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Double Delight Rose; Photo Taken 5/31/13 |
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Apricot Nectar Rose 6/11/13 |
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Ingrid Bergman Rose 6/9/13 |
Gemini Rose (one of my favorites) 8/14/13 |
Southern Belle Rose 5/28/13 |
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Alec Red Rose 6/4/13 |
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Memorial Day Rose (in various stages of its blooms) 6/16/13 |
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Milestone Rose (favorite new rose this year; holds its blooms for a long time) 8/3/13 |
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Ella Rose (beautiful rose featuring several colors) 7/27/13 |
Moonstone Rose 8/12/13 |
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Fragrant Cloud Rose 6/4/13 |
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Accapela Rose 6/5/13 |
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Summer Nights Rose 6/4/13 |
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Dolly Parton Rose 6/16/13 |
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Welcome Home Rose (one that just keeps on blooming) 6/5/13 |
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Sonia Rose 6/4/13 |
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Ronald Reagan Rose (a heavy bloomer, and oh so gorgeous) 5/30/13 |
Our Roses are Hybrid Teas and Grandifloras--and my husband takes GREAT care of them--even getting rid of those stinkin' Japanese Beetles... We also have to keep the deer away --so George sprays Liquid Fence ALOT during this season. We've been pretty lucky so far this year --although there were FIVE deer in our yard last Saturday. Luckily, the mailman drove up and scared them away!!!!! Whew!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday --and be sure to jump over to my Photo Blog (click HERE) to see one more 'group' photo of a very very favorite Rose of mine.
Your roses are all so beautiful! I can tell that someone takes excellent care of them all the time. I'm especially partial to yellow roses, and the Peace rose in particular, but I appreciate each of the others you have pictured here. I can almost smell the wonderful, delicate scent through the monitor! Thank you for the trip through your lovely rose garden!
They are all awesome:)
Yes this is a nice change to see the beautiful roses in groups. That gives me a better idea how big and lovely the plants are in your country. Your garden is so neat!
I know it must be a lot of work, but George does a beautiful job of keeping you in blooms!
Such beautiful names to match the roses, and I did not know Dolly Parton has a rose named after her! so cool ! and having deer in your garden too? are they naughty/dangerous? x
Betsy, a lovely collection of roses. The colors are so pretty. Thanks for sharing!
Betsy, a lovely collection of roses. The colors are so pretty. Thanks for sharing!
Your roses are gorgeous. I don't even know what liquid fence is! Too bad it doesn't keep out deer, huh?
So many blooms on one bush. George certainly knows how to look after roses. You are one lucky girl. I like Apricot nectar.
You have some real beauties! It must be wonderful to go out each day to see what's blooming. George definitely takes great care of them. What do you do with all of them in pots during the winter?
Have a great day ~ FlowerLady
Each rose is beautiful. It was fun to see the google earth image which showed the rose containers on the drive!
ronald regan is my fav today and the one that looks like peppermint
They are all so beautiful. You can tell George takes very good care of them. I never knew you could grow roses in containers. Now I know how George can bring you a rose every day.
Such a sea of beauty Betsy. I was particularly taken by Welcome Home Rose. I am assuming that the Dolly Parton rose was named for its largest than most blossoms:))
My two favorites in this collection are Summer Nights and Gemini. I love the pink and white varigated looks.
I will have deer to contend with at the farm house. What does George do to combat Japanese Beatles? I won several battles with them this summer, unlike last when I lost big time. But still, they messed up some.
Dolly Parton - Ingrid Bergman - Ronald Reagan - why are they named for people - did they kind of invent them or in respect? And I think my favorite is the Summer Nights Rose. Very pretty. sandie
Someone has a real knack for growing roses!! they are so healthy and beautiful.
They are all so gorgeous and colorful; no wonder the deer want to nibble on them! I love that you can have a gorgeous bouquet every.single.day!
I am amazed how wonderfully your roses bloom, even in pots. It has to be all that tender loving care!
Beautiful blooms as always! It always amazes me that you can remember the names of every kind of flower in your garden. I can't even remember the names of the ones I like by time I get to the end of the post lol. After scrolling back up to see the name again, my favorite is the Gemini. I love that pink/white bloom, so lovely! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics with us.
You are surrounded by beauty, Betsy! You're a lucky gal. :-)
Surely to goodness, you have a Rose of Sharon somewhere in that yard! That is my name, you know! LOL! They are ALL beautiful.
Such gorgeous, colorful roses, Betsy! How wonderful to be surrounded by so much beauty!! Thanks for sharing with this walk around your lovely yard! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!
Southern Belle and Ella for me today! But ALL gorgeous!!! The deer must be starving if they are getting through into your yard.
Fragrant Cloud rose is not only pretty, but I'm guessing it lives up to its name.
So lovely to have different roses blooming at different times throughout many months of the year.
So beautiful,Betsy. Them pesky deer. We are having so much trouble with them this year.
I love your roses. That Fragrant Cloud is a beauty and scented so nicely.
I have pics for you today. LOL MB
Thanks for sharing these. I think my favourite might be the Gemini Rose,but all the others are a very close second.
I treasure my few roses, but would think I had died and gone to heaven if I had all these beauties.
So many beautiful roses! I think my two favorites are the Southern Belle Rose and the Welcome Home Rose. We have the Welcome Home Rose in our flower bed as well. I am a fan of yellow roses.
I think you should be named Rosie:) That's a huge amount of work maintaining all of those gorgeous roses. What a nice assortment of color around your house! I can smell them over here:)
Your roses are just as beautiful as ever!!
I am so thankful we do not have Japanese beetles here. The stories about them are just terrible! Love your roses!
Your roses are lovely
Those are all gorgeous. I can't imagine how much work goes in to taking care of all of those. George is an excellent gardener
Hi Betsy, Lovely roses. Five deer! Wow! Have a wonderful Thursday tomorrow!
Beautiful roses! It is evident there has been much attention given to their successful growth.
I just love Ingrid and Dolly and the Welcome Home roses...but all are beautiful.
You must have a VERY green thumb to grow all those roses so successfully! Beautiful!
Your roses are breathtaking Betsy. A lovely variety and all beautiful colors! We have finally planted some in our garden this summer and I do enjoy them. I think you and George may have planted the seed as I have always enjoyed your garden.
Thank you for stopping by. I enjoyed your memories of when you went to Santa Fe. Hugs, Denise
I wish my computer could transfer the fragrance from your roses to my home. These are all just so lovely. I, too, like the Gemini.
All of those are so beautiful. However, I think the Gemini and the Fragrant Cloud are my favorites.
Wow, Betsy, you and George have some beauties. We too love roses, but with our wet winters, many develop rust and black spot, so our choices are fewer. But those that seem to not mind the conditions do bring a smile to our face. Have a great weekend!
Seriously Betsy, can a section of property be 'delicious'? Yours sure is!! What a delightful treat.
Wow! Awesome collection of roses Betsy! I liked the different stages of Memorial Day, the double delight and Ronald Reagan.
Roses grow on you.
People could visit your garden! They're all beautiful! I really like the Milestone red rose, so gorgeous! The liquid fence doesn't hurt animals, does it??
Your roses are magnificent!
Such an array of beauty!! Your yard must be a paradise with all of that beauty combined. The colors of each bloom are so rich and beautiful.
I really like the perspective of the last picture also.
Blessings!! Hope you have a great weekend :)
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