Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Winter in the Smoky Mountains

On January 30 and 31st,  George and I took a short little trip to North Carolina and Tennessee... We saw alot of things in those two days including a trip to Biltmore,  lots of waterfalls and cascades,  and the gorgeous Smoky Mountains.    As you can imagine,  we took MANY pictures!! ha

Today,  I'll share some pictures which I will title "Winter in the Smokies"...  However,  this winter has been MILD ---so there wasn't  any snow nor ice on top of the mountain at Newfound Gap.  Unbelievable!!!!!   SO ---on our day there (31st),  we had gorgeous spring-like weather with an interesting sky.   Hope you enjoy the photos,  but be sure and enlarge them for a much better look!  The picture above was taken on the North Carolina side of the mountain.

It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was peaking out around the clouds.  I liked  this picture with the sun's colors on the mountains, but the blue sky disappears when shooting straight toward the sun!!!!

This picture was taken looking south  (away from the sun).. Now you can see some of the blue sky and clouds.  This picture was taken from the Newfound Gap parking area.   This is the Tennessee/North Carolina state line --and the elevation here is 5046 feet...  Again,  we were surprised that there was NO snow and only a few icicles along the rocks up there this year...

We are now on the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge Bypass.   The city of Gatlinburg is in the valley to the left... Straight head of you  is the gorgeous Mt. LeConte at an elevation of about 6600 feet.  That is not snow on the mountain ---but the late afternoon sun and shadows... Nice, huh?

I love this picture ---as the sun was going down quickly.   AND---with the sun going in and out of the passing clouds,  we were able to get some great pictures with every changing moment.

This is my favorite picture of the beautiful sky on that fabulous day in January.   I added this to Facebook --and got many great comments there...  Hope you enjoyed these pictures taken on a 'winter'????  day in Tennessee and North Carolina.   Don't forget to click on the pictures to see them larger.

Did you enjoy the Super Bowl?  It was  a great game --and my team won!!!! Even though I am not a Madonna fan (never have been),  I do think that the halftime show was good (much better than past years).   BUT--I was sorta disappointed in some of the commercials this year.  I liked the VW Bug one with the dog... AND --I liked the Coca Cola ones with the polar bears...  Loved the Doritos commercials --and I enjoyed Mr. Quigley!!!  What did you think???

Have a fabulous Monday.


Ms. A said...

Beautiful photos, as always. I don't like football, although hubby had it on my TV. I did manage to watch some of the commercials, which beats football any day, in my book. LOL!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It is strange to see them without snow in February!

I didn't watch the Super Bowl - so no commercial for me!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous scenes. Mt. Leconte is so pretty in the changing light.

Cuby said...

Love these photos what a beautiful area.Superbowl was on here at 11.30 last night, unusual for the BBC to broadcast it but too late for me I am afraid glad it was good.

Unknown said...

I never grow tired of seeing the Smokies. Your photos are wonderfully clear and scenic. We were just looking at some of our pics from our trip through the area this pass October/November. Now of course we would like to return and do it all over again.

John and Ellen

Sharon said...

Ah, these pictures looks so familiar and where I'm spending most of my times these days. Who wouldn't with weather like this???

I'll simply echo your words about the Super Bowl and commercials because it is EXACTLY what I would've said. My team won and I liked the commercials you mentioned. I also ALWAYS like anything Chik-Fil-A does!!

Have a great day, Betsy! As for me, I'm headed to a trail!!

Just Be Real said...

Betsy, thank you for sharing those lovely breathtaking pictures. Glorious. Blessings.

Shug said...

My team won as well! One of the players (Aaron Ross) graduated from our High School!
Great pictures and I enjoyed seeing the clouds as well! Like the one that looks like the bottom part of a heart.....or the one that looks like bubbles...
Have a Blessed day!

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Great pictures - they always make me a little homesick!

Connie said...

Gorgeous pictures, Betsy. It has been a really mild winter here too. We have had some snow, but it hasn't been much, and it hasn't stayed around very long.

Jane said...

Your pictures are so pretty,as always I enjoyed seeing them! I didn't watch the super bowl.

Blessings Jane

Arkansas Patti said...

I really loved the composition of the one with the fence posts. Those mountains really are blue.
I haven't watched the whole game and taped part of it. I was rooting for the Giants mainly due to Eli and the fact that NE is in our division and a rival.

TexWisGirl said...

really beautiful mountain scenes. i definitely don't get to see any of that terrain here in NE Tx. just wonderful colors and textures and layers.

Sylvia K said...

Such a beautiful place and your photos are fantastic as always! Delightful post for the day, Betsy! I was thinking about you during the game yesterday and knew you would definitely be pleased with the outcome!! Have a beautiful day!


Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, I sure do enjoy seeing your Smoky Mountains pictures. The sunlight and shadows and skies are all gorgeous. Have a great week! :)

I Am Woody said...

I've always loved the look of the leafless trees in the mountains in winter. Beautiful shots as always!

We had a fantastic Super Bowl party. Had enough food to feed a small country! My favorite commercial was the Doritos Great Dane bribe - hilarious!

Dorothy said...

Very nice pictures of winter in the Smokies! My favorite is the one with the fence in the foreground.

Out on the prairie said...

I have stood in both states at that parking.Saw a lot of hikers coming through on the trail.What a lovely selection, so pristine.Missed the bowl, no cable here.

Fred Alton said...

I enjoyed your pictures of the Smokies from this mild winter. It proves what I've often said, "East Tennessee/Western North Carolina is always beautiful - no matter the season. You and George take excellent pictures, Betsy! Thanks for sharing.

Linda@VS said...

So beautiful! I wish I could blink three times and transport myself into those mountains right this minute.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I always enjoy seeing your photos of the Smokies, Betsy. The one that you said you particularly liked of Mount LeConte is a beauty. The colors are wonderful in that one.

S. Etole said...

The mountains look so peaceful ... beautiful views.

amelia said...

Beautiful pictures again Betsy!

Didn't watch the super bowl, don't like American football at all and totally can't stand Madonna!!! Hows that for crabby!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I always enjoy your photos, Betsy, and these are really wonderful. My favorite is the one with the fence in the foreground and the next one after that is a close second!
Yay Giants!!!!

Glenda said...

The Smoky Mountains are beautiful any time of year, aren't they? Your photos are always the best!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Your pictures are wonderful! Beautiful scenery. Yes, we have had a milder-than-normal winter. I even saw yards with Daffodils in full-bloom in the Glade this morning when I was there. Have a very nice day today!

Terry and Linda said...

I didn't care for any of the commercials this year and that person (she is no lady) flipping people off....awful! Anyway Love your photos and your HEADER!!!


Photo Cache said...

the mountains are gorgeous betsy. it's been a mild winter here as well.

we are not football watchers but we did tape the superbowl for the half-time show and the commercials. we watched them and fast forwarded when the game was on. i did like madonna's presentation, not a madonna fan either. the commercials weren't really that good overall. the vw bug and the dog was wonderful. i was loling at that.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the picture with the fence in the foreground. And the first picture, also! My eyes may be deceiving me, but I think I can see sun rays coming down, just barely!

Big Dude said...

Excellent shots Betsy

imac said...

Nice shots Betsy, love the blue-ness there too.

Ann said...

beautiful shots. Hard to believe those were taken in January. The winter has been a strange one.
I only watched the half time show and one commercial. The half time show was pretty good but the one commercial I saw wasn't very impressive. I don't even remember what it was for

mamahasspoken said...

Didn't watch the super bowl at all so I can't comment about it, the commercials or the half time show, sorry.
Love the picture with the fence! Makes me want to go and visit some time soon.....

Teresa@1800 Farmhouse Rd said...

Hi, I am not sure how I ended up here, but I am a new follower. We love the Smokies, and usually go about four times a year. Beautiful pictures any time of year as far as I am concerned!

Anonymous said...

You and George captured some exquisite photos of the mountains. Thanks for sharing your trip with us, Betsy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of the sky and mountains! I enjoyed Madonna's performance, especially the ending. I watched some of the commercials but then got distracted. I am not into football, so it is easy to distract me.

HappyK said...

Your photos are beautiful as always.
I'm not really into football but did watch the game while I was knitting and I am glad the Giants won.

HolleyGarden said...

I looked at your pictures and thought "where's the snow?". Then you explained there was none! Such high elevations and no snow. Kind of sad. I'm glad your team won. I didn't watch the game, and I'm kind of glad I missed Madonna's performance. The last time I saw the Super Bowl was with a group of church kids - and Janet Jackson had a mishap with her outfit! Not good.

SquirrelQueen said...

This has been a mild winter, it seems strange not to see snow at the higher elevations like Mt. LeConte. But even without the snow the Smokies are always gorgeous.

We did watch the Super Bowl and cheered for the Giants. I think that was one of the best halftime shows in a long time.

I liked the same commercials as you but also the Bud commercial with Weego, the little rescue dog. Budweiser did a great job of promoting animal rescue. On their FB page you can Like Weego and they will give one dollar per like to an animal rescue shelter.

A Colorful World said...

Glad your team won the Superbowl! You took some lovely pictures on those two days in the mountains, and I enjoyed them very much! Strange no snow, even there! Thanks for your comments on my blog post!

Carletta said...

Beautiful shots Betsy! Your next to last photo is my favorite!!!
It's lovely. Reminds me of a beautiful painting.
The game was pretty good. It wasn't as back and forth as I had hoped it would be.
I loved the M&M commercials and for some reason the Clint Eastwood ad really touched me.
I've never liked Madonna and I feel sure at 53 her voice isn't anywhere near the quality of the recordings she lipped too so it sounded good but I guess I'm getting old thinking she should act more her age. HA!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, as usual. I enjoyed the game, even though my beloved Pats lost. Isn't Tom Brady handsome? I never tire of looking at him.

BlueShell said...

Good morning Betsy!
I have to say that all the pictures are fabulous; but your favorite...is my favorite too! Really gorgeous!
I love nature, you know!Trees, flowers, mountains, rivers, sky...are things that i'm in love with....LOL! So your pictures are a kind of God's manifestation of His Great power!

Here , in Portugal, we have cold, but there is no rain nor snow!!!


Have a wonderful day.
And thank you for sharing all that beauty with us.
BShell (Isabel)

cyclopseven said...

Mother Nature is ever gracious. She always exudes that enchanting beauty all around. Thanks for sharing.

Chatty Crone said...

You have made me want to go back there - haven't been there for years. It does seem odd to have no snow. Very beautiful! sandie

From the Kitchen said...

I love the photo of the sun going down too! I've seen those mountains in all season growing up. Alas, I took them for granted back in the day. However, their beauty sticks with me always.

Now I live in an area that is completely flat!!


DeniseinVA said...

That sure is beautiful country. Went there several years ago and am looking forward to going back one day.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Been to Gatlinburg thrice over the years. Love those mountains. But I worry about the lack of snow. Will the streams have the water later on as it heats up?

carolina nana said...

Beautiful pictures, there isn't many years in January that you can photograph those mountains and not see snow covered peaks !!
I didn't watch Madonna's halftime show but had to laugh at some of the comments I saw about watching an over sexed grandmother !!!! And I think she's only 53 !!!

Sally Wessely said...

It must have been great to get away for a few days and see all the beautiful sights. I'm so glad you did that.

I have to agree with you on the commercials. I liked the same ones. I was in awe of Madonna, but I also think it is time she stopped trying to look like a cheerleader. The show was amazing in many respects. I did enjoy the game and got pretty nervous toward the end. I was glad to Manning win.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Photos
My favorite is the one with the fence.

Michelle said...

Betsy...these are beautiful landscape photos. I've taken these many times, but mine don't turn out like yours do. You are truly gifted with the camera!

In my little corner of NC, we didn't even see a flake this year.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Wonderful pictures! What great weather. I did enjoy the Super Bowl, what I saw. Those were the best Doritos commercials that I've seen in a long time. And I did love the VW with the dog.

Rose said...

It must have been a wonderful, wonderful day to be in the smokies...I really don't usually pay attention to the half-time show..and didn't really pay a lot of attention to the commercials...mainly cause I was on the phone.

Personally, I don't think Madonna fits with a football. I am not a big fan of hers, have liked one or two songs she does, but just didn't think she suited football halftime.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Wanted you to know blogger is now letting me post again and leave comments. I have sooo missed my friends...m....

diane b said...

Sorry I'm late with my comment. We have a visitor from Switzerland staying, Less time to blog. The mountains are so beautiful and I understand why you like living near them. I loved the shot with the fence in front.

Twilight Man said...

Today I just discovered the reasons I loved to admire your photos. They emit the aura of calmness and peaceful vibes to make one happy! You are doing big merits to share your passion and joy with everyone across the globe!
I love the valleys in your photos, awesome!