Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Day Lilies and Lilies in our Yard

Are you tired of seeing the Day Lilies and Lilies in our yard????  I hope not---because here comes another post!!!!!!  Even though we were gone for 3 weeks in June,  we have been fortunate to have so many different Lilies and Day Lilies blooming off and on for these past couple of months.  Altogether,  we have had 20 different varieties of Lilies and 19 different varieties of  Day Lilies.   AND--that doesn't count the ones we totally missed seeing in June.  SO---we can't complain!!!  They have been so pretty --and many still are!!!!

Today I will show you some of each...  IF you missed any of my other posts,  you can go to the sidebar and scroll down to labels.  Then click on either DayLilies 2011 or Lilies 2011.  Above is a picture of another of our Day Lilies.  It's name is appropriately,  BICOLOR DAY LILY.

CAROLYN CRISWELL  DAY LILY  (I love this yellow color.)

SPANISH GLOW DAY LILY (This one didn't bloom last year ---so we'll say that this is a new one for us!!!)

This one is named MERO STAR LILY.   Isn't it a gorgeous lily?

And this little yellow beauty is named TREBBIANO LILY.

And I think this has been one of my favorite lilies this year.  Its name is SIMPLON LILY.   Doesn't it remind you of old-fashioned fabric called Dotted Swiss???  Or --maybe it's like tapioca pudding.... 

Finally,  here's the reason I love the SIMPLON LILIES so much... There are so many of them --and they are truly gorgeous!!

This is probably the last of my lily and day lily posts for this year... IF you don't have them in your yard,  then you need to get some...  They are such a joy to have around.


P.S.  Many of you talked about the sad faces in yesterday's pictures.  If you remember, it took a very very long time back then to take photographs..  It was not a fast project.  People couldn't have held a smile for that long---so that is why people in old pictures never smiled.   I also read that people didn't have good teeth back then either---so that is another reason for no smiles much.  BUT---I truly feel as if my family had many happy times and were never as sad as they looked in photos.


Tabor said...

I am guessing you are a favorite at the local nursery!! Lovely, lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks for sharing your pretty lilies. The white is my favorite. Hope you have a nice day.

Dar said...

Betsy and George,
Your Lily entries are beautiful and you always know them by name...not my fortune. Never stop.
Re: my trip to Linda's...we do see each other often, but usually at Mom's and not each others homes. I didn't want you to think we were distant. We actually are very close but just both very busy with Grandloves that we do not travel much with them as they are all small. Just wanted you to know and that I also consider you one of us sisters. Loveya, Dar

Harriet said...

Enjoyed your day lilies and never get tired of the photos of your flowers.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh yes, all my old black and whites have sad faces too. Totally normal.

Love your lilies - I could never grow tired of them!

penny said...

Your lily's are gorgeous, Betsy. I tried growing them without much luck.. to hot and humid. So I will return and enjoy the beauty of yours.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful flowers.I have never seen a lily with the white 'freckles'.That white one is so pretty.It seems like the bloom session has been super short here,this year.My lilies are all done and most of the day lilies are too.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow what a bunch in that last photo.
Good reasons why no smiles, also they probably didn't have time for beautiful gardens that make anyone smile.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I think you are right about the Simplon Lilies being like Dotted Swiss fabric! Great observation. I am happy to tell you that I made it to Cade's Cove yesterday but did not see the whole thing. I woke up slightly ill so we opted for the cool car doing the scenic loop. Great place. So happy you recommended it to me. Have a fantastic day!

Darla said...

Oh such beauty is found here today!

Naturegirl said...

Betsy:Stopping by to catch up after a long absence from blogging.I'm taking time to explore my new surroundings and blogging does not fit into the priorities it seems.
Love your collection of lilies and bonus NOT having to be around to care for them!

TexWisGirl said...

those white ones are truly wonderful! but the soft yellow of that trebbiano is just so soothing...

Beth said...

Ahhh, the "dotted swiss" ones are so cool! I want some! I have a patch of lilies that I can see from my kitchen window and they always fill me with delight. I agree that if a person's garden doesn't have any, they should get some. They're low maintenance and beautiful!
Loved this post, Bets. :>) ♥Beth

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never get tired of flower fotos and yours are always exquisite. mother loved lilies but here were yellow striped and pink striped, nothing like these. she loved the because there were a lot in one place like your last shot. thanks for the explanation of no smiles, makes sense

Larry said...

Very lovely Betsy... not certain how you keep track of all the names so well... gets to be a problem for me! Larry

Judy said...

You definitely have some beautiful ones in your yard...I love the variety of colors.

Snap said...

I could never get tired of looking at lilies!

Lynda said...

I love the Metro Star Lily. We have one but it doesn't bloom much. It may be getting too much shade. One thing about your post - - - I have learned a lot - - - about birds and the tremendous variety of flowers.

~mel said...

I'll never complain of seeing too many lily post ~ Love it! I wish I could remember the names of the stuff I plant. I guess I need to journal that stuff. I'm thinking you have a gorgeous yard year round:)

Chatty Crone said...

I for one - could never ever get tired of flowers and the colors and the different shapes of the same type of flowers - and on and on and on.


Anita Johnson said...

I had to stop by and say hi...these lilies are stunning. I have been adding a few to my garden very year, they do not disappoint.

Rose said...

These are just gorgeous and I never tire of seeing them...I love that first and the third...but then I really wouldn't mind having any of them.

Becca's Dirt said...

Such a beautiful showing Betsy. You have so many girl how do you keep up with their names (or are they like children - you never forget their names) anyway - stunning. And Simplon Lily is the prettiest thing and look how full it is. It is a must have and I will be looking for it. And yes it does remind me of the dotted swiss fabric.

Sally Wessely said...

The Simplon Lilies are stunning. I really do like them. Do you buy your through a catalog? I need to add some to my yard.

LV said...

Thank you for putting a pretty, bright spot in my day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorite is either the Spanish or the Carolyn. But the dotted swiss ones are fabulous in a bunch. I do remember the dotted swiss, and had several blouses of it! It is such a pretty, cool fabric, but you don't see it much anymore. I guess it went the way of seersucker and straw boaters.

From the Kitchen said...

Photography has come a long way! I love the new candids of people rather than the studio sittings. My friend has a gorgeous photo of her granddaughter's feet in little red shoes. Adorable!

Beautiful lilies. I would have to have bouquets all around the house.


HappyK said...

Your lilies are all so pretty.
I can't even pick a favorite! : )

Ms. A said...

I never tire of any of your photos, lilies, or otherwise!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, thanks to your beautiful photos our yard will start to look better. I'll be looking for some lilies to plant! I didn't realize there were that many varieties. They are gorgeous!

Connie said...

Your lilies are so beautiful, Betsy. What a wonderful flower to have an abundance of! :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

You and George must both have green thumbs. These are beautiful.

Diane said...

Your lilies are beautiful Betsy. I have three blooming now, yellow, yellow and orange - don't know their names. I love the peachy one in your post. Diane

Unknown said...

I think I will have to invest in some day lilies next year. I have a few, but they are so pretty and seem to be hearty!

Kay said...

Beautiful flowers.

SquirrelQueen said...

I never tire of seeing beautiful flowers Betsy!

I enlarged the Simplon lily and you are right it does remind me of dotted swiss fabric. I love the Spanish Glow day lily, that is a fabulous color.

I forgot about the teeth, that is a good reason for no smiles. Having a photo taken back then had to be a tedious affair.

Dorothy said...

Very beautiful Lilies, Betsy!
Another reason why people were not smiling in the very old photographs is that most of them had hard lives. No modern conveniences, lots of hard work, etc.

Anonymous said...

Pretty pics of some very pretty flowers Betsy, and I'm not just saying that because my name is Lilli Day!

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

Wow they are beautiful! You must have done a lot of watering to have them have such bright colors. I just wish you had a scratch and sniff to go with each photo! :)

Catherine said...

My lilies are finally in full bloom too Betsy ~ but yours are extra pretty!
xo Catherine

carolina nana said...

Your lilies are beautiful. Unfortunately all mine have dried up with the very little rain we've had here. They also I'm sure don't like the continued 90+ degree days.
I've noticed also the sad faces on old photos and you are right on both counts of why no smiles.
Blessings to you

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Betsy. We have one or two buds left on the day lilies and that will probably be it for the season.

Serenity Cove said...

They are all pretty but I love that white one! So beautiful!!
Oh my goodness I almost forgot about that dotted swiss fabric.

Janie said...

The lilies are gorgeous. Interesing thoughts on the serious faces in old photos. I hadn't thought about how hard it would be to smile and be still for long enough to capture a photo.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent shots!

Ann said...

I never get tired of seeing your gorgeous lilies. They are all beautiful but the last ones are truly stunning.

Loren said...

I NEVER tire seeing the beautiful lilies or roses or any other flower in your yard! I have thought of you & George so much this week and even though I am just now getting caught up on your posts (his too) I was so excited to tell you that we had our first bloom on the lilies I planted!!! I am loving them. We had a little mishap last Thurs. My dog (boxer) got into one of my new beds and dug up very quickly I might add 3 lilies and 1 crepe myrtle tree! I.WAS.SO.MAD!!! I tried to save 1 lily and I went ahead and replanted the crepe. The roots looked like a hair net LOL, so It will be a MIRACLE if it survives!!! We have put mouse traps in the bed (sideways so that it doesn't hurt her but just scares her) to keep this from happening! Keep your fingers crossed!

Mary said...

I never tire of day lilies! Beautiful!