Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Positives vs. Negatives in our Lives

As you know,  my blog is named Joyful Reflections... Because I  generally blog about the happiness and joy in my life,  something I read recently made me think about blogging and bloggers.   Someone in a blog post talked about 'fake' bloggers who seem so happy and joyful ALL of the time even though we all know that life can be rough at times. 

We are all HUMAN and we ALL go through 'crap' in our lives at times--including me. I am definitely not always JOYFUL --even though I have a wonderful life and a fantastic relationship with my husband and sons.

FAMILIES can be wonderful ---but they can also be 'hell' to deal with at times.   I personally have gone through something in my family over the past several years which is very hurtful..  My husband and sons have been wonderful helping me through this situation...  I couldn't have done it without them...

SO--because we all go through 'crap' with other unreasonable people at times, and since we are not always JOYFUL,  I thought I would share some thoughts with you today --which may also help you with situations in your life at times,  like these thoughts  have helped me.

Above is something I try my best to live by.   I try to find the positive in all of life --even though it is not easy at times.   My motto is and has been for years:  "Surround Yourself with Positive People".  Luckily for me,  George is one of the most positive people I know!

This works for me MOST of the time...  The key:  Just look for something positive, and stay away from the negative!

Don't you love that 'heart' cloud!!!!!   Life is a CHOICE:  Choose to be happy.

This is my biggest regret of all... We all could play Monday Morning Quarterback--and do things differently if we had the chance.   BUT--that's just life... Some of our choices are good ones and some are not.    I made some bloopers through the years... BUT--I'm still ME and the people who love me,  love me because I am me!  I need to remember that, and celebrate this.

I  love this one.  We shouldn't ever have to PROVE ourselves to someone else.   WALK AWAY--although in 'family situations' that is not always easy!

Since I love hiking and walking,  this one is for me!!!!!  Good things are happening and will continue to happen..  I know that ---and I WILL keep walking that direction.

This is one of my biggest problems.  I keep asking "WHY" did this happen.... I want answers ---yet there are no answers.   I need to let it go --and just keep walking through my wonderful life, and forget about the bad situations.

This is for all of us....   There are so many positive, wonderful people in this world.  Spend your life with someone POSITIVE who enjoys life and enjoys being with you.

This one is for those of you who need to let someone GO.   I remember a friend telling me one time that she stayed with a certain person hoping that she could 'change' him... WELL--that never happened,  and all that other person did was to bring my friend down...There was no peace!  Very sad situation.

A negative person lives with negative thoughts constantly... If you know a negative person,  my advice is to get as far away from them as possible.   If you allow it,  they will bring you down!  Concentrate on the positives!!!!!

I have learned that being unhappy about a situation does nothing but give that other person power over my life.  I choose my own happiness.  How about you?

This may be my favorite one when dealing with a specific situation...   Love it!!!!!

Finally,  this one says it all---for ALL of us.  I did NOT write this post for you to feel sorry for me personally.  I'm FINE ---and I've dealt with my situation.    I did write it though to show all of us that we are HUMAN and we all DO go through things in life which are not pleasant, including ME.  It's all about how we deal with these situations!

We do LEARN from bad situations,  don't we?  I'd love for you to share your thoughts today.   The bottom line:  Find that JOY and stay away from those NEGATIVE people who just want to bring us down.  Be HAPPY and be thankful for the lives that we are living.  Thanks be to God.

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back to my JOYFUL posts on Monday!   I'm gonna have some of my new favorite ice cream today:  Blue Bell's  Caramel Turtle Cheesecake!  It will cure all negative thoughts--but of course,  you will have to shake out the calories!!!!! ha ha



Ms. A said...

I'm working on all of these, but will admit I'm not doing very well with them. And I've definitely been asking myself "why" a lot, even though I know I'll never find the answer.

Carletta said...

Thanks for the wonderful reminders. We all have ups and downs and situations. I know for me and I suspect for you we try to keep our blogs upbeat. I always want to convey the good things in life and hope when people visit they leave with a smile on their face. I'm not happy all day every day but it's letting the good rise above the rest that makes life more enjoyable.
Have a wonderful day Betsy and thank you for spreading the joy you do to all of us!

Anonymous said...

So true Betsy. I've gone through a horrible situation, and focusing on the small beauties of life has really helped me through it.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love them all Betsy- I can so relate. I love your enthusiasm for life- it is obvious to me and anyone who reads your blog that you are a very happy person!

Fun60 said...

Some wonderful thoughts there Betty. Life also has to be a compromise at times. We cannot always walk away but trying to make the best of a bad situation and doing things for myself that I get joy from helps me to remain as positive as possible. Enjoy the weekend with that exceptional husband of yours.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You are an inspiration! It's important to count our blessings every day. Wishing you and George a very nice weekend. We are loving the cooler temps.

Twilight Man said...

I love this post very much as if you were talking about ME! Even the Kings and Presidents of great countries have same pain and worries too, probably bigger folds than us.
I have also been to hell and came back, so I could understand how you expressed and felt precisely. Life is just a precious journey and we could choose the paths ourselves. You are definitely the reason I am addicted to your blog of beautiful flowers, happy trips and handsome birds & George! They all radiate positive aura from your JOYFUL REFLECTIONS post. Keep blogging Betsy!

Small Kucing said...

Very good post Betsy. Just the thing to reflect on yhis Friday evening

Miss Debbie said...

Thoughtful, inspiring post.Thanks for sharing your life and your "joy" with us!!

Hootin Anni said...

I am truly one of those happy people you talk about. I just can't see MY LIFE in the negative zone. Tho, I may not like or agree with how and the way the world pand our country] turns, I still listen to the negative thoughts and then strive to find the positive. For one thing, if we DIDN'T have negatives in life we wouldn't realize the happiness we DO have!

Yes, it's difficult, with family at times, but they're family....that is the positive to look for.

Enjoyed your thoughts very much.

Hootin Anni said...

...that "pand" should be [and

Sorry 'bout that.

RoeH said...

When my dad died, I had a blow-up with my brother and his wife. Three hours before the funeral, they accused me of stealing from my dad. So between that and my dad dieing, I cried about three months. Then one morning I woke up and said- number one I was never going to let them do this to me again which meant a complete stay away from them and number two - I chose to wake up every single morning with the decision that I was going to be happier that day than Duane. And it works!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Betsy, It's always a joy to read yours and George's blogs and Facebook. You 2 have been one of the few long term ( more than 5 years) blogging friends.

Yes, I have had my share of difficult times, but it turned out for good, like many bereavement helped me become a writer.

Your life waft as beautiful as your lovely roses.

Faye said...

I agree with Carletta. For me blogging and Facebook are places for making connections with old friends and new, sharing interests and life stories. I usually steer away from subjects like politics, religion and social issues. Most of my friends don't agree with me and I see no reason to antagonize them just to have my say. I also try not to unload all my troubles on blogging friends. That may lay me open to being judged as a "fake" blogger. Personally, I figure everyone has their own troubles and they don't need to hear me go on about mine. If I need a therapist will get one! :-)

Plus, if I spend too much time on troubles, Chet the Dog gets annoyed with me because he needs our blog and Facebook to tell HIS tales (tails?)

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Great post Betsy ~ Looking for the good and beautiful in each day makes us instead of breaking us as negativity will do to us if we let it.


The Furry Gnome said...

Very thoughtful post. It's not always easy, but I fully agree with you - and I think I manage it most of the time.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Betsy Wonderful post and so true. I don't like being around negetive people and usually cannot wait to escape their company. Have a happy weekend.

Catherine said...

These are all very wise words Betsy. Sometimes it's hard not to let people get free 'rent' in our heads. But ice cream will help for sure. What a yummy sounding flavour! Just stand while you eat it and then there will be no calories at all. ;)
Happy weekend!
xo Catherine

his_girl_friday said...

So true!

linda m said...

I've had my ups and downs in life and problems with family as well. So I can relate to everything you said. We are all humans and God wants us to be happy. We will all stumble now and then but we pick ourselves up and dust off and keep on trying. If we remember that no matter what God loves us we can make it. Staying away from negative people (even if this means family) has helped me stay more positive. Have a joyful weekend

diane b said...

All the other comments have said what I feel too. We all do have good and bad times to deal with and I don't think happy bloggers are fakes they are just being positive apart from the fact bloggers don't want to read sad negative stuff too often. However, it sometimes helps to write out and unload problems and have supporting bloggers help by listening. I hope your problems are sorted.

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

Great post Betsy. Good advice that I need to follow more often. Sometimes I let problems creep into my blog or facebook posts and I shouldn't. I really love your and George's photos and they make any bad day turn happy!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Of course, we all go through 'stuff' and it isn't all rainbows and lemon drops. LOL. But trying to see the best in all situations and STILL put on a smile is a gift. And YOU are gifted!!! :)
I ONLY blog about good stuff. (Or funny silly stuff that makes me or someone else smile!)
Lolo is studying psychology and she read that the old saying IS true: Fake it till you make it.
So, even if we are going through 'bad stuff' we can fake the happiness and hopefully it will be true in time. LOL
Have a great weekend Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Loved this post, Betsy! Your blog has always been a source of joy and beauty for me. Favorite quote: Happiness is an inside job. Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life. Love that!

Donna said...

This is a very uplifting post! I've never had too much trouble dealing with the problem people. After growing up in a big and turbulent family, I can pretty easily ignore folks as easy as flipping a switch, LOL. It's the bad things in life that I find troubling, particularly when I don't feel good most of the time. And regrets? Never, although I've done plenty of things that should be regretful. I know how to forgive myself, and I'm grateful that I can easily do it.

Ah, we are all works in progress. Aren't we? And each day we get a clean slate to try again!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are all great slogans and reminders. I hope that charge of "fake joy" wasn't directed at you. Anyone who has read your blog for very long...especially anyone who knows you personally...knows that there's nothing fake about your joy.

JunieRose2005 said...

This was a wonderful post, Betsy! Thank you for sharing!

Connie said...

Wonderful post, Betsy! We all have troubles and go through bad times, but we have a choice about how we react. I agree that looking for the positive and choosing to be happy is the best way to go.

I hope you have a great weekend! Hugs to you!

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy you sound like old Chatty Crone. We must be kindred spirits. Every single word you said I say exactly too.

I did not read the blog about positive people.

But you know me and we have our trials and still do - we just made a choice not to always talk about it.

I mean it makes others feel worse and it makes me feel worse!

I want to feel good! lol


Karin said...

It's in the valleys that there is growth and fruit bearing! Sometimes when there's been some 'fertilizer' added to our lives, we can use that to bear even more fruit. I'm always reminded to think on: whatever is pure, true, noble, just, lovely, of good report AND have nothing to do with an angry person! Don't ever let Satan steal your joy is a fav phrase I use! Great post Betsy!

Beth said...

I agree with all of these and practice most of them already, some days better than others. Ha!
I really like that next to last one. I will keep that in mind this year when dealing with a particular teacher.
Terrific post, Betsy---I loved it! :>)

Sara S. said...

Wonderful words of wisdom! I try to live a carefree life and try to find the good in everyone and everything. My husband at times, can be just the opposite. I always try to help him to just relax, take things as they come, and make him see that things just happen for a reason. I like to believe that we help each other to make it around that next curve in the road, or over that next hill. Life is a struggle but God never gives you more than you can handle.
Great post Betsy, and enjoy the caramel turtle cheesecake ice cream... ice cream makes everything better!!!

Unknown said...

All so true and so wise! Like the you and the others, I have been through some hurtful, painful times, but there were always good things to focus on and move on. Thanks for sharing the wisdom! Have a lovely weekend!

Glenda said...

I love your view of life, Betsy! There are so many people who always dwell on their problems, and they can't understand how others keep their joy during the hard times that we all have in our lives. It's a choice, and I believe that God wants us to spread His Sonshine wherever we go and in everything we say. Keep that positive outlook, even if some naysayers call it "fake!" It's only fake if you don't live it! :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

This post is filled with positive quotes and I love it. Sometimes we do need to put a distance between us and the negative people,but I find that there are so many things to be thankful for that even negative people can be tolerated.Who knows,perhaps I can be the positive influence they need.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Very nice post today. I'll let you in on a secret - eat that delicious ice cream and then go on a short 1/2 mile nature walk. Will burn those ice cream calories right away! Ha! Seriously, I did similar last night. Have a great day and enjoy your weekend!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

One of my favorite quotes, and one I used to have on my sidebar, is "we're just about as happy as we make up our minds to be" by Abe Lincoln. I do think happiness is a choice. Yes, we all go through rough patches here and there, and some more than others but it's all how you deal with it. We can carry the old baggage along with us everyday or we can put it down and choose to make the best of things. I've known some folks who have had a lot of pain in their lives, but they never complain. Those are the people I like to be around!

Shug said...

Girl......you know I love this post!!!! You are so right...we all have our problems and sorrows, but I'm with you about trying to be positive as much as possible. Negative people bring me down and the way I see it is that my health can always benefit when I maintain a positive attitude. Your blog is always so uplifting and this is the way I want mine to be as well.
Hope your day is not just good, but super good.

Small City Scenes said...

Good post Betsy. Who ever was tired of 'happy and cheerful' blogger must be a little twisted themselves. Happy is what we strive for and happy is what we give 'em.
Love all you signs. MB

Betty Manousos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy

thank you for sharing this inspiring and positive post!
such a great reminder! all so true!
with a positive attitude life becomes happier, and more successful.
positive thinking doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life's unpleasant situations...just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive way.

have a great weekend!

big hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I totally agree with all of this, Betsy, and It is worded in a very good way. wWen you get to be our age, you have dealt with some very bad people in your life, I know that I have. I would only add one more thing. Sometimes even though we try, it keeps coming into our mind and ruining our day. So this is when we pray for God to give us calm and peace!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Great post, Betsy. Just because we are suffering through difficulties doesn't mean we have to share those difficulties. We all have them and some might be even more burdened by knowing the difficulties of others. Who knows? We could be a bright spot for someone. Don't tarnish the luster for that person. You are definitely a bright spot for me and even though I have been lucky in life, I have had my moments too and one in particular last a long time. That's when we need bright spots the most.

Sally Wessely said...

Amen, sister. Thank you for sharing this. I loved every single poster/saying you shared with us.

There is such great truth in what you have said. I think that is what I love about blogging. Our blogging friends build us up and understand us and take us a face value. There seems to be no hidden agendas among us, and if there are, we can just stop reading their blogs. ;) Families are a bit more complex. We don't have to spill the beans in every post, or any of our posts. That is the beauty of blogging. Some things are personal and private. That does not mean we are being fake!

I love you, Betsy. You are the best. Thanks for this refreshing post. XO

Unknown said...

FABULOUS share, my friend!! Yup! today is one of those crap days here at the 'ranch' ... I make it clear that my days are never all pretty, as I write ... fake, not ... honest, yup!

Love this & TY for your share.

Love you to the moon, Betsy~

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,

Loved your post, it's so very true. Sometimes it's hard to stay positive if we are surrounded by negative people, I have that problem at work. Some are very negative and it's a little challenging. But I always try to stay positive no matter how hard the wind may blow. Not always easy though...
Have a lovely weekend! And thank you for all the positivity today :)

Terry and Linda said...

It is hard sometimes, isn't it, Betsy? I just traveled through a rough patch but I am on the other side now.


Grandma Bonnie said...

I really don't understand why a blog or blogger would be fake if they only blog about cheerful and happy subjects. I for one do not like to blog about negative or sad subjects. They may sneak in once in a while but for the most part the negative and bad in my life is not going to be shared on my blog. I wonder if that makes me a fake blogger?
Thank you for posting all the positive and uplifting advice. It is not always easy to remember that we make our own happiness. Your blog is one of the blogs I look forward to reading and enjoy what I read. Hope you have a great weekend. See you Monday!

LV said...

We all go through times like these, but how we handle it is the key. You said it all perfectly and I agree with you. My thinking has always been if you can change something do so, if not let it go.

HappyK said...

I'm happyone - what can I say : ) I am a happy person, nothing fake just happy. Bad things do happen to me to but I've learned to find something happy about every day.
I've had a few comments over the years about people saying that I can't be for real, that no one can be that happy. Well, I pretty much am how I write. Ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you yes, I'm happyone : )
The reason for my happiness may sound hard for some to believe but it is because of Jesus. When you put him first in your life you can just see the joyful side of things. At least that's how it works for me. : )

eileeninmd said...

Great post an reminders, Betsy! I try to stay positive even though sometimes it is hard, it has nothing to do with being fake. You said it exactly how I feel too. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the quotes. Have a happy weekend!

Arkansas Patti said...

All wonderful quotes Betsy and I can't find fault with any. I too like the one about someone trying to bring you down. Good to remember.
Keep those positive people in your life.

Tabor said...

Your attitude is perfect for all the hills and valleys. I am waiting for the post that explains how you lost your weight!! In details. Ice cream...?

carolina nana said...

Beautiful, meaningful post and what you say is so very true.
Hope you have a wonderful dry weekend

troutbirder said...

Well said. I always try to focus on the positive in spite of all. And the negative people I finally just walk away from them wishing them well. Negativism is contagious. Stay away from it...:)

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

All good reminders.
I had a negative person cross my path today. I think I kept it cool and let them pass, but it does make you feel icky inside when it happens.
Have a positive weekend!

Joe Todd said...

Good one Betsy ..Attitude of Gratitude

Pat Tillett said...

I'm pretty good at focusing on the positive things in life. Sometimes it's nice to see quotes like these as a reminder. Thanks Betsy!

pembrokeshire lass said...

This post was for me today. I actually posted this week about how down I am feeling. I'm not depressed just exhausted by someone who seems to just suck all the energy out of me. I used to do 'happy' posts but at the end of last year felt that i should be true to me! So many of the things you posted made me think so I am going to be writing them down so I can use them again. Thanks for this. Joan

Jeevan said...

Thanks for this inspiring post on happiness… life has both the things and some things happen on its own if we think good or bad, so its better having good thoughts rather bad to feel down.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the ice-cream :)

Big Dude said...

Thanks for the uplift Betsy. I liked both the words of wisdom and your commentary.

Sharon said...

I believe this post was written just for me...not everyone in our life is/was excited about our move to the condo and in subtle (actually NOT so subtle) ways continue to make that known. We've both had it and have for the most part ignored it, but this was helpful on so many levels. Thanks!

Linda P said...

Dear Betsy, I love to read your posts about your life with George especially as I know you've been through relationship and health issues and have come through. That's very inspiring. We all have ups and downs in our life but we don't have to necessarily mention them in our blogs. I would pray about writing anything very personal unless I thought it might help others to see that my faith gives me strength to get through the difficult times. That's my experience and the experience of my family. Thanks for your thoughtful post. Love to you and George.

amanda said...

Wonderful post, Betsy! I love it!!
I relate.. and totally agree.
Hope your weekend is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with all of these.
Positive thinking and attitude go a long way in making life easier.
Thanks for sharing the joy Betsy :)

KathyA said...

All so very true, Betsy!!! And it's so easy to fall under the spell of the negative ones -- I guess fear sometimes reigns.

I, too, always look for the joy. It carries us, doesn't it???

BTW, speaking of joy, how are Milestone and Dolly Parton doing? My roses are mostly 'resting' right now, but Dolly is blooming so beautifully!

A Colorful World said...

I'm so sorry Betsy...I know I have missed several of your posts. I go through spells when I don't blog much, and then this summer has been a different kind of summer for us, with Russell being out of town, first to help with his Dad when he had a stroke, then to pick up his jeep and trailer and some things in Va and now back to FL to the funeral. He is still at least two weeks away from coming home! Now I have just had cataract surgery and took a few days off for that. I probably missed some lovely flowers and waterfalls, and I regret that. Your post this time bothers me that you let someone's comment bother YOU! First of all, you know how aware I am about certain aspects of our Country's distress, and I could do nothing but posts about all that, but I don't. Because I know you would all leave me! :-) I think it is so important to be INFORMED, and that doesn't constitute being negative, but most people apparently don't agree with that. I think a lot of what is going on is going to blindside everyone. But its their choice. If the blog is your place to be happy, then that's what it should be! Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. I hope you and George are doing well. Looking forward to more lovely posts!

Lynda said...

As the saying goes, "You, go, Girl - - - and preach it, Sister!" I totally know where you are coming from. Blood family can get to you as can church family! Sometimes no attempts at reconciliation and saying or doing the proper things help. You have done well at expressing yourself without airing anything specific. All people - - - especially those close to us - - could make life easier if they would use common courtesy. I could give you a really, really good example of that this week with a sister-in-law different than last week's widow - - but she is so clueless - - - and needs to submit to Jesus. She has been in church long enough to know what's right and not - - - but that's another story. We are just thankful she lives six hours away!!! It's always good to hear from you - - - no matter what is happening in your life!

DeniseinVA said...

Betsy, your blog is always a joy and an inspiration, and the reason I keep coming back. People have often called me a Polly Anna because I am always trying to see the good in life. That's not to say my life has not had it's sad times, there have been many. Like you I am blessed with my husband and son who gave me an arm to lean on when life threw me a few heavy bricks my way. My blog is a place I will only post upbeat things on. That's not to say that I have been perfect, but with so much going on in the world I want it to be a place where people can pull up a chair and enjoy their visit, and as I pull up my chair I surely am enjoying mine with you.

And dang it Betsy I can't believe we were so close. I should get myself more organized but I do tend to go through life in a bit of a rush. I promise you we will be heading back to Tennessee and I will let you know okay? Getting together with you and George will be such a great pleasure. I feel like I know you already!

Well, one very log winded comment over with :) Enjoy your weekend!

Jeanne said...

Life is full of ups and downs for all of us and going through bad times sure makes us appreciate the good doesn 't it.
Great post! And, I must go out and find that ice cream! Sounds so good right now!

Peaches McGinty said...

I have just found your blog and I love it! you are absolutely right, life has its hiccups but it's about getting over it and having the best time possible x

Joy said...

You know Betsy, I can relate much to you. I think we have the same perspectives. These are wonderful quotes to live by.
Hugs from me:)

Jazzmin said...

This was so encouraging and wonderful to read! I loved your words and the thoughts you included! Every single thing you said. I especially loved the quotes with the beautiful photos in the background♥

Hope you enjoyed your ice cream too- that sounds delicious!

Blessings & hugs,
Jazzmin :)

MJ said...

After the things I have gone through and still going through in life, I am ALWAYS looking striving for the positive side of the situation. Oh sure, I can mope around feeling sorry for myself because I have Epilepsy, but I won't do that. I take what I have, turn it around and I try to use what I have, and adjust it to teach others about the illness and make others understand it and feel better about those suffering from it or if you are suffering from it. Yes, my husband had a severe heartattack but he survived and his is alive and is coping and I am NOT going to dwell on the negatives but only take the experience and use it to make me a stronger person, and stronger relationship and thank God for giving us another chance to love each other more. It is His path that He has given us, we will travel it, as bumpy as it may be and give it all we got and continue to smile and pray and hope that we are still giving it ALL that we got and He will be happy and others around us will be absorbed by our positive fight to overcome the bumps and will join along and fight their own battles. That is the kind of folks I love hanging out with. That is what I love about you. You are beautiful, your posts show it, your words are warm. I'm glad to know you... HUGS..xoxo... and your question on my blog about the mountain with the road or is it a trench running down? Is it a water run off from the winter snow in the Spring time. ♥

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I agree, Betsy, that it is better to stay away form toxic and bitter people and stay close to those who make us happy or feel good about ourselves. No one's life is perfect, but I'd rather concentrate on the good and happy things than waste time on the bad or dysfunctional things in life!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Ann said...

Betsy this is an awesome post. I don't consider the "happy" bloggers to be fake. Like you said we all have rough times but that doesn't mean we have to put them out there for the world to see. I blog because it keeps me positive and I promised myself that I would keep the junk off the blog.
All these quotes are wonderful I'll have to remember several of them

Nellie said...

These are good reminders for all of us as we are faced with the stresses of life. I send along hugs to you, Betsy!

Peace and joy,

Rohrerbot said...

Well said all of it. We make mistakes and we can either dwell on them or learn and improve. I have found that I've let go of all negative and that takes a lot of work to distance yourself from that kind of crap. No longer do I involve myself in this and at 40, I consider myself lucky to have learned this lesson so quickly. Those who dwell in those ugly places must do it without me. It's a real drag. But you just have to cut it off:) And that's the hard part because a part does care:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Family drama is the pits. You seem to be handling it with grace Betsy. Keep up the good work.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, there are days you would not like me at all...I don't even like myself. Not always, of course.

I have really had to deal with the one living with regrets. Regrets about things I did not do. I think this is probably one of the truest sayings there ever was.

I could go on and on...but I won't. I am not glad you have had problems, but knowing that others go through these same things does make one feel they are not alone.