Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 29, 2013

DayLilies in our Yard 2013---Part II

Here's Part II of some of the 44 different DayLily varieties in our yard this year...  IF you missed Part I,  click HERE.   Today I'll share with you 14 more.   Above is a favorite (in the Road Flowerbed).  Spanish Glow has bloomed and bloomed... Most of our Daylilies are re-bloomers ---so we hope to see them bloom again in the Fall.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.




CARLOTTA DAYLILIES  (one of our late-bloomers)









Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our colorful Daylilies... Daylilies are such happy little flowers to have and they take very little maintenance.. Yes,  the blooms only last a day--but with each bush, you get LOTS of blooms...  Some are early-bloomers,  some bloom mid-season and some are late bloomers.. SO--you have color in your yard for a long time.  AND--if you get RE-bloomers,  they'll bloom again in the Fall --and do it all over again!!!!!  Neat, huh????

The first five Daylilies I pictured are all in the Road Flowerbed  (along with Wild Horses,  Fooled Me, Custard Candy and South Seas--which I featured in the last DayLily post).   The other 9 are in the Side Flowerbed (which runs along the upper side of our home ).  The other Daylily in this Side Bed is Rosie Meyer (which I featured in my last post).   There were two which did not bloom (Red Volunteer and Brigade).  Maybe they will next year.

Can you pick a favorite today?  Out of this group,  my favorites this year are Spanish Glow and Spellbinder...BUT--they all are gorgeous, each in its own way!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  We did and are looking forward to another great week.  Can you believe that it's almost AUGUST????  I celebrate my 71st birthday a week from today....  YIPES.... It can't be!!!!!!



Twilight Man said...

It is a pleasure to admire your happy little flowers. They are so colorful and beautiful.
Your birthday is coming soon but you can still hike everywhere like an active 17 yrs old gal. Have a great week.

Jo said...

Oh you have the most beautiful daylilies in the world, Betsy! People passing by get to enjoy them too! Daring deception has the look of a pansie (only larger!) You asked if I'm getting all my nutrients. Yes, I eat very well, even though I'm a vegetarian. I get my daily protein in the form of lentil stew mixed with vegetables which I eat with pitta bread, couscous or polenta. This is dinner. For lunch I eat a fresh salad with penne pasta and fat-free cottage cheese, with a fresh salad containing everything possible including slivers of avocado pear which I love. I end off lunch with fruit salad and yoghurt. Breakfast is a bowl of oats with honey. In between I nibble an apple or a bunch of grapes. Fortunately all fruits and veg are in season all year round here in East Africa. Love and (((hugs))) Jo

MastHoliday said...

Wow, so many colorful flowers! looking pretty.

Ercotravels said...

Such good treasure of the lovely flowers.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you could open up you own garden and charge a fee! Your garden is so beautiful. Love your lilies! Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

I love Prairie Blue Eyes best of all. They are all so pretty. Have a great Monday, Betsy.

Larry said...

Congratulations on your upcoming birthday... it's amazing how quickly time passes and it's so important to live life to the fullest.... my only thought on that is the fuller the days, the faster they seem to go by! Daylilies are a great pleasure and a joy to grow. I'm still getting new looks from the hybridizing I've done and many won't bloom until next year... it's fun to look forward to these crosses, many of which are pretty decent! Larry

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love ... carlotta daylilies & hush little baby daylilies

gosh, how will you celebrate your birthday? so fun!! ( :

Unknown said...

wow Beautiful Flowers!!!!!

Beatriz said...

Flowers splendid Betsy!
Some even look like flowers Brazilian, so colorful and lush! Congratulations on your beautiful photos again!



MadSnapper n Beau said...

two of these remind me of sherbet, the plum and the spellbinder. and i like the center of the wineberry

linda m said...

I love looking at all your "happy lilies". Mine are blooming but nearly as colorful as yours. And the crazy weather hasn't helped them or any other flowers for that matter. Thanks for sharing. At least I get my flower fix looking at yours.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

They're all too pretty to subject them to comparison with each other. Your photos are stunning.

Doug will be 71 in October. It doesn't seem possible that we're getting that old, does it?

I'm sure George has something special planned for your special day. :)

MJ said...

Goodness gracious!! I had NO IDEA that there were so many varieties of lilies. Honestly, I really didn't. I remember one lily I had in my garden many years ago and the smell was SO sweet and enticing. But some lilies didn't have that. I don't remember which it was. You have so many beautiful ones... ((hugs)).. Hope you are well.♥

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I can't get over that you have 44 different kinds!

I like the plum tree lilies.

Connie said...

They are all gorgeous, Betsy! I think I like the Strawberry Candy ones the best. They make your yard alive with color!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It's Bama Bound for me today! Where on earth do they get the names, do you know? Like Hush Little Baby, I would love to know the story about that. Also many have Spanish names!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I did a few minutes of research on the names of day lilies and could not find anything, let me know if you happen to find out.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Wow I have never seen so many Lilies. All wonderful. I have a Lily on my blog today however I don't know the name. I thought perhaps you do? I would add the name if you did

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Such pretty lilies you and George have!! They are all wonderful. How long will they bloom?

Take care and have a nice day! It looks like we might get some rain today. The temps are down and I love it!!

Janice K said...

Beautiful! I'm sure you have more varieties than many botanical gardens.

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh at first I thought my favorite was ELEGANT CANDY DAYLILIES and then I saw the HUSH LITTLE BABIES and they are beautiful too. sandie

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous flowers and exquisite colors! How wonderful to be surrounded by so much beauty!! My birthday in next Sunday and I'll be 80!!! Happy Birthday to you, Betsy!! Celebrate all week!!! Enjoy!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Betsy,you can't make me pick a favourite,they are all gorgeous. I love them all and would love to have them in my garden.Oh well,at least they can bloom on my computer.Thanks for the beauty.

Beth said...

My favorites are Bama Bound and Carlota, although they are all gorgeous. It will be so wonderful to have plenty of land to plant all kinds of flowers! We hope to move the 3rd full week of August.

LV said...

OI would be hard to pick just one. I like them all, but favor Bama Bound and Siloam Plum. I sent you an email but not sure if it went through. I do have my days.

Terry and Linda said...

Oh, yes! My favorite is the first one!! We are experiencing fall like weather here..with lots of rain. But we are heading into August heat in a few days. Happy Birthday soon!


Rohrerbot said...

The names are as dreamy as their colors:)

Lady Di Tn said...

Someday yawl are gonna look out and wonder who that strange woman is strolling in your yard. These photos are very encouraging for me to show up, coffee cup in hand. Peace

HappyK said...

It was hard to pick a favorite but I've chosen Strawberry Candy.
Wow there are so many different kinds and all have great names. I can't decided whether I like the roses or the lilies best.

Sara S. said...

they are all so beautiful that I can't pick a favorite... truly gorgeous pics

Ann said...

oh heavens no, I can't pick just one of these lovelies as a favorite. I like them all :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the ruffles on Elegant Candy.
I thought of your yard with my post about deer. Think I would stand guard with noise makers night and day if I had a yard like yours.
Thanks about the corn tip.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I do love your day lilies. So many colors.

Susie Swanson said...

Day Lilies are my favorite and you have some of the most beautiful I've ever seen. Mine didn't do quite as good this year but they are still pretty.. Hugs and love. xo

Out on the prairie said...

the rippled petals caught my eye

Out on the prairie said...

the rippled petals caught my eye

Catherine said...

You have the prettiest lilies in blogland Betsy! :)
xo Catherine

Jeevan said...

Awesome collection of day-lilies... indeed eye treating colors! I liked those pretty candy lilies and Spanish glow.

Have a great week ahead and my advance birthday wishes to you... hope to see you more active as usual :)

Small City Scenes said...

I think I like ALL your Daylilies. Hush Little Baby is very nice. the color is different the the usual tinges of orange or red. You gardens are glorious. MB

Donna said...

I think Janis Brown is my favorite from this batch! But they are all lovely. I favor the full petal varieties like you do, rather than the spider types.

Joy said...

Your garden is a paradise dear:) lovely flowers!

Rose said...

No, I can't pick a favorite...just too beautiful to even try. And I still haven't made it back to the gardens up the road from here...I need to sit down and choose at least two or three to get and start my own collection of them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, That Spellbinder is a gorgeous bloom. Have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Picking a favorite would be like picking a favorite child. LOL. :)
They are ALL gorgeous. Enjoy them....I know you will.

Nancy said...

Betsy, you and George have such a gorgeous garden and 44 varieties of day lilies.WOW They are all so beautiful it would be very hard for me to pick just one....

Linda P said...

Seeing your lilies gives a lot of pleasure and they all look so healthy which comes down to you and George caring for them. Lovely colours and names and bless the folk who bred these different varieties in the first place so we might enjoy such beauty.

Unknown said...

Your lilies are so beautiful, beautiful colours.
Enjoy your weekend!