Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 21, 2013

ROCK HOUSE at Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Colors of the rocks at the Rock House at Hocking Hills State Park
I'm playing catch-up now --for awhile... We've been on so many trips and I just haven't had time to post all of my photos from these Fall trips... SO--today,  I'm sharing another post from our Ohio Trip which we took on 10/15-18/2012 with our friends Patti and NEAL Treadway. 

Today's pictures are from our hike to the ROCK HOUSE in the Hocking Hills State Park, near Logan, Ohio.  This is a fabulous CAVE --where we walked both inside and outside.

The thing which I loved was the color of the rocks in the area.  Above is a picture showing some of this fabulous color. Aren't they just gorgeous?  Please enlarge these photos... You'll love seeing them bigger!!!

Here is a collage showing pictures of Neal and Patti and George at the Rock House.  I love the picture of Tiny Patti (she really is tiny) in the top right photo --climbing around the cave!!!

This is one of several openings --looking inside the cave.    I couldn't get over the marvelous colors.

Here are some more pictures of the cave ---from the outside looking in.  The middle photo is the narrow entrance we used in order to go inside.

I love this picture of George looking around after we got inside the cave... It was such a fabulous experience ---and it's just one of those where  you just needed to BE THERE.

Here are more pictures from inside the cave.  The center picture is George --at one end.  The one at the bottom right is Neal, Patti and me.

Here is another picture taken from inside the cave looking out of one of the holes in the rocks...

Here is one more collage of us looking around inside that cave.  We were just mesmerized by what we saw in there.  The photo on the right shows me at the narrow entrance where we entered the cave.

Finally,  here is one more photo of the gorgeous colors of the rocks around the Rock House... Wouldn't you love to see this place?  We highly recommend it.

Hope you had a fabulous weekend... The SUN came out here --and even though it's quite cold,  it feels good to dry out and see those blue skies.  Praise God!

Have a fabulous day.



Ms. A said...

So much color! WOW!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful, colorful experience. What a great place to visit.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. Wishing you a sunny Monday!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, looks like a fun place to visit. i really enjoy the shot peeking out of the cave looking at the sun shining in ... great shots!! ( :

RoeH said...

Gosh I'd like to discover those states on the east coast. So much to see. I can never talk my daughter into taking a few days off and doing that. I want to see Richmond. And a few thousand other places around there. This is just beautiful.

diane b said...

The rocks are a fantastic colour and texture. I certainly would love to visit this place.

Miss Debbie said...

Easy to see the hand of God in that creation! Beautiful place!

Dorothy said...

Beautiful pictures! I know this was lots of fun, especially to be with friends. I like to do things like this.
Hope your new week is GREAT!

Andrea said...

I love the character of that rock phase, with those colors from the natural mineral content, with the moss and lichens, producing amazing texture. Why is it called Rock House? Is it because the are people dwelling on the cave in the past?

And are you still in deep snow as your header shows?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love that last photo - so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Magnificent pictures, love the rocks

Janice K said...

What an impressive placr and such beautiful colors!

Anonymous said...

You captured the beauty of everything you saw perfectly, Betsy.

Hugs :)

linda m said...

I love all the colors. I am so happy the SUN finally came out by you. Blue skies always make me feel happy.

Serenity Cove said...

The Rock House was my favorite place at Hocking Hills and we almost didn't go there because of lack of time.
The colors in those rocks are amazing and it was so much fun to go into the Rock House. Thanks for sharing.Wish we could have met you there!

Hope you have better weather this week. We are getting a little dusting of snow this morning and VERY COLD temperatures the next few days:(

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

We have been there, but I don't remember all the gorgeous colors that you captured. I'm going to have to try to find my photos from that trip. It was before digital, so that could take awhile.

We just got back from a week in Florida. We spent Saturday night at a hotel in Cleveland, TN. So we got to see that sunshine you mentioned when we left there yesterday.

Arkansas Patti said...
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Arkansas Patti said...

Pretty sure I could be a cave dweller, especially one so beautifully decorated. Providing it had climate control of course:)

Sylvia K said...

What a beautiful place!! I love the colors! Your photos are superb, Betsy! The next best thing to being there myself! Hope you have a great week!

TexWisGirl said...

the colors are beautiful!

joy said...

Lovely colors of the rocks for sure, but lovely people too! Have a nice week Betsy:)

LV said...

I never visited a place called the rock house. I did go to Carlsbad Cravens once and did not like it.

Out on the prairie said...

I really enjoy this park

MTWaggin said...

Who knew Ohio had so much to offer in the natural realm I love the rock photos.

Cicero Sings said...

Such an interesting explore to be able to jo on. Interesting colors and formations.

Cicero Sings said...

Such an interesting explore to be able to jo on. Interesting colors and formations.

Anonymous said...

What lovely layers and colours in the rocks. Great place to visit.

I'm feeling so much better now - thanks!

HappyK said...

The colors in those rock are amazing. Wow!!!

Connie said...

It is a beautiful spot! We've visited it a few times. It is such a wonderful place to hike and walk around too. Great pictures of all the colors in the rock formations, Betsy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea this existed!! I do not like caves, but I would definitely go inside this one!!! It is gorgeous!! The reds and greens, beautiful!!! Are there bats way inside like in other caves?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow I love the beauty of the rocks

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Such pretty colors! Looks like a fun place to explore. Great shots, Betsy!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love all those colourful rock formations. You all look so small inside that cave.Yes,I would like to visit this place sometime.

Neal said...

That was a fun trip even if George and I had a full time job keeping you under control. :) That is really a beautiful area and you captured it really well.

A Colorful World said...

Wow!!!! What a beautiful place! I would love to go there some time. There are so many places I want to see in this country and I don't know how far afield we will get to travel anymore now that we are retired. Thinking of Utah and Colorado for our August family trip this year, but that is not too far. This cave looks like my cup of tea for sure...maybe one day! :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Another great series of photographs Betsy. Do love visiting and seeing all the places you and George go to. Have a great week and hope the weather is good for you.

Terry and Linda said...

What an incredibly beautiful place!

I love how we get to travel with you and George...and it gives me hope I will someday get to see!


Ann said...

Wow, those are amazing colors in those rocks. How pretty. I would love to check that place out. I know I would have fun there.

carolina nana said...

What a neat place to visit. Those rocks are really beautiful.
We are hunkering down here getting ready for the coldest temps of the season. Tonight and tomorrow night will be two fire nights at our house!

Rose said...

Amazing rock formations...love the colors.

Small City Scenes said...

Super shots of the Rock House. The colors are fantubulous---dontcha think. I would be mesmerized too.
Thanks for sharing. MB

Catherine said...

Those are some awesome rocks you saw Betsy!

Hope you are having a wonderful week!
xo Catherine

troutbirder said...

What a lovely and interesting place. Thanks for brining us along...:)

Busy Bee Suz said...

What an awesomely cool place...LOVE all the colors!

Joe Todd said...

Great post...Really liked the way you presented the photos. Cold at the "Rock House" today..........

Together We Save said...

Your pictures are great! Beautiful colors!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What beautiful colors- I would love to see it!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

The photos are interesting. Those layers of colours have a history that always fascinates me.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, great post. This park looks like a wonderful place to visit. The colors are beautiful. My hubby would love to go in the caves, he is a spleunker. Beautiful photos!

Grandma Bonnie said...

All your photos are so wonderful. You captured the colors perfectly. I live so close to Hocking Hills and have never visited. I really should take the grands to see all the beautiful caves.

Linda P said...

I have enjoyed seeing the photos of this trip with your friends and went back to look at the first set. The layers of rock are so interesting and it must have been fascinating to go into the caves in the area. The collages you have made from your photos are a good idea. Gorgeous photos and happy memories.

Jeevan said...

Awesome rock formations and the colors make it unique! Worth visiting place Betsy. Hope u enjoyed along with the friends :)

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy, I've never seen such colors on a rock formation. Very pretty.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

The Rock House is an amazing formation, Betsy! Is there any Native American lore connected to it? We have caves similar to this here in Colorado in the red rock formations along the ftont range, but non so grand in size as this one in Ohio. They were often shelters or sacred spots for the Native Americans