Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 19, 2012

March is Busting Out All Over

No---it's not JUNE---but we had summer-like weather last week here in Tennessee.    Our yard truly thinks that it is late Spring right now!!!!!   (Wonder what this crazy weather means for our upcoming Summer.  Yipes!)  We had our windows and doors opened almost all week ---and even though it was truly pre-spring here,  we pulled out the short-sleeved shirts,  sandals,  and just 'pretended' as if it were summer!!!!!

Our yard is looking more and more beautiful...  The Crocus blooms are gone now,  but we still have Hyacinths and Daffodils blooming like crazy.  NOW--our Tulips are blooming also...  I am sharing with you some of our yard as it is now...All pictures were taken on March 14 or 15, 2012.  Be sure to click on the pictures in order to see them larger.

The one above is our view from our front porch --looking out toward the street.  You can see daffodils, hyacinths,  and tulips blooming.  The Roses are looking healthy and will probably be blooming by the first or middle of May.

I love Hyacinths.. We have 2-3 different colors --but this one is one of the prettiest ones this year.

I love our Semps (Sempervivum)....  We have several groups of these throughout our yard.  They are also called Hens and Chicks.  The mother (Hen) makes lots of babies..  Once the Hen blooms,  she dies,  and the babies take over --and keep the process going.

These Daffodils are on the side yard flowerbed.  Aren't they pretty?  I can see these from my kitchen window when I'm washing dishes.... We have several types of Daffodils (I grew up calling them Jonquils) --and in another blog, I'll show you some close-ups of some of them.   There are also tulips in this bed most of which haven't bloomed yet.  The little bit of blue in the bottom left corner is some of our ground cover,  our Periwinkle.

Speaking of Periwinkle,  here's a closeup view of some of ours.  If you ever want a hearty and colorful ground cover,  I highly recommend Periwinkle.  We also have English Ivy in  some places --but even though I like it,  I like the Periwinkle more.   It gets so thick that the weeds can't come through.  YEAH!!!!

Here is our newest flowerbed.   You can see it in the first picture.  It's in front of our large rose bed.  In this bed we have Daffodils,  Hyacinths and Tulips planted... Aren't they pretty???

If you have been to my blog for several years,  you will remember our  "Dad Adams Daffodils"... George's Daddy gave us these little guys about 2003 or 2004...  They are so pretty...

Here is another picture of our side flowerbed --looking the other direction from the previous one of the side flowerbed.  You can see one RED blooming Tulip in this bed --who thinks he is a Daffodil.... ha ha ...  You can also see one of the Periwinkle beds.  They are wonderful to have in the 'hard-to-mow' areas.

Finally,  here is one of our three round flowerbeds in our yard.  We call this one the Lamppost flowerbed (for obvious reasons)... ha...  See all of the pansies blooming --which we bought last Fall?  They will bloom until the really hot weather gets here --about July.

Right now in the bed,  we have Pansies,  Daffodils and Hyacinths.  In a few more months,  you'll see Lilies in this bed.

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our pretty Spring flowers...   I cannot tell you how exciting it is to wake up each morning,  take a walk around the yard (with my camera of course) and find such joy in seeing all of this beauty.

Have a wonderful day---and PLEASE--whatever you are doing,  take time to stop and 'smell the flowers'...



Anonymous said...

Everything is so colorful, Betsy. I especially love that you have Dad Adams' flowers blooming. Hope you feel better and enjoy this day.

Sharon said...

Tulips are my favorite flower. I can't believe I'm seeing them this early, but they were everywhere when I walked the greenway in Cherokee Hills last week. Yours are beautiful.

Have you and George ever been down in White Oak Sinks in the park? If not, it's a MUST do and I understand the wildflowers are peaking this week. I've never seen anything like it when they are at peak. It must be a glimpse of heaven. It's off-trail and one needs excellent directions or someone who has been there as a guide on their first trip. I'd be happy to take you if you can find a day to meander to East TN. It's about a five mile RT hike.

Beth said...

Thanks to your blog, I planted hyacinths last fall and they are blooming now---quite lovely.
We are supposed to have temps in the 80s and I need new tops to wear in this heat at school. (I ruined several this past year.) I also need a pedicure so I can wear sandals with my skirts--teens notice the strangest stuff! :>)
Anyhow, this was a lovely way to spend a few minutes---you, your flowers, and my coffee. Blessings to you, friend.

pam said...

Gorgeous!! All this growth makes me so nervous, since our last frost free date is not until April 16th!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Amazing flowers! I want to get some hens and chicks.

I'm a little worried about what summer weather will bring too.

Catherine said...

Oh my goodness Betsy! It really does look like spring there! So many pretty flowers for you to stop and smell! :)

Happy Monday!
xo Catherine

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Hi, Betsy! I love the beautiful colors in your yard already! We don't have a lot yet, but lots of spring green appearing. I think we may be about three weeks behind you on the blooming. This is just the best time of year...!!

Lisa said...

Hello Betsy, they are unbelievable, unbelievable.

Snap said...

Your bulbs are gorgeous. Love the periwinkle ... (love the name ...!!!!)......

mamahasspoken said...

Mine are blooming heavily too here! Makes me wonder what will be left for Easter :o/

Harriet said...

I enjoyed your morning walk around your yard! Beautiful flowers.It does seem that spring is busting out all over! My dogwood trees are starting to bloom which seems a little early.

linda m said...

Absolutely, positively gorgeous. Can't think of a better way to start my day than a trip through your flower garden.

From the Kitchen said...

I've enjoyed stopping and smelling the flowers with you and George this morning. Lovely! I can imagine the aroma of all those blooms wafting in your windows.
Happy almost spring--and June.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

like them all, but the periwinkles and daffodils are my favorites today. your yard is looking fantastic and next think we know the roses will bloom.

amelia said...

Two weeks ago we were buried in snow, about four feet and now it's almost all gone. Yesterday we had all the windows open and it was 22C!! I'm so worried that this summer is going to be so very hot. Something is not right. Our frost free time is not till the last weekend in May so what's happening!!

Having said all that, I adore your periwinkle and I can almost smell the hyacinth! I hope you don't lose all your lovely flowers if you have more cold weather!!

Janice K said...

Betsy, your yard is more beautiful than many parks! Such amazing weather. I keep think, with all this blooming now, what can we anticipate for April and May?

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your yard looks as if it's well on its way into summer, not spring. What a difference a week or two can make! With a setting like that to enjoy every day, it would almost be hard to leave it to go waterfalling. :)

Lady Di Tn said...

The term "walk around the yard " is one of my most precious memories of my Mother. We would spend hours going around to see what was blooming and coming up. We have opened up the windows too and I bet you do not mind washing dishes with such a beautiful view. Thanks for taking us on a "walk around your yard" today. Not bad for the last day of WINTER. PEACE

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your yard is screaming SPRING!!! I adore all the pretty colors Betsy...and anything that can keep the weeds at bay is a keeper. I wish I could grow stuff like you both do!

Anonymous said...

Your yard has an abundance of color ... simply beautiful!

TexWisGirl said...

you and george put so much love and time into your flowers. and it shows!

I Am Woody said...

Just beautiful! My tulips are trying to bloom but the deer keep eating them!!

Cuby said...

What lovely Spring flowers, such a good show. We are not ready for sandals etc yet there is still a chill wind here.

Glenda said...

You have such a beautiful place to enjoy daily! I know it didn't just happen that way; you and George are wonderful gardeners! We are having sandal and short-sleeve weather, too!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous spring flowers! Wow, your yard is just beautiful already! I love the periwinkles! They remind me of violets growing wild in the grass. Beautiful!

Rohrerbot said...

It's all about smelling the flowers this week:) Beautiful bulbs all around your property. Really nice placement and color! I was thinking the same thing as I was reading your post....if it's warm now.....cue evil "bam bam bam" music.....what will summer be like? Hopefully it's just an early spring for many of us. Sounds like it's a good time to be outside and working around the yard:) It's raining here in Tucson....cold! Hugs from the Old Pueblo.

LV said...

Like I have said before, you live in a paradise on this earth. It takes a lot of work to have a yard like this. It is truly beautiful. I have nothing blooming yet. I do so enjoy seeing yours.

Nava said...

Very pretty--thanks for the tip on the Periwinkle--I have a little of it--but now I think we need to spread it aound--a lot!

Pedaling said...

It was so warm her the last 2 weeks--then it snowed yesterday- you are way ahead of us here in Utah in the flowers blooming! Wow! I know I wonder what this crazy weather means for all of us come summer!

Sylvia K said...

Your flowers are gorgeous, Betsy!! Such beautiful colors! Thanks for sharing the beauty! The weather has indeed been amazing this year! Hope you have a great week! Still unable to comment on George's post, but I loved his captures for the day, too!


Out on the prairie said...

Such a nice selection of flowers in your yard, amazing colors to enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I love your flowers! Incredibly gorgeous! Now you have inspired me to plant some in my yard.

DeniseinVA said...

Fabulous spring flowers in your garden Betsy. Isn't this weather just glorious?

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Oh, my, Betsy! These are awesome photos. Your flowers are so beautiful in your lawn. What a showcase. I love all the photos. I love spring!

Shug said...

Hi Betsy...I am loving your yard!
It is truly gorgeous...and a lot of work I am sure.
Are those periwinkle flowers or some kind of ground cover..I really like them and would love to have them in my yard.
Have a great day....We have rain coming!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow! You've stunned me with your flowers- so beautiful!
I've been looking at periwinkle, wondering what it would do. Now I think I just might give it a try.
Have a great week!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures, Betsy!!
Thanks for such a "pop" of beautiful color today :) I needed this pretty image!
Have a wonderful day!
xo, misha

Phillip said...

Your garden is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oh my, my, my! Looks so beautiful!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

A super tour!!! Your yard must be the showcase of the neighborhood! My faves here are the Hyacinths and the Periwinkles. But George's borders are also a thing of beauty, making them all look even BETTER!!! I am thinking I have seen Periwinkles lots before, but didn't recognize them for what they were, we have lots of tiny blue flowers around here like this.

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh my, your yard looks fabulous. What a joy it must be, especially since you have a live in yard man.
This year I will be putting in some Periwinkles in an area that is hard to mow. I love them too.

Ms. A said...

Beautiful, Betsy! If it's this warm now, can you even imagine how the summer is going to be? I'm guessing it will be excruciating.

Latane Barton said...

Betsy, your yard is just beautiful. I can't wait to see what all is going to bloom there.

HappyK said...

You sure do have a beautiful yard. It must be so nice just to walk around your yard every day and enjoy it.

Becca's Dirt said...

Gorgeous mess of daffodils there. Love tulips and wish we could grow them here. Your lawn looks so lush and pretty. That's a pleasant place to feast your eyes when working in the kitchen. Have a great day.

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Beautiful flowers! I'm a little worried about what the summer will be like - this weather is crazy.

Small City Scenes said...

Just what you said 'I find joy in seeing all of this beauty'. I would too and that is why I like Spring so much. New color and beauty everyday---LOVE IT!!!.
Your spring gardens are beautiful and joyous. I can hear the singing of you the flowers and the birds too.
Today is chilly but sunny and best of all no rain. Everything is squishy here. But stuff is coming up. Bob and I planted seeds in a warm planter and into the colf frame it went and they are already sprouting---YAY!

Ann said...

wow, just look at all the pretty flowers. It was really nice here all weekend and I had the window open all day. It was heaven.
I can almost smell those hyacinth from here. I love those

Sally Wessely said...

Your spring bulb gardens are just beautiful. I was just wondering what was blooming in your yard. My favorites are probably the 'Dad Adams."

I do love the look of periwinkle, but I have pulled it out of beds for years. The former owners of this place had it in all the beds and nothing else would grow. I think I have finally eradicated all of it, but it took my 15 years to do so. Now, I just fight weeds. Go figure.

Connie said...

Your blooms are absolutely gorgeous, Betsy! Spring flowers are always such a welcome sight. :)

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

You have so many beautiful bulbs blooming! Love all the color.
Your periwinkle is blooming well. I have some too but only get a few blooms. That's ok though as I want it for the leaves and how it fills in around shrubs.

Chatty Crone said...

That first picture of the tulips in rows - I L O V E it. sandie

Susie Swanson said...

Your yard is just gorgeous..our daffodils are gone and the crocus too.. The tulips are starting to bloom..I don't remember a year like this..I'm so worried that everything will get frozen back..Even my Hostas are coming out..Blessings, Susie

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Sure shootin, Spring is defiantly bustin' out all over your neck of the woods.

Fabulous pictures of your beautiful bloomers!

God bless ya and have yourself a fantastic weekend! :o)

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Such gorgeous flowers! I thought it was summer. The a/c is going. I went to the beach, got sunburned, and turned in my hi-tops for flip flops.

Donna said...

It's blooming gorgeous! This spring weather has been something, huh? Tied the record high today (82) made in 1927! Supposed to be 85 tomorrow!

carolina nana said...

Beautiful flowers, my daffodils and hyacinths have dried up in our summer temperatures. I've been in capris and t-shirts all last week.
I even got sunburned a couple times while working outside already.

Andrea said...

Wow Betsy, you have a very pretty flower garden now, just showing the diligence of the owner. But i guess George is a part of it too, as it is very well structured with very hard steps as dividers, reminiscent of the math-physics teacher! LOL. Are you both very well from the colds last weekend. best regards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Such a lovely yard. I hope to get our yard done within a year or two. Lots to do. I do have a lone Paper White Narcissus flower blooming from bulbs I planted in December. More will be up and bursting forth later I am sure. Have a super Tuesday tomorrow!

Karin said...

Love your garden! Lots of work no doubt! I really want to sniff me some hyacinths soon!! It will be awhile - unless I sniff the ones in the garden center at the local store!

Lynn said...

How beautiful your yard is. I love Spring flowers. Love Daffodils, they always make me smile. Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. That would be fun to meet in TN. Probably not possible this year, but then one never knows. Thank you for showing us such beautiful pictures. Blessings.

Kelly said...

...everything is so beautiful, Betsy. We are ahead of the weather too. 83 today. What a surprise!

Carletta said...

Spring is popping up here but I'd say it is bursting there! :)
What lovely rewards for you and George for all your hard work.
It's going to be 80 degrees here tomorrow. I can hardly believe it!

Cheqna said...

Hi Betsy,

So lovely your garden..must be nice being able to see the beautiful flowers whilst resting or doing chores inside the house.

Thank you for sharing..and enjoy your "pretended summer"!


psychelyn said...

Very beautiful pictures. I'm happy when I see people making pictures of anything beautiful on earth. it makes me feel more grateful to life. Thanks for sharing them.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I see beauty in your yard!

Joe Todd said...

Just Beutiful

Annie Jeffries said...

Gorgeous. What a rainbow of color!

Diane AZ said...

Your weather sounds wonderful and you sure do have a lot of color in your yard! I love the Hens and Chicks, the Periwinkles and most of all the "Dad Adams Daffodils." Thanks for sharing your March flowers!

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Betsy, the PERFUME coming from all of that loveliness must be intoxicating!

penny said...

Hi Betsy, The array of colorful spring flowers in your yard are gorgeous. You and George have the luckiest neighbors ever. You two do all the work and they get to sit back and enjoy all the fruits of your labor.
be well and happy,
Pam :)

Rose said...

Betsy, it is hot here, too....I really cannot help but think what if it turned cold again.

Your flowers are beautiful....I must say every time I open your blog, I all in love with the header photo all over again.

Christine said...

Your flowers are so lovely Betsy! All those wonderful colors just make your heart jump with joy!

ratieh said...

hi Betsy! your flowers are so beautiful.

have a fabulous day!

mudderbear said...

Well Betsy, I'm just not sure this is fair. I went out today and was pleased to get a glimpse of one or two blooms here and there. You say your crocus have come and gone??!!!! We're still hoping to get a decent snow storm here...haha. Well, thank you for sharing your lovely yard and sharing Mother Nature's beauty. Enjoy that perfect weather for now.

PCovi said...

All so pretty!
We should have a meetup and swap some daffodil bulbs! I'd love to have some different varieties! Lots of different ones. Should I put an invite out and plan a meetup for that? Lebanon? :)

Mary said...

Your yard is gorgeous as always! I couldn't believe how much stuff was blooming when we got home from Tucson!

Serenity Cove said...

WOW Betsy. Just beautiful. How you find time to do all that and still travel is beyond me.
I work 4 days a week and it's all I can do to keep up with my outside work plus plan a wedding! I keep telling myself once I make it past the wedding, it will only be a few weeks till our trip to the Smokies.

I also love Periwinkle for a ground cover. I planted some on a slope 2-3 years ago and it's filling in nicely. Mine is just starting to bloom.
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos!