Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas at Biltmore Estate

George and I took a  Thanksgiving Trip this year...  After all that I (both of us) have been through the past 6 weeks,  we NEEDED some time to get away with our cameras... It was not a strenuous trip for me ---and other than a stinkin' stiff neck,   I did GREAT....

Our first stop was one of our favorite places,  the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville, North Carolina.   I love Biltmore during all seasons,  but Christmas in the Conservatory is one of my favorite times of the year.  I love all of the Christmas reds and greens ---and I love tropical plants.  Biltmore does a good job with displaying so much beauty in their Conservatory.

Today I'll share with you some photos from Biltmore... Be sure and enlarge the photos to 16 x 10  for better pictures...

Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We certainly did!!!!!  Now---I  have to stop and think about  Christmas...  I love Christmas and love to decorate.  However,  with my lack of energy this year,  I may just tone down some of the decorations...



DeniseinVA said...

What a great set of pictures Betsy and I'm so happy you and George had a nice Thanksgiving. I have heard of the Biltmore Estate often over the years but have never gone. It's on our bucket list.

Beth said...

What a wonderful get-away for you and George. I can feel the stress leaving and the rejuvenation flowing through you and to us! Glorious pics--the work that must go into that!
I'm glad you're feeling better.
We had a restful Sat. and Sunday and I'm now ready to begin the school week. Blessings! ♥b

Mr. Bill said...

How beautiful!

Kelly said...

...glad you were able to get over to Biltmore for the holiday! My parents are heading down next week. Wish I could go! Take it easy...

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you and George had such a peaceful trip. How lovely to see so much color this time a year.
Loved seeing the healthy Vincas. Mine don't have a Conservatory to keep them happy and are beginning to show the strain.
Just do what you feel up to for the holidays. Your surroundings are so pretty, they need little decoration.

Anonymous said...

Such pretty photos! Thanks for sharing, Betsy. Enjoy your day.

Connie said...

It's so pretty there. I can see why you like to keep going back during the different seasons. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! Remember Christmas is still Christmas without all the decorations - if you don't feel up to it, save it for next year :-)

Out on the prairie said...

I really liked the small blossomed poinsetta.I bought a few for church, but forgot my home.Something to look for this week.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Biltmore Christmas displays are gorgeous. Adding your smiling faces makes them even more beautiful.

Patty said...

Beautiful photos. I'm glad you had a good time

linda m said...

What a gorgeous place. Great pictures as usual.

amelia said...

It's a good thing you're getting better albeit slowly. I find as the years pass that I want to decorate less and less.
Lovely pictures!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welcome home and back to blog land. I like and would rather have the Adams Estate in the header more than the Biltmore. is it snowing there now or is that from last year.

Snap said...

Glad you are feeling better ... enjoy the holidays, but take your time ... The Biltmore Estate is gorgeous year round, but during the holidays ... WOWOWOWOWOWOW

TexWisGirl said...

a beautiful place. so glad to see you out and about again!

Anonymous said...

I've never been to the Biltmore, however, I have been to Opryland Hotel at Christmas & they really 'go all out' for the holidays... I'm sure the Biltmore is on a much grander scale, tho, to say the least! LoL! =)
Beautiful shots, Betsy! =)

PS How is George's dad doing?

Catherine said...

So pretty Betsy! What a wonderful place to spend some time. I bet it smells good too! I hope you get your energy back soon. Take it easy my friend!
xo Catherine

Karin said...

Love what Lisa said that Christmas is still Christmas without the decorations! Thanks for taking me along on your visit to the Biltmore - I'll probably never get to see it with my own eyes! Love the lush plants and they way they are displayed. Lots of work goes into that! Glad you had a fabulous time and it wasn't too strenuous! Hope your neck feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad you and George had a lovely Thanksgiving and enjoyed your trip. The displays look beautiful and colourful. I hope you will be fully recovered soon, especially recovery from that stiff neck. Bless you.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like the Biltmore beauty...tone down decorating...rest is more important. Then decorate when feeling stronger

Chatty Crone said...

The Biltmore Estate is lovely. Gorgeous! And I know you liked it.

Glad you are feeling better and that you got to get away.


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Just do what you feel you can and don't worry if you can't produce an extravaganza with the Christmas decorations. Make it personal and keep it happy for yourself I like your pictures of the Biltmore. I want to go there some day. Looks spectacular! Have a wonderful day and stay dry! We are getting a bit swampy here but not flooded.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Such beauty, it's hard to believe. Hope you feel better and that the holidays energize you.

Ms. A said...

Goodness gracious, such lush beauty. Glad you felt like getting out!

Kay said...

The photo of your house in the header of your blog looks so pretty.


diane b said...

OOOOOH pretty Christmas post. Love your header. It is a lovely Christmas display at your favourite Biltmore. The poinsettias are beautiful. You are lucky to be able to see first hand the tropical plants that surround me everyday but I can't see your lovely Fall colours first hand unless I go to the southern states. Glad you are feeling better and had a nice break. It is good to have you back. The big pics are super.

CottonLady said...

Absolutely beautiful, Betsy! Glad you were able to go.

Hugs to you and George

Lynn said...

So love your header from the snow last year. Your home is so pretty with the lighted wreaths in front and snow always gives such a "prettiness" to the entire scene. The Biltmore was an excellent choice and the pictures are lovely. Know how much you love it there. Yes, they do an excellent job of decorating. Look forward to more pictures of your lovely trip together. Blessings.

HappyK said...

Fabulous photos. Welcome back.

Fred Alton said...

You are so right: Biltmore is most beautiful at Christmas!

I'm glad that you, Betsy, are feeling so much stronger. I'm making progress here to. Can't wait to get back out to the mountains again!

God Bless you and give you your best Christmas Season ever.

KathyA said...

BEAUTIFUL! Including the photo of the two of you!! :)

Glenda said...

Oh, these are gorgeous photos! But your header is just as beautiful . .. love it!! Have a wonderful Advent season!

Lady Di Tn said...

Oh what fun you must have had. Love the photos. Whatever you do please do not over do. Peace

Terry and Linda said...

Your last photo is a perfect Christmas card!!!! And I love your header!


Susie Swanson said...

First let me say, I love your header, it is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing thes beautiful pics. I love that place and I've never been at Christmas time.. Glad you both enjoyed your trip and Thanksgiving.. What a nice way to celebrate Thanksgiving.. Welcome Home..Susie

Busy Bee Suz said...

Looks like the perfect 'lil' getaway for the both of you.
Please take it easy on your decorations...YOU are more important that all the cute stuff. Well, you know what I mean; YOU are the cute stuff we want around. :)

LV said...

That is truly one of the most beautiful places I visited. Did not see at Christmas, but wish I could. Glad you are back and feeling better. Missed you and George.

Ann said...

Welcome back. What a fabulous trip you had. It's gorgeous there.
I see we have the same snowy background. It sure is fitting for this time of year isn't it :)

nanny said...

Great pictures....the last one is my favorite! I'm so glad you two had a nice vacation trip!

Angela said...

Wonderful pictures Betsy! It takes me back to almost 20 years ago when my husband and I were first married and living in Maryland near DC. We would go to the Conservatory there all the time just to look at all of the different flowers they had. It was always so beautiful there. Thanks for sharing!


Serenity Cove said...

Welcome back. A friend of mine was just there and she said it was beautiful. I was there once but not at Christmas.
Looking forward to seeing your posts and photos.

Andrea said...

Wonderful decors they got there, very beautiful Christmas colors. Nothing stops you from trips and photography, Betsy, I bet the inside wound is still not fully healed and you are already up and kickin! But you are you, and you love it, so have fun, enjoy while we still can. You can still come here for the waterfalls, haha!

Rose said...

I bet the Biltmore is really one beautiful sight at Christmas. Love all those poinsettias.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

I love your pictures of Biltmore....I may never make it there, so I will just live through your photos! :) I wanted to get a little more decorating done this year than I usually get to, but I probably won't get to it.

Diane said...

Very beautiful pictures and very Christmasy. Your header of your home decorated for Christmas is so pretty. Blessings, Betsy, Diane

Anonymous said...

I remember you and I were sharing conservatory pictures last year .. yours were at Biltmore and mine were at Longwood Gardens. I wonder if Bob and I can work in a trip to Longwood Gardens this year to check out the Christmas displays ....

Lynda said...

I am sure you know it is not worth wearing yourself out with a possible relapse just to have the decorations. However, think of what your favorite thing might be and have George get it out. We are NOT doing a big tree this year. I went and bought a 3 ft tabletop and put it on the buffet. There is not enough time to do the Large tree. I will put out the Nativity Scenes (two of them) and a couple of the music boxes and it will be festive with minimal time and effort.
And perhaps put some of your favorite Christmas pics on a slide show to play on your computer. The memories will flood all over you. The best thing about this Christmas will be your good health! But I do know you will miss your usual stuff - - - but if you're too tired, you won't really enjoy them.

Sally Wessely said...

Your photos are lovely as always. I'm glad you got away. You take care of yourself, Betsy. You have me worried about you. Don't you be overdoing!

Christine said...

I bet Biltmore is so gorgeous this time of the year. What a wonderful photo of you & George!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful shots Betsy. Biltmore House is the perfect place to get away and exercise those cameras. I like the way they mixed the poinsettias with the tropical green.

Neal said...

Wow Betsy.... I sure am glad I went back and looked at this. I was going to this morning but didn't have time. Those are beautiful pictures.

HolleyGarden said...

Thanks for the pics! i am not doing too much decorating this Christmas, either, not like I usually do! These pictures reminded me I need to go get some poinsettias. Such an easy way to decorate!