Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Autumn Ohio Trip 10/12

This is my 8th and FINAL post from our trip to Ohio from October 15-18, 2012 with great friends NEAL and Patti Treadway.  In order to see any of the other posts  from this trip  (mostly from Hocking Hills State Park near Logan, Ohio), please click HERE.

This post will include our trip to Lake Logan on Oct. 17 (after we left Hocking Hills) and then it will also include our trip from Ohio back to Tennessee on Oct. 18th.  Hope you enjoy the photos.  Be sure to click on them to see enlargements.

The picture above shows the Mute Swans at Lake Logan.   We talked to a man who lives near there, and he told us that these Mute Swans have been at that lake for several years. Aren't they pretty?

Here's a collage of the Swans and Ducks.  We sat on the bank and watched them for a long time.

Here is a photo of the beautiful lake and the Fall Colors all around us.

Ohio had the most beautiful Fall Colors last year of most anywhere we went.  We just happened to be there during the perfect week... Aren't these gorgeous photos?

Here is another photo showing the swans and some of the ducks...

Here is a collage showing the ducks along the bank of the lake.  There were quite a few of them--trying to find some shade where they could rest.

The next morning,  the Treadways headed back to their home in Indiana and we headed toward Tennessee.   We took the 'backroads' home ---and when we do that,  we always find something interesting to see!!!!   Above is a photo showing one of the roads we traveled on... Do you enjoy traveling the backroads like we do?

Guess what we found along the backroads?????  A COVERED BRIDGE!!!!!   This is the Cox Covered Bridge (built in 1884).  This beauty is in Vinton County,  Ohio.  Do you enjoy seeing covered bridges?   When I spotted this little bridge,  we immediately turned around so that we could get some photos.

All along the way,  we enjoyed the views all around us.   I'm not sure what river this was but it might be the Little Raccoon River...  Pretty though, isn't it?

After we got into Tennessee,  the GPS took us through the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area on a gravel road.   The Fall Colors along that route were AWESOME.

Here's a photo showing some of the beautiful Fall colors all around us.  Guess this proves that the Fall Colors in TENNESSEE (where we were now) were just as pretty as those in Ohio... We had a gorgeous drive home that day!

Finally,  here's another collage showing more of the Autumn Colors as we headed home that day.   All in all,  we had a marvelous trip.   Just being with good friends made it even more special.   I hope we have more trips with Neal and Patti... The four of us enjoy being together and we have so much in common.

Today is a special day for George and me.  We had our first date in 2001.... Think we'll celebrate today!!!!  YEAH!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Blessed Easter!   If you missed my Photo Blog post this past Wednesday,  be sure and click HERE



Ms. A said...

The colors are magnificent, Betsy!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures and lovely colours. Happy Easter!!

Twilight Man said...

Your photos raised my eyebrows! I have visited Ohio several times but missed this wonderful lake. You are the best traveling companion for anyone.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those colors are so rich. i love fall. amazing.

need to see that covered bridge when in the area. i will write it down for sure.

thanks for the info about Ohio. not too far away from VA. ( :

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, so many beautiful scenes and photos. The swans, the colorful trees and the covered bridge are all gorgeous! They are all lovely photos. Great post! Happy Easter to you, George and your family.

Neal said...

That was really a great mini vacation. Patti and I both love to travel the back roads. I just like to see the scenery and the way people live. Seems like you don't see anything when traveling the interstate.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a pretty place. Love the swans!

Catherine said...

Wishing you and your sweetie a most wonderful Easter weekend Betsy! I am sure you are doing something fun!
xo Catherine

DeniseinVA said...

Good morning Betsy, this is a wonderful way to start the morning. Great pictures! Happy Easter to you and George :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

magnificent colors, love those bridges... no covered bridges here for sure... bob says they are all over PA

Eat To Live said...

I guess I always thought the fall colors were more vibrant in the North because of the frost we get... but your fall pictures of Tennessee are just as vibrant. Who knows!!!

linda m said...

I love the Fall colors and the swans. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.


Hello Betsy, Your Fall trip North had very lovely and glorious colors. I especially love looking at the bird life there at the lake. It is another wonder of nature.
I wish you and your DH a Very Blessed Easter Holiday. Hugs Judy

diane b said...

The Autumn colours are stunning. The little covered bridge is a beauty and driving the backroads is fun. We live in the city of Logan it borders the city of Brisbane. However, if people ask we often say we're from Brisbane as most people have heard of the capital of Queensland, whereas if we say Logan they don't know where it is.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love seeing swans...and ducks. The river is so pretty too

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Wow! Those fall colors are awesome. I like the way you travel. We get to see things through your camera's lens that we might never see otherwise.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely selection, I lived close to 6 covered bridges that were the background for the book and movie,"The Bridges of Madison County".I ate at least one meal a day at the Covered Bridge cafe.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy why are they called mute swans - they are so pretty. I like all your photos but the autumn colors were so gorgeous. I hope you and George have a blessed Easter. Sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are all so pretty, it is hard to choose. BUT today my favorites are the covered bridges, and the big fall tree with the little white fence in the collage. Stunning!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The fall colors are just gorgeous! I love to travel the back roads, hubby not so much. He's more of the 'let's get there and get back' type! Ha! I do get my way once in a while, tho.

Happy Easter to you and George!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous colours.It does make me a little confused,that doesn't take much,fall colours on the computer and snow outside my window.Such is life.

Sylvia K said...

Wonderful, colorful photos, Betsy!! I do love the swans!! Have a great weekend and a very Happy Easter!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Back roads are where all the fun is at! Such lovely colors in your photos today- thanks for sharing!
I hope you and George have a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend!

Ashwini said...

Lovely snaps!! Will make sure to go thru the other posts too..

Terry and Linda said...

As always STUNNING!!!!

Well done!


Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, I love the swans, the covered bridge and of course the beautiful trees with fall colors, all of your pictures and collages are stunning!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

What absolutely gorgeous pictures, Betsy, and what treasures you found by taking the back roads home! I had to smile at the pictures of the ducks. I've always loved ducks since having some as pets when I was a child. And happy anniversary of your first date with George! Aren't those private anniversaries special? I hope you guys have a wonderful day -- and a very Happy Easter, too!

Jo said...

What beautiful colours in all your photos, Betsy. I also LOVE the covered bridges you have in the US. Happy and blessed Passover to you both. Jo

Sharon said...

I doubt I have to tell you that we are all about the backroads. We'll do most anything to avoid an interstate!! You really did pick the perfect time to visit that area of Ohio. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

Susannah said...

Beautiful pictures...reminds me of the Adirondacks in NY in the fall.

Happy Easter to you and George!

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, I can't remember seeing color that brilliant. Beautiful.
Carefully of those swans. I had a neighbor go toe to toe with one in an epic battle when his "pet" swan attacked him. . Both escaped battered but OK. They can break an arm with their wings.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Oh Betsy that was a visual onslaught of the nicest kind. The Autumn colours were breathtaking!!! Your Collages so clever too! I could have sat and watched the swans and ducks for hours, and with the backdrop as well - ah heaven.
The covered bridge, have only ever seen anything like that in the movies! We have nothing like that here as far as I'm aware.
This post symbolises your first date, aw - how romantic you two!
A lovely,lovely post.

Rose said...

oh, my, I did enjoy this...fall is such a pretty time of year. My favorite season.

Annie Jeffries said...

So pretty. I love Fall and after the heat breaks, I would enjoy it year around. Well, mostly anyway.

I've never seen swans outside of Disneyland at Sleeping Beauty's Castle and somehow, I don't think that counts. I'd love to see them in the wild.

Ann said...

the swans are beautiful and so is the fall foliage. Love that covered bridge. I wish there were more of them around

Anonymous said...

Magnificent photos, Betsy. Happy Easter.

Back Porch Writer said...

All the pictures are beautiful!

Connie said...

You got some gorgeous shots of the fall colors, Betsy. They really were perfect. I love the swan and duck photos too. Happy Easter to you and George!

Marie said...

These colors are so pretty! I just love the covered bridge! I would have turned around as well. :)

It's so sweet that you are celebrating your first date anniversary! Hope you had a wonderful day together!

Happy Easter to you, Betsy, and George!

Jeevan said...

Absolutely scenic lake and along with swans and ducks beside… the autumn colors left aside everything to look stunned. I enjoyed the covered bridge collage. I am more interested look at such bridges after come across one in our Indian movie. Glad u took a U turn to capture this beautiful bridge.

The back roads are simple fascinating! Hope u have another date with him today :)
Happy Easter Betsy and George.

born imaginative. said...

Beautiful pictures! I enjoyed each and every one!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, among all those glorious photographs you shared with us my favorite was the closeup of the swans and the mallards. So beautiful. I truly need to find a group that goes exploring the byways of Missouri and its surrounding states. I'm taking a trip on Amtrak across Missouri from Independence to St. Louis in mid-May so I hope to see some lovely scenery.

Congratulations on your first-date anniversary. It led to such wonder in your life. And peace to you on this Easter weekend.

Grandma Bonnie said...

All the fall colors are spectacular. I love covered bridges. I wish you a very Happy Easter.

Wendy said...

What a find - that covered bridge! Wow! Love your swans and duck photos, and all the lovely fall colours. Looks like your trip was a success.
Happy Easter!

Serenity Cove said...

The colors were extraordinary last year. You got lucky because some years they are nothing but drab.

I like traveling on backroads too and love,love,covered bridges. Not very many around here anymore. We saw quite a few in the New England states a few years ago.

Hope you and George have a Blessed Easter!

Shug said...

Amazing photography....
Happy Easter to you and George....and your family too...
We all have so much to be thankful for...Hope your Easter Sunday is filled with lots of joy and happiness.

Anonymous said...

What splendid autumn colours!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This was a gorgeous area, Betsy! I love the autumn folliage and the beautiful swans.

Wishing you and George a very Happy Easter!

Anni said...

The swan images are beautiful, but I must admit, the Autumn colors are breathtaking!!

Betty Manousos said...

dear betsy,

wishing you and george a very happy easter!

btw, as always, so much beauty here!

big hugs~

troutbirder said...

Spectacular fall scenes. I love it. And yes we almost alway avoid the freeways and take the back country roads thru small towns. Sometimes I ever try to get us lost...:)
Happy Easter to you and George.

HolleyGarden said...

I love taking the backroads, too. You found some pretty ones to venture down. And how fun to find a covered bridge while taking one! Happy Easter!

Beatriz said...

Beautiful, beautiful lake BetsY! What a pleasure every time I came here.... This kind of bridge still exist in the US? Wow, it's wonderful! The last time I saw one was in that movie "The Bridges of Madison", with Meryl Streep, I'm not sure.....

Happy Easter and a nice week!!!


Janice K said...

Those colors are so magnificent! You have been displaying your pictures so beautifully.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter...Blessings to you both!

Lynda said...

I loved the fall colors especially when most of the trees are still bare here. Your trips always sound wonderful but it's because you always seek to have fun and appreciate all God has given you each day!

Rohrerbot said...

Congrats on the Mute Swans! Still need those for the life list....and they're pretty:) I think I've seen them as a kid but now that I'm documenting, I have to really keep my eyes out. Love those bridge. The story Bridges from Madison County touched my heart. I remember it being the first book that made me cry....okay sob. The movie was okay, but the book was dynamite. Happy Thursday!