Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Too Close for Comfort

Mama Deer taking off --running up the street!!!
On 8/14/12 at about 5 pm,   George took some trash out to the garage... He came running back inside telling me to get the camera.  There were FIVE deer (a mama and 4 fawns)  VERY close to our mailbox in the front yard!!!!!!  YIPES----if we hadn't have seen them,  and if they hadn't have seen us----they may have enjoyed our gorgeous roses.... Like I said,  too close for comfort!!!!!!   BUT---we saw them and they saw us!   Mama immediately took off up the street to the empty lot on the other side of the road.  The little ones followed her.   HOWEVER,  I did manage to get some great photos of them --so I'm sharing them with you today!!! Be sure to click on them to enlarge them!!!

Fawn #1--prancing up the street after Mama (Look at that tail!)

Look  how close they were to some of our ROSES!!!!  Yipes!!!

Another fawn--trying to catch up to Mom!!!!

I love this photo of two of them prancing together headed up the street toward Mama!

This little one was lagging behind...  He is in our yard.  See our mailbox?????

I could hear him saying:  "HEY--Wait for Me!!"

"I'm trying to catch up... I REALLY am!"   (Isn't there always one child who lags behind?)

Hope you enjoyed seeing these beautiful critters.... We love them ---but do NOT want them eating our flowers or plants...  As long as they stay away from them,  they will be on my "Favorite Wildlife" list.... IF and WHEN they eat something in our yard,  they will no longer be on that list!!!!!! ha

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  We certainly did!!!  We went to Georgia on Friday and did some hiking --searching for new waterfalls.   We saw 3 on Friday.  Then,  on Saturday,  we visited Cupid Falls (which we had seen before) --and while I attended my sweet almost-daughter-in-law's bridal shower,  George found three more waterfalls,  two new ones and one we had seen previously...    SO---when it comes to waterfalls,  we saw 7 waterfalls this weekend ---with 5 of them being NEW to us!!!!!! 

The shower was great ---and Dawn and Jeff got LOTS of beautiful gifts...  She got so much that it was hard getting all of it into her SUV.....   My son, Jeff, is so blessed to have Dawn in his life!  The wedding is in October.

Have a fabulous Monday!



eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, your deer are so cute. What fun to see them all in your yard. I just love the spotted fawns. They are adorable. Great shots. I was wondering did you see my facebook message about the Smokies? Have a great day day!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

My goodness Betsy - lovely bridal showers, waterfalls and deer! Doesn't get much better. Seriously the photos were astounding! (Lucky timing too for your roses and plants.) The fawns are just adorable. Are they coming to the residential gardens because their natural feed is in short supply or just because what you have on offer is too good to resist!

Ms. A said...

Do all three of these babies belong to the same mom? I think triplets is quite rare.

Ms. A said...

Wait a minute... you said FOUR! Is there another mother around?

diane b said...

beautiful creatures but I understand you not wanting them to have a nibble. Similar to our wallaby kangaroos, they are cute until they demolish the garden.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cute deer! I imagine they will be back- you've got a super store of flowers right there for the tasting!!

Twilight Man said...

They are really beautiful shots and the timing was just perfect. I saw hundreds of deers in Japan but none of them pranced!! The deers were happy to see you and started to dance.

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! Those deer are so beautiful and graceful.I sure hope they have sense enough to leave your plants alone.

Marcia said...

We had close calls with deer on Friday evening. I think I posted the photos (not as good as yours) for later this week. Sunday my brother in law and his hunting buddy came by to scope out our property to hunt this fall. In scouting the woods they came upon evidence of bear! We haven't seen any but they saw the scat, prints and tree markings. Talk about too close!

Connie said...

Wow, your roses could have easily been deer food. Great pictures! I love the ones of the little fawns.

From the Kitchen said...

Those deer thought they had found a delicious rose cafeteria!! Glad you had a good time at the shower. October will be a lovely time for the wedding!!


Buttercup said...

Great pictures. Glad the shower was fun. Looking forward to wedding pictures. Much happiness to the young couple!

Unknown said...

So..How do stop them from eating your roses? Bunnies are cute too until theybstart devouring a garden. The deer are beautiful, but up here in Indiana, they say their numbers are larger than before settlers came out here. We had laws protecting them for a while, and they have no preditors besides vehicles. They can really destroy a corn field if there are enough of them in the heard. It's a crazy issue, but they are beautiful to watch.

Jeevan said...

This is interesting and lovely set of pictures on the deep! Man and wildlife needs a certain distance which is good for both of them and to live at comfort. Glad u happened to discover new waterfall and enjoyed hiking and taking part in bridal shower.

Faye said...

It's thrilling to see these lovely animals in the 'burbs but it makes me sad for them because I think probably they're having to range so close looking for food and water. At least that's the case in this area. Momma looked like she had some battle scars didn't she? Those babes are precious close up. Glad you could share with us Betsy.

Did you have cooler weather for your weekend travels?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, glad they did not get your roses

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Like Mrs. A, I was surprised to think that one doe would have four fawns following her. When we were in Cuyahoga Valley National Park last week, we also saw some spotted fawns that were quite large. I thought they'd have lost their spots by now. Anyway, you got some great pictures of these. And I do love the "alert" tails. :)

Tabor said...

Our deer have produced an abundance of fawns this year. We are glad to have our fence. They will be back, so keep your eyes open. Looks like one has mange, unfortunately.

Beth said...

Mama looks like she's been through a lot!
I love that first photo. You caught that prance in mid-air---Wow!
But my favorite is the little guy trying to catch up---that would be me esp. with two 'giant' older brothers, and a 'giant' Dad. But no, wait, it was Mama who was behind me when we were walking!Ha!
(she was the shortest of us all at 4'9")
So glad you caught them in time. I don't have trouble with deer and my flowers since we live between a busy alley with two car repair shops on it and a busy highway in front. However, they are a nuisance and a danger on my drive to and from school. I've had to have two major repair jobs due to hitting deer and an ER visit thanks to the one!(several years ago)

linda m said...

Those are some great pictures of the deer. I know how you feel about them and your flowers. I will let any wild creature live happily in my yard as long as they leave my flowers and my tomato plant alone. If they can't abide by that rule it is all out war. haha

Janice K said...

Those babies are precious...I like the one of the two of them also with one tail up and one tail down.

Dorothy said...

Those are some great pictures, Betsy! I love the cute little fawns!!!

Karin said...

That's one busy mama - no wonder she has battle scars protecting her little mob! I am concerned that they are coming closer to your garden and also roadways. I can only imagine the excitement this caused! Such great photos to remember this event!

Wonderful that you had a lovely shower for Dawn. Now comes a pretty busy time for all their preparations!

Have an awesome week!

Lynn said...

Hi Betsy, Love the fawns. You did get some fantastic shots since they were prancing and are speedy creatures. Sure they were tempted by all the beauty in your yard. I take it this is closer than they ever get? Your weekend itinery was lovely. So happy for Jeff and his "bride to be". Blessings.

Serenity Cove said...

The fawns are so cute but....then they grow up and come eat my hostas. Then I don't find them so cute anymore:(

Linda P said...

Amazing to see these beautiful creatures so near residential areas although the nibbling at your lovely flowers must cause a bit of concern. From comments I guess it's a common sight in the US. Most of our deer in the UK roam in large parkland estates or in isolated moorland areas.

CottonLady said...

Great shots of the deer, Betsy! They are such lovely creatures, but can also be so destructive on gardens and crops.
So happy for Jeff finding his "special lady"


HappyK said...

You got some fantastic shots of the deer. Loved seeing them.

TexWisGirl said...

those fawns are just so cute and perky! :)

Sylvia K said...

I love the fawns!! They are such cuties -- but I'm glad they didn't get a chance to munch on the roses!! Fun captures for the day and it does sound like you and George had a great weekend!

Farida said...

I'm glad that you enjoyed the weekend Ms Betsy. It must be fun to be in a bridal shower and transparently seeing the bride before the wedding (the games, question and answer portion are the best).

It's a rare occurrence that deers approach our place upfront. Glad that your camera was equipped with sufficient battery for you to capture the endearing shot! Take care :D

GreatGranny said...

I always got excited when deer came to the yard. One year we had to re-plant peas, but by then I was tired of canning, freezing, etc. that I didn't care. Mama deer has had a hard life, it looks like. So glad y'all had a good time in GA.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous shots - especially of the fawns. That poor mum seems to be going bald though...

I Am Woody said...

Those precious babies!! So sweet!

Glad you guys had such a wonderful weekend! Always love to hear about your adventures:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are so beautiful!

That's a lot of waterfalls!

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh wow. How I love that jaunty little tail.

joy said...

YOur are very lucky girl capturing those pictures and having a wonderful family. Thanks for sharing:)

Big Dude said...

I love seeing the deer, but they become a real pest in the garden and shrubs. That seems like a lot of little ones for one doe, I wonder if she adopted a couple.

Amy Burzese said...

Wow! Four babies! Two is the most I've ever seen! What a treat!

Nellie said...

Ah! You have a wedding coming up in the future! How exciting! Of course, our "take" is from the parents of the bride side.:) It sounds like the bridal shower was lots of fun.

We rarely see deer around here, though there was a lone one that came through the back of our property a few weeks ago.

Really good pictures, Betsy!

xo Nellie

Terry and Linda said...

Wow! A Mom Deer with FOUR babies! I knew they could have twins, but this is a first for me.

You are really right about the yard buffet....glad they moved on through.


Sally Wessely said...

I would feel the same way. As long as these beautiful creatures left my roses and other flowers along, I'd also love them. They are cute! I love the first photo. The fawn truly is prancing along. I swear I saw a side glance by fawn #3 as she went by the roses. I think she was still considering coming over for a little nibble.

Anonymous said...

You and George have had a lot of excitement lately.. between the deer, Dawns shower and scouting water falls.

I love those sweet faced fawns.. hopefully they won't eat any flowers.

Kay said...

That one sure had a "pointy" tail.

Starry Dawn said...

Hello sweet dear friend, Betsy,
Oh, what a precious gift you are giving to us this day, darling!
I love deers and fawns. So, I just love these photos of them.
I wish I were there to look at them more closely. I would also take plenty of pictures.
I am glad to know that your son is getting married soon. Congratulations to your son and family, Betsy!!
You said that you and George went to Georgia and watched some waterfalls there. Georgia is a lovely State, my dear friend.
Thank you, Betsy for sharing your world with us, your Online friends!
God keeps blessing you both!
Warm Hugs,
Poet Starry.

mamahasspoken said...

Agree with Ms A/Cora in that I've never hear of a deer having four before and rarely twins. Also mamma deer looks like she has something funky going on her hide, any idea what it is?

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful and they are too close looks like they feel they are at home. ^_^


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I love the delicate looking legs of fawns. Hope they stay away from your flowers.

Busy Bee Suz said...

The deer are especially cute...when they are not eating your garden! :) Do you have any idea why the mama was missing some hair? Do you think they shed?
I'm so excited for Jeff and Dawn....and am especially excited for you to have Dawn as a DIL!!!!! Yippeee.

Mary said...

Those fawns are so adorable, I would have given them all the roses they could eat :-) What a great sighting for you and the photos are wonderful.

Miss Debbie said...

So glad you enjoyed your time in our Georgia! And that the shower was nice...sure helps young couples get started. The deer are beautiful...love the way they were prancing with their tails up! Glad they didn't get your flowers.

Chatty Crone said...

The deer are adorable! Mama looks like she is missing some fur. And isn't it always the boys who are trying to keep up? LOL Very nice.

Grandma Bonnie said...

The fawns are so precious. I can hardly wait to see the wedding photos. Hope you have a great week.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Those deer were sure keeping their eyes on you! So glad you had a good weekend.

Ann said...

They are pretty and what a treat to see them as long as they weren't making a treat out of your roses.

carolina nana said...

Great photos of the deer,love the fawns with all their spots. Hope they don't come back and have a late night snack of your roses !
We have been blessed with rain lately,we are soggy but I hate to complain with everyone that needs rain so desperately. We just seem to be in a pattern if there is any rain close we get it.
Glad you had fun at the shower and am glad you are getting a sweet d-in-law for you son.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have to say that I have a love/hate thing going on regarding deer. They are neat to see leaping high over the fences, but a royal pain in the tush when it comes to keeping them out of the garden. After they get their first taste of the garden and flowers, they will come back each year. At least they do here! They are pretty tho. That second photos looks like he's marching in a band.

Cicero Sings said...

FOUR babies. Wow. But in the garden, no, no, no. A deer entered the back yard yesterday and Mingus went barking up to it ... it didn't move. Mingus came to a standstill and they had a stare off. Then Mingus barked again and the deer leapt toward Mingus and then finally away ... right away. I got a little worried that the deer might strike at Mingus with her feet but thankfully she didn't and Mingus came trotting back all pumped.

Catherine said...

Aren't those babies adorable! I hope they go find a nice forrest to live in! Someplace safer then on the streets.
xo Catherine

Rohrerbot said...

I love that you both have the camera ready for action:) That made me laugh. I do it as well. Hey you never know!!! I've caught some great things by having the camera nearby. It must be fawn season....we also saw several this weekend on our hike. They are so adorable. Love how they are like, "We weren't really going to eat your roses, honest Ms:)" Even if they did, I wouldn't be mad at them. You really have some beautiful action pics. I like the one where the fawn is jumping out of the planter:) Naughty naughty.

Out on the prairie said...

i always like those spotted babies

nanny said...

You got some great shots. Aren't they cute? BUT glad they didn't eat your beautiful flowers!

Glenda said...

Oh, I LOVE these pics, Betsy . . . especially those of the little ones! But I agree that you don't want them "visiting" your flower beds! Best wishes to your son and bride-to-be!

Brenda said...

That mama deer looks like she's been banged up a few times! They are such BEAUTIFUL creatures!! Glad they didn't get your roses and glad you got a few good shots before they scurried off. WONDERFUL!!

Well, congratulations to your son Jeff and your soon to be daughter-in-law Dawn. I wish them many years of happiness.

I do hope we get to see some pics of the newly found waterfalls! I love your adventures!


Hootin Anni said...

Extraordinary!!!! I can't get over the fact that she had 4 fawns with her!! Wow.

Great images.

And Betsy, tho I'm a bit behind in my visiting this week, I wanted you to know that I really enjoyed reading your views on the politics of this country of ours. Well said.

Small City Scenes said...

Aren't they--the fawns--so sweet. Look at those Looong legs. LOL

So glad the shower went so nicely. Sounds real nice,

You will have to share the pics of the new waterfalls. MB

Unknown said...

They are cute aren't they. Mr. George needs to invest in some garlic spray...I'll cry if the eat his roses!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

This was such a delightful post. I always marvel at how the creatures come so close.And how nice to learn about your new DIL and an October wedding.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Yes, that is what happened to my vegetable garden when I was away on vacation. Deer do love those organic veggies and flowers. Oh well. Lovely to see though. Great pictures. Have a great day tomorrow. Tomorrow will be time for using the hose to water the fruit trees and grapes here.

Angela said...

No! Don't let me get the roses! You and George have such beautiful flowers. I hope they don't come back Betsy! the deer ate my hostas last summer for the first time. I have had them for years and never had a problem with the deer eating them. They ate them and my hostas didn't come back up this year. One partially came up but it is ugly.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are lucky, in my parents' home, everything goes to the pot.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

where's the dog? Why do they call it a dog?

A Colorful World said...

Amazing photos! That first shot of the Mom made me feel sorry for her wounds, but the second picture, of the baby made me smile...he looks like he's marching! :-) All of the babies were incredibly cute! Hope none of the deer get into your garden!

Glad you had a wonderful weekend in Ga...my what a lot of waterfalls you guys scored, too!

Shilpa said...

Very cute photos on the deer and the fawns are adorable... Betsy. I enjoyed this post quite and so good of them to stay away from the roses! Looking forward for the wonderful posts on the waterfalls and bridal shower. My wishes to your son and daughter-in-law :)

Rose said...

Fawns are just so pretty...adorable...cute...I just love seeing them.

Lynda said...

Cool pics! The deer almost had a gourmet breakfast!!! I wonder what is going on with the mama deer's fur. It looks like it is gone in a couple of places - - those dark spots. You have to give her credit - - she was only trying to feed her babies!