Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More from Cades Cove, May 23, 2011

On our May daytrip to the Smokies,  we just HAD to stop and take a few pictures of gorgeous Cades Cove.   There's just not a more beautiful place on earth I don't think!!!! Relax and enjoy!

We loved seeing the yellow wildflowers in the field --and also the horses.  Neat, huh?

Everything was so green and lush in the 'cove'.

See that black bear in this picture?  I captured him with my long lens!!!

Being at Cades Cove will always bring a smile to George's face.

It didn't matter which direction we looked while in the cove...  It is gorgeous from ANY and EVERY direction.

Bring a blanket,  have a seat with me,  and let's have a picnic!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing some May Beauty in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.

Have a wonderful day!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ni Betsy, Cade's Cove is very scenic. It was very cold when we visited in Nov. years ago. I love how green everything is in your photos! Have a great day.

Ms. A said...

I'd love to be there!

Twilight Man said...

I am sure I will live extra 10 years if I could enjoy the fresh air and greens you have just shared. Over here I see gray buildings and inhale soot. Ha ha...

I really wish that we have such lovely scenic areas like yours and I will have picnic everyday! Thanks again for keeping us happy with your photos.

diane b said...

I would love to have a picnic with you in that beautiful lush mountain setting. It is magic scenery.We couldn't get over how green your whole country is except for the desert areas.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'll be right there,and bring a picnic lunch to share.Oh,I wish that phrase was true.This is gorgeous country.

Dorothy said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures! We love Cades Cove, too. We have been there a good many times and have never been disappointed!

Les Barr said...

Thanks for sharing some Images of Cades Cove. Brings back some memories for me. We visited the area a number of years ago, and never got tired of how much we enjoyed the place. Deer almost come right up to you. They seem to have no fear of man. Would not mind going back there someday. Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge were getting just too commercial for me.

TexWisGirl said...

it is beautiful. thanks for sharing the green scenery with us!

Anonymous said...

One of our favorite spots any time of the year. I've seen deer and turkeys but yet to see a bear. :)

Birdman said...

What a great drive. I remember it well.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, so beautiful there!

Becca's Dirt said...

That is so beautiful. I can't wait to visit it myself and of course some waterfalls.

Out on the prairie said...

I kept looking for bear when Iwas there but never saw any. A lovely area to be in.

Karin said...

A picnic on such a gorgeous meadow sounds idyllic! What a picturesque valley! Love it! I'm smiling too!

mamahasspoken said...

It looks like a wonderful day trip spot where you bring a picnic basket, a blanket and a good book, spend the day doing nothing but enjoying the view.....

Small City Scenes said...

It is a beautiful place and I am ready for a picnic. Save a place for me. MB

simplysouthern said...

Cades Cove has always been a beautiful place. It's nice to see pictures of it again :) Looks as if ya'll enjoyed your day. & if you ever need a picnic partner - I'm game! Blessings :)

Anonymous said...

Almost missed the bear. Beautiful photos. Thank you.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Smoky Mountain pics are so beautiful!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

We love the beauty in Cades Cove, but not the traffic. We usually go there only when we have to do it in order to get to a particular hiking trail. We do have a favorite spot there, though, where we like to take chairs, books, and a lunch and just spend the day. We've had deer and even bear come right out of the woods near us as we sat quietly reading. Thanks for sharing these images that trigger so many memories of my own.

Loren said...


These brought me to tears. I immediately thought of my Daddy ~ seeing the horses and the beautiful mountains and the lush green everywhere! We went to the Smoky Mountains a few months after he died but our grief was still so heavy. I never allowed myself to just "enjoy" my surroundings ~ sad, because we were there because it was a place he had always wanted to go so we went "for" him.

Seeing your pics clearly shows me why He loved the Smoky Mountains so much....Thank you for sharing these pics....I can see myself coming to these pictures many times in the future!

You and George are darling in these pics as well!
Love to you both!!!

Rose said...

Pictures of Tennessee are always a welcome sight for me...I do think Cade's Cove is really beautiful. But then, I think all of East Tennessee is!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Gorgeous...lush and green.
I love seeing the bear in the distance...so cool!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Cades Cove is so beautiful, Betsy! You are lucky to have such a place so close to where you live! Nice photos of you and George!

HappyK said...

Amazing views. So calm and peaceful looking.
A great place for a picnic.

mudderbear said...

Awesome. Steve and I lived in Fayetteville, Arkansas for a few years. It is beautiful there..like this. We could go in any direction and see "God's Country", as we called it. I really miss it.
Thank you for the tour.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They keep it very well mowed and tended. And it IS beautiful no matter which direction you look. But my favorite pictures are looking at you and George in front of all that beauty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i had fried chicken and tater salad on my mothers blue and white checkered table cloth that went with us on picnics. enjoyed the scenery and the company... the two of you look better than the cove in my book

imac said...

Beautiful Betsy - Ive got the wine.

Serenity Cove said...

Betsy..Love your blog and the Smokies too. Especially Cades Cove.Unfortunately I live too far away to visit as much as I would like but try to get there once a year which is not enough!! We always stop at the spot where your last few photos were taken. It is so beautiful!
I also share your love of flowers and birds so we have a lot in common. Thanks for sharing your photos with me..I really enjoy them.

nanny said...

Such a gorgeous area....I'll bet you were glad you had to use the long lens and not the closeup for the black bear!!!

Beth said...

Somehow I'm a day behind on reading posts and posting my own---I thought it was still Tuesday!!!
So I'm caught up with yours. I LOVED the church on the rock and the whole history behind it. Perserverace of that priest continues to bless many!
I would have squealed too and Mike would have turned around also. :>)

Cades Cove looks so lovely. But I'm getting the gist that it's very busy in summer, is that right?
Anyhow, I enjoyed all the photos and yours and George's smiles.

NCmountainwoman said...

Yes, Cades Cove is as close to Eden as you can expect to find. Nice photographs.

Shug said...

Good evening Betsy...

This is certainly a beautiful part of the country. We have a Cade's Cove just outside of our town. It's a camp ground.

Stay cool...

Unknown said...

I love seeing the green! We are going a bit brown up here. Can't believe we are actually low on rainfall with all the craziness a month ago. Right now the crops need about an inch of gentle rain. Not sure if the clouds remember how to rain gently. Beautiful pics!

Neal said...

Ahhhh, that is always beautiful to see. We need to get back down there for another visit.

Connie said...

It looks lovely, Betsy. A picnic sounds like a great idea! :)

LV said...

Tat lovely area would put a smile on anyone's face. You both are seemingly very happy where ever you are.

Lola said...

Thanks so much Betsy for the pics. They bring back many wonderful memories for me. My dear DH & I loved to go through the cove every time we were up there. I sure miss that & him. It was our favorite place. We've seen bear, turkey, fox, dear, skunks & many other animals. We've had picnics there also. Love it.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betsy, I love it when you show pics of Cades Cove. I think it may be my favorite place in the Smokies! The green meadows and rolling hills are absolutely gorgeous.

Andrea said...

Yes Betsy, you are right they are picture perfect views, i seem like looking in big calendars! How idyllic and serene those views are. I want not only to have a picnic but bring a tent and sleep there for a few days! Right nothing is more beautiful. Thanks for letting us also smell the grass.

Unknown said...

We love Cades Cove! If you ever make it into Virginia you should try to visit Burke's Garden in Tazewell County. It's the highest valley in the state, 5 miles wide and 10 miles long, completely surrounded by Garden Mountain and know as God's Thumbprint around here.

Sally Wessely said...

You are definitely convincing me. I've got to make it to the Smokey Mountains. I loved the picture with the horses.

Chatty Crone said...

What a beautiful area it is around there - and so green. I suppose it is hot there now too!

Diane said...

Beautiful pictures Betsy. That bear was a GREAT catch! Diane

Kirigalpoththa said...

Gorgeous cove! Green and soothing to our eyes. Lovely pictures..

Fred Alton said...

I've said it many times and in many places - There is no more beautiful place in the world than the East Tennessee/Western Carolina mountains! Cads Cove is beautiful in each season.

KathyA said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Lynda said...

You and George hop from one end of the country to the other! You took beautiful pics. I love how the mountains look soft with a bit of a roll rather than steepness to them.
Glad you captured the black bear with the camera rather than it capturing you!

Janie said...

I love the green valley expanse, Betsy. Nice capture of the black bear!