Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 25, 2011


This past Thursday,  during our horrible heatwave,  we finally did get a little rain here in Fairfield Glade.  And what happens after the rain??????????   The birdies come to the feeder to get a bite to eat!!!!!!  It happens every time we get some rain!!

I stood there watching them for only about 15 minutes ... And of course,  I just HAD to take some pictures to show YOU!!!! (Aren't I so sweet????) ....  WELL---the good news is that in that short period of time,  I got 3 pictures of some of our latest backyard BABIES!!!!!

Here are seven pictures of my sweet little backyard birds!!!!  Above is an adorable picture of an immature NORTHERN CARDINAL. Isn't he just the cutest little bird?

Several of you enjoyed seeing a female Goldfinch in my last bird blog... SO---today,  I hope you enjoy the gorgeous male GOLDFINCH.  We have more Goldfinches this summer than we have ever had.. There must be several families of them around here --and they all must have had a bunch of babies!!!!

This is a BROWN THRASHER.   They love to come to the suet feeder..   Look at that beak!!!!

I love this little guy... He is an immature male DOWNY WOODPECKER.  Can you tell that he is beginning to get some red on the top of his head ---which shows that he is a male?

I don't see these birds very often,  but when they do visit,  they also like the suet.  He is a GRAY CATBIRD.

I never tire of seeing this gorgeous bird and they are regulars at the feeders --off and on all day long.  He is a gorgeous male NORTHERN CARDINAL.  

Finally,  here is my favorite picture of the group today... This little guy is an immature RED- BELLIED WOODPECKER.   Isn't he just gorgeous???  I'm not totally sure that this one is male, but I think he is...

Hope you enjoyed today's Backyard Birdies at my home...



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, I enjoyed these wonderful pics of your birds. Hard to choose a favorite, but I do love the Brown Thrasher!

Enjoy your day!

Twilight Man said...

Yes, you are always so sweet and kind to all of us including your birds. The birdie families grow fast because of your kindness and love to feed them! I like the Northern Cardinal as it is unusual to me. I simply love its red color, making him really gorgeous and handsome looking.

diane b said...

The first one looks like he has character. I love the red one. It must be relaxing watching all these birds doing their thing in your back yard. We heard you were having it hot over there. I'm glad we missed it. Hope it cools down for you soon.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, what lovely birds at your feeder. I LOVE the Grey Catbird although they're all super! Is this called a catbird because its call is like a cat's meouw? Thanks for sharing. I'm glad your weather has cooled down. Love and (((hugs))) Jo

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You got some great bird shots! How interesting that they always eat after a rain. I really wish it would rain here - we need it so bad!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am jealous. :) You have so many birds at your feeder.Bird life around here is all too quiet right now.I do see an occasional Blue Jay and a few others.Thanks for sharing your birds,I do enjoy seeing them.

Anonymous said...

Great bird shots! Love the perch idea in the suet feeder. I think I'll ask Chuck to fix ours. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the cute thrasher appears to me he MIGHT have a little "attitude" and the male gold finch wins "best in color" today. so sweet

Connie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I especially like the way the one of the Brown Thrasher turned out. Happy Monday to you! :)

Harriet said...

Take care in this heat!! Love the bird pictures.

Janice K said...

Great pictures! I have an immature RedBellied visiting my feeders regularly but he/she doesn't have a bit of red showing.

Out on the prairie said...

I love the thrasher, they don't come out of the woods very much for a pic.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, the thrasher and the catbird are just wonderful! we don't get to see them here!

Arkansas Patti said...

How nice of you to feed in the heat. I make sure the have ample fresh water but fear I make them work for their in the summer.
I do love the Thrashers and think the Cat Birds are quite handsome.

Shug said...

How sweet. I just love seeing all the beautiful birds. I know you gave a good tme watching them. What joy.
Have a great day

Karin said...

You do have such beautiful birds in your neck of the woods - ones I've never seen with my own eyes! Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely week!

camp and cottage living said...

Thank you for sharing your great photos.
I love bird watching and we have tried to feed the birds. But the big raven and the squirrels eat the food before the birds can get to it. So we gave up!
Have a great Monday!

Snap said...

Wonderful feathered friends!!!!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Beautiful bird babies, Betsy. (How's that for alliteration?) :)

Chatty Crone said...

I so enjoyed all your birds - a lot I had seen, but some of them I hadn't even heard of - loved your pictures. sandie

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are just so darn cute. I am so glad that you (and the birds) got some much needed rain!!!

HappyK said...

Good Morning. Great photos as usual.
I see tons of the gray cat bird around the lake.
They are not very colorful but I think they are pretty.

Fred Alton said...

Morning Betsy! I love the shots of your birds in the glade. My camera is not that good (or maybe it's the photographer) so I don't take many bird shots. Love them though.

NCmountainwoman said...

We always have plenty of Goldfinches, but this year there seem to be even more than usual. It surely is nice to have the birds to watch.

Diane said...

I love your bird pics Betsy. The little goldfinch is comical with the black patch between his eyes! Diane

mamahasspoken said...

I notice that the birds like to visit my feeder in the morning for breakfast, in the afternoon for lunch, and in the evening for dinner. Seriously, they aren't there all the time, just at feeding times.

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful birds! I'm e-mailing you to tell you where I live.


Beth said...

We got some rain too, but it didn't cool things off.
I like all of these, but the first one is my favorite--I just like the expression on his face.
It's cool that you're getting to see the babies. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)

CottonLady said...

Love all your birdies, Betsy. Am especially drawn to the Goldfinch, tho...Iowa's state bird. Makes me a touch homesick! I have Curved Billed Thrasher here. He sits on my chimney and sings his little heart out. He has almost as big a song list as the Mockingbird.

Enjoy your day..Blessings!

Unknown said...

These are wonderful Photos. I love them all. I have several Suet feeders but the squirles have found them and it doesn't last long. LOL

Ann said...

Love all your backyard feathered friends. Funny you should say you're seeing more goldfinch this year because I noticed way more around here than ever before this year.

imac said...

Twitters around after the rain, rain brings beauty and revives Nature.

Ms. A said...

I'm totally amazed at the number of different birds. Why do I never see them in my area??? Oh, that would mean getting off my fat butt and looking and it's just too darn hot. Perhaps when I settle on a new camera and the weather cools off, I can find the intestinal fortitude to get out more. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that male Cardinal IS gorgeous! I remember learning right here on your blog that the males feed the females... I wonder what made God make em that way?! heheheee =)

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, Thank you for sharing your adorable backyard birds. I think their expressions are really cute. :)

DeniseinVA said...

I love all your bird shots Betsy. Such sweet little things.

LV said...

As always, you treat us to the best of bird shows. That cardinal is just the greatest. We are breaking our record for temperature today. Send rain. After much too long, I am back with a new AC. Had power on and off and was not able to be on computer.

Leedra said...

Always fun to see the birds, especially after a good rain. We sat on the back porch (covered) today (actually at home) while it rained and listened to the birds. Not sure where they were at the time, but when the rain stopped out they came.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These beautiful birds look like I could touch them. Nice

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You get such a wonderful variety of birds at your feeders betsy. I never tire of seeing photos of them on your blog!

Andrea said...

The birds enjoy being in your backyard, as they are fed, acknowledged and photographed, hehe! Thanks Betsy.

Unknown said...

Fine series, Betsy. Most of these are familiar but I've never seen a thrasher. He's a cool looking little guy!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Aww, how fortunate you are that all these different little birds grace your feeders.
Love them all, you managed to get some perfect shots !

Lisa said...

Wonderful collection Betsy,
Sorry to hear you and so many had the heat . We are still on the cool side with so much rain.
and thanks for your visit.

Rose said...

Your mail cardinal sure is a lot more handsome than mine...at least for the time being. That immature red-bellied woodpecker is adorable.

carolina nana said...

Glad you all got some rain, we got just a little bit this evening but we sure need more.
Nice bird pics, it's funny how the rain seems to perk them up and make them hungry.
Blessings to you

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw Betsy, you know we love to see all of your little birds. They are all adorable but that little immature Downy is just the cutest thing ever. What a little sweetie!

mudderbear said...

I love seeing the birds. They are so special. I haven't seen the little quail around here since I snapped their picture months ago. It fascinates me to study the patterns and markings in your pictures. How does that happen so perfectly? And also who named that poor little fellow a 'CATBIRD'??? Seems like a mean name for a bird.
Thanks for sharing. Love ya..

Loren said...

Sooo great pics Betsy! We are still having a horrible heatwave and no rain in sight! They are saying next week is going to be the hottest yet! Temps in the 107 & 108 for most of the week. That is without the heat index. OYE!

Sooo glad you got some rain....and the special time with your birdies! Love to see Gods creation so up and close like that :)

Janie said...

I'm always amazed by your back yard variety. I love the little catbird and that beautiful cardinal.