Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Funny Birds!!!!

In my last bird post (click HERE) ,   I promised that I would show you some of the funny bird pictures I have taken through the years...  SO---today you get those pictures... Hope you enjoy them as much as I have....

Can you figure out what bird that is above????????  It's a ROBIN----a baby one!!!!  The hair on top which looks like bushy eyebrows makes him look like an OLD MAN..... ha ha

I love this picture of a CAROLINA WREN.  It was in the dead of winter ---and he was perched on top of a Rhododendron bud,,,  Bet that poor little guy was COLD!!!!!

I love this photo of the Baby CARDINAL ---as he tried to come to a screeching halt on the deck... Daddy Cardinal always brings his babies (who are bigger than Daddy now) to the feeders to teach them to eat.... When they are very young,  they'll just shake all over and make a tingly sound--which sounds like a little tiny bell...  They are begging Daddy to feed them --but he wants them to learn to feed themselves.  I love watching this process.

Have you seen birds do this? When I first saw this,  it scared me.  I thought there was something wrong with the bird.  However, since that time,  I've seen many birds do it... They do it in the HOT SUMMER --when the deck is VERY hot... They spread out and get the 'mites' off of their tummies---or at least,  that is what I was told....  Interesting, huh?  This bird is a TUFTED TITMOUSE.

I have several 'funny' pictures of our PILEATED WOODPECKERS.  When they are young and try to fly up to the suet feeder,  they don't quite know how to do it... I'll show you some more pictures of the different poses of some of our Pileated Woodpeckers in another post.    I love this picture of this woodpecker telling me to "butt out and leave him alone"!!!!!!!   Cute,  isn't he???

Finally,  here is one of my favorite photos of any bird since I have been taking their pictures... This is a MOURNING DOVE sitting on the birdbath.... Isn't this one just a HOOT????

Birds are so much fun to watch... This week,  I sat on the back deck,  watching Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird going in and out of the nestbox... They have a little growing family in there... Isn't that just special????

Here's another flower blooming in our yard now,  our gorgeous RHODODENDRON.   I love Azaleas,  but Rhododendrons just take my breath away... Wish you could see all of the blooms covering our big Rhododendron now... Wow-Wow-WOW!!!

And finally,  here is another beautiful ROSE blooming in our yard now.   This is ALEC'S RED.   George brought one inside for me---and you should smell it...  Another WOW!!!!

One More Thing:  I've been on Blogger since 2009... As of this week,  I now have 500 Followers... Amazing,  isn't it???  How many Bloggers do you know who have this many followers without doing memes,  or giveaways,  or tags or awards?????  (That is the way that most people get more followers, which is fine --but I just don't choose to do that.)   THANKS to all of you for coming to my crazy 'waterfall/flowers/birds/travel/hiking' blog!!!  Have a fabulous weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

Hugs and THANKS again for stopping by!!!


Jo said...

Congratulations Betsy on 500 followers! Wow, that is an achievement without the extras, I agree. But you are such a sweetie, we all love following your blog and travels as well as your seeing your beautiful garden and birds! The baby robin looks like he's having a bad hair day. I also love photos of birds doing "strange" things although it seems to be all in a day's work for them, ha-ha. Your tuffted titmouse looks like our mousebirds and they and many other birds do this in the sand to remove mites. Seeing as you helped me with getting back my old blogger, Betsy, perhaps you can tell me how to get rid of followers that I didn't click on or choose as followers. Do you know of a way to do this? Any advice appreciated in advance. Have a wonderful weekend. Jo

Ms. A said...

The bird pictures are priceless and great for a giggle. I love them!

Congrats on 500.

Hootin Anni said...

Love, love, LOVE the bird photos!!!!! That 1st one I KNEW it was a robin. But I must say I especially like the woodpecker. To me it looks like it's a peeping tom....looking at YOU through the window pane, and not believing its eyes. Must see something inside that just BLOGGLES its mind. [wondering if birds have some sort of facebook social network now...be careful what you do, your face may be posted in their blog somehow] ---just kidding.

I really, really LOVED this post, and your flowers are so so pretty. Roses are my favorite of them all.

Beth said...

LOL at that first one. It reminds me of a professor in a children's movie or erhaps it's the uncle in Mary Poppins. Wonderful 'catch' Betsy!
They are all great and now I'm off to get ready for school with a huge smile on my face and in my heart. Thank you.
Congrats on this milestone--500--wow! But I can see why--your blog is a delightful place to visit. I always leave in a good mood.:>)

penny said...

I had a good laugh at your funny bird shots. They are all so adorable.
As always your flowers are gorgeous.. thanks for sharing the beauty, Betsy.
Have a delightful weekend.
cheers :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Excellent bird pictures. The woodpecker is my favorite - his expression is so funny!

Unknown said...

I have seen some of your funny bird photos the past few years. That woodpecker looks like a Turkey....lol I must see if Rhododendrons will grow here. Mr. George's roses are always a delight to see. AND Ms. Betsy, not many bloggers are faithful about visiting other blogs like you either. I am getting a little frustrated as of late with everyone wanting/asking bloggers to follow them or whatever and then they never return the visit. Regardless, you have a lovely blog, a sweet disposition and wisdom to share. It's my pleasure to visit here. (please tell Mr. George that I cannot comment on any wordpress blogs for some reason)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I really like the first picture, he looks kind of cute :) Beautiful photos. Wishing you a lovely weekend!


mamahasspoken said...

I love the one of the Carolina Wren. Thanks to his 'facial expressions' he does look way too cold. Love how he finds the ONE place that doesn't have snow to stand on.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bird shots are really cool. i like the woodpecker with attitude, the dove is so sweet and appears to be praying, the first one is hilarious. the flowers are gorgeous.

Arkansas Patti said...

Congrats on the 500. Just think how many you would have if you solicited?
I cracked up at the first one and that woodpecker is definitely NOT amused.
Have a great weekend.

Marcia said...

Love the bird shots. You must have the camera ready at all times to get those shots. Me? I see a bird and think I should try to get a photos but by the time I get the camera the moment has passed. I'll just have to enjoy yours.

And though we have the pileated here it never comes to the suet feeder.

Out on the prairie said...

fun shots, and nice to hit the 500 mark. I always like to see my readership grow.

Shug said...

Congrats on your numbers! This is what a good blog and gorgeous blog topics will do for you!!
These crazy bird pictures gave me a good laugh this morning..Can't wait to show them to Mylee Jo...she will love em'
Have a wonderful Friday!

linda m said...

Love the bird shots. Some of them are a real hoot - had a good laugh at trying to imagine what they were thinking. Congrats on 500 flowers. You have one of the best blogs out there, so it is no wonder you have so many people who read your blog.

diane b said...

Those bird pictures are fabulous. I still think the woodpecker is wearing a cycling helmet. The dove is a laugh. Congrats on your 500 followers. I don't know how you find the time to visit them all.

Dorothy said...

Congratulations on having 500 followers! Now, if they would all just comment on every post!!!
Loved your "funny birds"! They can be very comical.
Beautiful flowers, too!
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Something about the first photo reminds me of the 3 Stooges... LARRY, yes it reminds me of Larry!!!

Nancy said...

I am not surprised you have 500 followers because your blog is so full of so many wonderful pictures and infused with yours and George's wonderful personalities......Congratulations.....

These pictures are so funny....I am still laughing because I never knew birds could be so funny and so interesting until recently....

I just want you to know how much you inspire me...I always love coming for a visit....

Karin said...

You having 500 followers is no surprise to me! Congratulations! You have an excellent blog, a fun way of writing, no controversial topics, excellent photos and lots of love shining through. Your free daily entertainment by your feathered friends is wonderful! The Mourning Dove looks like she's thinking, "You're going to stand there and watch while I take a dip????? Be my guest, lol." The expression on the woodpecker is priceless!

Have a great day and a fabulous week-end! Hope I survive the tooth extraction and the healing afterwards. I might sleep the week-end away, LOL!

TexWisGirl said...

the pileated really reminds me of a roadrunner there. too cute. i've seen that 'spread eagle' behavior and it is disconcerting at first. :)

Farida said...

Thanks for sharing these funny bird photos. Amazing how you are able to capture them that way, hahahaha... I have followed you Ms Betsy, hope you follow me back and congratulations for having many followers as you do now. Farida :)

BlueShell said...

They are, indeed funny...cute...odd!
But those flowers...Ohhhh that rose...O Betsy...that's God's work...

God Bless you and George!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That wren is so cute! He just looks flusticated about the icy cold. Too funny!
Congrats on your 500th follower- I love the photo memes that I participate in- it has fueled a whole new passion in photography, which I never had time for before. You know genealogy is such a huge time suck!!

Serenity Cove said...

Betsy...Congrats on reaching 500 followers. That's awesome:)
Love the bird photos especially the dove.HILARIOUS!!
I so love Rhododendron but I kill each one I plant:( I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Sylvia K said...

Such wonderful, beautiful birds and fantastic captures as always, Betsy!! I do love the pileated woodpecker! What a hoot!! Congratulations on the big 500! Hope you and George have a great weekend!


RoeH said...

I still have the same followers I've had since 2008. I don't know how you get more. Followers can go up but they don't necessarily comment so I don't know what that's about. I don't really even care about how many I have anymore. My thing is going to be more photography and less words. I'm not a writer and going back and looking at old ones are pret-ty embarrassing. I'm making a book out of the All aBout Arizona blog that I had and I'm just publishing the photos. No commentary. I think that's what I'll do with this one also. Then at least I've got something with a published book to show for all these fun efforts.

LOVE the rose! My mother would love you.

Jeevan said...

That’s funny and hilarious shots on birds! Wonderful collection of birds and I esp. like the sitting dove pileated woodpeckers pose. Have a nice weekend betsy :)

Congrats on the follower 500!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Betsy, what a special, special treat today! This is one of my favorite posts of yours ever. As I scrolled down, I kept thinking, "Now, THIS is my favorite picture", but I did that with each one! I really think I love the little wren best today, that picture couldn't be better if you had posed him. But the shot of the baby cardinal really delights me, too. And then topping it off with the two most splendid and color drenched flowers!!!! And soon you will have bluebird babies!!! Congratulations on the 500, it is a real feat since you don't participate in the things you mentioned. Hey, I have a suggestion, and you will probably HATE it, but nevertheless I have to throw it out there. How about a second blog just for the birds? Of course this is purely selfish on my part and I know you hardly have the time to do the one blog, but just a thought for maybe in the future sometime.

HappyK said...

I LOVE the mourning dove sitting up like that. I've never seen that before.
All your captures of the birds are fantastic.
I can't really pick a favorite!!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

You take the best bird portraits I've ever seen!!! Gorgeous shots of our funny feathered friends sweetie!!!

That Robin Babe looks like Groucho Marx!!! What a magnificent capture of that Pileated Woodpecker, a rare find 'round here. The relaxed reclinin' dove is a hoot girl!

Your flowers are beautiful to say the least.

God bless and enjoy your weekend sweetie!!! :O)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Well now you have 501 followers...you are such a showoff. :) LOL
I LOVE that photo of the Robin with the 'eyebrows', such a looker.
And the sitting dove? Priceless.
I do know what the woodpecker is saying to you with his face: "What'choo talking' bout Betsy?"
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

500????!!!!! Woo Hoo! Your bird pics are a hoot! I thought the first one was a bad one night stand between a duck and a star-crossed partner! Too funny.

momto8 said...

I am one of those 500!! and I love your pictures!!

Lynn said...

Congratulations on 500 followers! Those birds are a riot. I bet you could enter those pics in a "funny bird" contest and win first prize. I think I have to go with the very first one, the baby that looks like an old man. Priceless. Your flowers are always beauitful, these are certainly no exception. Yes, "wow" describes them. Blessings.

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats on your 500 followers - I have to tell you I love those bird pictures. How long do you have to stay outside to get some of those shots and how many pictures do you have to take - amazing! sandie

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy, wonderful collection of birds. Love the cute juvies. And your flowers are gorgeous. Fun post and great photos. Congrats on your 500 followers! Have a great weekend!

Sharon said...

Wouldn't it be fun if we could all add cloud tags saying what we thought those birds were thinking?

Love the rhododendron - I saw Catawba Rhododendron blooming on the Abrams Falls trail today. Shouldn't be blooming until May. Amazing!

HolleyGarden said...

Congratulations on 500 followers! That's fabulous! I absolutely loved all the bird photos! I was laughing out loud at some of them. And no, I've never seen a bird lay down on a hot surface. I'll have to look for them doing this.

Ann said...

I love all your bird pictures. I never would have guessed that first one was a baby robin. It looks like something more exotic in that picture.

Latane Barton said...

Congrats on your followers!! Wish I knew your secret.

I love, love, love your baby bird picturs. They are so amazing to watch and enjoy. And, your flowers. Got a green thumb there, eh? Sure appears you do.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

The bird photos are great. So funny and cute.
I have 105 followers. I've given no prizes and don't participate in the weekly memes etc. The "regulars" have become friends. A great little community of caring people, like you!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am really late in visiting your blog today.I was busy working on the yard,hope that excuse is good enough. I love all the funny bird pictures.With pictures like that I don't even need to read the comics.Have a good weekend.

carolina nana said...

Congrats on 500 followers.
Love the funny bird pics.
My rodies aren't blooming yet but are getting ready.
Hope you have a blessed weekend and maybe get some rain !

Angela said...

Wow Betsy! Those birds are all amazing! You captured such unique things about them and I loved learning more about them. I thought the first one was a baby falcon or something at first glance! lol I'm not good at bird identification! lol I've never seen a bird laying on the porch before but we have a small front porch and our dogs are usually on it so a bird isn't going to be there.

The flowers in your yard are so beautiful! A little Heaven on Earth in your yard Betsy!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Anonymous said...

These bird pics are just cute as can be!!! I also adore rhododendrons and your new rose is very nice. Congrats on 500 followers. I hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Kelly said...

hahaha.....love the tufts on that baby robin, and the wren is adorable! The woodpecker....ha!

Loren said...

Love these birds! I would never have guessed that was a baby though! Definitely looks like an old man bird ha!
My Son is going on a field trip next week and they are learning ALOT about Birds this week. One bird in particular is that titmouse. She made the comment that birds have funny names and that she knows they are all teenagers who will giggle and laugh at those names but to please just try to be mature about it! Ha ha...14 & 15 year old hormonal boys...good luck with that, right ?!?!

I LOVE your Woodpecker and Mourning Dove pics! They are too adorable! That Rhododendron is just GORGEOUS!! I also love your Alec Red Rose! Isn't it just amazing the love and excitement that we experience from the beauties!!! God made these just for us to enjoy...So AWESOME!!

My honey wasn't able to come home this weekend and we had planned on planting quite a bit! So I am doing it alone. I got one bed put in last night and when i woke up this morning, I felt like I had been hit by a bus LOLOLOL Oh well, I love every minute of it, even if it means sore muscles :) Its worth it!!

Have a blessed weekend - Love & Hugs

mudderbear said...

We gotta' love ya, Betsy. We come to see the pretty pictures and to see how you are doing. You've been a good friend.

Carletta said...

You didn't save the best bird for last you put him up there at the beginning. He is a HOOT!! I thought the very same thing - that he looked old or wise because he looks owl like. :)
Your rhododendron and rose are so gorgeous. My rhodie bush is full of buds but no blooms yet.
I love the closeup of the woodpecker!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Beth said...

Congratulations on your 500 followers, Betsy! I am your 502nd! I love flowers. And taking birds' pics is one challenging job. I followed your blog and I hope you dropped by mine. My first blog is 4 yrs old already but sadly, I messed it up and will fix it when I have the time so you can drop by my 2nd. Thanks for the time. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

You have some of the funnest birds I have ever seen. The Mourning dove sitting down just cracked me up.
Congrats on the 500 (plus 2) followers. You have an great blog and deserve it.
Hope you and George have a great weekend.

From the Kitchen said...

these brought me a smile! i i've never seen a bird sit.


Vetirmagal said...

Congratulations, 500!

I had been to Tennessee in 2008, but did not cross your place.
I loved the place and the river, and Cades Cove!

Lovely birds, and write up. I will visit again to read your back posts too.
thanks for sharing.



Small Kucing said...

Certainly very funny looking birds. We dont them here except in the Bird Sanctuary.

A great weekend to you too Betsy :)



Unknown said...

Fantastic post.
My favorite is the Woodpecker. They can really cut wood. LOL

Rose said...

I should remember and show Lorelei the dove sitting on the birdbath...I can hear her giggles now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I had to chuckle at that Pileated! Ha! Great shots.
By the way, got a little rain but luckily no storms. Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow!

Connie said...

That woodpecker is giving you such a look, Betsy! hahaha! Great pictures! :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, the Pileated Woodpecker cracked me up! What a look! Congrats on your 500. I've never given much thought to the number I have, but then I don't get around to visiting and commenting like I wish I had time for. What is the secret to that? I must be slow. I'm sure your beautiful photos have much to do with all your faithful followers. Keep up the good work!
Hope you and George are enjoying a nice weekend!

Tracy said...

congrats on the followers...that's neat! and by the way, all those birds made me laugh. Now those photos would be fun to do a caption exercise because they are just too funny. That first one, 'can you say 'bad hair day?' great post Betsy...

Anonymous said...

I haven't been getting on the computer much since surgery. I don't find it easy to follow blogs on an iphone. I am healing from the surgery but full recovery is going to take some time. I finally managed to get a shower this morning (rather than a sponge bath). I think I am going to venture outside too, to Tractor Supply so Bob can pick up some bird seed. Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! Loved the pictures of your funny birds and a few of the blooms in your garden.

Catherine said...

Haha ~ I love seeing baby birds that still have their pin feathers. So cute! Congratulations on your 500 followers Betsy. Hope you are having a terrific weekend!
xo Catherine

joy said...

Wow and wow and wow. I can understand that you have many followers coz you make your followers fall in love with you what you share:) And the birds and the flowers and nature, they are all wonderful:)

Terry and Linda said...

GOOD FOR YOU! I only have about 238!


Patty said...

hi Besty, I havent been by in a long time but wanted to pop in and say well, glad you are doing good..I dont blog now but do spend time on facebook, are you there?

Patty from AutumnsMeadow

Sally Wessely said...

Wow Betsy! That is amazing. 500 followers is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations, dear friend. Your blog is such a hit because you and your photos are so genuine. That is a rarity these days.

Sally Wessely said...

Wow Betsy! That is amazing. 500 followers is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations, dear friend. Your blog is such a hit because you and your photos are so genuine. That is a rarity these days.

Buttercup said...

Your pictures are lovely! So appreciate that you share them. Happy 500th!

Rohrerbot said...

Congrats Betsy!!! Love your bird pictures....adorable little guys:) You are a busy people....500 followers is HUGE!!! What a lovely compliment about what you do:) All my best. Chris

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Congratulations on your 500 followers, Betsy. That's pretty amazing.

I loved these photos. The baby robin with the bushy eyebrows and the mourning dove testing the water with one toe were priceless.

Janie said...

Congrats on all the followers. I'm sure it's your warm, friendly personality (not to mention great photos) that attract so many.
Love the funny bird shots!