Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Colors in our Yard in Early October, 2011

There's not too much Fall Color in our area yet --but we do have color right here in our yard!!!!  I took these photos the end of Sept/first of Oct ---so today,  I'll share some of our 'color' to you.  Above is one of our Reblooming Irises.  This one's name is Blatant --and we love seeing Irises blooming in the FALL of the year!!!!!  Isn't this one pretty?

This 'color' is one of our gorgeous Roses, named Veteran's Honor.  This has always been one of my favorite roses.  It's been blooming like crazy lately.  Roses are at their prettiest here in the Spring AND Fall.  They love sunshine but don't necessarily love the heat of Summer.  Fall is a great time for Roses!!!

Here is a close-up of Veteran's Honor... this rose is absolutely PERFECT!!!  Looks like Velvet,  doesn't it?

This photo shows some of our favorite Fall blooms ---our Autumn Joy Sedum.  We have this little beauty in several places around the yard.  This one starts out sorta blue in color, then turns to a light pink,  then darkens,  and by the end of Fall,  the color is a burnt orange.  PERFECT colors for Fall!

Here is a close-up of one of the Autumn Joy Sedum blooms.

Our Pink Dogwood tree in our front yard is beginning to turn to its gorgeous reds.  I love this photo since you can still see some of the green in some of the leaves..

Finally, here's a picture of our yard..  I was standing out in the street --so that I could get a picture of the Veteran's Honor Rose blooms.  In this picture, you can also see the Pink Dogwood as it turns --and also some yellow color on the trees behind and around our home...

I'll post some new yard photos --as we get more and more Fall color.  Now that we have had some much cooler weather,  that usually helps the trees to turn!!!

Have a wonderful day. 



SquirrelQueen said...

Love that Iris!

It looks like your leaves are just a little ahead of ours right now. But your roses are looking a lot better than mine. That Veteran's Honor rose is gorgeous.

Jo said...

Betsy, I love the bi-coloured iris, and the Veteran Rose close-up is BEAUTIFUL! I now know what my exotic blue-to-light-pink etc plant is at home in South Africa: it's Autumn Joy Sedum. Thanks. And thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with us. Blessings and hugs Jo

Beth said...

I love the Blatant Iris! I must plant more irises!
The Veteran rose certainly is a beauty and a great welcoming beacon to your home.
My roses are blooming wonderfully too--kind of surprised me.
Lovely colors, Betsy. We're starting to see color changes here---I hope the 80 degree weather predicted this week doesn't ruin the fall beauty.
Blessings to you as you begin a new week. :>)

Anonymous said...

It's lovely to see the splashes of colour in the borders of your yard this time of year. Your irises must be a welcome re-bloom and the roses are a delight as well as the sedum and the dogwood. x

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful! We don't have much color at all here yet, but the days have been warm, so I'm not surprised.

Arkansas Patti said...

I'll bet traffic really slows down in front of your house. Such a beautiful yard.
That Iris is just awesome.

Connie said...

Your roses and iris are so beautiful, Betsy. Better get your rake and leaf blower ready! It won't be long before all those pretty leaves are going to start falling to the ground. Have a good week! :)

linda m said...

Your yard is gorgeous as usual. Beautiful colors - here in WI have Fall colors already with frost on the ground most eery night. :(

Ruth Hiebert said...

Your yard is a showpiece. Love that Blatant Iris.Of course a red rose,is about as good as it gets,and this one is perfect.Have a wonderful day.

From the Kitchen said...

Yes, that lovely rose does look like velvet!! Isn't it nice to still have flowers in the fall. I've noticed that the same flowers seem different in the fall light than in spring and summer. Love it!


eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, your yard looks lovely. Your roses are just beautiful. I love the iris! We are not seeing many fall colors here yet. Wonderful photos, have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the blatant looks like a Lady in Waiting, a real princess. every time i see your gorgeous sedum i say to myself, get some of that, then i forget. the shot of your home from the street is beautiful, you are framed in color...

Reanaclaire said...

So beautiful... they are so clear that I can almost touch them..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I just loooove that Iris. I have never seen one in person.

Out on the prairie said...

A truly lovely rose. I still have lots of flowers here, but the prairie is thinning fast.

TexWisGirl said...

it's true, that rose is just perfect. glorious colors. :)

mamahasspoken said...

WOW irises in the fall! Ours always bloomed in the late spring.

trump said...

Great images of summers relics, and i too have been taking pictures of the remaining flowers in my area. Richard

Judy said...

Wow, your yard is still beautiful with some color, we are at the very tail end of ours here.

LV said...

With a yard like yours have, you could schedule tours and make extra cash.

Dorothy said...

LV has a good idea! Wonderful, colorful photos around your gorgeous yard! Fall is such a beautiful time of year!

Linda@VS said...

These are all beautiful, but that iris? Now, that's something special!

Big Dude said...

Aren't we having gorgeous fall weather?

Becca's Dirt said...

Love your fall colors Betsy. I love that rose too. Hope you and George are having a good day.

imac said...


Unknown said...

They are all beautiful, no other word but WOW.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You have a beautiful setting for your lovely home, Betsy. Love your flowers, that reblooming iris is amazing! Have a great day!

Chatty Crone said...

You don't have color in your yard? Then what was that gorgeous rose called? sandie

Rose said...

What a gorgeous iris...and beautiful roses! The autumn color has arrived in all its glory here....just cannot get enough of it.

carolina nana said...

Hi Betsy,
I read all your post while I was on vacation but couldn't get my laptop to post comments.
I love the colors of fall,it's my favorite time of year.
This is the first time we stayed on Holden Beach and we loved it.
The ocean front house are actually ocean front and it is a very quiet beach. No high rise condos or hotels. I was looking at a house on Ocean Isle but Hurricane Irene did a number on the beach in front of some of the ocean front houses there.
The sand washed away and left water under the houses.
A local fellow told us that Ocean Isle catches all the hardest waves and wind. The sand washes away from there and ends up down on Sunset. We tried to find time to drive over there to check it out but never did.In one of the pictures you can see all the small sandbags around the houses and that guy said on the Sunset end they had to use the huge bags to try and keep that end from washing totally away.
Blessings to you

Diane said...

Those iris are absolutely breathtaking Betsy. Beautiful fall pictures. Diane

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Gorgeous! I did not know roses bloomed in the Fall but mine are a bit

Shug said...

Ok....I think I have decide that I want to move to your part of the country...So pretty and looks so cool...
Find me a house, I'm on my way!! ha!

Hugs Betsy,

Karin said...

You still have so much beauty in your yard! Everything up here is just about done for the season. Still saw some gorgeous sunflowers. Visiting our daughter much further north - we find the same. The woods are a gorgeous green/gold and some of the hardiest weeds are still in bloom, but most trees have lost their leaves except maybe one or two.

Betsy, I'm excited about moving, but certainly dread the actual days. Hubby is not well. Our son is going to coordinate the move, but his back gives him trouble as he has some scoliosis. Fortunately it is a small move - no freezer, no other appliances, no piano, no hide-a-bed like we used to have! Even hubby's library of Old Testament books is down to two shelves. I'll be glad when we're in and settled! Taking a week off to rejuvenate was a good idea!!

Ann said...

I didn't know that Iris's bloomed this late in the year. Or at least I never have seen them bloom around here at this time. That is a really pretty one.
Your yard must be a blaze of color.

NCmountainwoman said...

I have never seen a fall-blooming Iris. What a treat!

Lady Di Tn said...

Nice rose and I have never seen a reblooming Iris before. How nice. Mine only bloom in the Spring. I finished cleaning up the rest of the potted plants and sprayed them and now I am awaiting for them to dry to bring them in for the winter. Peace

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love all the red/burgundy blooms in your yard. Of course, Iris's are always my fave.

Terry and Linda said...

Your yard is lovely! And your header....WOW!


Small City Scenes said...

I, too, love the fall colors and the flowers that wait til fall to bloom. I have 2 large clumps of Autumn Joy---the bees love that plant. The trees are beginning to turn here too. Your home looks so cozy among the trees and shrubs. MB

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the pretty photos of your flowers/yard. We are getting rain today - yea!

HolleyGarden said...

I was surprised to see an iris picture! Then you mentioned it was a re-blooming iris. I immediately went from surprise to envy! :) Veteran's Honor is absolutely gorgeous! Yes, it does look like velvet. I agree - perfect!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Sweetie, your home is just beautiful framed in all that splendid color!

I adore your beautiful photos.

God bless ya and have a wonderful week!!! :o)

Glenda said...

Your yard is beautiful, Betsy! All of these blooms and colors are gorgeous. The pink dogwood is one of my favorites, along with the Veteran's Honor rose.

Donna said...

Thank you for sharing! It looks like you are a tad further along with colors than we are. And a reblooming iris that blooms NOW?! I didn't know there was such a thing! It is very lovely!

Janice K said...

Very pretty...Almost looks like you are still having summer. The trees are really colorful right no up here, and it is starting to rain leaves. My husband blew off the leaves earlier today and now you can hardly tell he did anything.

Leontien said...

Gorgeous!!! and yes whenever you look for color in your life you can usually can find it somewhere...

Big hugs

Ms. A said...

That iris is awesome!!! How in the world do you find time to travel, take amazing photography, blog and still keep such a beautiful yard?

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Hey sweetie, I just wanted to thank ya for poppin' over with your sweet comment and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride.

Have a peaceful evenin' girl! :o)

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Where exactally are you located? I noticed the Big Stone Gap on your sidebar - that's home to me! While I'm stuck in IL, my entire family is there - Morristown, Rogersville, Kyles Ford, Kingsport, my mom and brother are in Blackwater, VA. They say the colors haven't really started yet either - that surprises me because I think they're about gone here.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are beautiful, Betsy, especially that Iris. We've just returned from our lengthy road trip, and we find that our fall colors seem to have peaked already. Your yard is lovely at all seasons.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Those irises are beautiful! Your whole yard is beautiful. I'm just trying to keep my plants alive. It's been so dry here. We don't have many fall colors yet either. I'm waiting.....

Adrienne Zwart said...

I don't know if I have ever seen the re-blooming irises before. How wonderful! I have several varieties of iris, bearded, Japanese, and Siberian, but they are all late spring/ early summer bloomers. I love the dogwood photo. That red is just gorgeous!

mudderbear said...

What a beautiful home you have. I love your flowers. The Verean's Honor is perfect and actually looks very proper and official.

Larry said...

Boy that is quite the colorful reblooming iris Betsy! Thanks for the visit to my site today. Regarding your question... what? me behave?! Actually I think I'm doing ok... the shoulder tells me when I overdo by getting inflamed, so I just cut back on the exercises until it calms down... going to try cutting some glass tomorrow to see if it's doable in short bursts of time. Thanks for asking! Your yard is lovely! Larry

Angela said...

You have a beautiful home Betsy! Love all those beautiful flowers too! Dogwood trees are one of my favorites. They are beautiful in the Spring and again in the Fall.


Sally Wessely said...

Your photos of the yard are just great. I also love my roses in the fall. The colors are so much deeper because of the cooler weather. Next year, I will have to document the change in the hues of my roses as the weather changes.

I never knew that sedum, or at least this variety of sedum, changed colors. That is ver interesting.

The pink dogwood tree must just be stunning. I wish we could grow those beautiful trees here.

Loren said...

OH Betsy!! I LOVE them all!!! That Rose is JUST PERFECT!! Our Roses are blooming like crazy as well. Just makes me so happy to walk around outside. I planted TONS of bulbs and cannot wait to see them blooming next Spring!

Your Dogwood is sooo Gorgeous! My husband really wants to plant one in our yard!

Hope you week is blessed

Yee Ling said...

How I wish my garden to be this colorful. Neway, never as I am a lazy person...LOL!!