Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 25, 2012

What We SAW while at the BEACH

Last Friday,  I shared with you some of the things that George and I DID while at Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina, a couple of weeks ago.  If you missed that post,  click HERE.  Today,  I'll share just a few of the MANY things we SAW that week on the beach...

Above is a picture of a STARFISH.   Believe it or not,  this is the first year we have ever seen one.  We always enjoy searching for what we can find along the beach.  I have two HUGE containers of shells we have brought home from our various trips there.  Sharing some of those shells someday in a blog would be fun!!!!  Maybe I'll do that!

We saw lots and lots of shorebirds  (that will also be another blog post sometime).  But--I didn't know who this big guy is.....  There were two of them with a group of gulls --so maybe he is some kind of gull.  BUT--I really don't know.  Could he be an juvenile Gull?????  Anyone know what bird this is?????

Of course,  we saw beautiful waves...  On this day (Wednesday),  the rains were coming --so the ocean was rough and loud!!!!!!  Sometimes,  we'd leave our door open to our room so that we could enjoy hearing the ocean roar... That makes for some great sleeping!

As you have seen in many of our pictures,  we enjoyed walking in and around the fishing pier.   I don't fish --but my Daddy used to LOVE to fish,  and one of my sons and grandsons would love to be here fishing!!!!   I like this particular picture of the pier because of the reflections in the water/sand.... Neat, huh?

Want this little tiny beach house?????   Think that will be big enough for all of your family and friends??????   They are building that tiny house for ME I'm sure as a gift...  When it's completed,  I'll invite you all to come and visit...... (IN MY DREAMS)... ha ha.. (See that pelican up there???)

This is more like it!!!!  Forget the big house----I'll just take the tent!!!!   How 'bout you????

This  is one of George's pictures of the Sand Dunes...  Isn't it great?

Finally,  I'll leave you today with this beautiful CROSS  which we could see on our walks up and down the beach.. The cross was particularly beautiful on Wednesday when the clouds were coming in.

As I've said,  George and I do alot of walking on the beach  all week (so that we can eat that delicious seafood---without gaining the unwanted pounds that can creep up on us!!!)...   We do SEE lots of beautiful things on our walks.   Today  I just shared a sample of some of the things we saw.    Hope you enjoyed our walks!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you next WEDNESDAY.   We are taking Monday off to celebrate Memorial Day.   Hope you have a wonderful holiday ---and remember to thank God for all of those who have died.   OH---the memories we all have of those who have gone before us.  May God rest their souls.



Small Kucing said...

me too gimme the tent :)

Ms. A said...

I'll take the beach house, I like indoor plumbing!

Unknown said...

Very nice Betsy. I like all of the colors you captured in your photos, especially the “tiny beach house”. But I have to say that I prefer the sand dunes, it’s a fabulous shot!

John and Ellen

Sharon said...

I'll take the tent on the sand dune any day! This girl learned a long time ago that simple is better. You've made me long for some days at the beach. That's saying a lot about your writing and photography as it takes something impressive to lure me out of the mountains!!

imac said...

You are a couple of Beac hCombers for sure,lol.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

COOL starfish - I've never found one! But your posts sure do make me ready for a trip to the beach.

Catherine said...

So many pretty things you saw at the beach Betsy! But nope - give me the big fancy house or a lavish motel. I'm not a 'tent' girl. I need me my electricity and running water. ;)

Happy weekend friend!
xo Catherine

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Thanks for the invite- I'll be down next summer for a visit! (I'll take the room on the top floor for a better view!) HAHAHA
Great pics Betsy- you and George are really capturing some beautiful images this spring.

Tabor said...

Lovely photo but that house is like a big fat f*rt on the beach,

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time. I will take the tent, don't think I could afford the house!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely pictures. When you get that beach house let me know,I'll be right over. That bird is some sort of immature gull,but I won't venture a guess. I had better run,I'm off on a field trip this morning,so it will be a busy morning.Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

I would vote for the tent also :-) Such beautiful pictures again. I love everything that resembles the sea and sea life. I definitely need to create more paintings on that subject. Getting a little inspired from looking at your photos. Have a lovely day!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen a starfish except in the gift shops, what a find. love the cross and bob loves when the atlantic gets rough, i like hearing it but refuse to get in it when it is rough, to live on that beach, i will take the tent.

linda m said...

Great pictures. I'll take the beach house. Have a wonderful weekend and YES, let us remember all those who have died. May God keep them in His arms.

RoeH said...

I don't need a MacMansion. I like the tent idea. Now when can we go?

Starfish are so fun. I stayed on the beach in Oregon once and would get up in the early morning when the tide was out and find those little guys.

Latane Barton said...

What wonderful scenery!! As always, it's a delight to read about you and George and your adventures.

Christine said...

What a beautiful star fish; haven't seen one on the beach in a long time. I think I'd be happy with the little tent on the beach too!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Very impressive photo of the starfish. But my favorite is the one of the ocean waves. Everything is just perfect in that picture. I'd probably want that enlarged and hanging on my wall.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like what you saw on the beach...nice house but the tent is fine:)

Mary said...

Be sure to put my name down on the guest list for the beach house! Lovely "little" place. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Definitely a gull, but can't help beyond that.

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, I enjoyed your wonderful beach pictures, my favorite is the pier with the reflection on the wet sand, I also love the cross and George's sand dune picture. Enjoy the weekend. :)

Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy, these are wonderful photos!
the tiny beach house looks so lovely!

your beautiful beach photos were enough to put me in the best of moods. i really like the sand dunes, great capture!

i wish i were there. i long for beautiful sandy beaches, like this!

big hugs!

and have a great weekend!

Snap said...

I love the beach -- the shells, the critters (like your star) and the birds ... the shore birds are so funny and entertaining. You had a lovely time!

Lynn said...

Always something new to see at the beach depending what the tide brings in. That is an awesome starfish. Beautiful color. My younger daughter and all extended SIL's family are renting a huge house in the Outer Banks starting today for a week. Hope that tropical thingy coming up the coast behaves for their vacation. Blessings.

The Retired One said...

Next time I want to go with you two...heck, I'll carry your luggage. LOL

Susannah said...

Hi Betsey, Your gorgeous pictures take me right to the beach and I think I am there! Amazing! I think the star fish is my favorite...but they all are beautiful. BTW...I'll take the tent!


TexWisGirl said...

enjoy your weekend, betsy.

i really liked the waves shot. :)

Sylvia K said...

I always love going to the beach and your wonderful photos are the next best thing to being there myself, Betsy! Thanks for sharing the beauty and the fun! I love it! Hope you both have a beautiful weekend!


Farikica said...

I wonder who's the owner of the house..? owning a house by the beach is a dream comes true for me...:)

Hootin Anni said...

Oh most yummy a post today Betsy. Yep, that's a juvenile laughing gull, if I remember correctly. They have the brown 'downy' feathers for up to a year.

Awesome photos.

And as for the watermarking...and your comment. I do realize that anyone can take a photo, no matter how it's protected. My point today was the blatant comment left in my blog that day...I don't tell anyone how to do their photos, so I feel they do not have a right to tell me.

Loved your share today, as always. And have a glorious Memorial Day Weekend.

pembrokeshire lass said...

Please show the shells ...I'd love to see them! I loved all the photos...thanks so much for sharing them. Joan

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the reflection of the pier, and you even captured a flying bird in that one photo. The starfish and shell picture looks like they were all positioned there as an artwork...but I can't imagine you touching a starfish...do they bite? I would love to see some of your special shells and do you have any sea glass?

Annie Jeffries said...

Yes, yes. The tent. Even the small house next to the big house under construction would be nicer.

Love the cross. I sure hope it's on private land or it's just a matter of time before some idjit will file suite to have it removed.

Linda@VS said...

Oh, Betsy, these are all beautiful, but I LOVE that starfish photo. The detail in that image is amazing!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awesome photos. I love the photo of the star fish.

Kay said...

Sure looks like you had a lot of fun on that trip. I envy you guys.

BlueShell said...

What a lovely place...and yes...the tend...is more like me!!!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, it is cool to walk along the beach looking for shells and treasures. I love the starfish, it is very pretty. It would be nice to go to sleep listening to the ocean waves, when can we come and stay in your new beach house? Lol! Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend.

Arkansas Patti said...

That star fish really was wearing its best jewelry. Stunning.
I wouldn't want to own that house, just the taxes would kill me but I would love to culitvate a friendship with the owner.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

So cool to see a starfish. You really have some great photos.
The tent is likely more what I could afford too!

Karin said...

What a lovely, relaxing place! Love the house that is being built for you (hehehe!)! Such wonderful photos - love seeing all you find. I wouldn't be able to bring any back to Canada though I'm sure!

Connie said...

Great sights, Betsy. I think I need something a little smaller than the beach house and bigger than the tent--at least something with a bathroom and a kitchen! Ha! I haven't been to the ocean for quite some time. Your pictures make me wish that I could go.

Ann said...

love all the pictures of the things you saw on the beach. I especially like that star fish.
I'm so looking forward to visiting you when your beach house is done....lol
Enjoy your holiday and see you on Wednesday

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine how soothing the sounds of the ocean are! Very nice photos and the seafood sounds so good. Have a blessed Memorial Day weekend.

CottonLady said...

Absolutely beautiful photos, Betsy! The starfish was really pretty. I enjoy going on your trips with you thru the photos.
Thanks for sharing...have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Chatty Crone said...

I really enjoyed your photos Betty. I first saw that starfish I wondered if it were real - I have never ever seen one before - for real. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see a starfish; cool picture! I like the pier with the reflections in the water too. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend! I *might* try to get on/off the motorcycle.

Angela said...

Can you believe that I was 20 years old before I ever seen the beach? True! I loved it but it is so hot there that I've only been a few times in my life. We haven't even taken the kids there. I've never seen a starfish on the sand before either. How cool! I love all of your beach pictures. It makes me want to try to take the kids this year. I don't want to go when it's crowded, hot or stormy! lol

Have a wonderful weekend!

Kelly said...

...I think I might go for the tent too! Great photos. To hear the sound of the ocean again. I can't wait until later this sum me! Looks like you had a fab time...

SquirrelQueen said...

I'll take the tent!
Lovely shots of the beach Betsy. You are making me very homesick for the ocean, any ocean, right now. I think we need to plan a trip to the coast.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice selection, I love the beach!

A Colorful World said...

What a truly wonderful post, Betsy! The crashing waves are just beautiful and I love the pier with the reflection and George's sand dunes! There is no better way to fall asleep than to the sound of the surf! Glad you had such a wonderful trip. Great pictures!

joy said...

thanks for the free tour at the beach.And for me, I will probaly built a tent in the beach. And thanks for the lovely pictures!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the long weekend. These beach shots are simply splendid!

Anni said...

ps....I'm back....just wanted to say thanks for leaving such a positive and encouraging comment in my bird photo blog!!! Much appreciated.

Terry and Linda said...

I could do the tent, but not the sand in the tent. So maybe just give me the beach!


DeniseinVA said...

I enjoyed your walk Betsy, so many pretty sights you shared with us. That starfish was very handsome. I hope it won't be too long before I can take a walk on the beach. The first 15 years of our married life we were always near the ocean, and all these years later I still miss it.

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos, Betsy! They make me want to go to the beach. It's not so far across NC for us to go, so maybe we can do that sometime. Glad you got to take the great trip and share with us! Hope you have a great weekend.

Tracy said...

Betsy, Id take that little house if it meant living on the beach :) I love all your treasures and they are ALL truly gifts from the sea....

Neal said...

Hey Betsy, that picture of the waves sure look inviting. It's really hot here today. If I was there I would run out in it and I'm not even a water person.

Shug said...

Hi Betsy...
that is certainly a beautiful starfish. These things fascinate me!
Can you believe that it is already Memorial Day...When you said you would see us Wednesday, I immediately looked to see where you would be going this time...glad y'all have so much fun on your trips..

Irene said...

Id like to try the tent also. Nice pictures btw.

--Your follower from the Philippines--

Gail said...

What wonderful pictures. I have seen the ocean once off Tybee island. It made me realize how small I really am.

Debbie Taillieu said...

*sigh* There is nothing better then spending time at the beach!
I will be waiting for my invite to your new beach house! hahaha!
I'm with you though, camping on the beach is so much fun! Stijn and I did it last summer up the coast of California and Oregon! Nothing better than falling asleep to the sound of the ocean waves!!

Have a wonderful day!

Donna said...

Thank you for sharing all the delightful views along the beach! I can almost hear the ocean, LOL!

Anonymous said...

It has been a hot weekend here in Ohio. I am content to be on oxygen indoors.

nanny said...

There are so many great sights at the beach.... You captured some great ones! I sure could use some beach time!!!! It's so relaxing to me!

Jeevan said...

The pictures explain the wonder u might go through walking around the beach. The rushing waves are amazing and as well the fishing pier, and the tiny house is inviting. Anyone would love to own a dream home like that :)

Have a great Memorial Day and nice week ahead, Betsy!

Birdman said...

Do like the dunes shot. Love beach vacation... so invigorating!

Faye said...

"Ah!" was my response when I scrolled down to your starfish photo, Betsy. How perfect. Love the variety of subjects you shared from nature's glory to manmade follies. George's dune photo was frameable to be sure.

Enjoy the Memorial weekend break. BTW, love having you as a new Facebook friend.

Anonymous said...

HI Betsy, Wonderful shots of the beach. I used to live at a beach, at least I lived inland one block from a beach. Loved the beach but not the water - Pacific is cold water off CA except way down at San Diego way. Great pictures! Have a super nice day!.

Rohrerbot said...

Wonderful starfish shot! They are so beautiful to see in a pool or on the beach. Wish I could help with the ID of the gull....but I'm terrible with them. I grew with seagulls all around me and they traumatized me as a child. Today when I see one, I enjoy their flight etc, but I like my distance from them:) Let me know when your beach house is finished and I'll do the same with our cabin up in the mountains;) Hope you have a wonderful week.

Lady Di Tn said...

I enjoyed my walk with yawl on the beach. No I am too old for tent living anymore give me a house any day. Peace

HolleyGarden said...

I think that big house would be hard to keep clean with all the sand blowing around! Maybe they have a maid! :) Oh, I would have to walk for miles and miles to walk off all the seafood I would eat! It's my favorite! The cross is beautiful.

penny said...

Its no wonder you and George return each year the this beautiful coastline.
Thanks for sharing your beach scenes, Betsy.

HappyK said...

Cool star fish. I love the picture of the waves. I love watching the waves roll in.

NatureStop said...

Betsy, that beach house is beautiful but I don't mind the tent and what a lovely beach:). Have a great day!


Jeanne said...

What beautiful beach pictures! I've seen west coast and gulf coast and even some Carribbean beaches but never been to the east coast. Thanks for the tour!

Pat Tillett said...

What a beautiful place! I'd say that house is being built for somebody that has much too much money! I'm not an expert, but I think that gull is a youngster...
Nice photos!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! I love the photos of the beach. The sand dunes, the sea shell, are so beautiful. It makes me want to take off for the beach. I'm so glad you had a great time at the beach. You are so blessed to be able to take all those wonderful trips. Thanks for taking us with you to the beach in the terrific posting.

Glenda said...

Wonderful pictures of a beautiful place! The last pic is especially beautiful and meaningful!

Salitype said...

I enjoyed viewing your photos ! I love the house by the beach -- yeah would be nice to dream of a house like that !


Janie said...

I'm so impressed with your beautiful beach. I want to go visit! Love the starfish photo.

camp and cottage living said...

Life's a beach for you right now!!
I love the photos you've shared-it gives me a little escape from the cold were I'm at.
I'm glad your enjoying your stay there!
Take care-Kimberly

BlueShell said...

Hug you
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. Matthew, 11:28

diane b said...

Great shots of what you saw at the beach. I love the pier photo. It sounds like you had fun walking and beach combing. It is getting cool here now.

Twilight Man said...

The starfish struck me dumb. It is so colorful and nice. We only have white ones and they are dead! I guess I will never get to see a live starfish here! Thank you for sharing!

It has always been my retirement dreams to own a beach front home or condo but that will cost me a huge BOMB!