Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Our House gets New Clothes

I had another post ready for today,  but I'm so excited about our beautiful little home ---that I just HAD to share this with you...  IF you are on Facebook,  you saw my surprise yesterday--but that was only one photo.  Today I'll share several!!!!!

Our home is being painted... Maybe I should have waited until they finish,  but I am just too excited to wait!   I'm always apprehensive when choosing a paint color...  What if we don't like it?  What if it is too dark --or too light????  YIPES---what a decision!!!

I will show more pictures when they totally finish.  The painters haven't started the white trim yet --so that will take awhile.. BUT--other than touch-ups,  they have finished the green....  I love-love-love this green... It seems to be perfect for us and blends so well with our yard and the surrounding trees.. Hope you enjoy seeing the pictures today!!!!   Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

The green has a 'sheen' to it when the sun hits it.  It looks darker in the shadows... This is the front left side near the garage.  I love the way the ROSES are smiling ---just like I am.

Walking on around the house to the left,  I took this picture of the 'upper' side of the house,  near the upper flowerbed and the rock sidewalk.   The large window in the distance is George's little office area---across from the laundry room.  The smaller window is our kitchen.  The big sliding door goes into our 'Great' Room  (combo living/dining room).

You've seen the new deck (at the back of the house) in other blog posts recently...  If you missed the main post showing the new deck,  click HERE.   Both doors (on either side of the chimney) go into our Great Room... George and I read  our devotions together every morning on the swing (weather permitting)... The 'Bird Kitchen' is on the far end...   Beyond the deck  on the far end (out of sight) is one of our bedroom windows.    (The new deck will be stained in the spring.)

I don't think I have ever shown this side of our home.  This is the lower side of the house  where we have a half basement.   The two windows go into our bedroom... Since our bedroom is next to the Bird Kitchen (and since we put our bird feeders up at night)--the Northern Cardinals (and their loud chips) wake us up about 6:30 each morning begging for their breakfast...  There are 2 bathrooms in the middle (one off of our bedroom and one off of the hall).  The area to the left is the 2nd bedroom --which we use as our computer room...

 Now I am back around to the front of the house... This is the right side (from the front)--and inside the window is where we live most of the time---our Computer Room!!!!!  ha ha ..... There is one bird feeder next to this window---so that I can see some of the little birdies when I'm not close to the Bird Kitchen!!!!!

I'll close with one more photo of the front of the house.  Hope you enjoyed seeing the entire outside of our precious little home.  We love it --and it's perfect for a couple of retirees...   Sometime--I'll have to show you the inside --which is not nearly as pretty!!!!!!  Don't you just love our home and her new clothes?  George and I do----and I guess that is what matters...

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.   Tomorrow is George's Dad's 100th birthday party...  SO--like most weekends,  I'll be out-of-pocket.  His actual birthday is next Wednesday... We will be with him on that day also. Amazing man!!!!



A Brit in Tennessee said...

The 'new clothes' are perfect :)What a pretty shade of green, your home looks so inviting !

Tabor said...

Great color. I never would have selected that and you were wise to do so. I think you chose so well. Your house is stunning and I bet the neighbors are jealous. You both have created a little paradise it seems.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, I love the new green color. A great choice for your house color. Beautiful photos, have a great weekend.

Beth said...

Great color choice for your house. The color of it and all the flowers with their greenery compliment each other so they almost look as 'one'.
Sounds like a great lay-out inside.
Thanks for sharing. And as the expression goes: "You did good." (which is terrible grammar for an English teacher! Ha!)

Unknown said...

Love this! So soothing...and my oh my! Best wishes for the Young Birthday Boy!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Lovin your new home "clothes"!!! Tell George's Dad "Happy Birthday" from NW TN...what a wonderful celebration!!!

Amy Burzese said...

That is a beautiful green. It is very outdoorsy and fits my impression of you to the tee.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Your home is lovely and the new color nice, it really goes in your woodland setting. I went to your post about your new deck and that is very nice also. Home sweet home.

Have a wonderful weekend with 'Birthday Boy'.


Faye said...

Great color choice for two avid gardeners, Betsy. And I really like the way the siding is oriented on your house--so much more interesting than straight horizontal. Last night I was inspired to make a long list of house chores that need to be done when I get back from fall trip in mid-September. Not nearly as ambitious as yours.

Best wishes to George's father on 100 good years.

Jeevan said...

That’s a pretty choice of color and with the blossom of roses, it looks so elegant! Beautiful photos... and I need to say yours is one of a little dream house, I wish to own :)

Enjoyed the weekend along with the Party! Sounds so great.

RoeH said...

I love it but now I can't remember what it was before. And what a nice way to start each day in that swing. More people should do that.

Carol Murdock said...

It is just gorgeous!

~mel said...

I agree with the green ~ it just blends in so nice with nature. Green will be our next house color. Right now we have a gray toned house; but the neighbors down the road a few miles put a deep sage green siding on and I told Dear Hubby ~ next time... green. He agrees:)

I Am Woody said...

Happiest of Birthdays to Dad Adams!

I'm like you - I'm always scared of selecting a color! But you guys did a wonderful job. Love, love, love it!!

linda m said...

I agree with you, I love-love-love the new color. It fits in perfectly. You have a very nice house. Happy Birthday to George's father.

Marcia said...

Like the new "clothes" on your house. We too have a green house but a bit darker. The paint color is called ripe olive but it isn't like olive green at all.

Is your home in a retirement community?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on the 100th birthday. and my favorite of the pics is the half basement shot that the shadows are making it 3 shades of green. beautiful and this is the first time to see that side of the house. i also like the one with the umbrella in it. looking good.

Small City Scenes said...

Oh my, Betsy, I love the new color and so do your flowers. YAY!!

Happy Birthday to Dad Adams.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The house looks very pretty in its "new clothes." It blends very well with your lovely landscaping. Dad Adams sounds like an amazing guy...and to reach such a milestone is quite an accomplishment.

Connie said...

It does blend right in and serves as a perfect backdrop for all your roses, Betsy. Very nice!

MTWaggin said...

Betsy a lovely tour and I agree that green is perfect! Have a fun time at the bday party!

Snap said...

Great choice ... especially for nature lovers!

Janice K said...

That color is a perfect backdrop to all your beautiful flowers.

How great that George's father has made it to 100 years. My dad would have celebrated 100 this year also, and I saw on TV last night that Gene Kelly would have been 100 this week. 1912 was a very good year!

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday celebration!

Karin said...

What a lovely change of color! Your house has its own unique character - a beautiful canvas for all the other floral colors against it! The photos look great!

Do wish Mr. Adams senior an awesome 100th Happy Birthday from this gal from Alberta, Canada who is visiting in BC!!

LV said...

Very good choices. It truly looks great. I love the shot with the pretty roses with the side of the house as a background.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy the first picture shows it all - how beautiful it is for the setting you have it in - it is beautiful - looks like it was made to fit in right there. I love the color you picked!


Linda P said...

The green blends so well with all the greenery around the house and shows off your flowers beautifully. Thank you for the tour. Have a wonderful weekend celebration!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's fantastic! I'll have to show Pierce. Green is his favorite color you know :-)

Anonymous said...

A beautiful shade of green for your home! It's always fun to see where our blog friends spend their days. I enjoyed the tour. Your home and yard are just perfect for you and George. Happy Birthday wishes to Dad A.

PCovi said...

Like you say it matches so well with the nature surrounding! And those roses are definitely smiling!
Happy bday to George's dad :) awesome. He should be on a Smucker's jar!!! You hear that WILLARD??!

HappyK said...

You and George have such a lovely home and I love the color.
I think your house would go perfectly sitting on our land. : )

Sylvia K said...

I love the new green color, Betsy!! Such a lovely home the two of you have!! Wonderful! Say Happy Birthday to George's Father for me and have a great weekend!

Christine said...

The paint color is wonderful Betsy! Being the nature lover you are it's perfect!

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Great pictures! Green is my favorite color and I just love how it blends in with the trees in the background.

Nellie said...

Happy Birthday to your father-in-law!

Isn't it exciting to see a project coming to completion - and being happy with the results!?!

xo Nellie

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Congrats and Happy Birthday to your FIL for his incredible 100 years!!

I love your new color, it blends perfectly with the trees and is a great backdrop for your wonderful flowers.

Have a beautiful day and weekend!

Ms. A said...


Betsy, I love this color so much that I used it in my living room. BIG mistake, it was like a tomb. Sure looks better on the outside of your house!

Out on the prairie said...

Nice color, I need to have mine done. I have a green house next door, so need something a little different.

Larry said...

This is quite the change Betsy... you probably can guess that I love dark colors based on our home! Larry

Sharon said...

Seems the general consensus is that everyone approves and so do I. But like you said, if you and George like it, that's what matters. It really is lovely. We live in a Cape Cod so always just stick with the white. Nice thing is - we can play with the color of the shutters if we want to be daring - they're a whole lot easier to change if we end of with something garish.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful house and flowers! It blends well with the trees!
Happy Birthday to Dad Adams!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, A really nice FFG color that blends with the forest quite well. Great thing! Have a fine weekend with your family.

joy said...

I love green color, so I love the new look of your house:)

nanny said...

I know your home loves its new clothes.....look so nice.

happy birthday to George's dad....wow..100 years old. That calls for extra cake!!

carolina nana said...

That is a really nice color of green,I don't typically like green but that is a shade I would like.
Happy 100th b-day to George's dad. Hope he is doing well and will enjoy his party.
Blessings and safe travel

GreatGranny said...

That is an excellent choice of color to go with it's surroundings.
Happy Birthday to your Father-in-law.

Donna said...

It looks beautiful and cheerful! Thanks for sharing!

Sally Wessely said...

I think choosing a paint color for a house can be daunting and confusing. I think that you have settled on the color that is perfect for you two.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

The color is great for your setting. Looks good. Happy birthday to George's dad. 100! That is wonderful.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Happy Birthday George's DAD!! (If he were part of the Commonwealth he would receive a letter from the Queen for his 100th!) Well I think everyone still does....
I LOVE your house's new clothes, I know exactly what you mean about (will the colour be perfect) I chose a green some years ago on my old house and thought it would be (quite similar to your green actually) IT WASN"T - it turned out to be a horrid green that never grew on me.
It looks lovely Betsy and George, marries beautifully with its surrounds.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Well, you know how I feel about green?!? I LOVE LOVE LOVE this color and it really does justice to your yard. Amazing.
Happy birthday to Sweet Dad Adams...what an amazing man. Safe travels and have fun!

Ann said...

Oh it looks great Betsy. Love that color.
Happy 100 years to your father in law.

Susie Swanson said...

Wow, beautiful color. It blends in and shows off your whole, beautiful yard and flowers..Happy Birthday to your father in law.. 100, that's amazing..Blessings, Susie

Miss Debbie said...

Great color...you made a wise choice! You are right about it being difficult to choose...looking at a little paint on a card and trying to imagine an entire house painted that color! But you did good! :-0

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your house is perfect and so is the colour.It suits for the surrounding area.

Terry and Linda said...

WOW! This turned out really well. And it shows off your yard perfectly!


camp and cottage living said...

I love the green clothes on your house. You are right, it fits perfect with all the greenery and it makes your flowers just 'pop'!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi sweet Betsy,
Wooowww!! It's amazing that he'll be 100 years old...
I am sure both of you, Betsy and George will be taking after your dear parents as well.
How fantastic is to have parents nowadays! It's a real blessing.
Have a great time with your dear father-in-law, sweet Betsy and George!
The colour of your house is gorgeous. Green is perfect.
I just love your beautiful home.
Thank you, Betsy for sharing your world with us!
Thank you also, for writing your heartfelt comments in my blogs!
God may bless you all!
Warm Hugs & Blessings,
Poet Starry Dawn.

Shilpa said...

You have done a best job on coloring your home Betsyand it looks very beautiful. Thanks for taking us around u r home. The roses decorated your courtyard so well and I love the first shot.

Have a great birthday part of your FIL! Best wishes to the wise man :)

Anonymous said...

Going green is great and it matches your wonderful blog.
Its a beautiful green color, Betsy.

Andrea said...

It provided a very pretty background for your long-stemmed roses. They become more special. Your garden and area is one of the most organized gardens I've seen.

Big Dude said...

Nice job Betsy and it always amazes me how a change like this (or rearranging your furniture, etc) seems to provide a new lease on life.

Neal said...

Very nice Betsy....I like that color. You guys have a beautiful home and a very, very beautiful yard. I've been so busy that I haven't been on the computer a lot so I've got to catch up on all your post....afraid I might miss something. :)

Fred Alton said...

Betsy! You and George have a most beautiful home. Yes, I love the new paint color - especially so with the roses in front of the green. I know you must be excited about this - and I'm sure my Frances would be excited about new clothes for our little place if only I'd get busy. Oh well ... when I get back from this walk in Maine maybe she will see that I am not totally handicapped. Haha.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, it is beautiful....I tell everyone, I have never been a green person, but I must be becoming one...I am always picking up green fabrics. I probably buy more greens than any other color...or for sure find ones I like. Maybe it is just that there are so many more green variations these days...

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Amazing, Betsy! The color is just perfect for a house set amidst beautiful gardens! And congratulations to your father-in-law on his 100th birthday! Wow. My Mom was also born in 1912, but died many years ago. How terrific that you'll have the pleasure of his company twice this week!

Pedaling said...

I absolutely love this shade of green for your home...it matches your blog background. ;)

thefisherlady said...

your roses are delightful!
Iam happy about George's dad's birthday.
My dad would have celebrated 100 years this past Jan 18. Now my daughter has a baby due then... new life, old life, all a gift from above.

trump said...

The color green never looked so good! Richard

Catherine said...

Green is a favorite color of mine. It's a very fresh and happy color. Your house is looking fantastic Betsy!
xo Catherine

Carletta said...

Love the new color! It certainly does compliment the natural setting.
A wonderful Happy 100 to Dad Adams! Many more blessings are wished for him.

Rohrerbot said...

Hi Betsy!! I'm back again. We had a nice hike and saw lots of wonderful things. 100?? Amazing. Hope you all had some fun. Love the color. I think it fits in perfectly with your surrounding neighborhood/trees. We have that color inside our house:) Color makes the world go around:) Hope you have a good week:)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love the new color of your house, Betsy! It is a perfect background for all your pretty floers and bird guests.

I saw your father-in-law's photos on facebook --God bless him and happy 100th birthday to him--what a milestone!

diane b said...

Great colour for a house. A painter once said to me that you can never go wrong with the colours of nature for a house. It so blends in. You do have a sweet house it reeks of love and comfort.

Mary said...

Green is my favorite color...I approve! Looks wonderful and very different.

Anita Johnson said...

What a beautiful setting! And green is my favorite color!

Lynda said...

I do love the color you picked. It is perfect for your location. The other color was good but you blended in so well that you were almost lost. This gives you some "pop" as well as coordinating with the landscape.