Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 15, 2013

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like SPRING

Two weeks ago,  I did a blog post showing how little spring we had in March this year (compared to the same month in 2012) ..... BUT-- once April got here and we FINALLY got some warmer temperatures,  the plants in our yard quickly woke up!!!!!  Seeing the new growth and all of the blooms was so WONDERFUL---and just put some new-found energy into me!!!!!  Today I will share some of these pretty colors.   Most photos were taken this past week. 

Hope you enjoy seeing some of our colors ... I'm sure I'll have many more to show you once more of our tulips, lilies, daylilies, and roses bloom!!!!!  Oh My---cannot wait!!!  The photo above is of one of DAD ADAMS' DAFFODILS...  Dad gave these little guys to us when we first bought our home in 2002. 

Here's a close-up of some of those sweet little DAFFODILS..  Aren't they pretty?

Dad Adams also gave us some tiny little GRAPE HYACINTHS.

The little PANSIES which we planted late last Fall are really coming alive now also.  They made it through the winter ---but love this warmer weather....  Here is a pretty yellow and orange  one for you to enjoy!!!

I love these little BLUE PANSIES,  don't you?

Every Spring,  I brag about our little ground cover,  our PERIWINKLE.   We have it all over the yard in places where we can't mow....  SO, in the Spring,  this little ground cover brings lots of BLUES to our yard... It is so pretty.

Our first TULIPS bloomed on April 7.  During one of the snows,  the deer nibbled on these.  I'm just glad that they didn't eat them all!!!!  These tulips are called PURISSIMA.

Here's our first RED TULIPS of the season.  These tulips are called RED DYNASTY. 

I've also mentioned that we have many 'different' DAFFODILS in our yard.  Here's a pretty one named TAHITI DAFFODIL. 

I love this plain WHITE DAFFODIL---named MOUNT HOOD.   I seldom see totally white Daffodils  (except for the tiny bit of yellow inside)--but there's something about this one  which I like.  Do you?

Here's another photo of  the MOUNT HOOD Daffodils.

There's not alot of color in our total yard yet ---but I like the way things are 'greening' up --and that Spring is finally here.  NOTE that our big trees (including the dogwoods and redbuds) have NOT leafed or bloomed yet AT ALL. 

Finally,   I'll share a photo from one of last year's newest flowerbeds.  I wasn't sure a few weeks ago whether we'd have any color here or not ---but this photo shows you some  DAFFODILS (Pink Charm and Mon Cheri)   and some PANSIES.   (PINK CHARM have the darker pinkish trumpet and MON CHERI have the lighter pinkish trumpet.)

Hope you enjoyed seeing our yard today... Hopefully,  I'll have many more posts showing all of our Spring flowers---as the season progresses!!!!

I had a marvelous week off from blogging.  I enjoyed working on my Family History and I enjoyed working in the yard now that it's warmer!!!!!   I also enjoyed watching my Backyard Birds --and taking photos.  Life is GOOD...  I realized that I cannot spend as much time blogging as I had been---so I apologize in advance if I don't visit your blogs as often as I have been.   I just have to have some BALANCE in my life... Thanks for your understanding.



Small Kucing said...

Yay! Spring is here.....such happy blooms.

Hope the big trees will leaf and bloom soon too

Fun60 said...

Such a good feeling to feel some warmth and watch the garden change into a riot of colour. Those flowers relly make you smile. Have a good week.

Andrea said...

Everybody from the temperate climate is posting almost the same blooms, they just differ in quality of the photos and composition. But this is the first time for me to see that kind of blue pansy, but do you know that all pansies are my favorite. And of course i am biased to all blue flowers.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, I always enjoy seeing your beautiful flowers. Your gardens are lovely. The birds must love your yard. I am glad life is good. Have a happy week!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Glad to see spring has finally sprung there for you.

I loved seeing your lovely flowers.

I can certainly understand taking a blogging break. It can be overwhelming at times, but it has also been a God-send to me.

Love and hugs to the both of you. Enjoy living each day.



Hello Betsy, Your Spring gardens are so very pretty and colorful.. Nice to see "Green" and some color, hey after our very long and cold Winter.. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gardens with us. Hugs Judy

Sharon said...

Once spring finally comes to East TN, I don't think there's anywhere in the world that can compare! Your yard looks great and if I remember correctly, this is the first spring with your house's new paint color. Lovely!

Harriet said...

Your flowers are beautiful as always. How are your roses doing? The one I planted last year is looking so good, hope it has lots of blooms this year. We planted two more roses a few weeks ago and so far they are doing great.

mamahasspoken said...

My spring flowers are blooming too and I have some of the same daffodils as you. My favorite though is one that has a salmon color bell to it. Think I'll need to take a picture of it for you.
A good friend of mine has posted several times about the squirrels eating her bulbs and the deer eating the ones that the squirrels missed. Guess the squirrels and deers in your area have another smorgasbord to visit besides yours ;o)

Joe Todd said...

Looking good Betsy

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love all the blooming flowers, but the ones from Dad Adams are so special. :)
Your grass might be greener than ours now; enjoy!

Big Dude said...

Looking really good Betsy. We're at the stage where our Dogwoods are about fully opened.

Carletta said...

Welcome back Betsy!
Spring sprung in your yard! The perwinkle is on of my favorites. Mine isn't quite there yet.
I had some white tulips bloom this year. To me they are so dainty.
It's good to hear you had some productive time and it was relaxing.
Have a wonderful day!

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

Spring has come and gone in Fayetteville but the dogwoods were in full bloom when I left. The azalea bushes were blooming too. I get to enjoy another spring here in the mountains where things are just popping up and looking beautiful. I just love your flowers and the photo of your home and yard speaks springtime!

Karin said...

I prefer, "It's beginning to look a lot like SPRING," much better than the OTHER one - right now that is!! Makes me want to sing and write more lyrics for your version of the song! BTW, Love your photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad to see spring has sprung in TN... i think my favorite is the periwinkles, but it is hard to pick. i love all of the bright colors... glad you had a good week off

linda m said...

Your yard is just gorgeous with all the beautiful colors. You are so lucky - nothing is even close to blooming here yet. Hopefully one of these days our Spring will arrive. So glad you enjoyed your week off.

Shug said...

A good balance in life is good for the soul..and the body!
Your yard is so pretty and full of color. Bet it makes you want to stay outside as much as possible.
Glad you enjoyed your time off. Hope you and George have a wonderful day.

Eat To Live said...

Suppose to be 66 degrees here and if so, we are going for a bike ride to see the neighbors spring flowers. Yours are beautiful.

Linda P said...

Glad you had a productive week. We are so pleased to see our Spring flowers out now. I think we appreciate them more because we have had to wait for them to appear this year. Your white daffodils are unusual.

Serenity Cove said...

Welcome back! This is my favorite time of the year and I love to see what's blooming in everyones gardens and your's are so beautiful! I don't have tulips yet but things are slowly coming to life.

Nellie said...

Beautiful, beautiful flowers, Betsy! I have missed your posts! Take care!
xo Nellie

MTWaggin said...

OMG it is so green there and the blooms are so pretty. We are still a LONG way from that. My daffs are like maybe 3 inches out of the ground and trying hard not to get frozen.

Janice K said...

Beautiful! It is warm here and the sun is shining "at the moment." I hope all the daffodils that bent over during the recent winds and rain will perk up again.

Have a great day!

Jeanne said...

I'm so glad spring has arrived for you! Your flowers are beautiful!
Life is not about blogging! It can take up way too much time for sure! Enjoy your spring!

Mary said...

Your spring blooms are so pretty! Isn't it wonderful to have color again? Spring was so welcome this year because it was so slow in coming.

Sikoreczka said...

It's true.
Spring is very beautifull.
Nice fotos.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy - I love your garden - spring has come there - I see it! So pretty and sweet. sandie

DeniseinVA said...

You have a lovely home and garden Betsy, made all the sweeter for having to wait a little longer for those pretty flowers. Happy week to you!

Connie said...

Your spring flowers look lovely, Betsy! Your yard has come back to life! We finally have some daffodils blooming here. I love seeing colors again.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh, I enjoyed all of these. Spring flowers just have a perkiness that later flowers seem to lack. I see George has already had to mow. Our grass is greening and growing, but we haven't mowed yet. Probably will need to this week. Glad you had a relaxing and enjoyable week. You should do that more often. :)

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful, colorful flowers, Betsy!! A delight to see every day I'm sure! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Have a lovely week!

Latane Barton said...

I know you are happy to see some color in your yard.. Those flowers are beautiful. Ours like that are gone now and it isn't time for other ones so we are sorta blank right now.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy! Aren't the spring flowers so pretty and so welcome after a long winter? I love them. We had a pretty weekend, but it's raining and gloomy today. We need the rain, I suppose, but I'd rather be outside! My perennials, except for a couple, and roses all survived the drought it seems, so I'm very thankful! I can't wait to see them in bloom. Have a wonderful day!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Glad you had a good rest. I am happy to see you back I missed your pictures and posts. All the beautiful flowers you posted have lifted my spirits today. It looks like it is going to be a warmer day today. Yesterday was so cold we had to wear our winter coats. Happy Monday!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love all your flowers - your place looks beautiful!

If you have a spare moment, go check out my blog post from Friday. I was thinking you would be the ONE person who would know where my pictures were taken!!

Randy said...

the flowers are beautiful, but I think your lawn is just as gorgeous! I would say mine is about 70 weeds this year.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

hey, i thought you said you never get comments. wow, some one is famous.

i love these shots. why, i so love spring. glad to see you posting again. enjoy your breaks. ( :
big big hugs. enjoy your week.

joy said...

NIce seeing those flowers again.here it is not blooming yet:)

I understand that we need to have balance in our lives Betsy. I'm glad that you are having a grand time.)

Kay said...

Beautiful flowers. Most of my tulips and daffodils have already bloomed and are now wilted.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So glad to see you back, Betsy!!! And I LOVE the flowers!! Especially the gorgeous colors of the pansies and the grape hyacinth. We have grape hyacinth growing along some of the roads.I did NOT remember your house is painted green...at least it kind of looks like that in the picture. It is GORGEOUS!! Have you come to any decisions about blogging, any routines? I am off the computer today, so only stopped by you and no one else because I saw you are back.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Your flowers are gorgeous and your yard looks neat green and pretty. Glad you are having warmer and hopefully nice, weather. Hot and stormy here but no severe T storms yet. I planted Begonias and one pot has survived an onslaught of digging Grey Squirrels. Ha! Have a super-good day!

From the Kitchen said...

We have some pretty pots of pansies but no bulbs yet. The trees and shrubs are greening out so it won't be long. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the beauty of your garden.


Marie said...

I'm in love with the Red Dynasty flowers! They are so pretty!!!
Your yard is beautiful!
I was beginning to worry about you...
Glad you enjoy your time.:)

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Gorgeous flowers and photos, Betsy! Isn't spring a delight? I can well understand your need for balance in your life and won't worry if you don't visit -- or post -- for a while. Just enjoy the season and each day!

Terry and Linda said...

Lucky, lucky you! Nothing leafed out here either. Some of my bulbs are recovering from the last horrid storm, but we are due to have another tonight. I hope I get some lovely blooms also!


diane b said...

Your yard is like a Botanic Garden. The daffodils and pansies make a great show.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

You know Betsy I believe I understand how blogging can become overwhelming and unbalanced especially for someone who has so very much to share and to show. So striking that balance is a healthy and good thing. We are all still getting to see lots of amazing and beautiful things by you. Enjoy your balance lovely lady!
My challenge with your post today was to choose ONE favourite.
And, the white tulip wins! :)
(after much deliberation)

Ann said...

You have way more spring showing than we do. Love seeing all the flowers

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy

I love your photos, specially about nature. Your yard is superb, congratulations!!!!

A nice week around the flowers....


Small City Scenes said...

YAY!!! Spring finally showed up at your place. We are just starting to bloom too. Between the rains, the temps in the 40s to 50s we do have a bit of sun peeking through. today was one of those days, although it did just start raining but so what! we finished for the day. We both worked in the garden.

I am so glad you enjoyed your break. We all need one from time to time.
Happy thoughts, MB

Lynda said...

Gorgeous - Gorgeous as usual!!!! Thank you for showing us the entire yard. I was hoping you would. I may have asked you this before but have you written down about your plants' origins? Your kids or other family members might be interested in that information - - or even the next person who lives in your house.
I understand trying to find balance. I am surprised that I don't have more free time since I retired!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have been waiting all day to read your post and it sure was worth the wait. Your yard looks lovely as always and the flowers are just what I needed today. Guess what? We had several inches of very wet snow today.Just what we needed—NOT.

Kelly said...

....thank goodness spring is here. The sunshine and warmer temperatures have really brought me back to life! The gray winter was getting so old! Love your flowers. I know your yard will be magnificent soon!

Anonymous said...

Balance is good!

And what lovely flowers - looks very green from where I'm sitting. We still have ice on the lake...

Out on the prairie said...

Loving it, you have a great touch with those bulbs. I can never have enough.

Jeevan said...

The daffodils are fascinating, no matter what colors they are! Good to see your yard began to blossom… I love the view on your house. So pretty and green! Looking forward to more spring pictures from you :)

Take care

Hootin Anni said...

You two definitely can be awarded the 'prettiest yard in your neighborhood'!!

HolleyGarden said...

You have so many spring blooms! Isn't it wonderful?! Love your daffodils, and your little pansies. But I am most impressed with your green lawn! Here, the bermuda grass stays dormant all winter, and it hasn't yet greened up, so to see so much green is just gorgeous!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love all the photos. Your flowers are beautiful. What an awesome posting. I'm glad spring has finally sprung. You have a lovely yard and home.

Elma said...

OH I love all the pretty flowers! I can not wait for it to warm up so I can work in the dirt.
That blue groundcover does that work good in under trees that do not get a lot of sun? I have seen some house out here that have yards that are all blue and need to find out what that is:)

Miss Debbie said...

Lovely flowers!!

Catherine said...

Spring has not shown up here yet Betsy so I think you for sharing your flowers with us!
xo Catherine

LV said...

I understand about your needing balance in your life. Just do not leave us entirely. I miss you and George when you are not around. You both have become special bloggers in my life. Enjoy your home and lovely yard.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful way to begin my day, looking at my favorite things. Great job on photos. I especially love the pansies, though each one is what makes the world so beautiful. Have an awesome day. Enjoyed your blog. I invite you to visit mine some time.
Let's Chat

Neal said...

Oh so beautiful! Spring has finally arrived.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh, Betsy, your gardens look so green and beautiful! We are having snow here agin--April is Colorad's third snowiest month. I know all this moisture will be wonderful for the grass and flowers here --we just have to be patient a little longer.

I agree that pacing yourself online is the best. I've been told by many that they limit their online time to two hours a day maximum. So don't feel pressure to visit everyone every post -- I'm sure most will understand!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

These tiny little GRAPE HYACINTHS are my favourite, it is the blue color.

JDS said...

Hello again Betsy, sorry it's been so long! I like the spring pictures, especially of the tulips, which are Erika's favorite flower. If I am remembering correctly, the wisteria ought to be starting to bloom up your way - it's one of my favorites but there's not much of it down here in Florida. Hope all is well...

troutbirder said...

Indeed the blue pansies are gorgeous as well as all the bulbs... As to balance its always important so I try to limit my posts to about once a week.... unles I get really inspired about something. :)

A Colorful World said...

Such gorgeous blooms! Yay, spring has arrived! And I am so glad you had a week off doing some other things you love, as well.

Not a very joyful week this week. So much pain and sorrow, and need for prayer! Wishing you two all my best!

Betty Manousos said...

happy spring!

such lovely blooms! your yard is truly awesome! so much beauty around there.
looks heavenly!

big hugs~

Rohrerbot said...

No need to apologize Betsy. Life gets busy. I've said that before so no stress:) I'm in the same boat. The flowers are gorgeous!! Hope spring brings lots more color!