Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Some Alabama Waterfalls

Little River Falls- 45 feet
In March of 2013,  George and I spent a couple of days in Fort Payne, Alabama.  We were celebrating George's birthday by hiking and seeing waterfalls!!!!  I published some posts telling of our hiking adventures and of the birthday.  But--I wanted to show you all of the waterfalls we saw while in DeSoto State Park and the Little River Canyon National Preserve near Fort Payne.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

Little River Falls (from another angle on the other side of the river)

Lodge Falls (near the lodge at DeSoto State Park)

Indian Falls  (there's a bridge above the falls which you can walk across)

Azalea Cascades  (not too much water here --but pretty, seeing it flow down the mountain)

Lost Falls (a nice hike back in the woods to see this one)

Laurel Falls  (on the same hike where we saw Lost Falls-photo above)

And the 'biggie' at DeSoto State Park,  DeSoto Falls (too big for one photo)

The other part of DeSoto Falls - 104 feet

All of DeSoto Falls (from the other side of the canyon)

DeSoto Falls (close-up of the bottom---104 feet)
Well---that was a great little trip --and George had a nice birthday last March.  There are other waterfalls in the area (Noccalula Falls in Gadsden plus a couple more in the Little River Canyon area)---but we were happy to see what we saw this trip.

I'll close with one more photo of us taken the day we hiked to Lost and Laurel Falls.  This photo was taken at Lost Falls.
George and Betsy at Lost Falls
Well---this ole' woman has had to get bifocals now...  I've never worn anything but reading glasses --so this is really taking some getting used to.  Haven't tried to do any photos yet with the new glasses....  Should be interesting!!!  Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday! It has finally warmed up a little here!!!  But--winter is NOT over!!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Orchids of All Colors

George and I stopped by the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville,  North Carolina,  on December 2, 2013 on our way to Ocean Isle Beach for a few days.  While there,  we just HAD to visit the Conservatory to see the ORCHIDS.  Every time we go to see them,  there are some new ones which we have not seen before.  As you scroll through the photos,  see if you can decide which is your favorite one... I'll tell you mine at the end of the post.  ENJOY --and click on the photos for enlargements.

Well---which one if your fav????  Mine is the 3rd one from the top. I love the larger orchids --and those two colors together are awesome!!!

Nothing like pretty flowers to help us ALL feel a little warmer today.  The deep south has been having some very frigid weather --and people who seldom ever see snow have seen some now....  Here in Fairfield Glade --we had about 2 inches of snow and at 11 p.m. last night (1/28/14),  the thermometer on our deck said that it was ZERO degrees (F)....  Yipes!!!!!  I need another cup of coffee!!!!!

Please pop over to My Photo Blog (click HERE) to see one more gorgeous orchid--also a favorite of mine!

Have a great day.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Birds at the Bird Kitchen on my Deck

"Please let me come inside and get warm"  Mr. BLUEBIRD says --while sitting at our door and looking inside.  Ahh--isn't he adorable?
This past Friday (my last blog post),  I posted about our pretty little snow on Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014.  Besides taking snow photos,  I also got some pictures of our sweet little Backyard Birds at the feeders on a COLD, SNOWY day!!!

Hope you enjoy seeing these little beauties!  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

I had a hard time keeping the snow off of the feeders that day!

FINCHES at one of the four feeders near the sliding door;  These feeders have some protection from the weather --so the birds love them.

The birds are smart enough to go to the non-snowy side of the feeders.  This is a sweet little CHICKADEE.

Birds have to have water to live --and it's hard for them to find it in winter.  That's what is important about having a Heated Birdbath.  A BLUEBIRD enjoys a drink here.

There are two FINCHES in this photo.  Can you find them???? 

Gorgeous little Goldfinch

This is a BLUEBIRD in the Mealworm Feeder.  The dome is so neat to have since we can move it up and down as needed.  We are protecting their food in the plate --yet they can still get into it.

I couldn't get this CARDINAL to look my direction.  But --Cardinals are some of the prettiest birds to look at when it's snowing... That red color stands out in the snow (hence, my header)!!!

I keep a path on the deck cleaned off during a snowstorm so that I can fill and re-fill and re-fill the feeders.  This little BLUEBIRD showed off its beauty for me!
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Backyard Birds in the Snow!!!!  They are so much fun to watch --and I am thankful to be able to feed them...

Stay WARM wherever you are.  We have had frigid weather over and over the past 2-3 weeks... This is SO rare for this area of the country.  I haven't experienced temperatures this low for many, many years --if EVER.  I understand now why George is ready for SPRING... As much as I love snow,  I don't like this frigid weather... SO--it's okay if Mother Nature would bring Spring to us SOON....

Have a great day

Friday, January 24, 2014

Betsy Got SOME!!!!!!

Snow in Tennessee
The Rhododendron in our backyard, near the deck and Bird Kitchen
Well----Hubby is happy!!!!  We finally got a 'pretty' snow!!!! I love snow and we haven't had much at all so far this winter... And --when we've gotten it, except for one small one,  that kind of snow has been the dry kind which just blows around.

The type of snow I love is a WET snow which clings to everything..  That is just SO pretty--even when it's only about a couple of inches... I also 'prefer' (ha) that it snow during the daytime --when I am home, sitting by the fireplace and can watch it come down... This one did just that!!!!!   SOOOOOO------

Hubby is happy for me ---but now hopes that Spring will come soon.  George grew up in Indiana where they had LOTS of snow.  He doesn't like it AT ALL.  But--since he's such a good husband,  he knows how much I love it and was happy for me on Tuesday (Jan. 21, 2014).   I have always lived in the south --and have seldom seen much snow.  SO---I keep saying:  Bring it on!!!!  (The frigid temperatures we have been having are NOT my idea of fun though... Guess I can't have it all!)

Today,  I'll share with you (I know that you KNEW that this post was coming--ha ha) some photos I took around our home/yard that day.  Hope you enjoy the photos.  Be sure to enlarge them for bigger shots.  (Apologies to my northern friends who have had more than enough snow in their areas!)

I call this a 'white out' --as the snow POURED down on us!

Another photo looking into our backyard toward the golf course fairway

Another photo of our Rhododendron, as it continued to snow!  (That is the heated birdbath.)

Our Holly Bushes in the front of the house

This is a photo of the bushes in our neighbor's yard (on the upside of our home);  I can see this from my kitchen window.

I love it when snow collects on all of the trees/limbs.  That is one of our Redbud trees in the front yard.

That is a photo showing how heavy the snow was at that time.  This is the neighbor's home across the street.  They live in Michigan and are seldom here.  (Can't believe they are not here now instead of being in Michigan!!! ha ha)

Here's another photo of the Rhododendron --after it continued to snow.  (I took these photos at different times during the morning.)

Here's another photo showing the neighbor's yard above us...

Our flag in the front yard;  I love seeing the colors when it's snowing!

Finally --this is the next morning!!!!  I love seeing that blue sky and the white ground with shadows!!!!  Glad it is OVER ---but it's still very COLD outside!
Hope you enjoyed my Snow Photos.... It wasn't a big snow --but it was PRETTY to me!!!! On Monday,  I'll share some photos of my Backyard Birds this week at the Bird Kitchen. They are eating LOTS and LOTS ---and I feel sorry for them in this cold weather.

Have a great weekend.  I'll see you on Monday.  I'll be working on my Family History this weekend.
