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Monday, March 17, 2014

An ICY Visit to Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Us at the base of ASH CAVE FALLS,  Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio 3/10/14
This past Friday I published photos from George's Birthday trip to Ohio.  If you missed that post,  click HERE.   Today I'll show you more photos from our wonderful trip to the Hocking Hills State Park,  near Logan,  Ohio  (from 3/9 - 3/12). 

The photo above was us standing in front of the HUGE ice mound at the base of Ash Cave Falls.  Below are more ---so be sure and click on the photos for enlargements.

ASH CAVE FALLS  (90 feet) at Hocking Hills State Park, 3/10/14
We love this waterfall.  Its setting in that huge cave is just AWESOME.  We had seen this waterfall twice before --but this is the most water we have ever seen coming over the falls.  Pretty,  isn't it??? (You can see how huge this area is when looking at the person (in the red shirt) standing there on the right.)

Here's another photo showing ASH CAVE. 

This girl LOVES sitting on a rock (Ash Cave)--while hubby takes more photos with his tripod.

Us at Ash Cave Falls,  Hocking Hills State Park, 3/10/14
Neither George nor I are 'tiny' people---but standing in front of that huge waterfall and cave certainly made us look tiny here...

Me---standing in front of LOWER FALLS,  Old Man's Cave, Hocking HIlls State Park, 3/10/14
On Friday,  I showed a photo of George and me in front of LOWER FALLS,  at Old Man's Cave in Hocking Hills State Park.  At that time,  I mentioned what a hard time we had finding a way to get down to see this beautiful waterfall.

SO---today,  I will show you the way we had to come in order to get down here and back up!!!!!  Fun fun...

Tunnel where we went in order to get down to Lower Falls
Here is the tunnel we went through...  Luckily,  there was no ice inside here --but it was dark in there!!

George at the other end of that dark tunnel
The ICY trail in order to get down to Lower Falls

The cliffs around us---as we worked our way DOWN to the bottom of the gorge

The ICY stairs we had to take
This  was the scariest part of that climb down/up... The steps were icy ---but luckily,  we had some handrails to hang onto!!!!!! 

A neat photo I took showing the bottom of LOWER FALLS
We  did make it down (and back up) without falling!  We were lucky since there weren't many other ways one could take in order to get there.  (We needed cleats in order to manipulate most of the ice at Old Man's Cave.)

George near some huge icicles at Conkles Hallow,  Hocking Hills State Park, 2/11/14
The next day we went to the Conkles Hollow area---where we saw 3 waterfalls... I'll let George share the photos of the waterfalls we saw there.  I did post one of them (Lost Falls) in Friday's blog.

FINALLY,  some snow to stand on!!!!!   We didn't see much snow this trip--but when we did see snow or MUD,  I didn't complain at all.  Anything is better than ICE to walk on!!

More Rock-Sitting   (I can do that well!!!! ha)
While at Conkles Hollow,  I rested my aching knee (which I had hurt the day before)--while George hiked farther in order to get more great photos.

Lunch at a picnic table near the Conkles Hollow area
Give me a banana and some peanut butter --and I have a great lunch anyday!!!!!

Icicles and pretty rock colors at the ROCK HOUSE area,  Hocking Hills State Park, 3/11/14
Next we went to the ROCK HOUSE area of Hocking Hills State Park.  This is where there is another neat cave ---and where the rock colors are TERRIFIC.

Looking into the cave from outside (Rock House area)
Here's a photo showing the area where we could get inside the cave at the Rock House on 3/11/14.

Inside the ROCK HOUSE (cave) at Hocking Hills State Park, 3/11/14
Inside,  we thought we'd be able to get AWAY from the ice ---but there was ice inside also.   See it on the right?????

Me inside of the Rock House
We could hear the Pigeons 'cooing' above us in the cave--but couldn't see them.

Us at the ROCK HOUSE,  Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio, 3/11/14
I'll close with one more photo of the two of us taken at the ROCK HOUSE area.  Hocking Hills is a gorgeous state park and we enjoyed it despite the ICE.  IF you ever get to Ohio,  check out this park.  It is divided into several areas:  Old Man's Cave (the most popular area);  Cedar Falls;  Ash Cave;  Conkles Hollow; Rock House;  and Cantwell Cliffs.  Our favorite areas this trip were: Ash Cave,  Old Man's Cave,  Conkles Hollow and Rock House....

I'll try to post again on Friday,  the 21st IF I have time... Hope you have a great week. We are very busy beavers around here this month.  Happy St. Patrick's Day today!!!!  Wear your GREEN --so you won't get pinched!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

I am speechless by seeing your photos. Love all of them. Water flowing from the top back of icy mountain looks very beautiful. Curved rock is wonderful! I love that place. You mus have enjoyed a lot in this place!

Ms. A said...

The photos are magnificent and the colors are out of this world! I still find it amazing how water that's moving fast can freeze. LOL!

Andrea said...

OMG those are so beautiful, most specially the ice falls and the colored rocks. Oh how brave you are to maneuver those long hikes up and down, that was so scary! If one is not very careful a slip and most specially because of ice, is not farfetched. Glad you came out safe and happy!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, these are wonderful photos from your trip.. I love the rock formations and the waterfalls.. I have take hubby to this place, he would love it there. Great shots, Have a happy day!

diane b said...

It sure is a beautiful Park ams so many great waterfalls or should I say ice falls. You did well to climb down and back up you must be as fit as a fiddle.Lovely photos and the people do give a good scale for the size of the caves.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
These are incredible pics! the icy stairs though! oh my goodness! My hubs and I would love it there, he loves geology and I love waterfalls and caves - Ash Cave is a phenomenal sight, the sheer size of it is breathtaking and the ice mounds have a wonderful crystalline appearance! and I always love the pics of you and George, I like to rock-sit too!! x x x

Miss Debbie said...

You two are certainly adventurous and BRAVE!! Great pictures! :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad you all had fun. The ice is truly stunning!

linda m said...

Those photos are awesome. I am putting that park on my list of places to visit.

George said...

Thanks for such a great birthday trip. Now that we've seen some small waterfalls in winter (and liked what we saw), are you ready to see Niagara in winter?

Out on the prairie said...

Always nice to see what you find at this park. Interesting ice formations this year,.

Shug said...

Such beauty ALL AROUND! My goodness, who could ever guess that there are hidden places like this. All one needs to do is get out there and explore. I admire you both for your determination to get down those steps. Do I see the purchase of cleats in your near future? LOL.
I certainly do enjoy seeing all the beautiful places that you explore and I love seeing the happy smiles on your face.
Wishing you a happy (GREEN) day..

Chatty Crone said...

Wow that was a big piece of ice there girl - bet it was cool!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

Helen said...

awesome photos, and what a great place to be. thanks for bringing that place to us.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You captured some really amazing photos, Betsy, although at the risk of life and limb. Maybe you two should invest in some of those ice cleats that you can strap onto your shoes. :)

DeniseinVA said...

You and George find the most beautiful places. Enjoyed the photos of the two of you and all that lovely scenery. Thanks Betsy and Happy Saint Patrick's Day :)

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy!
As you could see, I love caves, all kinds. But I have never been in a cave covered of ice!!! We don't have it in Brazil. It's amazing!
Ohio is a wonderful place to visit, without doubt.



Sylvia K said...

Such an incredibly beautiful place -- another one!!! You and George do indeed find the loveliest places to visit!! Thank you for sharing!! Those icy waterfalls are truly awesome!! Have a great new week!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just had banana and pb for mid morning snack. yum. those rocks and the gorge are just amazing and the people are so tiny... not me on that dark tunnel or icy steps

David said...

Betsy, Great photos! I'd like to know about the history of that tunnel. I wonder if it was built for tourists...or for some other purpose... Have a great St. Patrick's Day! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Janice K said...

I may have said this before, but that sure looks like an interesting place to go. It looks like it wasn't too cold the day you were there; however, you still got some great pictures with ice flows. The colors on some of the rocks in that one picture almost looked like a painting.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

have i ever seen you in glasses? i don't think so. are they new? i know George wears glasses. can't recall about you??! happy St. Patrick's day to you!! happy green & lots of luck of the Irish. ( :

i have to disagree with you there you & George are super tiny. i wonder are you losing even more weight since i 1st met you? you both look so good. make you are walking even more??! the hubby & i need to get into doing more. the winter has been a slow one for sure. i miss having the change to get out & about.

we are having snow & ice today. what about you guys? stay warm & cozy. enjoyed my visit. big big hugs to you both!! ( :

Terry and Linda said...

Cold! Cold! That is so cold. But you look happy!!
♬♬♬ Happy Saint Patrick’s Day ♬♬♬

Ruth Hiebert said...

My goodness! I am tired just reading about all that hiking and the icy conditions. The pictures are beautiful.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What amazing waterfalls and caves you and George saw! I can hardly believe the size of them--wow! It looks like George had a wonderful birthday trip!

I'm glad you were not hurt too badly, Betsy. I fell on ice a few years ago and I was aching for weeks. I actually had a mild concussion from the fall as I "saw stars" afterward! Ice can be so dangerous.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty views from your trip. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Marie said...

Wow! It's so gorgeous there! So glad you two made it without falling! I always enjoy a PB and banana sandwich. :)

Betsy said...

Thank you for visiting me today. I loved all of your pictures. I've never been to Ohio and your pictures are absolutely amazing. Be careful walking in all of that ice! I'm not an Elizabeth. I'm a Mary Beth. I had two Aunt Elizabeth's and I was named after them. :-)

Ann said...

This are all fabulous. You can tell by that great big beautiful smile on your face how much you enjoy yourself too

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Love these photos too.
I see the jar of peanut butter on the picnic table. We travel with peanut butter too.

Catherine said...

Those are some great photos Betsy!
We are enjoying some very spring like weather. Almost no snow left - yippee!
xo Catherine

The Furry Gnome said...

Fabulous photos of an amazing place. That's one awesome waterfall!

Angela said...

Wow! Your pictures are just spectacular! I really love the first picture with the two of you with the ice in the background. That is just awesome to see! I'm sure it was more exciting to see it in person. Wow!

Angela said...

I just looked at the map and it looks like I'm a little over a 2 hour drive to Hocking Hills State Park! I might have to put a bug in my husband's ear to go there one weekend when it is warmer!

Small Kucing said...

It must have been very cold to have such icicles.

Looks like things starting to spring to life now

A Colorful World said...

Nature's own ice sculptures! Wow! Look at all that time has carved in the rocks as well--that Rock House, for instance. Lovely posting and some really great photos, Betsy! Pigeons cooing are appropriate for you two love-birds, too! :-)

Our photos said...

You have made a lot of nice photos on this trip

Connie said...

Those ice formations are so pretty. I love that first picture of you sitting on a rock,Betsy. You look so happy there. Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So happy that you had such a nice trip. Ice on the trail and all those steps! Wow! Beautiful place so well-worth all that trouble and exertion. Have a pleasant day today and a nice Thursday tomorrow!

Pat - Arkansas said...

You and George are DEDICATED hiker/explorers! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, from 1967 to '69 and then again from 1971 to '72 I lived in Ohio, but I wasn't aware of this park. You've made it come alive for me.

I'm surprised that you and George were wearing only sweatshirts and no jackets. You must have been a little chilly. Or maybe the day had warmed up and that ice was melting. Peace.

Jeanne said...

I must see this place some day! Beautiful pictures and I'm glad y'all were safe on that ice!

Small City Scenes said...

Icy ice for sure but I think I see the sun a-shining. That's a plus. The tunnel, the icy bridge, the steps---wow you guys are diehards for waterfalls. The color of the rock is gorgeous. I would be too.
Take care of that knee.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Your photos are amazing. WOW! You and George are adventurers!

Taci simmons said...

Hi there, I "saw" you at Betsy's blog I also live in oregon and we are friends Nd meeting on Friday for lunch. I looove all of your pictures and i think it's just wonderful that you have decided to travel and see new things after you retired... I saw George's comment and I think Niagara Falls is a great idea ( I'm from Brazil and it's a beautiful site ) . If you have a second come and visit me :)

Anonymous said...

What amazing shots of the falls and all that ice.

Pat Tillett said...

AMAZING! You two are willing to do the work that it takes to see some places. Your payoff is amazing sights and beautiful photos.
I know that there are a lot of Indian petroglyphs and habitation sites in that area. Do you guys ever see them?

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Once again you have pushed yourselves and managed to get some really spectacular photos. Was this all done on one day?