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Monday, August 29, 2011

Celebrating the Old and the Young

John Adams --on his 97th birthday,  two years ago
Today I celebrate two family members... First,  let me say a huge Happy Birthday to my wonderful father-in-law, John Adams.  Dad is NINETY-NINE today!!!!!  Isn't that just awesome?   All of his children (and spouses) will celebrate with him as we will take him out to dinner on Wednesday night.

John E. Adams
Most of you know that Dad and Mom moved in with daughter, Janet, in Tullahoma, TN several months ago.  They were both at the point in their lives where they couldn't live alone any longer.  You may also know that Mom died suddenly on June 6 this year. 

In 2006,  George and I drove Mom and Dad back to Winslow, Indiana--to see the church where they had gotten married in 1940.   This was one of the best trips I ever had with them. Just seeing their faces inside of that church was awesome!
After 71 years together (inseparable),  Dad is very lonely now --and doesn't seem to have a will to keep on living.  We hear that this happens alot with elderly couples who have been together for many, many years.  We are hoping that Dad will find a new zest for life --and make it to 100,  but that alone is up to him... Please keep him in your prayers.

John Emery Adams,  the best father-in-law a girl could EVER have!
But---right now,  let's celebrate with him those wonderful years that he has lived,  and been extremely healthy for most of them.  That man is an inspiration to me in so many ways.  I lost my Daddy in 1969 (and my Mom in 1991),  so when George and I got married,  I inherited the family I had so yearned for....  Hope you enjoy the pictures I picked out to share today...  Happy 99th, Dad!!!  We love you very very much!

A Sweet Picture of two people in LOVE --even after many, many years

My Grandson Landon playing five drums in his high school band
The other person I want to celebrate today is my fabulous Grandson, Landon. My son, Jeff,  attended his son Landon's football game this past Friday night.  Landon is part of the large Drumline in his high school band.  Jeff took this picture from the tunnel above --as the band marched onto the field.

Landon is a fabulous young drummer.
As you can tell,  the drumline all wear black ---as opposed to the band.  Love the uniforms!  They are so different from the old traditional uniforms I used to have to wear when I was in the band umpteen years ago.  Can you imagine carrying FIVE drums??? GADS--my back would be killing me! ha...  But we are certainly proud of this young man and his talent.

Hope all of you have a wonderful day today!!!!! 



Ms. A said...

Does your Father in Law have a camera? Perhaps he can take photos of things he sees, or a recorder to record the things he knows! "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN ADAMS... and many more!"

Go, Landon!

Jo said...

Happy birthday, John Adams. I remember celebrating his 97 on your post with you, Besty as I recognise the photo! I can imagine how he misses the life of his love. You in-laws are the only people I've ever heard of to make it to 70 and 71 years of marriage. And happy birthday to Landon. What a handsome young man and talented to boot. Bless you dearest Betsy Have a great week. Jo

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. Blessings on this dear man who is so special to you.
Also, well done Landon!(Our grandson, Sam, just got the results of his national exam grades and we are so pleased and proud that he will now start a college course).

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Go John go, 1 more year to a century. I am in Chinese terms, pumping gas for you.

imac said...

All the very best to your FIL Betsy, what a grand age to reach 99.
It was lovely seeing these photos and the love on their faces in the Church.

If you reach 100 here you get a card from the Queen, do you have the same over there?

Nice to see your Grandson Landon with his drums, I do so love to hear pieces of music played just by the drums.

Thought and prayers to you all.

diane b said...

What a grand old man. It must be so hard to lose your partner after so many years together. I'm glad you feel part of the family too.
Way to go Landon. I used to love watching the drummers in our kid's band...they both played the trumpet.

Beth said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John! Wow--99!
It's so wonderful that you are all getting together to celebrate. I can see where George gets his good looks! :>)

Band is such a blessing to those who are musicly inclined. They do tend to 'march to a different drummer' and it's important for them to feel that's not only okay, but good.
If a levy doesn't pass in a near-by school district (not mine) all band will be cut for the 2012/13 school year as well as industrial arts and vo-ag. Yikes!
I like his long hair.;>)

Neal said...

Great blog Betsy. I hope and pray that your FIL regains his zest for life and wants to live.

Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Birthday John Adams. What a handsome man and how nice George inherited his looks and hopefully his genes.
It is so sad that he now has to face each day without the love of his life. Hopefully he has enough wonderful memories in those 71 years to sustain him.

TexWisGirl said...

how absolutely wonderful that your parents-in-law were together for so many, many years. i can only imagine your FIL's loneliness, but do hope he has a wonderful birthday week. what a treasure.

and landon? you go, kid! awesome!

Twilight Man said...

So sweet and touching post. You made my eyes wet. Pass me tissues!
Both my loving parents are in their 80s now and I dread to think when the day comes.......

Connie said...

Wonderful post, Betsy! Happy birthday to your Father-in-law and your grandson. I hope they both have a great day!

Harriet said...

Wonderful pictures of your father in law. I know you are very proud of your grandson.

Reanaclaire said...

wow..this calls for a Big celebration! Happy Birthday wishes to him and May our Good Lord bless him always!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Sending Birthday Wishes to Tullahoma via you!!! What a remarkable man! Your grandson must be strong in addition to being a talented drummer...like you, that makes my back hurt just to see it...
Have a beautiful day Betsy!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yes, it must be hard for him without his spouse. He looks awesome - 99!!

Love the drumming pictures :-)

linda m said...

A very Happy Birthday to your Father-In-Law.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and inspiring post Betsy, I hope he has a wonderful day today and Wed. Happy birthday john wow on the 99
and me to on the aching back with those drums. when in high school many moons ago, my dream was to play the drums, I love drums all things drums, but we did not have the money for the drum and back then there were no programs to help out like there are now. all of the photos are touching to my heart, grandson included

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are wonderful pictures of your family. George's parents were blessed to have lived long together and to have such a loving family to care for them now. I can only imagine the pain your father-in-law must be feeling in the loss of his wife of so many years. I wish him a happy birthday today and a happy reunion with his beloved whenever the Lord chooses to call him home.

I love to hear and watch a good drummer. It looks as if Landon is well on his way to becoming one.

Karin said...

You do have great cause for celebration! Happy Birthday to your dear father-in-law! He is truly amazing - hubby and I are getting tired already and don't imagine we'll make it to 99 - but our life is in God's Hands isn't it! Would be great if John Adams made it to 100 and more! The oldest lady I've personally know became 105!

Landon looks great in that drum line. Have no idea how he can carry that load - it sure is well strapped on him! Keep on drumming - love a band!!

Have a fantastic week of celebrations!

trump said...

Happy birthday and its never easy when one leaves someone behind. A very nice story. Richard

Snap said...

Happy Birthday to John Adams and way to go Landon!

Out on the prairie said...

Some lovely thoughts and pictures you have shared today.The oldest male in my family was 72, so I plan on beating that.

Barbara said...

That is amazing, 99 wow, he really looks good too, yes I can relate with him about loosing his wife, sorta kinda, I still have mine but our 51 ann is coming up next month and I would be so very lost without him. My 68th Bday is the first of September, so have a ways to go before 99 wow I say again, hugs my friend, have a blessed day.

Christine said...

Happy Birthday to your wonderful FIL Betsy! Mine turns 86 this Sept. and I'm so proud hubby shares his dad with me. I lost my dad in 03 but it's nice to know I still have a dad here that loves me too!

Kelly said...

99 years!! That's incredible. It's good he has everyone in his family there to celebrate with him. I'm sure it's a sad day for him as well, as it's his first birthday in a long time without the love of his life. Tell him I said Happy Birthday! Hugs...

Janice K said...

A wonderful tribute...He does indeed look great at 99. And I can appreciate how lost he must feel being alone after so many years of marriage. I remember how hard it was for my dad when mom checked into heaven a few months before him. He would have happily gone right with her.

Diane said...

Happy Birthday to your father in law, John Adams. Very nice pictures of him. The very best in the coming year for him. We're all going to be pulling for 100.

I can almost hear those drums!!! I bet you ARE proud of this young man. Diane

HappyK said...

A very happy birthday to John. : ) You picked out great pictures to share.
Happy birthday to Landon too. : )

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your FIL is an inspiration to us all Betsy....especially he and his sweethearts LONG marriage.
Birthday wishes to him today; I hope he perks up as well.
Love seeing your grandson playing his drums!!! We just had our first game this week and the kids were wearing casual outfits as well. (pre-season) I have a feeling soon he will be wearing the BIG heavy and HOT uniform again.
Happy Birthday Landon!!!

Chatty Crone said...

This all was so sweet - I am thrilled he turned out to be such a great FIL. Happy Birthday to him and I feel bad that he misses his wife so much, but how sweet too. 71 years is amazing.

And your GS is adorable - I even like his long hair. And carrying all those drums! Whew! Must be strong.


Pedaling said...

2 fabulous reasons to celebrate!

Big Dude said...

I can't imagine looging my mate after 27 years, mush less after 71. It's great they had so much time together and I hope he finds a reason to move on.

mudderbear said...

Best wishes to your father-in-law. He looks like a real dear. I hope he does well. And it is obvious you think the world of Landon. You do have a wonderful family. I'm very happy for you.

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, you and George are an inspiration to so many of your readers. The way you pay attention to life and the needs of the people around you makes me thankful that we met here in cyberspace. I'm sure John is proud of his son and you, and sure Landon is thankful to have you as his grandparents.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

They all long life lines in their family....that is a blessing. Love the drums

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Wow 99! yes I shall send all the best your way so that the next year will be as you wish. Nice tribute to the most special folks around you. :)

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful blog, which is so full of love, Betsy. I have added it to my blog roll. Best wishes to your father-in-law and grandson. My mother is 95. My hubby played the clarinet in the college band.

Shug said...

A huge Happy Birthday to your father-in-law...Awesome, 99 years old! I know that you all are extremely proud of your grandson...I love to hear a talented drummer..
Have a good one...

From the Kitchen said...

What a nice tribute to your father-in-law. I hope he's around for many more birthdays.

Great photos of your drumming grandson.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, Happy Birthday to your FIL and grandson!! Wow, 99!! That's amazing. He is a very handsome man and your George looks just like him. Your grandson must be very talented! I can't imagine it's easy to play 5 drums!! I'm off now to see your other posts I've missed while away last week. Take care!

Ann said...

A very happy 99th birthday to your wonderful father in law. I always love hearing about couples who have stayed together till the end. You just don't see enough of that

Glenda said...

What a sweet-looking couple! I said a prayer for your FIL as I looked at his pics. Hope he enjoys his Wednesday celebration. 99 Years . . . think of all the changes he has seen in his lifetime!

Happy Birthday to your handsome grand, too! I know you are so proud of him!

Rose said...

I had wondered how George's dad was doing...Betsy, you really are blessed to have had them in your life. They would have been such an inspiration to have been around.

And my first thoughts on seeing Landon and the drums was oh, my aching back!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday Mr. John Adams....ninety nine wonderful years.....WOW !

Your grandson is a fine young man.
I would love to hear him playing his five drums..
My brother plays drum in his marching band in England, it's a sound I'm accustomed to :)
Such a lovely tribute to your family Betsy !

LV said...

If he does not let grieve overcome him, your father-in-law will definitely make it to 100. I think he looks well for that age. My grandmother wanted to reach a 100 and be on TV. Unfortunately she only made it to 98. I am sure he appreciated this nice tribute you paid him. Nothing wrong with your grandson either. I admire him for being able to play five drums. I played the snare drums in our high school band. I did good to play one.

Leontien said...

My gosh 5 drums is an awefull lot! i allready have troubles with one! haha

And YES Happy Birthday to you father in law and your dad! and of course i will light a little candle tonight and keep him in my prayers!

I hope you have an fantastic day Wednesday!

Carletta said...

I know his heart must be broken at losing his dear wife and on the special occasion of his birthday he must miss her even more.
Betsy, I so hope he finds some joy to keep him going. I will keep him in my prayers.
Here's hoping Landon has a terrific school year!!
My son played drums in a garage band when he was in high school so I'm partial to the drummers. :)

Lynda said...

This is a great post about two great men! I do like the band uniforms. They would definitely be most cost-friendly for schools. However, I do like the formal uniform a lot, too. It makes the music seem even better - - - but those are hot - - and cost money to clean.
Hooray for Mr. Adams' celebration of life! I know what you mean about his will to live declining after the death of his wife. My father-in-law was like that, too. It is very difficult for men to be alone. - - - - I do believe there is a quote like that in Genesis!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Yes, you can really be proud of that Grandson of yours. He looks like a fine musician! Congratulations to your father in law on his birthday as well! Have a super good day tomorrow and a fabulous rest of the week. Although I am not blogging, I will check in on friend's blogs now and then during my blog break!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Birthday to a VERY special man.Dad Adams deserves to be honoured.I hope that he can make that 100.George looks just like his dad.

I Am Woody said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Dad Adams!!!

Sally Wessely said...

Your father-in-law is an awesome man. I can't believe how good he looks in all the photos, nor can I believe how young George's mother looks. I hope you all have a wonderful time together celebrating his long life on Wednesday. I can see where George got his character and his ability to be such a wonderful husband. He had a great role model.

As for your grandson, he is just plain cool. I can tell he takes command of his bearing in the marching band. He has quite a presence even in the photos. I'm happy to see that he is so actively playing a part in his school band.

carolina nana said...

Happy birthday to Landon and especially to your father in law. Bless his heart I know what he is going through after seeing my father-in-law loose his will to live after mother-in-law died and he wasn't 99.
After you live with the same person for so long they become part of you and there is a big empty hole when they die.
Blessings to you all

JDS said...

Wow, what a story about your father-in-law. Hopefully he gets that zest like you mentioned, but I can see how it would be devastating to lose somebody with whom you lived and loved for 71 years...On the other side of the generational line, those band uniforms look non-traditional to me too, but I am sure the music was good and that's what matters!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Mr. John Adams. A very special day.

Congrats to Landon too. 5 drums egad!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your father-in-law and Landon! I really liked the pictures that you shared of your father-in-law, as well as your mother-in-law.

Loren said...

Oh Betsy, this made me cry! bless his heart...I'm certain if I had been inseparable from the love of my life, I might just give up too....bless his heart! I will def keep him in my prayers!

Your grandson looks totally focused on his performance...that is so wonderful he plays...My favorite is the drum line! I could listen to them for days!!!!

Cicero Sings said...

Wow, 99! That's great and to be so with it. I'm sorry he is missing his Sweetie of Sweeties. It is hard when your loved one and all your peers are gone. It would be nice if he made 100 though. Not often guys reach 100.