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Photo taken by us in the state of NEW YORK |
George and I both love our Old Glory... It hangs on a pole 24 hours a day (since it is lit at nights) in our front yard. We are both very patriotic and love our country and our FREEDOM. We hope we never lose this freedom.
Here is a little poem I found about our precious flag.
I AM LOVED by J. Atwell
I am loved, I am hated, I am spit on,
I am burned. Regardless, I am proud of
my country and her people. They say
that love is the greatest gift but the true
greatest gift is FREEDOM. May my
country and her people always have this
great gift. I ask the blessing of God to
with my people now and forever.
I searched through my photos and am featuring eight pictures of Old Glory taken by us, on our travels through the years ---all from different states. Hope you enjoy seeing Old Glory on this special holiday.
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Photo taken in ARKANSAS |
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Photo taken in KENTUCKY |
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Photo taken in NORTH CAROLINA |
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Photo taken in SOUTH CAROLINA |
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Photo taken in VIRGINIA |
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Photo taken in WEST VIRGINIA |
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Photo taken in TENNESSEE |
Hope you have a fabulous 4th of July. We will be spending the day with family!!! AND---by the way, we finally got some rain on Monday night.... Did you see me doing the "Happy Dance"???? We need more --but this was a good start!!!!!
Fabulous collection of our country's flag. She's beautiful wherever she waves. Happy 4th!
Congratulations on the rain!
Happy 4th!
Glad it rain for you :)
Happy 4th! Interesting photo series on the old glory, glow at different backdrop.
i like them all, my two favorites Kentucky and the train. cool shots. happy 4th, enjoy your family outing.
The US flag is the most beautiful.
I'm glad you had some rain Betsy.
Happy 4th to you & yours. i love all the flag photos ... too cool!! take care. (:
Nice pictures! Happy 4th of July!!
A nice selection of flag shots. She's a grand old flag and forever in peace may she wave.
Happy 4th of July
Very patriotic post, Betsy! Love the collection of flag photos. happy 4th of July to you and George!
Hope you guys have a great Independence Day
Have a safe and happy Fourth!
Hope your day is filled with love and good food.
Happy 4th to you too Betsy!
Sadly, no rain here yet :o(
Simply one super stunning and patriotic display for the holiday Betsy!!
Happy 4th of YOUly to you and your loved ones.
Happy Fourth to you and George, Betsy. And congratulations on the rain. We could sure use some here.
Great post! I love the flag and shudder when anyone abuses it. :(
I'm so glad you got some rain Betsy! Perhaps you should be doing more of a 'rain' dance rather than a 'happy' dance! LOL!
Have a terrific 4th of July!
xo Catherine
Love to see Old Glory waving in the breeze! Hate to see that some people fly it after it is tattered and worn out!
Happy 4th of July!
I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July with your family!
Happy 4th of July, Betsy and George. I love the story of your flag and the many photos you shared. I hope you're enjoying a precious time with your loved ones. Blessings and hugs, Jo
Hi, Betsy...what beautiful pictures of our flag! I think I recognize the one from North Carolina as being over the Biltmore House?
So glad to hear that you got rain! We got a bit here, but are hoping and praying for more.
Hope you and George have a wonderful 4th of July!
Love your Old Glory photos! I've got my Old Glory favorite on my blog today, too. Enjoy and have a great Fourth!
Lovely shots and thoughts. Headed out for a community church service at the park.
Have a great 4th. Nice photos but I am so impressed that you are that organized with your thousands of photos to find these!
It's been far too long since I commented, but I read and love your blog every day...I don't 'lurk', I 'observe in quiet happiness'..smile!
Your flag foto collection is beautiful, thanks for searching them out from your extensive (!) photo collection :-) AND, I learned why our Stars and Stripes are also called "Old Glory". Thanks for feeding my brain!
Oh, could you Please send some rain down here to Mississippi, we have 'burn bans' in many counties. We can still shoot fireworks, just asked to be VERY careful.
Happy 4th of July, Betsy and George!
I hope you can get a change to see my July 4th blog...I think you'll like it!
Very nice!
always beautiful, no matter where it is displayed. like your roses header, too!
Happy 4th to you and George- love your flag photos!
Great collection of flag photos!:>) That's an interesting pole in Arkansas---it looks like there is a stand for someone to be one and actual step-like marks in the pole. ???
The one in KY in cool also--a primitive pole fitting for its setting.
I had not read that poem--I would like to share it with my American Lit students this fall, if I have your permission.
I thought of I Cor. with the "greatest of these is love" verse and then the phrase "the greatest is freedom" and thought how God combines both. He gives us the freedom to choose Him and His Love or not--He does not force us and if we are truly loving someone, we are not forcing our ideas/wants/desires, etc on them. They are free to be themselves and to love us back or not. Hmmmm---you got me thinking, Betsy friend!;>)
Oh and BTW, so glad you got some rain. The nice thing about that horrendous storm was it did bring lots of needed rain and for 16 hours cooler temps.
I recognize Cass! Happy 4th!
Happy 4th to all bloggers and Americans!
When I studied in Pittsburgh in the 90s, I knew right away that USA is the best country to live in this world after touring North, South, East and West coasts of US. I have visited many other countries especially around Asia and I still vote America as the best. May your country continue to enjoy the freedom and happiness always!
I forgot to say that I love your flag and carriy my mobile phone which its casing is the Flag of USA. Heh heh!
What a great post for the day, Betsy! You and George both have great posts for the day and great reminders of how much we all have to be thankful for today! I shared some history, too. It's all too easy to forget what so many did and sacrificed in order to achieve the freedom we have today! Have a wonderful 4th!!
Happy 4th of July!
Congratulation with your 4th of July:)
Great pictures...you are a traveler!!
Glad you got rain....we did, too, and it was much needed! Hope you are enjoying your holiday. Thanks for visiting my place!
Old Glory.
May she fly forever over the land of the free.
Nice entry of Old Glory! And the roses are pretty at the top. Happy 4th to you and George! IT's so dry here. No rain here yet. Have a 20% chance. I see some in Chattanooga and KY. Ya'll take care!
Great photos Betsy.
Great photos of our flag!
Hi pretty lady, Betsy,
Oh!! You have posted an outstanding collection of U.S. Flags. I love this post, just as much as I love your wonderful blog.
I truly enjoy visiting your site, Betsy sweetheart.
Thank you so much for visiting my site and offering your heartfelt comments there!!
Thank you for your kind Email too!!
Have a Happy Independence Day with your dear family and loved ones!!
Happy 4th of July, Betsy!!
Poet Starry.
I love that beautiful flag with all my heart! We also fly Old Glory. Happy 4th! Hope you had a nice day.
What gorgeous roses in your blog header. Stunning.
Happy 4th of July. Neat to see the flags from all the different places.
Lovely post and nice to hear the origins of how "Old Glory" came about. Happy 4th of July Betsy and George :)
What a great idea for a post Betsy on this holiday!
Your template is all decked out as well.
Hoping you and George have had a wonderful day!
We finally got power late this afternoon so the end of this day is definitely a HAPPY 4th and the AC is on!
Love your pictures of Old Glory. Was singing "You're a Grand Old Flag" the other day and the kids were looking at me like I was nuts. Not unusual, I know, but they'd never heard the song. I learned it in kindergarten--what are they teaching kids in school today?
Beautiful photos of Old Glory, Betsy. I hope you had a happy 4th of July! :)
Happy 4th!!! I like your theme here. Very fun. I'd hang a flag up as well but it would get stolen:( Who does that? Hope you had a nice day together. I love 4th of July food:)
I love your pics of the flag from the different states and in the unique settings. Hope your day has been great! We have been with family this week and will be this weekend, too.
that is a glorious collection, betsy, thanks so much for sharing,
hope you've had a wonderful 4th of july!
big hugs!
Oh you really have flag photo collections, i thought you only have waterfalls! Loving one's country is a prime obligation for all citizens! I love mine too.
That's quite a collection of flag Betsy, each one is beautiful. I'm glad to hear you got some rain and hopefully you will get more. We had record rainfall for June but now it's starting to get dry.
Happy 4TH!
ours is 31st August
Did not know that about Old Glory. Thanks. Loved your theme.
Wow, what is "rain" again? I am so pleased for you and we have glimmers of possibilities in the coming week. Toes are crossed.
First of all, very glad you got rain. Still praying for more for TN. I love your photos of Old Glory. I love this country too and pray for it often. We do need good leaders...
Love you
What lovely shots. And rain - finally! Hurray!
I would love to go to Kentucky and see that place!!!
Hope you had a good day! I love your header and glad you had some rain the other day!
Beautiful Betsy and I love how you arranged all of these different flag images, what a photogenic country we live in! Richard from Amish Stories
sky is fabulous!
love from middel east % turkey:)
I am so glad you finally got some rain. Well we finally got some sunshine and blue skies. Temps up to high 70s though. Just right.
I love our flag too. We have it out mostly but when it rains for days we bring it in.
I had to update blogger to Chrome to be able to finally make a comment on anyones blog or even to access my own blog. Yehaw!!
I love that old flag...My heart is filled with much pride when I see ol' glory flying high. I enjoyed all of these photos..
What an excellent post for your Independence Day celebrations! Have a perfect FOURTH!!
Hope you had a fabulous Fourth. I loved seeing all the photos of Old Glory. Just seeing a photo of the flag makes me swell with pride. God bless the USA!
Beautiful collection of Old Glory photos and I enjoyed the poem too. I'm glad you finally got some rain, we got some as well. :D
We had a hot 4th! And was 107º here again today! You would not believe the cornfields...
There is not a flag more beautiful than Old Glory, Betsy! I loved hearing the story behind that wonderful phrase.
Hope you had a fun 4th of July! Ours was quiet..and hot...lol...but very relaxing.
You sure have a great collection of flag shots! And I love everyone of them!
We have a 30/40 % chance of rain this weekend and Monday! I hope it rains for days!!!!!!
A wonderful tribute to the flag, our country and the 4th.
Old Glory is still one grand lady! Just beautiful Betsy.
I love your red, whit and blue theme- especially your red roses header photo.
Perfect post for the 4th, Betsy.
Hugs :)
Awesome collection of patriotic flag photos Betsy!! And you got some rain!? We'll do more prayers for more rain!
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