Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 8, 2013

LILIES in our YARD in 2013

Except for the deer eating some of them this year,  our LILIES have done really well in our yard... We've had so much rain that things are flourishing, although lately,  we've had TOO much rain... Oh Well!!!!!  Better too wet than too dry I guess.

Hope you like seeing our 14 different lily varieties this year... It's hard to pick a favorite --but the one above  (named Garden Pleasure) is a favorite of mine... Too bad that this is one that the deer also loved and ATE --so we haven't had many of these blooms this year...

Below are more.  Click on them for enlargements...




Combination of REGALE and MADONNA  LILIES  (Regale has pink outsides,  and Madonna is white on the outside;  But other than that,  they are similar.)









Hope  you enjoyed seeing our Lilies...   Four of these (Juanita,  Sarina,  Tinos, and Pink Lemonade) are in the round lamppost flowerbed ---and the deer got to them this year,  eating many of their buds... Hopefully,  we will have a larger group blooming in that bed next year.

The one which bloomed the most this year was Pink Perfection... These were amazing.  AND  Touching will have alot more blooms on it, as you can see from the picture above.  Touching is a beautiful lily since it is a pale yellow with a red inside and pink outside....

Golden Splendor,  Regale,  Madonna,  Treffer and Freedom's Glow are all in the side flowerbed near the deck... I enjoy this group since I can see them from both the kitchen and the Great Room.

Pink Perfection,  Garden Pleasure (which the deer ate),  Touching,  Montenegro and Lollypop are in the road flowerbed out front...

We may have a few more lilies to bloom --to add to this year's collection,  but this is most of them.  IF we do get more,  I'll share them on an upcoming blog post.

Do you have a favorite?????  Gosh---if I HAD to choose from this year's group,  I'd probably choose Pink Perfection --since we had SO many of them... BUT--I also love Touching and Garden Pleasure..... Ah Shucks---I love them all.

Hope you enjoyed seeing them today!  Wish you could smell them.  Lilies just smell awesome!!!!!

Hope you had a good 4th of July.  We had a VERY VERY wet one here --with  more rain than I've seen for a continuous amount of time in a long, long time!!!!!   Many of my friends asked if we were going to build an ark!!!!! ha

ADDENDUM:  Besides these 14 lilies,  we also had 3 more to bloom:  Gold Band,  Simplon, and a tiger lily (either Black Beauty or Midnight Queen).  SO --that made 17 total for 2013.



Unknown said...

That must be so lovely to see all this beauty every day :) Your lilies are gorgeous, I like the Montenegro lilies. I suppose it's difficult to prevent the deer's from eating them though. Have a lovely day!

diane b said...

These are a fabulous collection of lilly varieties. I can only grow one so far but you have given me inspiration to try for more . Your pesky deer seem to do more damage than my fat wallaby. Sorry I forgot to mention your deer on FB the other day. Any chance your resident gardner would like a trip to Daisy Hill Australia?

Ms. A said...

Sarina and Tinos look like sunshine on a stem! They are all beautiful and it doesn't look like the rains have done them any harm, although I can't say the same for the deer.

Fun60 said...

How fabulous to have so much colour in your garden. if I had to choose I think I would go for 'Touching'.

Small Kucing said...

Hmmm if am to choose...i choose the edible lily. :)

Yeah there is one type that use to stir-fry taste great

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful lilies, so many pretty colors. Your photos are lovely, Betsy!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely collection of lilies you have. They are happy looking flowers with all of their pretty colors.

A month or so ago we had rain for three straight weeks. We had a small shower yesterday, rain expected for the next few days. I am so glad we are out of our 3-4 year drought.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Ercotravels said...

Wow, beautiful pretty lilies! much colorful and looking sheer beautiful.
thanks so much to visit my blogs and most welcome you on my on other blogs and posts. here my main blogs


Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the SARINA LILY - gorgeous. have a great week. big big hugs. ( :

Marcia said...

That's a lovely collection. I'm awaiting the blooms on the star gazer lily. The deer did get some of the buds but there are enough on there for a showing. I also have day lilies yet to bloom.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

They are all gorgeous, but I think my favorite is the Lollipop. Glad to see that the rain didn't beat them down.

Larry said...

You have a wonderful collection of lilies Betsy. Our asiatics are just now coming into bloom and orienpets are a week or so behind. I lost many over winter but did add 110 new ones that I imported from England this spring. It will take a while to get them the size they normally grow, but most will bloom this year. Thankfully we have no deer to mess with them in our gardens. L

Catherine said...

My lilies are just getting ready to bloom. Your are mush farther ahead and looking oh so beautiful!

I hope you get some sunshine to start drying up all that rain!

xo Catherine

linda m said...

I have to go with Touching Lily as my favorite. You really do have a lot of lilies in your yard. They are all so pretty. I am still waiting for mine to bloom. I have seen a few buds but no flowers. So happy to hear the rain has stopped.


Hello Betsy, YOUR lillies are absolutely glorious... and in the most wonderful colors.. Sadly the deer ate most of buds off mine.. very sad face.. LOL How do you keep those deers away when your home is surrounded by woods.. Hugs Judy

Jo said...

I also love them all, Betsy, but I have a "thing" for golden and yellow lilies so those are all my favorites. Hope the deer change their diet to the wild grass outside your garden perimeter??? (((Hugs)))Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite flower color is yellow, but today i am picking MONTENEGRO as my favorite... wow what a beauty

Jeevan said...

Absolutely gorgeous flowers and pretty in colors! Sorry I can’t go with one as favorite, but I enjoyed theses quite.

You know, the name of my mother is Lilly :) So I can’t deny loving these.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your lilies, and your photos of them, are too gorgeous to pick a favorite.

Nellie said...

Lovely lilies! I choose Pink Perfection!:-) Can you believe that I actually see a glimpse of sun! Though that rain is still in our forecast for the week. Ark-building is not a bad idea.:-)


Lady Di Tn said...

LOL It did appear we might need an ark or boat of some kind. Thankfully on this hill it just headed down to the valley. If I had to pick one lily it would be the Touching Lily. I bet it does smell Heavenly as you stroll around your yard. Peace

Donna said...

It's hard to pick a favorite, but that Garden Pleasure one is stunning! We are quite waterlogged here in Knoxville right now. They say we have received 18 inches of precipitation above normal. It if keeps up like this, we'll set a record this year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like that Regale. Sorry you guys have had so much rain. It rains here almost daily. I like how green everything is now compared to when we first looked at Fl in the late Fall. So rain is a good thing in moderate doses! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like that Regale. Sorry you guys have had so much rain. It rains here almost daily. I like how green everything is now compared to when we first looked at Fl in the late Fall. So rain is a good thing in moderate doses! Have a great week!

Cheqna said...

Hi Betsy,

Lovely lilies..love them all too!..but if I were to choose I'd pick pink perfection.

Enjoy them and have a pleasant week ahead.


Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous lilies and such beautiful colors! I particularly like the Regale and Madonna lilies! Terrific captures for the day -- any day actually!! Hope you have a great week!!

Big Dude said...

You guys have done a great job at getting continuous color and planting lot's of different and beautiful varieties of everything.

Small City Scenes said...

Your Lilies are gorgeous. I like the orange one and the Touching Lily. I just was watching two deer wander up through the pasture and poke around in the yard. I tried to chase them away and they just looked at me like I was not even there. finally they got the message and wandered back the way they came. They are so pretty but they love to munch on all the good stuff. These looked like last years babies. MB

Anonymous said...

I think pink perfection is my fav but I enjoy all of them. We have had a lot of rain (and thunder)too but today the sun is out. I washed my car so I'm pretty sure it will rain later!

Love you both, Mildred

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How do you remember the names of them all?!? They are so beautiful. I think those Montenegro lilies might be what I have in my yard?

Hootin Anni said...

Very pretty!! I can't choose a favorite 'cause I like 'em all.

Janice K said...

They are amazing, and to think they are all in your yard!!

Joy said...

They are all marvelous:) i wish I have those in my garden:)

Chatty Crone said...

I think I am liking the pink lemonade - maybe the name too - means summer. So where is the sun? I hear that the roots of the trees are getting weak from all the rain. Bet you have beautiful fragrances when you walk through your garden. sandie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I also loved the giant growing bouquet of Pink Perfections lilies, Betsy! WOW! I know how frustrating it is to ahve deer eating your flowers--they are eating mine too! What the bunnies don't eat, the deer do! Ah, well, they have to live too, I guess.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Mine is the Montenegro and the two pink ones. The Montenegro are new to me this year, they are around here, too. And NOW I know that name! I would have thought they are your fav because I know how you love the red roses. So do some types just naturally grow in these big bunches and some don't??

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, all the lilies are lithe and lovely, but my favorite is "Pink Lemonade." Peace.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

One of my favorite flowers...lilies but I could not pick a favorite of your beautiful ones
Yep we got a little rain too :)

Ann said...

They are all so pretty. I kept thinking this is my favorite until I scrolled down to the next one. No way could I pick just one.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Betsy... I admit it. I have lilly envy!!! They are positively gorgeous. Your photography really captured the beauty!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I really need to get more lilies. Such a great variety!

Arkansas Patti said...

So many lovelies to choose from but got to go with Treffer Lily. Just stunning.
We are paying for our long cool dry bubble of no trouble here in Ar. Now we are getting parched and hot.

Annie Jeffries said...

Gorgeous. They must knock me out.

LV said...

Lucky you getting all the rain that makes the lilies flourish. Texas should could use of your rain. I have to water what flowers I have each day.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh dear I am sure the Pink Lemonade are my favorite but I love them all I guess its just too hard to pick. I have Freedom's Glow Lily's growing in my front flower bed.
We are going to start floating away if this rain continues as it has been.

The Furry Gnome said...

What a spectacular collection of lilies!

I Am Woody said...

The Pink Perfection is stunning!!

Rose said...

I think I'd choose pink perfection if I had to pick one, but boy, I would be happy with any of them.

carolina nana said...

Beautiful lilies, I said the same thing about it's better to be too wet than too dry just today while watching the news on all the fires out west.
We will dry out one day.

Rohrerbot said...

Really lovely collection of flowers you have here. There are times I wish these flowers would grow here like they do there but it's all about the cacti:) Love your new roof and will be playing catch up soon with everyone:) Recharging the battery.

Marie said...

They are all BEAUTIFUL!!! The Montenegro is my favorite! I wouldn't leave my yard if it was anything like yours!! :)

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Embrace the rain Betsy, how wonderful. YOu have motivated me to try to grow some Lillies, they are so lovely I should try. My grandmother used to grow them, so, I shall too!!

SquirrelQueen said...

They are all so beautiful, and apparently the Garden Pleasure is tasty, but my favorite is the Lollipop. I want some of those for my garden.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You certainly have some beautiful lilies! I love the color of the Montenegro and I also love the Pink Perfection. They are ALL just gorgeous.

Those pesky deer! I have a couple of roses that aren't Knockouts and they stripped the leaves off one of them earlier this season. I just saw one running through our pasture this evening and I guess the next thing will be finding our veggie garden in shambles.

Have a great week and I hope the rains let up!

Serenity Cove said...

They are all beautiful! I have Lollipop. Really like Pink Lemonade too.
Lots of rain here too, but I agree. I'd rather have too much than not enough. It's nice not to have to water, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - your lilies are absolutely gorgeous!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

You have the most beautiful yard, Betsy! It never ceases to amaze me. And I know all this beauty is at least in part due to your careful planning and tender loving care!

DeniseinVA said...

I do love all the photos of your beautiful lilies Betsy. They are gorgeous and apparently the deer think so too. How about raccoons ;-) hehehehe. I promise I will have something non-raccoony in my next post :)
Have a wonderful evening.
Denise xx
An English Girl Rambles

Pat Tillett said...

There is NO way I could ever come up with a favorite. They are all very beautiful. So are your photos of them!

Neal said...

Wow, those are gorgeous. Don't think I've ever seen that many together.

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all beautiful and apparently tasty to the deer. :)
I really love the Pink Lemonade; so fresh and pretty!

Buttercup said...

Betsy, I can't choose a favorite. I am a lily fan and they are all lovely.

Connie said...

I'm glad the deer only got a few. They are all so gorgeous, Betsy! It's hard to choose a favorite, but I think I like the Lollypop the best.

Lynda said...

I think I like the Lollypop the best of what's posted - - but Pink Perfection is a close second with the abundance of blooms. Golden Splendor - - though single-colored is gorgeous because it's a happy, happy yellow that makes everything look brighter!