Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Irises in our Yard in NOVEMBER

Both George and I have talked about our RE-blooming Irises...   We have several ---and have enjoyed their blooms (not only in the spring/summer ---but especially in the FALL).   Tonight I'll share with you a few pictures of our FALL Irises... 

Since I have been sick,   all of these are George's pictures... Thanks, Honey, for letting me share them!!!!!   Above is a 'group' picture of some of them...  All of these Re-blooming Irises are in our new flowerbed near the road...  There is alot of sun there,  and Irises love sun!!!!  (Click on my photos to enlarge them to 16x10.)

This gorgeous yellow one is named  "Waltz Across Texas".

And this one is named "Blatant".   I love this photo with the water drops on it.

And finally,  this pretty one is called  "Floor Show".   Isn't it just neat to see beautiful Irises blooming in the Fall?????   Which one do you like the best?????

Our temperature lows last night were predicted to be in the 20's.... SO---George brought more blooming roses inside and also a group of these beautiful Irises.  I love seeing them in the yard ---but it's great to admire them inside also....

Hope you have a good weekend.  I am still healing ---and am not being as patient as I should be.   I yearn for the morning when I can wake up and say:  "Gee---I feel AWESOME today!"   (I'm not there yet!!!! Sigh!)



Anonymous said...

Very beautiful blooms! Hope you feel better soon, Betsy.

Jo said...

I love your new header, Betsy! And of course, your awesome Irises. Thanks for sharing. I pray that you're soon feeling better. Blessings, Jo

Mr. Bill said...

I have not heard of Iris reblooming in the fall. They are beautiful....you MUST be doing something right.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, irises in November! They are beautiful.

I hope you get your Gee Awesome day soon.

Anonymous said...

WOWZER! Take it easy, George will need roller skates to keep up with ou sonn enough!

Fred Alton said...

Good Morning, Betsy! You may not feel like it - but you ARE awesome. Together, you and George are also awe-inspiring, with the great flowers you grow and share pictures of here in cyberspace. When I started blogging I had no idea that there were such kind and considerate people here on the computer. I'm delighted to report that I've found quite a number of fascinating people and you two are at the top of the list. I'm praying for your complete and rapid recovery.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful Iris! I can't pick a favorite, they are all so pretty!
Hope you are back to feeling great real soon!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Not fair! You can't ask me to pick a favourite. I just like them all.As I've said before,my favourite is usually the one I am looking at.Still praying for you.Hugs.

I Am Woody said...

Waltz Across Texas makes me want to go back to Texas! I would love another trip to Big Bend!!

And seriously, I long for that same day!! Happy Healing, my friend:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you were blessed with all this brilliant color in November, i am thinking they will not survive the cold today. they are stunning and amazing to be this late.

Reanaclaire said...

Betsy, they look so real and clear.. beautiful blooms!

Big Dude said...

It's really nice to add these in with the fall colors. I really like your header shot - keep forgetting to tell you.

Anonymous said...

To have these beautiful blooms in November must cheer you and it's good you can bring some of them indoors, too, so that you can enjoy them for even longer. Remembering you in prayer. x

Birdman said...

Strong yellows.

Donna said...

Looking at those beautiful flowers ought to raise your spirits! I completely understand about the patience part. The older I get, the more impatient I get with my body not springing back as quick as I want! I bet your heat is running right now, LOL. Flannel sheets may be going on our bed this weekend!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I love the song, "Waltz Across Texas," so I'll vote for that one. :)

So glad to hear that you're gaining strength, even if slowly. When you get discouraged with your progress, just look back at how far you've come.

CottonLady said...

They are all just beautiful, but "ya'all" just know I would vote for Waltz Across Texas!! I really like the blue one, too.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

TexWisGirl said...

love that Waltz Across Texas one!!!

Serenity Cove said...

Wow...Irises in Nov? What a difference a few zones make. They are beautiful! I keep telling my husband we need to move somewhere warmer.

camp and cottage living said...

How sweet of George to take the photos for you that you long to take yourself.
I am adding you to my prayer list.
I pray for a quick recovery for you, my friend.

imac said...

Slowly does it Betsy, better than jumping out of bed and putting yourself back and starting again.

Love all your flowers, cant pick a best one.

Rose said...

Betsy, I was wondering how you were feeling...these irises have to perk up your day. They sure do mine...just seeing them.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

So beautiful, these flowers! Praying that you get back to feeling awesome again! Have a nice weekend!

Ms. A said...

I love them all!

Feel better soon!

Annie Jeffries said...

Re-blooming iris! Are they engineered for reblooming? I've never heard of such.

Healing thoughts heading your way.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is too hard to pick a favorite from these! Gosh, can't believe you still have these gorgeous irisis!! Hmmm...maybe the plural of iris is iri??? Ha ha ha!! Take care, I'm glad to see you are resting and not running around and snapping!

GreatGranny said...

Absolutely Gorgeous, love the last two. I do hope and pray you're well soon.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Betsy, I understand about NOT being patient....but you must you must you must. :)
I think Iris's are my favorite flower ever...they are so delicate and rich in color.
I can't pick a favorite...so don't make me. :)
xoxoxo feel better soon.

Susie Swanson said...

I've never heard of Iris's blooming in the fall.Mine only blooms in the spring and summer.Although, after they got froze back this year they tried to come out with a second growth..These are just beautiful..Hope you're feeling better ..Blessings, Susie

Karin said...

I feel like Ruth - can't pick a favorite - just like I can't pick a favorite child! Each one is gorgeous in their unique way! I'm so happy for you that they bloom more than once for you! Around here there are still roses in bloom in some yards - but that's it!

Glad you are on the mend. You sound like me - an impatient patient!! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Those irises are so beautiful. I wonder if they would do well in Hawaii. I hope you feel better soon, Betsy. No fun being sick!

Connie said...

They are all so gorgeous, Betsy! I hope you feel better soon. Have a good weekend! :)

Christine said...

Wow, Betsy I'm surprised to see those lovely Iris this time of the year! They're real beauties!

RoeH said...

You must be having good Iris weather. They are beautiful.

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, your Irises in November are delightful, each and every one! My favorite is "Floor Show." I hope you feel better soon. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Yes the Iris are just beautiful. Love Fall blooming anything.
You will be 100% soon. MB

Shug said...

Hang in there Betsy...you will feel better soon...hopefully, real soon!

Your flowers are so very pretty...I know you must just love going outdoors and being able to see all the beauty right there in front of you..thanks for sharing..

DeniseinVA said...

I hope you'll be feeling 100 percent soon Betsy, thinking of you and sending lots of healing energies your way, along with a big hug :)

Those iris' are gorgeous, George's photos are lovely. Thank him for me too because seeing these pictures made me smile.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You get plenty of rest and get 100%.

Ann said...

they are absolutely gorgeous. I'm going to have to look for some of these, I love iris.
I hope you're feeling better soon

HappyK said...

They are beautiful. How nice to have such pretty flowers around in Nov.!!!

Diane said...

Very pretty pictures George/Betsy. I guess I would say Floor Show would be my favorite. I really like that first picture with the bricks and the composition of it. Diane

Mary said...

How wonderful to have iris in the fall! One of my favorite flowers.

Leontien said...

oh! i didn't know you were feeling sick! i hope you are doing better now!!!

And i love your flowers, thank you for sharing


mudderbear said...

I should have known it would be you with Iris's in November, but even that surprised me. They are really a gift this time of year.

I hope you are feeling better. I wanted to say from your comment on my last blog about The Great Fat Fraud book...what you said is exactly what the book says. You don't have to be thin to be fit. It's all about how active you are. So you have known it all along. Good job. Take care...stay warm.

Chatty Crone said...

I like the one called floor show. Is that a late bloom for November? And I hope you are getting better.

Sally Wessely said...

You take your time getting better Betsy. I know it is hard to have patience when one is healing, but sometimes it just can't be rushed. Take it easy, and enjoy those beautiful flowers.

SquirrelQueen said...

Goodness Betsy, I am amazed you still have these beautiful irises in November. I love Waltz Across Texas.

Take care of yourself and don't overdo.

diane b said...

I like the blue one best. Isn't it great when the flowers just keep on blooming. So sorry to hear that you are not 100% yet. Hopefully it won't be long.

Christmas-etc... said...

Gorgeous flowers! The best medicine I'd say (and that George of yours! I've got my own George so I know how wonderful it is!)Get well soon!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Hope you are feeling better and better every moment and that you do feel Awesome! Lovely lovely irises! I love the one called Blatant, but they are all beautiful. Irises (as you, of course, know) are Tennessee's state flower so it is fitting that you have so many gorgeous ones in your garden. Stay warm! I drew an Iris and you can see it here :o) Iris drawn with the last name LONG

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you my friend for taking the time to stop and visit...and for your sweet comment! :o)

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love your new header, Betsy. I hope you are feeling better. I love the irises. George did a fantastic job photographing them. I didn't know that irises bloom in fall. What a treat to enjoy them at this time of year.

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so sorry you are not 100% yet but I know you are in great hands with George and you have lots of beauty to keep your spirits lifted.
I may have to invest in some of those. They are beautiful.

ruthinian said...

your photos make me feel like it's spring all over again. thanks for sharing.

Wendy said...

Hang in there, Betsy -that day will come when you feel your old self again!

Irises in the fall?? Wowie! Thanks for posting. They look so pretty.

LV said...

Betsy, so happy you are feeling somewhat better. Just lay back, rest, heal and let George take care of you. Since we are still having 70to80 temperatures, my flowers are all blooming again. They do not know what to do in Texas

Lynn said...

I am amazed you have Iris this late. They are all beautiful. I love them all. Hard to choose between the yellow and the last one which on my monitor looks purple! Ok, have to go with purple one, of course. Great captures. I personally never get good pictures of and Iris due to their leaves. Mine always seems to look like a crumpled tissue. Great job George. Betsy, when you wake up and its 6 weeks from the day of your surgery, then that might be the day you feel awesome. But then......I don't wake up, jump out of bed, hehe and feel awesome either. I am not a morning person so it takes a bit for me to "get into the day" to get started. Well, here I go off to another day of grands games. My grandson may pick a bit in one of his games today. He did while we were away so we missed that. Sure hope we see him pitch today. You WILL feel awesome soon. I promise!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos Betsy :-)

I pray that you get well soon :-)

Take care and thanks for your recent comment on My Blog

JDS said...

Late blossoms are the fall color no one talks about. Tell George those pictures are awesome!

I hope you are feeling better very soon if you aren't already.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How nice to have such pretty irises so late in autumn to brighten your garden! Hope you are feeling better. {[hugs}}

Cicero Sings said...

Hope you are at the awesome stage again soon.