in my prayers on Thursday - if anyone will bounce back beautifully it will be you!
(Daughter had hers out last year)and I've noticed that GB ops seem to be on increase, or perhaps its my imagination.
George will keep us informed of your progress.
Take care dear Betsy and I shall be thinking of you.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Betsy ~ Your pansies are so pretty. Pansies always make me smile as they are such happy flowers.

May your surgery go smoothly and your recovery be swift.

Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You will be in my prayers for a great recovery. I really like you Pansies! Quite lovely. By the way, you'll be happy to know that my teeny-tiny veggie garden in plastic pottery, has eleven tomato fruits in a 2 gal. pot. Two are nearly ready to eat. I will be putting my name in for our community garden as well but there is a wait list. Have a great day tomorrow!

Arkansas Patti said...

I have had that surgery and I can tell you that all you will miss is the pain you have been having.
Wish they had Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery in my day. Huge difference in recovery.
You will be in my prayers for smooth surgery and quick recovery.
Be well soon Betsy.
Loved the Pansy parade.

Ann said...

I had gall bladder surgery several years ago. Easy procedure. I was back to work pretty quick.
Your pansies are just beautiful

HappyK said...

Oh I love pansies and their cute little faces.

Sorry to hear you have to have your gall bladder out and hope all goes well. I've known quite a few people who have had that procedure and all went well with them.
Thursday morning will find me saying a prayer for you and the doctor.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, that sounds like no fun at all. my grand-dad had his gallstones taken out - not sure what year it was? but he did keep the stones. silly old man. i hope all will go well & know lots of prayers are heading your way. keep us posted. big big hugs. ( :

Big Dude said...

Good luck with the surgery Betsy

Terry and Linda said...

Terry's Mother, His Father, and his sister all have had their out...they said it was a relief to have it gone!

PRAYING FOR YOU BETSY!!!! Lots of prayers and a quick recovery!


amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Praying for safe surgery and speedy recovery. Your pansies are so happy. I lost my avocado plant. I forgot to bring it in when it snowed. I thought it may make it anyway--it lives at our house after all--but it doesn't look hopeful.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your flowers!!! And I have you on my prayer list for Thursday morning!!!!!!! I will be thinking of you - any surgery is important - I hope you feel better after that.

The Furry Gnome said...

We planted our pansies yesterday in the pots out front, which we do every year. They can handle the cold nights, but add some nice early colour. So far we haven't actually found much winter damage, though winter was overwhelming! Perhaps because we got so much snow, which protects the plants. I think cold temperatures are more damaging than lots of deep snow. And we'll be thinking of you.

carolina nana said...

I'll be praying for you on Thursday Betsy. Hope everything goes well.
I lost several of my roses and some of my Azaleas aren't looking good.
Some things that made it through surprised me like some herbs in pots and other things that didn't make it have surprised me like some of my butterfly bushes. I thought those things were like weeds but guess not.
Blessing to you in your surgery

Busy Bee Suz said...

No horrible winter here. :)
Your pansies are smiling….and oh, so cute!
I know you are going to be just fine, but I'll send up some prayers for you. My friend had it a few years ago and she was so happy to get it done; living with the pain was not fun. I had no idea you were dealing with this….so sorry about that Betsy.
Wishing you all the best.

Beatriz said...

Good luck on your surgery, dear Betsy!
I1m sure your pansies will be all smiling waiting for you!!
Kisses, and see you soon!


Brenda Kay Ledford said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers on Thursday. I sure hope everything goes well with your gallbladder surgery.
Your pansy photos are awesome I love all of the pictures. What bright, beautiful colors.
Happy Mother's Day!

Grandma Bonnie said...

My prayers are with you for your surgery. I hope you recover quickly. Love the pansies. We lost all our Koi in the fish pond, two rose bushes, and looks like our grape vines did not make it.

Miss Debbie said...

I love smiling pansies! Pray that all goes well and that you are up to your antics again soon!! :-)

Small Kucing said...

I love the deep red ones.

Kinda hard to grow them over here

Neal said...

Those are soooooooooooooo beautiful. I love pansies. Some of them look like they have a face on them.

Small City Scenes said...

I know you will feel so much better after the surgery that you will wonder why you even worried. Just remember the Pansies smiling faces and all will be well.
My thoughts will be with you and George. MB

Janie said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope the surgery goes well and the recovery goes quickly.
Your remaining pansies are looking good. They must be happy to have winter over.

DeniseinVA said...

Good luck for tomorrow Betsy, I'll be keeping you in my prayers. I had my surgery for the same thing 12 years ago and felt so much better afterwards, compared to what I was going through before. Wishing you a very speedy recovery my friend.

Your pansies are very pretty. The rose bushes we planted last year seem to have come through the winter as I see new growth on them.

Joy said...

I love pansies, but I buy them every yeart to plant in a flower pots:) dont have a place anymore in my garden; )
Anyway, Im with you in prayer.
hugs from me.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm sorry you have to have surgery. But I bet you'll feel much better once it's done. I have had a couple of gall stones and it is very painful. I have had a couple of ultrasounds and also a radioactive test on mine. So far, they are leaving it be. Luckily, it hasn't bothered me in about a year and a half. My mom had hers out a couple of years ago, and has felt much better since!

troutbirder said...

Well I know your no pansy so it should be a piece of cake. And yes Mrs. T. had it done and all went well.... good luck!

camp and cottage living said...

I'm not at all surprised that you lost so many flowers-what a winter we all had!
Both of my sisters had there gall bladders taken out and recovered quickly. I'll be praying for you!

Fun60 said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Betsy. I am sure you will be running around in no time. Maybe you need to print off some of your fabulous pansy photos and have them on the walls of your hospital room to cheer you up. Look forward to hearing from you soon xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

Good luck on the surgery today!
Your pansies looks very pretty.

Linda P said...

Thinking of you Betsy and I hope you'll be sitting back after the treatment enjoying your wonderful seasonal flowers in your yard as a way of recuperating, then back to your hiking and exploring for waterfalls with George.

Susie Swanson said...

Love the photos, beautiful as usual. I'm praying for you sweet friend.. Hugs, xo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm late to comment ....again! But I wanted to tell you that I had the same procedure and I have never felt better. Praying you will too!

Our photos said...

Same overhere !I know what it is, Betsy. Hope You will be feeling better, soon !

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Sending healing wishes your way sweet lady, I hope the surgery helps your pains.
I'm happy to see your flowers have made it through the winter, we've lost several plants and bushes.
Praying for you Betsy !

Marcia said...

Hope your surgery went well and your back to your travels in no time.

Waiting to see what doesn't come back. Did lose two rosemary plants. Butterfly bushes are slow to show and hydrangeas are leafing out from their bases not the stems as usual. The hens and chicks you sent me came through just fine.

Rohrerbot said...

I wanted to share with you that my other half went through some gallstone issues this past week but the pain was much more severe. I learned the term "sludge". Not fun at all. So glad you had that taken care of before the pain became worse.

Jazzmin said...

Hi Betsy,
Your pansies are so bright and pretty and so glad they get some sun now and that the winter chill has left. It's amazing how long winter hangs on sometimes. Some of the blogging ladies I visit still had temperatures in the 30s just a couple of weeks ago.

Wanted to thank you for your comment on my mothers post- I loved reading it! And also wanted to say I am praying for you as you recover from your surgery! I have been behind on reading blogs lately as finals just finished up and must have missed you mentioning you were having surgery. But I hope all went well and that you can rest more comfortably and be back to feeling yourself soon :)

Hugs and well wishes,