Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Weekend Birds--during our Snow

This past weekend (Feb. 1-3) we finally had quite a bit of snow here on the Cumberland Plateau. It was very interesting in that 3 clipper systems came south on three different mornings... The total amount was about 6 inches;  however, since the snows came at 3 different times,  there was melting going on between each snow.  SO--we only had about 3 inches total on the ground at one time,  and that was on Saturday morning.  I posted a blog with photos this past Monday.  If you missed it,  click HERE.

All during the weekend,  my little backyard birds flocked to the feeders over and over.  I got some great pictures of them.  The temperatures were very cold on Friday (11 degrees early that morning--with highs in the low 20's) -- but warmed up some on Saturday and even more so on Sunday. 

Hope you enjoy seeing more of my precious Backyard Birds... The pictures were taken off and on throughout that weekend. The picture above was a typical one showing our deck from my 'throne' (recliner sofa)...  At times, there were more than 50 little birds on the deck at the same time.  MANY of them were Goldfinches.  We have more Goldfinches this year than ever before --but do have a few Pine Siskins and House Finches.

Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.  You get many more details that way.

Here is a picture showing our heated birdbath.  Birds need water --and in the winter it is hard for them to find some.  The heated birdbath does not make the water hot or warm --but does keep it from freezing.

I tried all weekend to get a picture of the red Cardinal in the Rhododendron... Finally got one --but when I looked at the picture on the computer,  the Rhododendron was beautiful but the Cardinal was blurry.... Grrrrrrr!!!!  This was one of the few I got of Mr. Cardinal.  I had swept (did that a million times all weekend I think... ha) ---and he was looking for some seed on the deck.  That is a couple of finches in the snow nearby.

The Goldfinches will eat suet, black sunflower seed and thistle.... I have 7 different feeders on the deck --and they'll munch out at any or all of them!!!!!

Here is a pretty little male House Finch. See how much larger some of the House Finches are than the Goldfinches?

I love this picture when it was snowing hard. I  usually don't leave the plate out when it's raining or snowing since there is no cover... BUT--the birds LOVE that plate and the snow didn't keep them from eating there.  SO--I just left it out for them.  Those are finches on the left and the male Bluebird on the right.

My sweet little Dark-eyed Junco only visits me when there is snow on the ground.  I don't know if he's the same one each year --but there's always ONLY ONE at a time that visits us.

Downy Woodpeckers are year-round visitors.   They love SUET ---and always head toward one of my 3 suet feeders.

Another winter visitor is the Robin... In fact, we had several of those big birds around the plate feeder that weekend.  Robins generally don't come to feeders --but in the winter,  I'm sure they get desperate... Isn't he pretty???  That is a Mourning Dove behind him --also on the plate feeder.  The two of them take up most of the feeder --and all of the little birds fly to other feeders and let the big boys have it!!!

Love this picture of these two Mourning Doves.  The male (with a pinkish breast) is on the right and the female is on the left... Mourning Doves mate for life... Aren't they pretty?

Pete,  our resident Red-bellied Woodpecker,  comes to the feeders all year long.  He loves to squawk when he is in the trees...  His favorite food is SUET.

Finally,  here are three Bluebird photos which I put in a collage for you. Bluebirds are year-round residents --and I enjoy them so much.  In these pictures,  you can see the female and the male enjoying the suet.  I can't wait 'til spring when we hopefully will have some baby Blues to share!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing some winter birds on a cold, snowy weekend in Tennessee.  We are taking Valentine's Week off to enjoy each other and have some fun... Hope you have a fabulous week --and a Happy Valentines Day to ALL of you...  Be sure to share the LOVE with those around you.



Farikica said...

Hi Betsy,
I'm not really a bird lover but looking at all yr birds' photos makes me realize the beauty of these creature..:)

Hootin Anni said...

You KNOW how I love birds and photographing them....these, Betsy, are super images. Looks cold for them, but you have them enjoying a mid-winter snack. I like that.

Snap said...

Fun images of all your feathered friends. They enjoy the buffet!

From the Kitchen said...

I think the birds are especially beautiful in the snow. They all seem to know which "restaurant" to stop at.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I never even knew they had heated bird baths - what a neat idea. We have a heated water trough for the horses and a water dish for our dog.
We got another dusting of snow last night, but it should melt quickly I hope.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is a blessing all those little birds have your buffet for all the snowy weather. they look so cute sprinkled all through the snow in the first pic. i love the cardinal all fluffed up

pam said...

How do you keep the squirrels away??

Arkansas Patti said...

Betsy's Diner is really drawing a crowd. I think I have the rest of the
Dark-eyed Junco clan here. Your little guy must have gotten lost. They are a favorite of mine.
Saw my first Robin yesterday. He was on the ground next to the 6 inch Daffodil sprouts. Spring is in sight if you squint hard.

LV said...

You live in a nature paradise. Surrounded by so much beauty and lovely birds. Also, you make them so real with your camera shots. Betsy,greatjob as always.

Lady Di Tn said...

Being a fellow bird watcher, I truly enjoyed the photos you shared with us. I never knew bluebirds ate suet. What kind do you put out? I tried some berry suet and our birds did not care for it so I went back to the High Energy. Hope you Love Birds, have a wonderful week. Peace

Big Dude said...

They really appreciate your feeders in that kind of weather. I looked at my feeders the other day and no birds, which always means no food. Within a few minutes of my filling them the little fellers were all over them.

MTWaggin said...

Fun to see you have many of the same birds we do (sans the cardinal which we never see and the eastern bluebird). Sounds like you may get some more snow this weekend...if so stay warm and safe!

Karin said...

I love watching YOUR birds - we don't have that variety around here! Watching the ordinary sparrows and their antics is fun too - but it does get boring after a while! Have a great week-end!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Oh, they are all so pretty...and so blessed to live at your house where food is in abundance year 'round. Did you notice the third goldfinch at the plate feeder in the snowy photo...right in the center?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like what you see from your 'throne'. You sure have pretty bunch of birds eating in your backyard

Elizabeth Edwards said...

beautiful snow shots. i had a dream last night about you & we were talking about birds. it was too funny. enjoy your snow. nothing here as of yet. i sure wish for a bit. please weather Gods. ha. ha!! ( :

TexWisGirl said...

pretty neat to see both a bluebird and a robin at the feeder!


Oh Betsy, Love seeing your snow and ALL your very very sweet beautiful Winter Birds. I see where My Robins and Woodpeckers spend their Winters. They are so smart. Unlike Myself. VBG Love your heated Bird bath. I must see about getting one this coming Summer. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. They made me smile. Hugs Judy

Nancy said...

I know they love you pieces just like the rest of us....You provide them with much needed sustenance just like you feed us with gorgeous photographs.....

You and George have a great weekend.....

Chatty Crone said...

I bet there is some ice under that snow - when it melts in between. I love the picture with it snowing. And you don't have squirrels in your house with all those bird feeders? I love your birds. sandie

Dorothy said...

I always enjoy seeing pictures of birds!!! The snow and bad weather really brings them in to the feeders! I think I got the Honeymoon trip blog straightened out! Blogger was not kind to me :)

Small City Scenes said...

Breakfast, lunch and dinner looks pretty good at your house. Love all your birds, Betsy. We have the Dark-eyed Junco by the zillions here. They are here Spring, Fall and winter and most disappear in the Summer. Thanks for sharing 'your' birds. MB

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Fun photos! My birds are keeping me busy filling feeders. They are hungry little critters and we haven't even had that bad a winter, so far.
Have fun next week!

Sylvia K said...

What beautiful birds and delightful captures, Betsy!! I know they are so happy to find your "shelter" during the cold weather!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Sharon said...

I consider it such a gift to have time to simply sit and watch the birds. They are so funny and I find much they can teach us about contentment and satisfaction with the basics. They are so beautiful.

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Wonderful photos!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The snow sure brings to birds to the feeders. I hope you have a great week.

joy said...

Those creatures are so sweet;)
Have a nice weekend Betsy:)

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I just love the bird photos and coupled with them in the snow, I was in visual heaven!! I was so touched that you provide lovely food and melted water for them. Terrific!

Roberta said...

Hi Betsy,
your post is very very beautiful !! I like so much the wonderful photos of the birds !!


Connie said...

Wow, you have quite a crowd around the feeders, Betsy! Great pictures of all your little bird friends. Have a nice Valentine's week. :)

Ann said...

Well the birds certainly don't seem to mind the cold :) You sure have seen a lot of them. I love the mourning doves. The ones that visit here generally don't go to the feeder. They like to hang out on the ground and pick up what falls there

Linda said...

Hi Betsy, I absolutely love birds...and your photos are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, did you enjoy your snow? Love all the pretty bird shots. The bluebirds are one of my favorite birds. I am sure your birds are well fed. Have a happy weekend!

Jeanne said...

I love your pretty Valentine page and beautiful header! And of course your birds - how pretty! I'm glad to see you did get some snow. Sounds like the poor folks up in the northeast are going to get way too much. I can't imagine 2 or 3 feet!

Terry and Linda said...

I loved each bird in your photos. I have a flock of Junco's here which I just adore.


Grandma Bonnie said...

I love all your photos today! I can hardly believe all the birds handing out while it is snowing. I guess they do get desperate and need to get their meal one way or another. I have been feeding a flock of birds every morning when I feed the barn cats. They all sit and wait on our deck rail. They all watch until I am back inside and then they go after all the seed I toss out on our deck for them.

Mimi said...

I to love birds, and many stop by my feeders and suet feeders here in upstate NY. I cannot seem to get blue birds and have tried many different things. My blue bird houses get other birds but no blue birds :( What camera do u use? Great shots!

Rose said...

I always loved to watch birds...from the time I was little. Now, Sarah is teaching Lorelei to love them...I enjoyed seeing yours...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Mimi.... Couldn't find an email or updated blog post---so will leave you a message on here.

Thanks for coming to my blog. I use a Canon Rebel xsi. Love it ---especially the long lens --when I'm capturing my backyard birds.

Have you tried mealworms in order to get Bluebirds???? They love mealworms.

Hope you will come back soon --and please leave your email address so that we can communicate.

Thanks again for visiting.

Out on the prairie said...

you get a nice folowing, I bet you go through lots of food

Unknown said...

I love all the birds, you have so many different ones visiting you...amazing. That is something I miss about living here in Ireland, to have some snow. We do get it every now and then, but never lasts as back home.
Enjoy your weekend!

Linda P said...

I love to see your birds in your garden.
I tried to take the blue tits at the garden centre we visited yesterday as there were feeders there and it was very quiet. Folk were in the cafe looking through the window. Unfortunately, the birds were too quick for me to get any good photos so I'm enjoying yours. Do have a lovely week with your Valentine!

diane b said...

Wow you have your own flock of birds. I love the doves.You have a good week off and Happy Valentines.

Valerie said...

Love your snow!! So neat to see the Robin in your shot. I rarely see one around here in the winter time. Usually it is a Robin on the green grass - that hails the coming of spring. I bet you really enjoy just sitting inside and watching all those birds out your window/doors. Such a nice set up you have!!

Connie Arnold said...

Your bird pictures are wonderful, Betsy! I admire your talent for capturing them all so beautifully and appreciate your sharing them with us here.

Diane AZ said...

So many cute bird pictures, Betsy! Interesting to see the color difference of the male and female doves, I hadn't noticed that in the doves that visit my yard. Also a surprising size difference of the male house finch and goldfinch, neat!

Neal said...

Very nice Betsy. I always enjoy pictures of birds and you got some good ones again.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I don't know about birds and so I don't recognize them by name. So your posting was so helpful in helping me know just what birds are on my patio to eat the seeds in the feeders there. Thank you for your wonderful, up-close, photographs and for the terminology! Peace.

Anonymous said...

Its always a pleasure to see the beautiful feathered friends that stop by your feeders to chow down.

Miss Debbie said...

Pretty birdies!!

Shug said...

That little red bird looks like he is so cold....Great shots of some gorgeous birds. I know you all are enjoying some good winter snow!
Stay warm

Marie said...

The male cardinal looks so cute all fluffed! It's so wonderful that you have a heated bird bath. I may need to get one in NC. These photos are so pretty!

Annie Jeffries said...

Last night there was a little four year old at our house and I was showing her cardinals on the computer. She then told me that her favorite bird was a bluebird. Sooo, I googled bluebirds and we had a great old time looking at bluebirds. She loved the crocheted angry birds; she would have loved this collage.

Anonymous said...

What delightful shots! Enjoy the snow...

Jeevan said...

I feel so envy looking at lot of birds on your deck and feeder! It’s truly bliss having so many birds around and it’s a treat checking these bird pictures. The heated birdbath is something new I am hearing.

Have a wonderful Valentine week and hope u cherish the day with George. All the best :)

A Colorful World said...

Betsy...will answer you soon. Just wanted to tell you that you and George are such an inspiration to me. Your love story is so precious. I do understand you embracing that since it came to you later in life. I can't tell you how I wish life could reflect that always! God bless you both! Loved the photos of your sweet yard visitors in the snow! They are beautiful! When I look at them...at flowers...at a gorgeous sunset I know God is good!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Betsy, sweet dear friend,
I love your new colourful header in your wonderful blog.
I also love your birds in your backyard. It looks like it is snowing pretty heavily lately in your corner of the world.
It must be cold over there...
Anyway, I love to visit your most inspirational and magnificent blog, my friend. I wish HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you, to your dear husband, George, and all your beloved ones, Betsy!!
Have a blessed new year always, and may all your dreams come true, my friend!!
Warm Hugs & Much Love,
Poet Starry.

Anonymous said...

I love these photos, Betsy. We have a lot of chickadees visiting now. They love the beech tree.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Betsy- what a backyard bonanza of beautiful birds! (Say that three times fast...hahaha!) All so pretty- I love the mourning doves, cardinals and the blue birds most!

Lynda said...

WOW - - that's a bunch of birds. I like seeing them in the snow on the floor of the deck. Your close-ups are great - - and those are through a window - - right? You do an excellent job of washing them!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Those little birds know that your house is a warm and nurturing place for them, Betsy! I love those pictures and am amazed how the birds thrive through the cold winter months!

Mountain Mama said...

Betsy I'm not sure why but your blog page is coming through at least twice as big as usual and takes a long time to open. Is anyone else having a problem with this?

Rohrerbot said...

You're such a good momma for taking care of these birds. Man, I can only imagine how hungry they were!!! They sure need to eat a lot to stay alive during these cold snaps. We have another one tomorrow and they've cleaned up the food quite well. Still...your birds and snow are beautiful. And no stress on the cardinal....still a great shot:) He matches the colors of your blog:)

Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy,

wow, lovely post! it totally uplifted my morning.
these little birds are just so cute!
looking at them, the images run through my mind making each minute a bliss.
gorgeous shots as usual!

have a great week ahead!
big hugs.

Beth said...

Oh, Betsy...I'm so glad you got your snow! Thank you for sharing your beautiful bird pictures with us. Our bird friends really are such a blessing.

I always have to smile when you talk about your recliner "throne." I have a throne like that, too. I don't know what I'd do without it. It is a wonderful thing to be able to survey my "kingdom" from it. :-)

troutbirder said...

Many of the same birds come swarming in here as well especially before and right after snowstorms. I think they predict them better than the weatherman...:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is really the very first one, with the two little sparrow looking birds on each side of the frost edged birdbath.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Comment moderation?

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Gorgeous birds and snow! I was watching the squirrels and birds running around in the rain today.

Sally Wessely said...

Your bird photos are always so much fun. I loved seeing the robin. I thought I heard one here the other day, but I could not find him. It is too early for robins here. I hope they wait a bit before they arrive because we have been hit with very cold weather and snow.

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful photos Betsy! I envy you for all the beautiful birds you have there...

BlueShell said...

Again the snow...and little birds. All so peaceful...
Love it
God bless you and George!

Small Kucing said...

Hi Betsy...am back :). So happy to have internet connection again :) Still celebrating Chinese New Year over here.

great to see the cooling photos as over here weather have been scorching hot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I have not seen any Dark-eyed Junco's this year here at the little farm. I sure think your having a heated bird bath is wonderful! Good job! Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

You have so many photos of birds around. And all are just adorable.
I love your header too!!

Anonymous said...

Your feeders are VERY popular... I love seeing the little wild birds come...

DeniseinVA said...

I always enjoy your posts Betsy. Lovely visitors there :). Have a great day!

imac said...

Pretty flights of fancy Betsy, wonderful show.

Beatriz said...

Hello Betsy!

You both like very much birds, don't you? The place you live must be wonderful, with so many little birds free and happy... If they are like that in winter in North America, imagine in the spring!!!

Gorgeous weekend!

Hugs from Bia


Betty Manousos said...

happy belated valentine's day!!

big hugs.

Catherine said...

I hope you and George are having a wonderful week and had a special Valentine's Day Betsy!
Much love!
xo Catherine

Carmine said...

a nice pictures