Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Leaf Photo Op" Day Trip --10/14/13

On October 14, 2013,  George and I took a FOURTEEN hour Day Trip to check out the Autumn Colors around our area.  We started out in the Great Smoky Mountains;  then we went on the Blue Ridge Parkway (from Cherokee to Waynesville, North Carolina);  finally, we went on the Cherohala Skyway (between Robbinsville, NC and Tellico Plains, TN).  We finished our day by eating a BBQ Dinner at Bradley's Restaurant on Highway 68 --on our way home!

What a fantastic day we had... The photo opportunities were numerous everywhere we went with the best Fall Colors at the higher elevations.... Today I will share just a few of the 800+ photos we took on Monday.  Hope you enjoy seeing our area in Autumn. 

Above is a photo of George and me taken along the Cherohala Skyway.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

Once we headed up the Great Smoky Mountains (on Highway 441 between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC)---notice the colors we began to see! When the sun hits those mountains,  the colors really show off for us!

And look at our view from Newfound Gap (on top of the mountain ).  We love seeing fog in the valley when we are in the mountains.  (We did, however,  run into that fog when we got on the Blue Ridge Parkway later!!!!)

Once we left Newfound Gap and drove over the mountain into North Carolina,  we stopped at the overlooks along the way.  Here is George standing at one of those overlooks.  Aren't the trees gorgeous behind him?

AND--- here is what the mountains looked like in the Smokies --on a gorgeous Autumn day!

This is an interesting photo showing the sun and shadows on the Great Smoky Mountains. This photo was taken from one of the overlooks on the North Carolina side, not far from Newfound Gap (the top).

WELL---after seeing all of that fog,  when we got to the Blue Ridge Parkway (between Cherokee and Waynesville, North Carolina),  we did run through some of that fog... BUT--it was okay since we enjoy taking 'fog' photos also.  This photo was taken at Woolyback Overlook,  elevation 5,425 feet.

Here is a photo showing the colors along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Can you see the tunnel?????

I like this photo taken along the Blue Ridge Parkway showing the rocks and all of the colors..

Here is one of my favorite photos along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  This was taken at Woodfin Valley (elevation 4,120 feet).

After leaving the Blue Ridge Parkway,  we drove to Robbinsville,  North Carolina and headed up the Cherohala Skyway (toward Tellico Plains,  Tennessee)...  We loved what we had seen in the Smokies and the Blue Ridge Parkway,  BUT when we got to the Cherohala Skyway,  we saw even more Autumn colors!!!!

Here is a picture of me ---trying to get taller!!!!!!  George is 6'4" and I am 5'5"...  There are times that I can't see in order to get the best photos available!!  SO---as I said on Facebook,  "A Girl has Gotta Do what she's Gotta Do"!!!   I'm not sure that picnic table was made for someone to stand on,  BUT.............  ha ha

This photo shows  "God's Paintbrush in Action"--don't you think????  Aren't these colors marvelous?  This photo was taken at an overlook on the Cherohala Skyway at the Shute Cove Overlook (elevation 2,660 feet).

This is a great photo which shows the vivid colors we saw on the Cherohala Skyway.

Here is one of my favorite photos from the Cherohala Skyway.   I love seeing the shadows on the mountains ---and also where the sunshine is popping through.  Wish you could have seen this in person... It just took my breath away!  God is so GOOD.

I love SUNBEAMS...  We were blessed to get to enjoy them off and on during the day.  This was also taken as we traveled along the Cherohala Skyway.

Finally,  here's one more photo of George and me  taken at the Brushy Ridge Overlook on the Cherohala Skyway.  Do you like our Patriotic Shirts????  We got them at Colonial Williamsburg!

WELL----that's our trip in a nutshell.... It was hard choosing which photos to include on this post since we both have SO many good ones... It was a perfect day in every respect --and I'm sure I'll include many more photos from this amazing day trip in the future.

Hope you have a wonderful week.   I am taking a week off from Blogging not only to get some yardwork done --but also to continue enjoying this glorious Fall Season.  I'll be back--hopefully with some more great photos-- on October 28...



diane b said...

yea! I'm first to comment. The trees and mountains are just stunning. How lucky you are to live close by. That was a big day trip but obviously well worth it.

Ms. A said...

Sure wish I was there to enjoy all that beauty. Thank you for taking me along with photos!

You've gotten a haircut, haven't you?

Our photos said...

Nice to see you both and beautiful Autumn photos

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Thank goodness for blog-friends, otherwise I would never get to see sights like this first hand, straight off the press so to speak!
I can well imagine the dilemma of choosing the selection of photos you did choose to share Betsy! They are glorious! Truly.
(PS: of course picnic tables are for the vertically challenged to stand on!!) :)

Fun60 said...

That was quite a trip but what a result. How do you choose what to post - you must have so many wonderful shots. I thought the foggy one was particularly atmospheric.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy What a wonderful trip for George and yourself. All the shots are spectacular. Colours are amazing. I once sailed into Williamsburg when I was working as a volunteer on a hosptial ship called Mercy Ships. My daughter and I hired a bike and travelled round a park near where the ship was docked on our day off. Your post bring back memories of that. Thanks.

Carletta said...

LOVE the vibrant colors of the fourth one from the bottom and that sunbeam is wonderful!
Great shirts too!
We hope to get out this weekend and found some color.

Small Kucing said...

A great week to you and George. Dont forget to snap photo of the garden ya.

Ann said...

You found some beautiful fall colors on your trip. I love the picture from Woolyback Overlook with the fog.
We don't seem to have too much color this year, it's very disappointing

Twilight Man said...

Awww! Looking at the awesome photos overlooking faraway mountains with beautiful splashes of colors really made me happy today. Yes ~ God Is Good!
George is so tall and handsome, you lucky gal.

Have a great weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful....stunning...gorgeous. So many adjectives come to mind. And then, of course...loving!!! You two are always filled with smiles!! That I love.

Tabor said...

Didn't make it at peak time this year...so happy to ride along with you.

Big Dude said...

That was quite a one day trip but looks like it was worth it from a color standpoint.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so much beauty in those leaves. the first one looks like a patchwork quilt and i like the one up from the bottom with the light beams. enjoy your yard work and don't be to hard on the rake

The Furry Gnome said...

What a wonderful drive! I love little expeditions like that. And great colour - our colour is almost over up here.

linda m said...

i can't believe all the color you have. I was in the middle of the state of WI this past weekend and there is very little color. You are way ahead of us. Your photos are beautiful and I sure enjoyed seeing them. Enjoy your time off.

Catherine said...

Those are sure some pretty fall leaves!
Enjoy your blog break Betsy!
xo Catherine

Connie said...

What a great trip that was, Betsy. Beautiful fall colors! Love seeing all those reds and oranges and yellows!

I Am Woody said...

Just beautiful! Those colors were really popping! And seriously, I LOVE the fact that you guys took a 14 hour day trip! I thought I was the only one crazy enough to do that :)

Out on the prairie said...

What an amazing selection of colors, the trip paid off well!

Linda P said...

Those last photos with the red leaves on the trees are wonderful, but they are all marvellous. Enjoy your week off, Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wow! How pretty. So glad you enjoyed seeing the colors of the Fall. The last time I was in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was a year ago. I do miss the Fall colors. Have a great day and a pleasant weekend!

Cheqna said...

Hi Betsy,

Lovely sceneries and great photos. Thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend!.


Jim and Sandie said...

God is the most amazing artist ever. Those colors are incredible.

Sylvia K said...

The colors are glorious and what terrific captures, Betsy! Yours and George's photos are the next best thing to being there!! Awesome! Hope you both have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You surely do make it hard to pick a favorite! :) These are all so beautiful. You picked a perfect day to go on this fall color trip. Eight hundred photos?!! It's sure a good thing we don't have to buy film anymore. :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Gorgeous fall colors today! I love the fog photos. It seems like fall colors and fog go together. Your post made me want a cup of hot apple cider just looking at all the beautiful colors. Hope you have a great weekend.

Glenda said...

Now folks can see why those of us who live near the Smokies refer to it as "God's Country!" Your photos are exquisite, Betsy! Thank you for doing your part to invite folks to come to our neck of the woods!

HappyK said...

It sure is a pretty time of year and your have captured it beautifully in your photos.

Angela said...

You know I LOVE your matching shirts!!! God sure did paint a beautiful fall for you and George to enjoy and share your wonderful pictures with us to see!!! The fall colors are spectacular in your area this year! Not so much right here where I live right now. I thought ours looked pretty good yesterday but after seeing your pictures it isn't that pretty here!


Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos...beautiful colours! i love the one from Cherohala Skyway lovely red colour there in the foreground.

Susannah said...

Boy, oh, Boy.....what great photos!! AND I want to add how marvelous you and George look in your pictures....so healthy and happy!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

WOW! Your very first leaf picture, plus the last three before you and George, they are my very favorites!!!!! I have been up the mountain about three times this week, going to the big hospital in Charlottesville. NOTHING! But down here in the valley it is beautiful. I think this weekend will be the best time for our leaves, maybe even into Monday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. thank you so much for praying Betsy, it is the best thing you can do for me!

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
great pics! I adore the colours so much, we have had a very grey day so it's lovely to see such vivid beauty, your patriotic 't' shirts are fab, I love that you both match! I had a little giggle when I saw you standing on the picnic table!! x x have a lovely weekend x x

Chatty Crone said...

Okay my favorite are still the red. I love that color. I like your shirts too! Enjoyed you taking me with you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing beauty. I think my camera would be kept very busy in scenery like that.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Wowza...that was quite a day trip for you both. I love seeing all the fall colors; so glad you had a great time!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, beautiful Autumn colors and trees. The top shot is my favorite. Beautiful photos! Have a happy weekend!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, those colors leave me breathless. I can't imagine driving with all that beauty around you. I remember once, way back in the fall of 1972 when I was teaching in Claremont, New Hampshire. I was driving up on US Highway 1 or 3 or something like to Dartmouth. And the birches were so yellow. So brilliant with color that I had to pull over to the side of the ride and gaze my full. I had stopped breathing as I was driving and I knew I had to just pull over and absorb what I was seeing. Peace.

Janice K said...

The colors of the trees are gorgeous--the perfect time to be there.

Kay said...

Great photos and beautiful colors. Don't you go falling off that picnic table Girl.

Terry and Linda said...

WOW! Your fall colors are just outstanding. We are still slow to color up here...it started in August then stopped. All the colors in the mountains are gone because of the snow. They didn't get to last very long at all.


Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, you all are really getting some nice color. That shot at Woodfin Valley is awesome. We still don't have hardly any changes here yet. Of course we don't usually get it as nice as you do.
Enjoy your time off. Get ready to put those plants to bed.

Rose said...

Oh, my! You sure were surrounded by beauty! The color is just glorious!

amanda said...

Oh, WOW! Wow, wow, wow!!
Each photo had me saying another wow!! :)
Just beautiful.
I am inspired to visit this beautiful part of our country in the fall someday.

Neal said...

Wow.....lots of beautiful pictures. I can't pick a favorite...no way.

Donna said...

That was quite a marathon trip! Gorgeous colors, so it was sure worth the effort for you. Love those t-shirts, LOL. We ventured out to the Cherohola Skyway yesterday. The colors were pretty at the higher elevations on the TN side, but pretty much fallen off on the NC side. I managed to take a few pics! I understand the height problem since I am also short. The overlooks need some serious trimming because it is hard to see over the vegetation. We stopped at Tellico Grains, of course, for a delicious lunch & bread, and then Benton's for some smoked bacon (now all in the freezer). It was great to go somewhere beside the grocery store & UT Medical Center for a change.

troutbirder said...

That does it. We've got to make a trip down there sometime. It been way to long since....

Sharon said...

Not sure I'll be able to make this trek myself (we always do in the fall) this year, so thanks for letting me travel it through you!

Sally Wessely said...

You two get out and about more than anyone I know. I envy that. Good for you. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your world with all of us.

Elizabeth said...

Dear Betsy, you and George took this fabulous driving trip on my daughter's birthday!! She's 19 now, freshman at Mississippi State...how DID she grow so fast?! These photos of the amazing Autumn colors really make me feel good that nature continues on its' pathway. Also the smiles on your faces make me feel good and happy! Thank you :-)

Nancy said...

Betsy, you and George captured some beautiful shots on your fun day trip....But I have to tell you my favorite ones are the ones of you and George.....I hope you both have fun this coming week on your time off.....

Susie Swanson said...

These are so beautiful. that area is so beautiful this time of year. You were more close to me than you knew. I live west of Robbinsville at Murphy. I have some relatives that live in Robbinsville. We try to get over that way every chance we get.. Thanks for sharing your beauty. Hugs, xo

Shug said...

Beauty and more beauty. thanks for capturing these stunning shots. I think it is soooo sweet how you and George always have on matching shirts! You two are so special!! love ya

Anonymous said...

I thought I had commented but I must have lost it. These are such pretty photos. I just love Autumn. Thanks for sharing the beauty all around you!

MastHoliday said...

Hi Betsy!! what the unique time of the year for trip and to get natural beauty.. such autumn photos looking amazing..
Thanks for sharing..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful autumn photos!

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

Lovely pics and write up. Its a sort of home coming for me when I visit here. So glad to see the beauty in the other side of the world through your space. Have you been to Kerala by any chance? Welcome and prayers!!!

David said...

Betsy, Your fall color photos are terrific! We have to go for a drive this week...the colors in the foothills should still be nice. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shots, Betsy and even more beautiful colors. Love the long shots of the rolling hills. We have mostly greens out here because of the many evergreen trees and yellows because of the Larch, poplar and bigleaf Maples. beautiful none the less. It looks like you two had a fun time---the smiles are wonderful. MB

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

I'm so jealous! What a gorgeous trip you and George took!

Hootin Anni said...

They're all so gorgeous. And your smiles...well, you know for me that's always the best part of your posts.

As I was skimming down to view your photos, I was reading at a glance your 'jokes' on your sidebar...LOVE the one just above your weather widget.

Latane Barton said...

Such fabulous pictures. I love the colorful trees in the Fall. You certainly found a lot of them.

Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy,

these are terrific shots! so much beauty, such beautiful fall colours!
and the smiles-that's the best part!

i loved this post. it did inspire my dreams and heart.

happy weekend~

big hugs!

Buttercup said...

Love your pictures. So wish I was in the Smokies now and seeing this beauty in person. Thanks for sharing.

Joy said...

Those are marvelous autum pictures Betsy! I wish I could see them not only in pictures:)

DeniseinVA said...

What a magical display of fall colors and the photos of you and George were wonderful. It's a great time of the year for nature putting on a great show.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I so enjoy seeing the lovely Fall colors. You and George look overjoyed with each other and where you are.

Jeanne said...

These are all such beautiful pictures but my favorite is third from the bottom. Looks like it could be an oil painting - just breathtaking!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy you and George are the champions of autumn leaf photo takers! I remember the first time I visited your blog and I saw a post you did about all the autumn reds and gold trees you saw on a trip...you had me hooked from then on!

I'm so glad you are taking all these wonderful trips and enjoying life! You are an inspiration!

Rohrerbot said...

Your colors are stunning! I don't think Wisconsin had that much red in all the trees while I was home. In fact, the maples were just turning when we were there this month. Such beautiful photos to kick start the season:)