Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

More Christmas Lights from Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Pigeon Forge, TN  does a creative job when it comes to Christmas lights.  If you have ever been to Pigeon Forge,  you will know that there's one LONG main road going through the town..  The road is divided with a big median between.   This year, inside the median, along the way, the song,  "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was depicted using light displays.  We couldn't stop to get photos ---but it was great seeing "Five Golden Rings",   "Nine Lords A-Leapin",  "Two Calling Birds" etc. etc. etc...  I loved it ---and maybe someday,  we can get pictures of those depictions.  They were awesome...

We did manage to get pictures in areas where we could stop.... Here are some pictures in Pigeon Forge for you to see today..  Click on the pictures for larger shots.

The picture above is a neat little building along the road ---all decorated... We found out when we got home that this is the front of a big Holiday Inn in Pigeon Forge...

Here along the side of the road is a light display of "the old mill" in Pigeon Forge...  There is an old mill in that area --and in fact,  one of our favorite restaurants in Pigeon Forge is "The Old Mill"....

These next three pictures are neat since they all go together...  These were taken at Patriot Park and show an EAGLE in motion....  The first one shows the eagle taking off.  The second one shows the eagle picking up a fish for lunch... AND the third one shows the eagle in flight as he leaves with the fish....  Look at all three of them in sequence...


And finally,   here is an absolutely gorgeous Christmas Tree which was near  Dolly Parton's  Dixie Stampede.  We drove near to get some good pictures of that tree..

Have a wonderful day --and I pray that you have all of your shopping done and are now relaxing and able to enjoy the real meaning of Christmas,  the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy, Wishing you and George a Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

I love the old mill photo and would like to have seen “The Twelve Days of Christmas” theme. We have visited the area a few times now but I think a Christmas time stopover is in the cards thanks to your recent posts showing all of the wonderful lights. Once again Betsy, Merry Christmas to you and George!


Big Dude said...

I would not have wanted the job of putting all of the lights on that tree.

Karin said...

It's wonderful how in the darkness the light does its best work and reveals all its glory!! Such great creativity with the eagle scenes! Thank you for sharing these with us!

Unknown said...

Stunning photos.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful pictures..That eagle series is spectacular. I wonder how many lights are on that tree.

Snap said...

Looks like a pretty and fun trip! Merry Christmas

Fred Alton said...

These are fantastic photos, Betsy! You and George manage to capture marvelous scenes everywhere that you go. BEAUTIFUL!

linda m said...

Very beautiful pictures. Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. May the Love of our Savior bless us all.

amelia said...

Wow!!! Gorgeous lights!! Beautiful tree in the last pic!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, the lights there are just so fantastic!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite today is the Old Mill, love that one. i know this place must just be stunning to drive through. can't even imagine it.

TexWisGirl said...

the old mill is beautiful, but that tree is my favorite. :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the old mill best. Hope you and George are all relaxed and ready to enjoy.

Lynda said...

We took the trolley tour of lights a couple of years ago and also drove down that stretch. I agree they do a great job of decorating with lights. We enjoy the Old Mill Restaurant, too but our favorite place is the Tanger Outlet at Five Oaks - - - near the Apple Barn area in Sevierville.

Sylvia K said...

What fantastic decorations for the season and marvelous captures, Betsy! I do love them all, but the Christmas tree is awesome! Hope your week is going well!


Tabor said...

Oh my goodness. Do not want their electric bill. Wish I could bring my grandchildren there, they would love it.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

These are such beautiful pictures, Betsy! They really get my holiday spirit in high gear! But can you even imagine what it took to decorate that amazing Christmas tree!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Great Christmas light displays! I miss seeing this type of display. Where I used to live in CA, a nearby neighborhood had a spectacular Christmas light display that went on for about 6 blocks and was an extravaganza - crowded too! Hopefully I will get to Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg for Christmas next year. Have a wonderful day today and stay dry!

HolleyGarden said...

That is some tree! Our family has already celebrated, so now I can really relax (and enjoy the garden, too). I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

HappyK said...

I love the huge Christmas tree!!
I'm hoping to see a display of lights this evening around here.

Kay said...

I really like the old mill. I assume you live not far from Dollywood?

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures, Betsy!!! No wonder you love the winter season. No such lights during the summer.

Glenda said...

I think my favorite is the Old Mill, which is a beautiful place to visit anytime. Great shots, Betsy!

I think I'm done with Christmas shopping and I'm concentrating on cooking. Today I made tea cakes . .. not quite as good as Mama's were but I think they'll be eaten!! Now on to sausage balls! Merry Christmas to you and George!

Becca's Dirt said...

Merry Christmas Betsy and George. Those lights are magical and bring me a warm feeling all over. I love this time of year when everything is sparkly and everyone is in the spirit of the holiday's. Bless you two sweetheart's.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wonderful displays, Betsy, and the Christmas tree was so full of lights! There must have been thousands!

I am battling a bad cold so I am happy I celebrated Christmas a little early this year. Now I can relax and enjoy the "reason for the season" without distraction.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas filled with many wonderful blessings!

imac said...

Lights alive there Betsy.

Diane said...

The lights are wonderful Betsy. We have yet to go out and look at the lights around town and it doesn't look like we will tonight, it's storming. I have almost everything done, hope to get over and see Mother close to Christmas and just put gingerbread in the oven for neighbors. And now it's starting to be calm. Diane

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Another beautiful series of night shots of Christmas lights. My favorite is the eagle with the fish.

Donna said...

I love the old mill lit up like that! So pretty!

Ann said...

wonderful light displays. I love the old mill. That tree is awesome. I wonder how many lights it took to cover that tree

Neal said...

Those are gorgeous!!!

Connie said...

Really pretty pictures, Betsy. Wow! Love that tree! That's my favorite here. It's so gorgeous! :)

Ms. A said...

Such a gorgeous tree!

Christine said...

These are just as wonderful as I remembered them! That Christmas tree is gorgeous! Merry Christmas!

Out on the prairie said...

My only shopping has been a few Kindles and lots of donations.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love that old mill and the eagle is amazing. It must have been so much fun to see all these displays in person.

I am pretty sure I wouldn't even recognize Pigeon Forge today. The last time I was there it was a small town with one main street and no median. It sounds like it has really grown.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful displays, Betsy, and the tree is awesome! It's just loaded with lights. So pretty!
I've got most everything done for Christmas except mailing a couple of cards to people I forgot and wrapping one more gift. Can you believe how fast the days are going? If I don't get online again, I wish you and George the very best Christmas ever!
Hugs, Cheryl

Betty Manousos said...

hi betsy,

such beautiful photos!
and i like your header picture as well. really gorgeous!

here's wishing you and yours a very, very merry Christmas!!


Lola said...

Gorgeous pics Betsy. I wish for you & George the best Holiday Season ever.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

The light show is splendid. We are not up to taking car rides around the city this year but we are thankful all are well again.

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! Amazing creativity! Nice photos also. Merry Christmas Betsy!

Lady Di Tn said...

love the tree and the old mill photo. I will have to enjoy PF through you. Peace

penny said...

I love them all, Betsy. It reminds of Christmas at Disney's Epcot center.

I wish you and George a very Merry Christmas.
Peace be with you both,

Catherine said...

So many beautiful lights Betsy! They are all so magical. I am ready for Christmas because ready or not - here it comes! :)
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Christmas tree!

Debbie Taillieu said...

WOW! Love that Christmas Tree!
Love looking at Christmas lights either driving around the neighborhood or seeing them here on your blog!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of more great adventures!!

Debbie's Travels

Chatty Crone said...

Well I'm here late, but I'm here. Have been so busy. Just wanted to stop by and wish you and George a Merry Christmas. You are so lucky to be back with the beautiful lights. sandie