Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ROSES in our Yard--Part V

I am trying to show at least one bloom of all of the different varieties of Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses in our yard this Spring/Summer/Fall.  We had about 55 different varieties, and as of today,  I have shown you 36 different ones.  If you missed some of my other Rose posts,  go to my sidebar,  scroll down to labels and click on Roses 2011.

The Rose above is RONALD REAGAN,  a gorgeous rose.  I love this name because he is one of my heroes.  Below are more.  Be sure to enlarge each picture for a better view!







 Hope you enjoy seeing our  Roses as much as I enjoy showing them to you... We've been pretty lucky with keeping the deer away this summer --but this past week,  one enjoyed a few of these beauties during the night... I do love deer --but I don't like them eating our roses... Grrrrrrr

If the deer would just sniff their wonderful fragrance and then move on, that would be much nicer.  (Ha Ha)..  We do use Liquid Fence --but obviously, even that doesn't totally deter them. especially when it's dry --like it has been this month.  That's just part of living in the woods!!!!!

On another note,  I am LOVING Facebook.  It's very different from Blogger --and I still enjoy blogging more.  But--I've caught up with LOTS of people from my past I had lost touch with.. That part is awesome.  

Have a fabulous day --and take time to 'smell the roses'.


Ms. A said...

I would have a very hard time choosing a favorite, they are all gorgeous!

SquirrelQueen said...

All of the roses are so pretty, it is hard to pick a favorite. The colors of Tahitian Sunset do remind me of a sunset, it is a stunning rose.

Glad you are having fun on FB!

Cicero Sings said...

Beautiful roses Betsy. Too bad there wasn't a scent button on the computer!

Those rascally deer! I've had my own battles with them. They really are hard to deter when it comes to tasty, aromatic food. And rises - such a fine delicacy. Wild roses are a natural feed for them here, especially in winter.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

55 roses! That's amazing! Ronald Reagan is beautiful :-)

mamahasspoken said...

I feel the same way about facebook and blogger too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sunshine has come to my computer.These roses are like a bright ray of sunshine.Now if I could pick a bouquet and have them in my house that would be perfection.Have a fantabulous day,and keep on enjoying the beauty around you.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, sonia and lemon spice are my favorites. such gorgeous color!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Your roses are so beautiful, Betsy! I am finding FB isn't my "thing"...you have to wade through too much to get what you want. My nieces and nephews tend to let everyone know every hamburger they eat and when and where they purchase apples and peaches! LOL...guess I'm just an old Fuddy-Duddy!

Catherine said...

If those roses taste as good as they look then those deer must be having a very tasty treat! :)
xo Catherine

Twilight Man said...

I like Ronald Reagan and Elizabeth Taylor too. I wonder how they got the names? So lovely!
Your facebook is filled with lovely people who talk sense and kind words. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

So so beautiful Betsy. It will take me awhile to catch up with you guys. I only have about 12 roses as of now. :)

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy they are all beautiful...like someone said--if we only had a sniff button.

Ronald Reagan is about my favorite president...and is of the years since I have been voting. And the more I read from people who worked for/with him, the more I like him.

Snap said...

Your roses are gorgeous. Mine are hanging in ... not many blooms in this horrible heat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am drawn to the colors of the Tahitian and the Lemon. so very beautiful

Birdman said...

RR never looked OR sounded gorgeous to me. hahahahaha!

Shug said...

Roses! My favorite! These are all my favorites.....great pictures and the color is so deep...
have a good day.

Lady Di Tn said...

Beautiful roses. I need George for a day to help me rive my knock out rose that is supposely the easiest to grow. Maybe it has been this dry hot weather. I love the Sonia as it looks so deiicate. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Darla said...

Ms. Betsy, I just shake my head everytime you post your roses....just don't know how he does it! Is Facebook helping with your Family Tree research?

ruthinian said...

as promised... am here now. just got back from my regular 3+ miles run. the sun is gorgeous and i am taking advantage of the few last days before school starts again.

I love your photos of the roses. everything is gorgeous but I love the elizabeth taylor rose... is it its real name?

anyway, glad you are enjoying fb welcome to the club. you are right it's fun and i found a lot of old friends that i have not seen or talk to for the last 25 years... and even old flames [shhhhhh] hahaha. but beware of the downside of it. it's addicting.

CottonLady said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Betsy! Ronald Reagan is my favorite, too. Though I must say each of them are so beautiful in their own way.
I enjoy seeing you on facebook, too.
Have a good Tuesday..Blessings!

Janice K said...

I am constantly amazed at your beautiful flowers. You do so well for living in a wooded area. Obviously the loving hands that care for them have a lot to do with how they thrive also.

Deer know a good thing when they see it. You would think the thorns would deter them.

Diane said...

Gorgeous roses. Wouldn't be able to pick a favorite.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Always breathtaking Roses! I like Facebook for the same reasons, I blogged about getting back in touch with friends....matter of fact, The Teacher sent me the new version of the book I blogged about yesterday, because of Facebook. I did not know that it was reprinted until Facebook!

Christine said...

Hi Betsy, your roses are gorgeous! Just became a follower of your blog. I absolutely love TN and it's got to be the most beautiful place on Gods green earth! I love visiting the Townsend area several times a year. Looking at your posts gives me an extra dose of my beloved Tennessee. I live in NW Florida. I think the stork dropped me in the wrong state!

imac said...

Of course Betsy - Roses grow on you.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love Ronnie and the Tahitian the best!!!! Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know deer ate roses... thorns & all? Your roses sure are beautiful =)))

Ginny Hartzler said...

Tahitian Sunset and Tiffany for me, definitely! I also just clicked on yesterday's post to catch up, and boy I am glad that I did, the Vegas post!!!! I love the first picture of Excalibur!! Did you take any pictures inside of the room and your food? Do they allow cameras inside? You got great pictures, but I also see you were so out of your element, ha ha!! To answer your question about my day off. Yes, I do take Mondays off, but I get back on the computer at bedtime to do the next day's post. And anyone who has posted really late in the evening, I comment to get a head start on the next day. It works out really well this way.

HappyK said...

Once again all your rose are so beautiful. You don't have to go any where to visit gardens, you have your very own!!

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, your roses are all stunningly beautiful. I think I'm learning how to attract deer too. ☻ Next time you are near or passing through Cleveland you should give us a call, come by our home and identify the roses in our little patch!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are just beautiful, Betsy. George and God make a good team, don't they?

Beth said...

Tahitian Sunset is my favorite in this set, but they are all gorgeous. The work that must go into them is mind-boggling! Tey're beautiful, Betsy; hats off to George for his work with them!

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely to share. I liked the Sonia and Ronald Reagan very well.Reagan was on WHO radio here in Iowa during WWII.

KathyA said...

You featured a few of my favorites!!! BTW, Dolly Parton has been blooming like crazy -- such beautiful and fragrant blossoms!

Anonymous said...

I tried FaceBook and hated it...the reason being all I wanted to do was sit at the computer. So I kept blogging and logged off Facebook!


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Your roses are lovely. I like Tahitian Sunset! Have a wonderful evening and a nice day tomorrow!

blueskyartist said...

Wow, gorgeous roses! that Liz taylor is really bright!
I like Facebook, too. it has allowed me to "meet" lots of new friends, and also to find old ones.

diane b said...

So many different ones and all beautiful. I wish that I could smell them. The deer eating them would be very annoying, similar to our wallabies. I can't get into Facebook but I try to persevere because it is a good way to keep up with family.

Sylar said...

the pictures are vey beautiful :P
nice post

Ann said...

I don't think there is any way I could possibly choose just one as a favorite. They are all gorgeous.

carolina nana said...

Beautiful roses, hope you get some rain soon so they will continue to bloom.
We are getting dry again and looks like the hurricane is moving off the coast so we won't get anything out of it. I hope it doesn't turn and hit Sunset and Ocean Isle beaches either as they are favorite vacation places of ours also.
It has been a very long time since they have had a hurricane in that area maybe this won't be the one !

Glenda said...

Your roses are refreshing to see!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

George takes beautiful close ups, Betsy! Your roses are all perfect!

Facebook is fun, isn't it? I wish I ahd more hours in the day to do all I want to do! :)

Lynda said...

I can almost smell the delicious fragrance and obviously it is delicious smelling to the deer.

Connie said...

Oh I love the Tahitian Sunset! So pretty! Lovely photos, Betsy. :)

Angela said...

You have the most beautiful roses! I know how hard deer can be on flowers and plants! lol I can't have anything around here that the deer like to eat. They ate all my hostas when we were on vacation and the dogs were at the kennel. That was a first.

I don't know how you keep track of which rose is which! I think that would be hard to do.


Sally Wessely said...

The roses are just beautiful! I can only imagine how the entire garden looks. I do like the Ronald Reagan. The Elizabeth Taylor is also nice.

Good to see you on FB!

Carletta said...

I liked Ronnie too!
What a beautiful rose his namesake is.
All are gorgeous though Betsy!

Karin said...

I'll have a dozen of Tahitian Beauty please!! Your roses are so gorgeous! Love the variety. Your roses must not only smell great, but also taste great - to the deer that is!

This 'thorn' is going to bed and will dream of roses! Off to work again tomorrow!

Karin said...

Oh, and I just pinned your rose to Pinterest - a collection of my favorite things. If someone clicks on your rose, it takes them right to your blog! I'm collecting some fun photos, idea, info. on there!

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsy...love the roses, Ronald Reagan, Elizabeth Taylor, are both adored by me, and the LEMON SPICE is awesome, with a light shining from within, just beautiful.

penny said...

You have an amazing collection of roses. Thanks for sharing their beauty, Betsy.
be well and happy,

Chatty Crone said...

I've been smelling the roses so much this week - lol - I'm late in reading posts!

Love the Ronald Reagan rose and the man!

Chatty Crone said...

I've been smelling the roses so much this week - lol - I'm late in reading posts!

Love the Ronald Reagan rose and the man!

Loren said...

Oh I just LOVE when you share your roses!!! They are all just sooo beautiful!!

Sorry the deer got a hold of them. I love them too UNTIL they get into the flowers. Grrrr.
Right now we have 2 families and they Each have 2 babies, oh my goodness ... They are just DARLING!!! love watching them play and frolic through the yard :)

I love you being on Facebook!!! Now we need to get George on :)